Outside of Time

Chapter 391 The Port of Netherworld

The captain's hand grew out on the third day and was intact, with no abnormalities visible.

After Xu Qing paid attention, he had a more accurate understanding of the captain's growth rate.

"It takes three days to lose a limb, half a month to lose a limb from the waist down, and a month to lose everything from the head down."

Xu Qing had a clear understanding in his mind and felt that in the future, he could make better tactical arrangements with his captain when he went out to do important things.

After the captain experienced this incident, his interest in foreign races seemed to have greatly increased, so in the days that followed, he, like Xu Qing, liked to look down on the flying boat.

Wu Jianwu saw this scene, and after thinking carefully, he joined in because he didn't know if he wanted to improve his poetry level.

So as time passed and after two teleportations, their group left Qu Zhaozhou.

Xu Qing saw more customs and customs along the way, the captain also gained more knowledge of foreign races, and Wu Jianwu also gained a lot.

His poetry finally returned to its previous peak, and even improved slightly.

"The eyes have the common people to transform all things, and the heart of refining the sword is controlled by the heaven and the earth!"

In the strong wind, Wu Jianwu stood in the middle of the tunnel, laughing loudly, and his voice spread out and echoed in all directions.

"Idiot." The captain curled his lips.

Xu Qing didn't pay attention to Wu Jianwu's madness. At this moment, he lowered his head and looked down. A storm was sweeping across the land here, and countless trees were bent in the wind, as if they would be lifted up at any time.

This is the unique climate of Yunfeng Prefecture.

Unlike Yinghuang Prefecture and Quzhao Prefecture, Yunfeng Prefecture is within the strong wind almost all year round. Therefore, all the forces here are better at speed and are also unique in body refining.

In addition, the wind here is different during the day and night.

The wind is violent during the day and cold at night, and there are many strange things happening there.

As for the alien races, there are more alien beasts.

For example, in Xu Qing's eyes, there are hundreds of giants with bodies hundreds of feet tall on the storm-filled land.

These giants were naked, and their bodies exuded a stench that even the wind could not dissipate.

They all have gray skin, red eyes, black and yellow teeth, and seem to have little intelligence.

Now some are running on the ground, some are sitting, and some are tearing each other apart like wild beasts.

You can also see many giants carrying cages made of bark.

In those cages, various numbers of creatures of all races were imprisoned, most of whom were dying.

This is the food of the giants, which is being poured into a simple stone altar by some giants, mashed into a pulp with a huge pestle, and then drank.

"This is the cloud beast from Yunfeng State. It doesn't have much intelligence. Like wild beasts, they can't be killed. They will generate themselves between heaven and earth and feed on all living things." The voice of Immortal Zixuan came to Xu Qing'er. middle.

Her figure appeared beside Xu Qing at some unknown time.

The familiar fragrance penetrated into his nose, Xu Qing did not dodge, he was already somewhat used to it.

Along the way, Zixuan Shangxian mostly stayed in seclusion in the cabin and rarely went out. Now standing next to Xu Qing, she no longer had the same posture as when she was alone with Xu Qing, but became more serious.

Xu Qing hurriedly paid his respects, and the captain and Wu Jianwu also bowed their heads quickly.

However, the thoughts in their hearts are different.

Wu Jianwu was filled with awe in his heart.

The captain, on the other hand, secretly thought that Zixuan Shangxian was good at playing, sometimes charming, sometimes provocative, sometimes dignified, who could bear this?

Little Ah Qing, you have to work hard!

Thinking of this, he gave Xu Qing an encouraging look.

Xu Qing ignored him. He didn't think as much as the captain thought.

"The flesh and blood of these cloud beasts have a special purpose. They are designated ship tickets. You two go down and kill one each and bring it back." Zixuan said with a smile.

Xu Qing nodded when he heard the words, and his body swayed from the flying boat straight to the ground below.

The captain blinked and immediately flew out. After approaching Xu Qing, he winked and spoke via voice transmission.

"Little Ah Qing, I think you need to carefully consider my original suggestion!"

Xu Qing was confused.

