Outside of Time

Chapter 439: Once the Dao Mosasaurus Rises

This time, Xu Qing deployed his own rule power and flew in the area he was guarding, looking for suitable prisoners here. At the same time, he also took out the jade slip and screened the list.

He was looking for those who were in the realm of Yuanying Daquan when they were captured. This kind of prisoners were only one step away from the coming of the heavenly tribulation.

Soon Xu Qing locked four people, pinched his fingers and used the power of rules to search, and soon he found a cultivator from the Feiyi tribe.

The prisoner was hiding in a cave underground, sitting cross-legged in meditation.

And the next moment, with the roar of his residence, the earth collapsed and a huge gap exploded. In the roar, the face of the Feiyi tribe member changed.

Although he reacted quickly, it was useless under the absolute strength.

A great force descended from the sky, directly captured his body, and forcibly pulled it into the air.

He was not allowed to refuse, nor was he allowed to struggle at all.

Under the rules, with Xu Qing's cultivation and combat power here, he could crush all prisoners.

So in an instant, the Feiyi clan Yuanying, who was so powerful outside that he could kill Xu Qing with one hand, was grabbed by Xu Qing by the neck.

"My lord."

Although he felt aggrieved, the Feiyi clan monk still spoke carefully with a flattering expression on his face.

Xu Qing did not speak, his eyes were cold, and after a careful inspection, he threw the Feiyi clan aside, and then took out a few pills and passed them over.

These pills contain rich spiritual energy, which are also good pills outside, and they are even more precious here. The Feiyi clan prisoner was stunned when he saw them, but what he showed in his eyes was not joy, but hesitation.

He knew very well that there must be something wrong when things are abnormal, so he looked at Xu Qing nervously.

"My lord, this..."

"Do you eat it yourself, or do I cripple you and stuff it in?" Xu Qing said calmly.

The Feiyi clan prisoner was angry, but he suppressed it. He knew the consequences of not obeying, so he gritted his teeth and picked up the pills and ate them all.

But he was careful to control the speed of absorption.

Xu Qing frowned and directly slapped down. The Flying Wing Clan monk screamed in a roar, and his body almost collapsed. He fell down and was dying.

But it was only his physical body that was weak. The spiritual energy in his body recovered quickly as the pills were integrated. After checking, Xu Qing felt that it was not enough, so he opened his mouth and threw a few more pills.

The next moment, after the pills melted, a wave of imminent breakthrough emanated from the Flying Wing Clan monk.

When he was captured, he was at the limit of the Nascent Soul. Over the years, he has reached the point of breakthrough, but the promotion to the Spiritual Storage requires the Heavenly Dao, which he obviously does not have, so the breakthrough must fail.

But... whether it fails or not, it does not affect the triggering of the rules of heaven and earth here and the formation of the Heavenly Tribulation Sword.

This kind of fluctuation immediately shocked the Flying Wing Clan monk. He knew what Xu Qing was going to do. He was about to speak, but it was too late. The sky was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, and the calamity clouds were everywhere.

The Wing Clan monk made a sharp sound, jumped up suddenly, and rushed to the distance, and kept attacking himself, trying to suppress his cultivation and dissipate the heavenly tribulation.

But before he could attack a few times, his whole body trembled, his body paused, and he showed a fanatical and exaggerated expression, but there was fear in his eyes.

His body seemed to be controlled, and he turned around and knelt down to Xu Qing, speaking loudly.

"Lord... I am willing to... die...!"

The unsmooth words meant that the shadow's control over him was unstable. At this moment, the Wing Clan struggled even more strongly between words, his expression changed, and his fanatical expression quickly dissipated. His expression became distorted, and he was about to break free.

At this moment, the sky thundered, and the Heavenly Sword composed of countless lightnings suddenly fell towards the Wing Clan below.

At the moment of landing, the shadow left, and the Wing Clan, who had returned to normal, had no possibility of dodging. They were cut down by the Heavenly Sword amidst the shrill screams.

The roar echoed and spread to all directions.

Xu Qing sat cross-legged in his original position, not paying attention to the dying prisoner of the Winged Clan who had been chopped off from his Dao foundation. He looked up at the Heavenly Sword and comprehended it again.

