Outside of Time

Chapter 430 Meeting the Best Friends

Xu Qing's heart moved.

In the past, when I came back from work, Dingshi District was very lively, and Shanhezi and Wang Chen bickered constantly, but today Shanhezi actually sat cross-legged in the square abnormally.

He is actually practicing.

His expression was extremely solemn, and he also had obvious persistence. He seemed to be telling everyone through his actions that he, Shanhezi, was a determined person. Even if he was in prison, he still had not forgotten to practice.

Any place can be used as a place for others to hone their character.

As for Wang Chen, his true body has also come out of the coffin. He is now sitting cross-legged in the cage, with an extremely serious expression and his hands tightly grasped, as if he is regretting his mistakes.

He even controlled his avatar from the Yanmiao clan to hold a pen outside and write articles on the walls of the prison.

The article is eloquent and eloquent, and what he says are all remarks about recognizing his own mistakes. Combined with his expression, it gives people the feeling of writing his heart out and reflecting hard.

Anyone who sees it will feel that he is careful.

And Kong Xianglong.

He was even more exaggerated. Although he was still cross-legged in his own cage at this moment, he was facing the wall and reflecting, his back to the outside, and loudly speaking words of repentance.

"Ye Ling, I feel that my mistake this time is too deep. Although the palace master imprisoned me for a month, I feel that it is not enough. I want to punish myself and cannot let him down."

"Come on, Ye Ling, you can beat me on behalf of the palace master. Only by doing this every day will my heart feel better."

As he spoke, Kong Xianglong's expression also changed, sometimes regretful, sometimes sad and angry, sometimes sighing, sometimes passionate.

These various emotions vividly express his inner pain and reflection.

Ye Ling held a stick and stood behind Kong Xianglong, nodding seriously with a small face.

"Being able to recognize your own mistakes shows that Brother Kong has grown up. Brother Kong, you were too impulsive in the past, and I also made mistakes. We criticize and supervise each other."

As he spoke, Ye Ling slapped Kong Xianglong's back with the stick in his hand, making a loud sound that spread in all directions.

After Xu Qing saw this scene, he lowered his head and silently walked to his cage, took out a bamboo slip and iron stick, and then took out the shackles and put them on his body naturally.

The movements were very skillful, as if he would do it every time he came back.

After putting on the shackles, Xu Qing looked serious and took an iron stick to carve the commandments of the sword holder on the bamboo slips. Repeat this process over and over again, as if every day, to understand your mistakes.

It gives people the feeling that they appear to be on bamboo slips, but are actually engraved in their hearts.

Especially since he was the only one wearing shackles, this highlighted his strictness towards automation.

In this way, time passed little by little, and an hour later, a cold snort echoed in the cell.

"They are all like monkey cubs, very clever."

As the voice echoed, the palace master's figure appeared in the square. Shanhezi raised his head blankly. After seeing the palace master in front of him clearly, he quickly paid his respects with a look of regret on his face.

Wang Chen also quickly stood up, bowed to the palace master in the cage, and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end everything turned into regret on his expression.

The same is true for Kong Xianglong and Ye Ling, and the same is true for Xu Qing. …

As everyone paid their respects, the palace master clasped his hands behind his back and glanced at them one by one.

"You have what it takes."

"Completed a corresponding mission, and actually chased the black-clothed guard to the border!"

"Since you are so energetic, I will put more burdens on you. Shanhezi, after you are released from prison, you can take on a part-time job as a law enforcement officer and arrest people."

"Wang Chen, don't you like sleeping in coffins? After you are released from prison, you will also serve as a night patrolman."

"Ye Ling, so are you. The Audit Department needed someone some time ago, so you can take up the role part-time."

"Kong Xianglong, don't you remember the rules for sword holders? After you go out, you will also serve as the conductor of the Discipline Hall, specifically responsible for admonishing those who do not abide by the rules."

"And Xu Qing, since you have so much energy, go back and suppress Ding Yi and serve as the pawn of Area C."

The palace master spoke calmly, his voice echoing in the cell.