"I have accepted the Immortal Zixuan." After saying that, the captain took a step ahead and sped away.

Xu Qing glanced at the captain's back and said nothing.

The two of them soon fell to the ground one after another.

The fighting power of those giants on the ground is not very strong, and they rely entirely on their physical bodies. Most of them are only comparable to two or three foundation-building fires. Only a few four or five of them emit energy and blood fluctuations similar to golden elixirs.

For Xu Qing and the captain, it was extremely easy to kill prey of this level, so Xu Qing soon appeared in front of a giant with golden elixir power at an astonishing speed.

The giant was pounding the mud altar with its head lowered. When it sensed danger and raised its head, it opened its mouth and roared at the approaching Xu Qing. The moment the fishy smell hit its face, it raised its right hand and grabbed Xu Qing.

Compared with this giant, Xu Qing was as tall as an ant.

But in Xu Qing's eyes, this huge giant was just an ant.

He didn't dodge at all, and bumped into the giant's grasped palm. In an instant, the giant screamed, and the back of his right hand collapsed and exploded.

Xu Qing's figure penetrated from inside, and his speed increased sharply towards the giant's eyebrows. After approaching, he raised his right hand and pressed it suddenly.

Terrifying magic power emitted from his body and spread all over the giant's body along the center of his eyebrows, destroying everything and destroying all vitality.

The next moment, the giant shuddered and fell to the ground with a bang. When there was a loud roar, the captain also completed the kill. A golden elixir giant also fell down at this moment.

But the two of them did not immediately put away the giant's body, but looked into the distance at the same time, their eyes shining brightly at this moment.

In the direction they looked, there were two long swords roaring towards them in the storm.

The power was astonishing, and the storm was approaching instantly, but the target was not Xu Qing and the captain, but other giants.

In the blink of an eye, as the flying sword swept across, three giants screamed, their bodies trembled, and the flying sword penetrated from the chest, extinguishing all life in the body.

At the same time, two figures roared closer from within the storm.

These two people, a man and a woman, were both wearing white robes with cloaks on their backs. Under the dim sky, there seemed to be dark streaks of fire on their robes, so their arrival was like two balls of flame.

After looking at such clothes, Xu Qing recognized at a glance that it was the sword holder.

Especially the male cultivator among them, Xu Qing had seen it before.

The captain also recognized it immediately.

The other party was the sword-wielder who Xu Qing and the others encountered chasing the Golden Elixir Old Demon when they were patrolling the Yunxian Eternal River.

The other party knew at that time that the old demon Jindan was not completely dead, so he deliberately gave Xu Qing and the others a chance to pick up the body.

At this moment, the two sword-holders rushed out of the storm and went straight to the giant. They each took action and took away the corpse of the giant they killed, then looked at Xu Qing and the captain.

Without any words to communicate, the two sword holders nodded at Xu Qing and the captain, turned around and left, submerging themselves into the storm again.

Xu Qing had never seen the female cultivator holding the sword before, and he noticed that there was a seven or eight-year-old girl carrying behind her back.

This little girl is not human. There are two slowly squirming tentacles between her eyebrows, and a black band covers her eyes and is tied behind her head.

She lay silently on the woman's back, as if asleep.

Watching the two sword holders go away, Xu Qing glanced at the captain, who spoke in a low voice.

"They are not the sword bearers of Yinghuangzhou."

Xu Qing also noticed this. After all, on the day of the selection of sword bearers, all the sword bearers from Yinghuangzhou were present. Although there were many people, they all paid attention.

"It should be some kind of mission." As Xu Qing spoke, he put away the giant he had killed, but the other giants here had dispersed and disappeared into the wind.

Xu Qing took a look, quickly took off at the captain's urging, and returned to the flying boat in the storm.

Soon after, the flying boat flew away, crossing the storm. After flying for more than half a month, they finally arrived at the first transfer station in Yunfeng Prefecture at dusk.

Xu Qing only knew the general outline of the trip's route, but not the details. Everything was planned by Master Zixuan and the Five Peaks Master.

For the safety of everyone, this plan is kept secret. Except for Xu Qing and the captain, no one else knows about it.

