Outside of Time

Chapter 428 The visitor is evil

Xu Qing paused and looked down at the command sword in his hand, with a deep thought in his eyes.

The order came very suddenly, without giving any reason. As for the voice, he was familiar with it. After carefully recalling it, he remembered that it was Deacon Sima who was born in Taisi Xianmen.

Xu Qing's eyes were deep. He thought of Zhang Siyun, and then the Yao family, and he became vigilant.

"What would happen if Deacon Si came to see me?"

While Xu Qing was thinking, his command sword vibrated again, this time it was Kong Xianglong's message.

"Xu Qing, have you also received the order?"


Xu Qing was thoughtful and had an answer in his heart.

"That's right. Xiaohe Xiaochen and the others also received it. Alas, it should be a follow-up to our previous kill of the Shenglan tribe."

After learning that Xu Qing had also received the order, Kong Xianglong hurriedly ended the message transmission and was on his way to the Sword Holding Palace.

Xu Qing thought deeply and left the Prison Department.

At this moment, the sky is dusk, and the sunset is like rouge on the sky, and with the help of the afterglow, it falls on the earth, as if it is reflecting the red color of the land.

Xu Qing looked up, jumped up, and flew towards the Sword Holding Palace.

As a deacon, he held a high position in the Sword Holding Palace, and each had his own responsibilities. Among them, Deacon Sima was responsible for most of the matters related to law enforcement, and also included the internal discipline of the sword holder.

Therefore, neither Kong Xianglong nor Xu Qing could ignore his orders.

It didn't take long. As Xu Qing was thinking about how to deal with it, he arrived at the Sword Holding Palace. As soon as he arrived, he saw Kong Xianglong and Ye Ling.

"We will never admit it!" Seeing Xu Qingfei coming, Kong Xianglong immediately sent a message.

Xu Qing nodded. Not long after, Shanhezi and Wang Chen also arrived. Their faces were gloomy and a little ugly.

After arriving next to Xu Qing and Kong Xianglong, Shanhezi started to curse.

"Brother Kong, Xu Qing, what is Zhijian Palace doing? Ah, are we at fault?"

"Xiaohe!" Kong Xianglong's eyes widened.

Shan Hezi snorted and said no more.

"Whether things are as we think is still unknown. Let's go. Don't keep Deacon Sima waiting."

Kong Xianglong spoke slowly and walked forward first.

Xu Qing thought for a moment, then turned to look at Shan Hezi who was holding back his anger and Wang Chen's Yanmiao clone, and spoke softly. "Maybe it would be better if more people see it."

Shanhezi and Wang Chen immediately understood and took out the jade slips, and Ye Ling did the same.

Kong Xianglong didn't stop him, but the big step he took changed into small steps.

In this way, the group stepped into the gate of the Sword Holding Palace, and after walking forward for a stick of incense, they finally arrived at the Discipline Palace where Deacon Sima was.

Dozens of people were standing in silence outside the Discipline Palace at this moment.

All of them have cold expressions and good cultivation. Their clothes are not the Taoist robes of the Sword Holding Palace, but yellow, with the word Tao embroidered on their sleeves.

After seeing Xu Qing and others, these dozens of people glanced over.

Kong Xianglong raised his eyebrows and held back his words. He stood outside the Discipline Hall and cupped his fists toward the main hall.

"Kong Xianglong, a humble official, came here in response to the order of Deacon Sima."

"They are cultivators of the Yao family."

Wang Chen's Yanmiao clone reminded softly beside Xu Qing, and then like Ye Xianglong, he clasped his fists and spoke out.

Xu Qing, Shanhezi and Ye Ling also paid their respects.

As everyone spoke, a cold snort came from the Discipline Hall, and then three people walked out of the hall.

The person among them was none other than Zhang Siyun’s ancestor, Deacon Sima.

There was an old man on his left, wearing the same Taoist robe as the cultivator of the Yao family, but the fluctuations in his spirit treasure were extremely obvious, and his eyes seemed to contain lightning. His face was expressionless at the moment, and he glanced at Xu Qing and others.

There is another person on the right side of Deacon Sima.

The moment they saw this person, everyone in Xu Qing shrank their pupils.

