Outside of Time

Chapter 408 The Mysterious Area

Xu Qing's killing is still going on, and hell is still walking.

In fact, what those Ward D jailers saw was both correct and incorrect.

What is correct is that Xu Qing's expression during the killing was indeed calm from beginning to end. What's not true is that he's not controlling his emotions.

After crawling out of the dead again and again, wandering on the edge of death again and again, and seeing the gods open their eyes and struggle to survive twice, he no longer needs to control his emotions.

Killing is his instinct. If you want to harm me, I will kill you.

The initial malice and ferocity of these prisoners has doomed their outcome, whether here or outside.

Xu Qing's attack did not soften due to the collapse of the criminal's mind, nor did he stop because of the other party's wail.

He took action as he walked.

Catch up with the prisoners who are fleeing in fear one after another, find their fatal points, and kill them one by one according to the knowledge learned in the secret training.

Of course, he still needed the golden elixir, so the miserable screams kept echoing during the process. Until half a stick of incense had passed, Xu Qing was holding the head of a Two-faced monk in his left hand, standing among the corpses on the ground.

Under the thick blood, his expression was calm, and he raised his head to look at the solemn-looking jailers at the door of the cell.


Xu Qing dropped the head in his hand and spoke softly.

The jailers had serious expressions, and after a while they unanimously bowed to Xu Qing. The middle-aged jailer at the front spoke in a deep voice.

"Welcome Brother Xu Qing to join the Prison Department!"

Behind him, all the jailers spoke together. "Welcome Brother Xu Qing to join the Prison Department!"

Everywhere, strong people are respected.

The same is true for the Prison Department, but in addition to being strong, we also need to make them feel that we are the same kind.

If you do this, you will naturally gain their approval. And if it is extraordinary, then what you get will definitely be respect.

This is what Xu Qing is like at this moment.

Xu Qing bowed in return and felt that the fifth heavenly palace in his body was rapidly materializing, so he asked. "Can I kill people in other cells?"

Upon hearing this, the jailers in District D showed emotion on their faces.

"Xu Qing, although we can handle the prisoners in the Prison Department, killing too many is still not good after all. You have used all of our quotas this month."

The middle-aged jailer smiled bitterly and spoke.

"But you don't have to worry. Many criminals are arrested every month to replenish the supply. According to everyone's tacit understanding, we can basically deal with as many original prisoners as we arrest."

With that said, the middle-aged jailer pushed open the cell door. When everyone walked out, Xu Qing glanced at the place where he had just put down his storage bag.

The guards around him coughed dryly, looked at each other, and each took out some spiritual stones and handed them to the middle-aged prisoner.

The middle-aged jailer sighed after taking it.

"I finally caught up with the newcomers. I thought I could make a fortune, but I didn't expect it." He shook his head and distributed the spirit stones to three or five jailers.

These jailers took it with smiles. They were the ones who won over Xu Qing.

Then the middle-aged monk kept some of the remaining spirit stones and gave them to Xu Qing according to a certain odds. Xu Qing's previous judgment was correct. These people followed just for gambling.

Most of them bet that Xu Qing would not last long, and the person who was in charge was the middle-aged jailer. Obviously, although some people bet on Xu Qing's success and gained profits, Xu Qing also gained a lot.

After all, the odds are stacked against him.

Holding the spirit stone at this moment, Xu Qing was satisfied.

The other jailers each had their own cells to guard. After leaving one after another with fists in their hands, the middle-aged jailer took Xu Qing to the registration office.

On the way, his attitude was completely different from before.

"Brother Xu Qing, I usually guard the thirty-fifth floor. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can come to me. Now I will take you to register, assign cells, get pawn robes, and record your breath. This way You can come and check it out later

Come in on your own. "

Xu Qing nodded, passing by cells as he walked, his eyes falling from time to time, and he still felt a little regretful in his heart.

This look was noticed by the middle-aged jailer, who smiled and spoke.

"Actually, there is another way, that is, you suppress District 1 on the 88th floor. At that time, you can choose to be promoted to a pawn in District C."

This time, his smile was not superficial, but sincere.

"Becoming a pawn in Area C, you will have no restrictions on handling prisoners, and you will be given more military merit."

"Under the eighty-ninth floor?" Xu Qing asked. He had heard the other party mention Area C before.

"That's right, the Prison Department is divided into four areas: A, B, C and D. Everything above the 89th floor is Area D." "Below the 89th floor is Area C. As for Areas B and A, we can't You know, actually Area C is very mysterious. I have never been there, and I don’t know how many floors it is.”

"I only know that among the prisoners held there, the weakest ones are all Nascent Souls, and their cruelty is far beyond that of District D."

As he spoke, the middle-aged jailer took Xu Qing to the registration office on the ninth floor, where Xu Qing obtained the black flame robe of the Prison Secretary and recorded his breath.

As for the guard cells, they have also been arranged.

"District 132." After seeing the cell Xu Qing was to guard, the middle-aged jailer looked a little surprised and looked at Xu Qing a few more times.

Xu Qing was puzzled and looked at the other party. "Any questions?"

"Ding 132, how should I put it? It is both good and bad. It is on the 57th floor." The middle-aged jailer shook his head and looked at Xu Qing with a somewhat complicated look.

Xu Qing frowned.

"It has nothing to do with the prisoners. Although the prisoners inside are indeed more violent than other districts, it is still District D after all. It is said to be very dangerous because most of its former guards died inexplicably outside, which is a bit unlucky."

"However, not all the guards died. There are still some who are fine. The reason why they are so lucky is because our palace master was the guard of Ding 1, 3 and 2 when he was cultivating the golden elixir."