Three hundred breaths of time passed in a flash.

As the calamity clouds slowly dissipated, the Heavenly Sword also dissipated, and Xu Qing's eyes showed contemplation.

After a while, he stood up and walked forward, going to another area to find another suitable specimen.

In this way, time passed, and several days passed.

In Xu Qing's repeated attempts to comprehend, the day that Ning Yan agreed with him arrived.

On this day, the sky at dusk was full of orange and red, forming a gorgeous light, flowing on the earth like water, and also falling on the roof square of the Sword Holding Palace Record Office.

There, many sword holders lined up in a long queue.

They were all candidates from various states.

Some of them looked anxious and were waiting hard, and Ning Yan was one of them.

He looked into the distance from time to time, feeling uneasy and worried, and he had been waiting for a long time.

Behind the table next to him sat a middle-aged swordsman with a solemn look. He was a Jindan cultivator with a faint flash of lightning in his eyes. He was obviously born in the ancient thunder vein, and his fluctuations were not bad.

At this moment, he looked up at the seven or eight candidates who were looking at the distance frequently, and spoke lightly.

"Most of the candidate recommendation records have been completed, and you are the only one left."

"Did you find the recommender of this session in Tongzhou?"

These seven or eight candidates all looked bitter, some explained, and some remained silent.

Ning Yan nodded quickly and bowed to the middle-aged swordsman.

"Please wait a little longer, my recommender promised me to come back."

"Who are you looking for?" The middle-aged swordsman frowned and spoke slowly.

Ning Yan hesitated and did not say Xu Qing's name. Now he was not sure whether the other party would really come. If he said it but didn't come, the matter would become a joke to him.

In addition, this time the candidate was evaluated at the same time as people of the same status from other states. In order to win the first place among the candidates, there was fierce competition between them, and some conflicts were inevitable.

At this moment, there were three young and energetic teenagers in the crowd, who had had friction with him.

When these three people saw that Ning Yan was anxious and did not reveal the recommender, their expressions flashed with sarcasm. Although it was not that obvious, Ning Yan still saw it.

This look made Ning Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

One of them even chuckled.

"The candidate ranked first in the candidate assessment, but no one came to recommend him. This shows his character."

Ning Yan was silent.

The middle-aged sword holder had an expressionless face. He didn't pay attention to the comments of these young and energetic teenagers. There were many such people. After all, everyone had different personalities. Some were gloomy, while others were direct.

But everything will change after becoming a sword bearer.

So he looked through Ning Yan's resume and noticed that he was from Yinghuangzhou. He raised his head unexpectedly and glanced at Ning Yan.

"Are you from the same state as brother Xu Qing?"

Ning Yan nodded when he heard this.

Among the three candidates who had conflicts with him, someone chuckled.

"Brother Xu Qing has so much glory but is unwilling to recommend someone, it really shows that someone has some problems."

"I worked so hard to become the first candidate, and it's very useful."

"You are looking for death!" Ning Yan looked gloomy and looked around. He saw the other party provoking him several times. Plus he was anxious at the moment, so anger inevitably rose in his heart.

"Why, you have to fight us again here!" The three young men looked at Ning Yan with evil eyes. They just wanted to anger Ning Yan.

Ning Yan gritted his teeth, anger gradually rising in his eyes.

As for the middle-aged sword holder in the records office, he looked at this scene with cold eyes. Similar things happened every time among the newly promoted candidates. After all, there will naturally be conflicts in places with many people, so he spoke calmly.

"If there is a conflict, go out and resolve it before coming back."

When the three young men heard this, they immediately took off into the air, and one of them pointed at Ning Yan.

"Aren't you the substitute who stole our limelight? Do you dare to come and fight again!"

"What you said is wrong. Why wouldn't Ning Yan dare to do it? He wants to wait for his recommendation, so he can't fight with us, right? Ning Yan, I've already thought of the reasons for rejection for you."

Another young man among the three people smiled and spoke.

A cold light flashed in Ning Yan's eyes, and he was about to fly out, but at this moment, a calm voice came from a distance.

"Ning Yan, I was delayed because of something, so I came a little late."