This person is not a human being.

He is from the Shenglan tribe.

It was the middle-aged black-clothed guards of the Shenglan tribe who came roaring after Xu Qing's killing and did not cross the border in the end.

This person obviously has a certain status in the Shenglan clan, and his cultivation is also a spiritual treasure. When his aura dispersed, four secret treasures appeared faintly, and his momentum was extremely strong.

He stood on the right side of Deacon Sima and glanced at Xu Qing and others coldly.

When Xu Qing saw the Shenglan tribe in the Jianjian Palace, Xu Qing felt that this incident was like a joke. While it was extremely ironic, he also noticed that Kong Xianglong and others were all breathing rapidly.

At this moment, Deacon Sima spoke calmly to the old man of the Yao family on the left, as if speaking.

"Manager Sun, everyone is here, you can ask questions now."

The old man from the Yao family nodded when he heard this. He first bowed to Deacon Sima with his fists clasped, then turned to look coldly at Xu Qing and the others. His expression was extremely gloomy, his voice was full of solemnity, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"You are so brave!"

"You actually brutally killed the envoys of the Shenglan tribe who were visiting our Fenghai County without any reason or reason!"

"Those who undermine the diplomacy between our two clans in this way should be punished!"

Xu Qing frowned slightly. There was something wrong with what the other party said. The point was not to kill, but to do it indiscriminately and without any reason.

This way of reprimanding gave Xu Qing the feeling that the other party wanted him and others to tell him the reason.

But...according to Xu Qing's secret training and understanding in the Sword Holding Palace, he knew very well that the matter of taking over the Anzi could not be talked about openly. The Anzi between the two clans had a tacit understanding and existed in each other.

But if you say it openly, it will be different. You will be caught and attacked.

In addition, their answers may also provide some clues to the other party.

Xu Qing was thoughtful, and Shanhezi and others quickly understood this truth. No one was stupid, no one spoke, and Kong Xianglong looked at a loss.

"Torturing the followers of the Shenglan tribe's envoy? It's impossible. We have been practicing during this period. We can all testify to each other."

The old man from the Yao family snorted coldly, as if he was too lazy to argue with the kid Kong Xianglong, so he looked respectful and clasped his fists as the monk from the Shenglan tribe. "Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you think?"

The middle-aged black-clothed guard of the Shenglan tribe glanced at Xu Qing and others when he heard this, suddenly smiled, turned around and spoke to Deacon Sima beside him.

"Deacon Sima, the reason for this is actually that the envoy of the Shenglan tribe discovered on the way here that there is an unknown person in the envoy, and this person stole important items from our tribe."

"So the envoy ordered a wanted manhunt to capture him, but in the end not only was the secret agent not found, but the envoy's followers were ambushed and brutally killed by your Sword Palace."

"Could it be that the secret agent who stole our clan's important items was sent by your sword-wielding palace? He came to steal from us on purpose? Our two clans have been friends for generations. Is this behavior the intention of your sword-wielding palace or Fenghai County? Meaning, or is it the instruction from your human race?”

Having said this, the middle-aged black-clothed guard of the Shenglan tribe showed a bright light in his eyes. He raised his right hand and waved, and a jade slip suddenly appeared, with a picture shining inside.

In the picture, it is the scene of Xu Qing and others killing the half-step Nascent Soul and escaping, and it also contains the last three sentences Kong Xianglong said, which are very clear.

Kong Xianglong and others had a cold look in their eyes.

Xu Qing's face was expressionless, but his eyes were equally cold.

Deacon Sima's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end. He glanced at the jade slip and shook his head.

"My Sword Palace never had such a purpose, and there was no hidden child."

The old man from the Yao family on the side heard the cold words.

"If there is no secret, and if they don't go in to carry out the rescue mission, then what these people do is completely private behavior. To kill the monks of the Shenglan clan and try to cause the two clans to fight, these people are unforgivable!"

"Come here, take them under custody and send them to the Shenglan tribe to comfort the heroes of our friendly countries who died tragically!"

As soon as the old man of the Yao family spoke, the dozens of cultivators of the Yao family in the square immediately dispersed and walked towards Xu Qing and others.