Everyone bowed their heads, pretending to be deeply aware of their mistakes.

"In addition, I will give you another secret mission. You can get out of prison and investigate."

"A spy has sent information that there have been many immortal puppets from the Near Immortal Clan in the Shenglan Clan recently. It is suspected that the Near Immortal Clan is secretly trading war objects with the Shenglan Clan. This matter is quite sensitive. You should each use your own methods. , conducting a secret investigation in the county capital.”

"Whoever can find out the evidence, I will give him a second-class military merit, plus 500,000 military merit."

Xu Qing's eyes suddenly lit up, as did Kong Xianglong, Shan Hezi and others, with their eyes shining brightly.

Half a million military merits, this is already a huge amount, not to mention that there are even military merits given!

It is extremely difficult to obtain military merit, and it is impossible to obtain it in normal times, unless it is a mission that involves a narrow escape from death.

And so far, only Kong Xianglong has a third-level military merit. He risked his life to infiltrate the Shenglan tribe and spent most of his life in exchange for it.

But now, as long as the evidence of the transaction between the Jinxian Clan and the Shenglan Clan is found, they can obtain a second-class military merit, and everyone is very excited.

Seeing the light in the eyes of Xu Qing and others, the palace master nodded slightly, said no more, turned and left.

After he left, the cell fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other and saw each other's desire for military success. Then they all took a deep breath and returned to their original positions.

Continue to meditate, continue to repent, and continue to engrave.

Until another hour passed, Kong Xianglong coughed.


Shanhezi let out a long sigh of relief and lay down directly.

The clone of Wang Chen's Yanmiao tribe dissipated, and the main body let out a long sigh. After pretending for so long, he felt that his expression was going stiff.

Ye Ling also put away his stick and stepped forward to apply medicine to Kong Xianglong in distress. Kong Xianglong didn't pay attention to the minor injury and took out a jar of wine and took a big sip, looking a little proud.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise we would be unlucky this time. I guessed that the palace master would definitely launch a surprise attack."

"Xu Qing's adaptability is also very good. Although the palace master also knows what we are like, he is too rigid and follows the rules, so on the surface we still have to show some understanding."

Kong Xianglong looked around instinctively. Every time he spoke ill of the Palace Master, he felt a little guilty.

Xu Qing took off the shackles on his body, walked out of the cage, looked at everyone, and thought about the Near Immortal Clan in his heart. …

Wang Chen also ran over and spoke in a low voice.

"Brother Kong, how did you know that the palace master was here before?"

"Of course I have my own way of keeping it secret." Kong Xianglong laughed.

"Keep it secret? Forget it, by the way, Brother Kong, are you familiar with the Near Immortal Clan?" Wang Chen didn't pay much attention to the reason and asked about the Near Immortal Clan.

"I'm not very familiar with the Immortal Clan, but I think the Immortal Puppet thing can be done, but it's not easy." Kong Xianglong shook his head.

"Could it be related to our last mission? Is this the real information returned by the last mission?" Shanhezi stood up and asked in surprise.

"It shouldn't be that simple." Xu Qing heard this and spoke softly.

"Whether it's intelligence or not, the Immortal Clan has gone too far. The Immortal Puppet was secretly sold to the Shenglan Clan as a war resource!" Ye Ling's eyes showed a cold light.

"It's useless to think about it now. After we get out, we will each use our own methods to investigate first." Kong Xianglong thought for a while, and everyone discussed it again before taking a rest.

Half a month passed by in a flash.

At noon that day, the sky was dark outside and the rain was pouring. It was time to be released from prison.

As the cell door was opened, Shanhezi was the first to rush out with a desire for the outside world, followed by Wang Chen.

Kong Xianglong and Ye Ling were not in a hurry, and Xu Qing was even more indifferent. Anyway, his life was basically the same this month.

"I hope we can all be together next time we come in." Outside the prison, Kong Xianglong looked at Xu Qing with emotion.

Xu Qing was about to speak when he suddenly looked into the distance.

There was a woman's figure there, standing in the rain curtain with an oil-paper umbrella, her long purple dress moving in the wind, like a violet in the rain. With elegance and gentleness, he was waving to Xu Qing.