As the sound came, the roar also echoed, and in the distant sky, a figure quickly approached.

In the twilight, this man's long hair was fluttering, and he was dressed in a white Taoist robe that was as beautiful as snow. With his handsome face, everyone who saw him would instinctively attract their attention.

It was Xu Qing.

Xu Qing does not agree to others easily. Once he agrees, he will definitely do it.

Since he agreed to recommend Ning Yan before, he would not deliberately delay the time. In fact, during this period, he was busy comprehending the Dao-cutting Blade, so he came late today.

As for Ning Yan's displeasure, there are still some things that displease him, but since the captain thinks this person is useful, Xu Qing is prepared to observe him more.

As soon as he arrived, all the candidate disciples in the Record Office were shocked, with respect in their eyes, and they all greeted him. The three young men who had conflicts with Ning Yan were also shocked, and they bowed their heads quickly, not daring to continue making trouble. .

In fact, Xu Qing's reputation is quite good in the Sword Holding Palace now. He is known as one of the monsters of this generation. Especially several monsters of this generation are said to have good personal relationships and stick together. If you provoke one of them, you will provoke them. all.

Moreover, now that everyone is in important positions and has established influence, no one wants to offend them.

The middle-aged sword holder in the records office also laughed and stood up to greet him.

On that day, Xu Qing, Kong Xianglong and others confronted the Yao family in the Sword Holding Palace. Among the many sword holders who came, this person was also among them. He had met Xu Qing once and knew what Xu Qing and the others had done, and he felt very deeply in his heart. Less admiration.

Ning Yan was even more excited and stepped forward quickly. Xu Qing's voice was like the sound of nature to him, and his figure was like a rainbow. The ups and downs of his mood made him extremely grateful for Xu Qing's arrival.

Xu Qing nodded towards Ning Yan, and then returned the greeting with fists to the middle-aged sword holder who came to greet him.

"Excuse me, Brother Zhou, I will be Ning Yan's recommender."

When the swordsman surnamed Zhou heard Xu Qing call out his surname, his eyes immediately showed a bright light, secretly thinking that this person can be accepted by Kong Xianglong and others.

You must know that there were many sword holders who went to the Discipline Hall at that time. Although everyone met each other later, and Wang Chen and others also introduced them, time was in a hurry after all.

In such a situation, it is still possible to remember the last name. This is a skill.

So he laughed and spread the words.

"Brother Xu Qing's recommendation shows that Ning Yan has an upright heart and a pure character." After saying that, he immediately recorded the approval for Ning Yan, and then looked at Ning Yan with a stern look in his eyes.

"Ning Yan, I hope you will fulfill your duties faithfully after becoming a sword holder and don't embarrass Brother Xu Qing!"

Ning Yan quickly said yes.

Xu Qing didn't stay long. After saying a few words to the sword holder named Zhou, he said goodbye and left under the respectful eyes of everyone around him.

He still wants to go back to the Prison Department to continue his understanding.

When he returned and passed by the ninth floor of the Prison Department, Xu Qing's figure had just appeared on the steps when he heard the stern voice of the palace master in the distance.

"Don't think that just because someone calls you a genius, you are pretentious. In my eyes, you, Kong Xianglong, are just a new sword wielder, very immature!"

Xu Qing paused, looked over, and noticed that Kong Xianglong was standing at the junction of this layer with his head lowered.

Opposite him, the palace master looked majestic and scolded him coldly.

"Even if you look stunning to others, if you don't abide by the sword wielder's rules and miss work many times for personal reasons, sooner or later you will definitely cause a disaster. Do you understand this?"

The palace owner looked majestic and had some anger in his voice.

"The Palace of Sword Holding is not a place to grow flowers, nor does it need people who don't follow the rules. If you think you can rely on cleverness to

Misbehaving here..."

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing understood that Kong Xianglong must have been caught doing something private when he sent the prisoner for handover, which caused him to be reprimanded by the palace master. He was afraid that a prison sentence would be inevitable.

"Why is the Palace Master always staring at Brother Kong?"

Xu Qing was a little surprised in his heart, but he knew that the other party was angry at the moment, so he immediately lowered his head and walked towards the tenth floor.