A cold light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes, and Kong Xianglong suddenly raised his head, with an evil look in his eyes. Rainbows suddenly appeared from behind the square, roaring towards him.

The momentum was so great that it made a sound that broke through the air and went straight to the square.

As the roar spread, figures appeared in an instant, all of them holding swords!

Sword wielders from all generations of the Eight Sects Alliance.

Over the years, most of the sword holders of the Eight Sect Alliance have been assigned to work in other states, but today, those who remain in the county capital have all arrived.

Xu Qing had already sent a message to them on the way.

At this moment, with the coming, the sword holders of these eight sect alliances dispersed their evil spirits one by one, guarding Xu Qing and others, and looked at the Yao family with a sinister and contemptuous bullfrog smile.

"Interesting, catching the sword holder in our sword holding palace?"

"Come on, come on, take your grandfather and I together and send them to the Shenglan Clan!"

"Consecrate the heroic spirits of the Shenglan tribe?"

As soon as he spoke, the cultivation of these sword holders was all in full swing, their momentum soared into the sky, and the killing force filled the air.

The Yao family cultivators paused in their steps.

Steward Yao's grandson snorted coldly and was about to speak, but at this moment the roaring started again in the distance!

Another group of sword-wielders made a sharp sound of breaking through the air and rushed over quickly.

There were over a hundred people, all with overwhelming evil spirits. They were all from the ancient thunder veins. They came quickly after receiving Wang Chen's notice.

As the moment approached, thunder roared, shaking the earth and the earth.

Chen Tinghao was also among them, sneering and roaring in mid-air.

"Who dares to touch my sword bearer!"

The other sword holders of the Ancient Thunder Vein were also scolding one after another.

"So what if I kill someone from the Shenglan tribe? What the hell, I've eaten it before!"

"Yao family, do you still want shame?"

Seeing this scene, all the Yao family cultivators were shocked.

But all this is not over yet, the sword-holding palace roars again in an instant!

Some sword holders from Taixu Demon Sect and Xuehan Sect also arrived quickly. There were many people, hundreds in total, and their momentum was like a rainbow.

Inside, the sword holders of the Taixu Demon Sect have transformed into demons, forming the bodies of great demons, like a group of demons dancing wildly, and the color of the world changes.

The Blood-Han Sect also exuded overwhelming blood energy, roaring in all directions, wind and clouds surging, and even colder sounds echoed in all directions.

"If you don't do good things, you have to be a dog!"

"Beasts worse than pigs and dogs!"

"Let's see who dares to touch our sword holder!"

With many parties gathering together, the majestic momentum of nearly a thousand practitioners resounded through the sky, surrounding the place, staring at the Yao family and the Shenglan clan with thick blood.

The murderous intent was so strong that it penetrated the sky and shook the sky and the earth.

It seems that as long as the Yao family dares to make the slightest move, they will all explode and destroy everyone, leaving no one behind.

Faced with such evil aura, the expressions of all the cultivators of the Yao family changed completely.

Especially at this moment, there are murderous silhouettes of sword holders even further away, approaching rapidly, causing more and more sword holders here.

The steward of the Yao family, who was standing next to Deacon Sima, saw all this, and his mind was shaken involuntarily, his breathing became slightly rapid, and his eyes contracted.

A mutiny seemed about to happen.

"Deacon Sima!" The steward of the Yao family suddenly turned his head to look at Deacon Sima. The guard in black from the Shenglan tribe also looked extremely gloomy.

Deacon Sima's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke with a smile on his face.

"Manager Sun, for the sake of Yao Mansion, I called you here. You have finished asking them, and you have heard their answers."

"Everything is very clear. An Zi was not sent by us, and we did not kill the followers of the Shenglan Clan envoy. As for the jade slips, I can make a lot of them. If you like, I can give you some as a gift."

Deacon Sima touched his beard, smiled slightly, and spoke softly.

"Etiquette, I have already done all the etiquette in my Sword Palace, but you Yao family are a bit ignorant to speak like this in my Sword Palace."

"You said something wrong and caused the anger of everyone in the Sword-bearing Palace. I can't help you with this matter."

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