It's Zixuan Shangxian.

Noticing that someone was coming to pick up Xu Qing, Kong Xianglong took Ye Ling away. Before leaving, he looked at Zixuan a few more times, and then looked at Xu Qing. He seemed to see something, so he winked and wanted to say something. But was dragged away by Eidolon.

Xu Qing hesitated for a moment and stepped towards Zixuan. As soon as he approached, the maid next to Zixuan held an umbrella to greet him. She sent him to Zixuan and left with an umbrella.

"Exalted Immortal."

As soon as Xu Qing bowed, he knew that calling him "senior" would not please him, but calling him by his first name felt weird, so he simply changed his title.

Under the oil-paper umbrella, Zixuan looked at Xu Qing, smiled gently, and handed the umbrella in his hand to Xu Qing.

The moment Xu Qing took it, Zixuan naturally moved closer to him, so that the two figures were under an umbrella.

Today she obviously has some makeup on, her hair is tied up, her delicate little face is flawless, and her already beautiful face is a little more beautiful than before. She looks elegant and heroic.

"Let's go." Zixuan smiled.

Because Zixuan was too close, Xu Qing's body instinctively stiffened. He looked at the sky and wondered where the other party wanted to go.

"Accompany me to meet my two best friends. Didn't I tell you before? Have you forgotten?"

Seeing Xu Qing's doubts, Zixuan chuckled, his beautiful eyes showing a strange light.

This kind of phoenix eye charm will make people's heart beat faster involuntarily when it falls on anyone.

Xu Qing quickly lowered his head and followed Zixuan forward. …

The two people under the umbrella, one is wearing a purple skirt and the other is wearing a white robe.

Although the colors are distinct from each other, in the wind and rain, the clothes overlap and seem to be intertwined into a beautiful picture.

He went all the way, jumped into the air, went to the county capital, and went to the Xinghua Pavilion in the city.

Xinghua Pavilion is not a restaurant, but a unique private courtyard. The pavilions, pavilions, pools and pavilions are reflected in the green pines and cypresses. Seen through the rain curtain, it has a unique charm.

There are also rockeries, bonsais, wisterias and green bamboos, all dotted here and there, which is full of uniqueness.

At this moment, outside the pavilion at the four corners in the middle of the courtyard, dozens of maids were standing holding umbrellas. Each one was beautiful and full of youthfulness, which also highlighted the three women sitting in the pavilion.

These three girls, Mei Lan Qiu Ju, each have their own merits, and they are all stunning beauties that are rarely seen in the world.

A woman was wearing a green Taoist robe, with bright eyes and white teeth. At this moment, the flute was close to her lips, and the melodious flute sound echoed. She was swaying in the wind and rain, with a graceful expression and full of freedom.

A woman was wearing a long aqua dress, tied with silk of the same color and blue silk, reflecting her ice-cold muscles and jade bones, and was sitting carefully next to her.

Judging from his behavior, he seems to be a junior.

Her jade fingers gently plucked the strings, matching the sound of the flute.

There is also a woman, who is dressed in a gorgeous palace attire that exudes grace, but her pretty face is as clean as a lotus, and her expression is indifferent, as if she is not contaminated by a trace of dust in this worldly world.

She sat upright with a slight smile on her face. At this moment, she raised her head slightly, looked at the figure walking in the distance, and spoke softly.

"Sister Zixuan, long time no see."

At the end of his gaze, under the oil-paper umbrella, the figures of Zixuan and Xu Qing were approaching.

As the words of the woman in palace attire came out, the two women next to her also stopped playing music. The female cultivator in flute robes smiled and looked at Zixuan with kindness in her eyes.

But when the woman in aqua-blue skirt playing with the strings saw the two people approaching, especially when her beautiful eyes fell on Xu Qing, she couldn't help but have a complicated look on her face.

She is Yao Yunhui.

I haven't recovered yet, so I wish you all a safe mind.

I would like to ask how many people like me are sunless. Come and report, and I will see how many are left after I leave.


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