"As for Districts Ding 1, 3 and 2, there has been no new guard for almost a hundred years." Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, and this incident caught his attention.

So he took out the jade slips issued to him that recorded the information of prisoners in Ding 1, 3 and 2 Districts, and glanced at it with his spiritual mind.

There were very few prisoners in Ding 132 District. Xu Qing did not see any problem at first glance, but he did not plan to go to Ding 132 District immediately, but planned to go back and study it again.

In this way, Xu Qing left the No. 1 Prison in Fenghai County after asking some more questions about the Prison Department.

When we reached the outside world, it was already dusk.

Xu Qing felt that the experience of this day was very rich. From meeting the palace lord to serving as a pawn, and then killing the prisoners, his fifth heavenly palace was about to materialize.

"Next, we have to build a sword pavilion." After walking out of the prison department, Xu Qing looked at the circles of sword pavilions of different heights on the ground. He came to the outermost level, and thousands of feet away from the last sword pavilion, he took out his sword and pierced it into the ground.

The next moment, the sword shone brightly, and a roaring sound came from within. A ten-foot-high sword pavilion stood in front of him, with the same shape as the other sword pavilions around it.

Ten feet is also the basic height.

As the sword pavilion was formed, the sword was put away by Xu Qing, and he walked into the sword pavilion.

The outside of this pavilion looks ten feet, but the inside is not like that. It is similar to the structure of a cave. It is divided into several rooms, where you can make alchemy, refine weapons, rest in retreat, and also receive receptions.

There is also a spirit gathering formation, so the spiritual energy in the sword pavilion is very abundant, and breathing here is much more comfortable than outside.

So Xu Qing did not return to the branch sect, but chose to rest here.

As for necessary protection, such as formations and poisons, Xu Qing would naturally not neglect them.

Although the sword pavilion itself was well protected, Xu Qing still felt at ease after decorating it according to his own habits.

Then he sat cross-legged and meditated with his eyes closed.

time flies.

During this period, he also received a message from the captain, informing all new recruits

The assessment of the sword holder was over, and Xu Qing told Xu Qing about the position he had obtained in a very showy tone.

"The Sword-bearing Palace still values ​​your senior brother very much, and arranged a merit record for me!"

"That girl Qingqiu was assigned to be investigated. Kong Xianglong is from the field office responsible for hunting down the murderer. All the new sword holders, including you, are only five civil servants, and I am one of them."

The captain was so proud that the sound of eating apples could be heard from the jade slips. "What about you, Xu Qing, are you busy as the palace lord's accompanying messenger?

"It's okay." Xu Qing was a little surprised as to why the captain was so proud.

"Little Ah Qing, you don't understand, right? Let me tell you, others sneered when they saw me get this position, but they are stupid. I am different. I saw the difference here as soon as I got the position. Simple."

"The Merit Book Office, that's the place where military merit is reviewed. If you use it well, it has great power."

"At the same time, I can also see from a macro perspective who's military merit has increased greatly, and then by coordinating the increase in military merit of all sword holders, and matching the tasks they completed and their cultivation levels, I can see which tasks are the simplest and have the most military merit. 「

"In addition, as long as I have enough statistics, I can also tell which area is more suitable for obtaining military merit. This location is so critical. Even if I study it carefully, I can even tell a lot of information from the clues inside.

"The captain's voice was filled with excitement and he was extremely satisfied with this position.

Xu Qing looked strange after hearing this. He felt that the Sword Palace might not have thought so deeply when arranging this position for the captain.

"Stop talking, I'm going to continue to dig up this merit book. Little Aqing, just wait. It won't take long before I find a good way and area to get military merit. I'll take you to get military merit!"

The captain ended the call enthusiastically and immersed himself in research.

Seeing this, Xu Qing also had some expectations.

"Military merit!" Xu Qing raised his head and looked to the distant sky and earth, which was the direction of Chaoxia Prefecture and where Chaoxia Mountain was located.

"There is also the Imperial Sword. Now I also have a chance to comprehend it. I need to comprehend it as soon as possible." Xu Qing took a deep breath and took out the Imperial Sword.

To understand the Imperial Sword, you need to make an appointment in advance. After all, there are many sword holders and the number is limited every day, so Xu Qing used the Imperial Sword to complete the appointment at dusk the next day.

After doing this, Xu Qing thought of what happened to Ding Yisaner, so he took out the prisoner's information slip and looked at it carefully.

There are not many prisoners in Ding 1, 3 and 2, only fourteen, and all of them have been imprisoned for more than five hundred years, and some have been incarcerated for more than a thousand years. During this period, no new prisoners were imprisoned, and no prisoners inside died.

It's just that due to the lack of guarding for hundreds of years, they have no time to look out. They have been in the cage for hundreds of years and have not gone out. Only at fixed times will some spiritual energy seep in, allowing them to maintain basic survival.

Xu Qing studied for a long time, until dawn, but didn't see much special features.

If there is, then it is the prisoners in the Ding 1, 3 and 2 districts who live longer than other districts. With deep thought, Xu Qing decided to take a look.

So after dawn, he went to the Prison Department, went directly to the fifty-seventh floor, and stood in front of the cell door in the Ding 132 area.

The blue-black prison door reveals simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

Xu Qing stood silently for a while, with determination in his eyes. He raised his hand and slowly pushed open the cell door that had not been opened in a hundred years.

A rotten aura spread out from the gap in the slowly opened door and filled the air in all directions.

At the same time, there were many jailers on other floors, all leaning out on the steps and looking towards where Xu Qing was.

"Ding one, three, two, it's on again." -

No update tomorrow

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