But before walking down the steps, Kong Xianglong made a rare retort.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I completed the mission and got the mission items. It was just two days late that they were sent back. The lives of those victims were all in danger. Am I going to die without saving them!"

"Presumptuous!" The palace master snorted coldly. The sound was like thunder roaring in all directions, making the guards around him frightened. Xu Qing also took a breath and looked back.

Kong Xianglong was seen raising his head at this moment, with an unconvinced look on his face, while the palace master was obviously even more angry, with a cold light in his eyes.

"You are capable now, aren't you? You have learned to talk back. If you continue to do this, why not get out of the county capital and find a small place to enjoy your hero's vanity."

Kong Xianglong's body trembled and he lowered his head after a while.

"Remember the first thing I said when I saw you when you were promoted to Sword Holder?" The palace master looked at Kong Xianglong with a majestic face.

"As a sword holder, everyone is a sharp sword for the human race. We must always be prepared to die for the human race." Kong Xianglong heard this and spoke loudly.

Xu Qing was familiar with this sentence when he was on the 89th floor. When he saw the palace master for the first time, the first sentence he spoke was exactly the same.

At this moment, the palace master's words continued to echo with severity.

"I hope you will fall on the human battlefield in the future instead of some despicable conspiracy!"

"With your character, it's not difficult to make plans for you. Someone comes and locks him up for two months at a time. No one is allowed to visit during this period!"

The palace owner flicked his sleeves, turned around and left. His eyes widened when he passed by Xu Qing.

"What fun are you looking at? Did you discover Ding Yisan Er's secret? Have you completed the realization of Area C? Hurry up and go!"

"Yes!" Xu Qing quickly lowered his head and left quickly.

Before leaving, he glanced at Kong Xianglong and found that the other person was also looking at him. The two looked at each other helplessly.

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and hurried towards the 90th floor. While feeling deep down in his heart that the palace master was harsh, his eyes also showed thoughts.

"Palace Master knows that I am feeling something?"

Xu Qing understood that as the palace master, he controlled the entire Prison Department, and he knew that he was realizing that this matter itself was not difficult.

But there are so many things going on in the entire Prison Department, and they are still aware of their own movements, which means that the Palace Master is paying attention to him.

Xu Qing was deep in thought, and soon reached the ninetieth floor. As soon as he walked in, he saw Guishou sitting there drinking wine. He smiled when he saw Xu Qing.

"You must have been reprimanded by the palace master. I heard the roar from above even here."

Xu Qing nodded, feeling depressed in his heart. Being reprimanded this time was a natural disaster.

"Palace Master, his character is like this. He is strict with everyone, especially himself." Guishou threw a pot of wine and said with a smile.

"The more he scolds you, the more he cares about you."

Xu Qing remembered his previous guess.

"The palace master has no disciples and his heirs died in battle, so he is very concerned about qualified sword holders. You are like this, and so is Kong Xianglong."

Guishou sighed and took a sip of wine.

"The heir died in battle?" Xu Qing looked at Guishou.

"Yes, the newcomers don't know about this, but most of the elders know it. The palace owner has two sons, both of whom are swordsmen with amazing qualifications."

"But one died due to the mission of infiltrating the Shenglan clan and committed suicide in order not to be captured alive. The other died because of someone's plot based on his personality."

Guishou sighed and said no more.

Xu Qing was silent, looked up at the eighty-ninth floor above, bowed to the ghost hand after a while, walked towards the mural, and stepped into the small world.

In East Thirteenth District, which he was responsible for, four prisoners who met the standards had been executed. However, Xu Qing found other jailers in District C three days ago and exchanged several prisoners who met the requirements with prisoners in the area he was responsible for. Come here.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the volcano, looking up at the sky, and as the heaven and earth roared, the heavenly sword reappeared.

Xu Qing's expression was calm. Now he was no longer as anxious as he was at the beginning. Instead, he was in peace, silently staring, silently comprehending, and silently imprinting it in his mind.

In his mind, the shadow of the knife formed again and again.

But it collapsed and dissipated again and again.

Despite this, Xu Qing still persisted.

Until half a month later, when he came again and again, he realized that there were not many foreign prisoners left in exchange.