Viewed from the sky, this transit place looks more like a chaotic market.

There are many mud houses sheltered from the storm, and there are many monks from all ethnic groups.

There are also some men in black with many earrings on their ears and ghost tattoos on their faces.

These people were walking around the city, and all outside cultivators wherever they passed were very afraid of them.

"This is the territory of the Ghost Pattern Sect. The Ghost Pattern Sect is one of the major forces in Yunfeng Prefecture. They raise fierce ghosts and use strange techniques."

The voice of Immortal Zixuan echoed in Xu Qing's mind. It was a message transmitted only to him.

When Xu Qing heard this, he looked at the men in black a few more times.

From the tattoos on their faces, he could faintly feel some obscure fluctuations, which were somewhat similar to the strange ghosts seen in the ghost cave.

The arrival of their group also attracted the attention of the monks here.

However, as Immortal Zixuan stepped off the flying boat, everyone in the entire city became quiet, and the pressure of Guixu caused the expressions of those in black to change.

Several men in black came immediately, greeted them respectfully, and sent them to the inn in Fangshi.

"After a night's rest, night and day will alternate tomorrow. At the break of dawn, a ghost ship will come to this Netherworld Port. We will borrow the ghost ship to move forward."

"And this place will turn into a ghost town at night. If you don't have the ability, don't go out randomly."

In the inn, Master Zixuan spoke calmly and walked into the room. Everyone else also suppressed their curiosity about the ghost shop and the ghost ship Zixuan mentioned and returned to their respective houses.

"Netherworld Port? What is a ghost ship?" The captain stood next to Xu Qing and asked curiously.

Xu Qing shook his head. He was not that curious, but he was somewhat interested in the ghost workshop mentioned by Master Zixuan.

This reminded him of the place he went to in the Phoenix Forbidden City.

Late night soon fell, and as the whining wind continued to echo outside, Xu Qing, who was practicing cross-legged in the inn room, changed his expression.

He felt the atmosphere outside at that moment, like the reversal of yin and yang, the alternation of life and death. He had experienced this scene before and was familiar with it.

Xu Qing slowly opened his eyes, pondered and walked to the window.

Standing there, he pushed open a gap and looked outside.

As far as I can see, the city outside has changed drastically.

There are countless ghosts floating on the streets, with all kinds of ferocious appearances, like a hundred ghosts walking at night.

At the same time, many workshops appeared, selling some things needed by the deceased.

In the distance, in the center of the city, there were a large number of iron chains binding a big foot.

This big foot was floating in the air, and it was all green. Xu Qing's eyes shrank while it looked full of gloom.

He vaguely felt that the big green feet seemed to have the same origin as the monk's head he saw in Huangjin Ghost Palace.

"The bodies were dismembered and scattered in different ghost houses?" Xu Qing thoughtfully opened the window and jumped out.

He saw a lot of good things in the ghost shop last time, but he couldn't afford to buy them. After arriving in Yinghuang Province, he killed a lot of people along the way. Although he didn't deliberately collect blood from his heart, he had a lot of souls, so he could do the same. Used as ghost coins.

Xu Qing felt that he could go around again.

However, in order to avoid the trouble caused by the shadow last time, Xu Qing did not let the shadow cover him this time, but activated the Third Heavenly Palace to fill his body with the breath of the Poison Forbidden Pill.

Then he walked into the ghost workshop and mixed in with the ghosts.

Time passed, and Xu Qing's journey in this ghost shop was very smooth, and he bought a lot of ghost poisonous things.

Seeing that the dawn that Immortal Zixuan had said was approaching, Xu Qing was about to return, but not long after he walked out, when he passed by a workshop, a faint voice of an opera singer came from the workshop.

The ghost shop was quiet, except for the faint sound of singing and opera.

The appearance of the sound was not unexpected, and blended in with the surrounding ghost shops.

"The past life does not come, but the past life is always there, cut off the lovesickness painting and dust..."

The moment the singing voice reached Xu Qing's ears, Xu Qing paused and turned his head suddenly to look over.


I bought it from Costa Rica~~

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