At this time, Xu Qing did not continue to use the prisoner's cultivation to break through and draw down the knife of the heavenly tribulation. Instead, he sat cross-legged there, constantly recalling and depicting in his mind, and raised his right hand many times, copying again and again.

In his mind, a fairly stable knife shadow finally appeared, which was carefully protected by him and gradually deepened.

This process was very boring, like forging a peerless sharp blade.

Gradually, the edge appeared. In fact, at this point, Xu Qing knew that he could end it.

But he realized that the knife he was comprehending at this moment, although the power was amazing, was not the way of cutting as he thought, but the body and soul were cut.

"It's different from what I thought..."

Xu Qing pondered and simply did not end it, but continued to copy and deepen the knife shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness. He wanted to see what would happen if he continued to comprehend it.

But sometimes, if the method is not right, it is okay if the forging time is not long, but if the forging is too long, what you get will not be a sharp blade, but scrap iron.

So half a month later, when he came here every time to continue comprehending, his mind suddenly shook, and the knife he copied in the sea of ​​consciousness still collapsed.

Because of the long-term efforts, as the knife shadow broke into pieces, Xu Qing's body also trembled violently and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"How could it be so..."

Xu Qing looked depressed, unwilling to accept it, and murmured.

Whether it was the Taicang knife or the shadow of the Ghost Emperor Mountain, he had never felt so difficult, especially since he had already comprehended it before, but in the end, for some reason, it collapsed again.

It was as if the knife could leave an outline in his mind, but it was beyond his reach to make a deeper mark.

"Is my method wrong?"

Xu Qing was silent, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged there, lost in thought.

After a long time, he gave up comprehending the knife itself, and recalled the prisoners who were beheaded, and recalled the scenes of their foundations collapsing after the knife fell.

As the pictures continued to emerge in his mind, after a long time, Xu Qing suddenly trembled and opened his eyes abruptly.

"My direction is wrong!"

"All my previous insights were based on the previous methods, but they were all based on the body and soul. For example, the sword of Taicang cut the body, and the sword of Ghost Emperor Mountain suppressed the soul."

"That is not a perception, that is imitation, and what is needed this time is the real perception."

"Because the sword of the way of cutting transformed by this rule is not the sword of heavenly tribulation, it is the sword of heavenly way!"

"Looking deeper, it uses the law to cut off the spiritual energy in the body of the cultivator. The spiritual energy is affected at the moment when this sword falls, as if... it no longer belongs to the cultivator himself."

"The focus of this sword is not to cut, but to make the cultivator's own spiritual energy repel the cultivator and fall apart on its own!"

"This sword, or this way, is more like... a decree!"

Xu Qing breathed rapidly, and a strong light appeared in his eyes.

"The decree commands the spiritual energy to repel the cultivator?"

"How is this done?"

An answer instantly rose in his mind.

Aura is the essence, so if aura is regarded as the same existence as heterogeneity, then whose breath is aura...

Xu Qing thought of the four original heavenly ways outside this small world, their eyes converged into the sun and the moon, and transformed into laws.

"Aura comes from laws, and laws come from heavenly ways?"

Xu Qing murmured, his eyes shining.

After the prisoners were imprisoned in this small world, they would be invaded and assimilated by the small world, and eventually merged with this world, so the laws of this small world could dissipate their cultivation.

"So, this knife was cut by the heavenly way with laws as a decree, so what is the heavenly way?"

Xu Qing's eyes showed thinking, and after a while, he took a deep breath and stood up, stepped out of this small world, and went outside the continent. In the void, he paused and looked down at the four huge original heavenly ways outside the light shell.

He looked very seriously and carefully, even sitting cross-legged in the void, sensing the spread, and immersing himself wholeheartedly.

Time passed, and seven days later, Xu Qing felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

"These four Heavenly Daos are not real things, but a kind of existence that seems to be alive and flying, and seems to be dead but not dead."

"This kind of existence has no will of its own."

This is what Xu Qing observed, and it is also the answer he got from asking Zixuan Immortal in the past seven days.

This answer reminded Xu Qing of Wanggu Continent.

According to his understanding, the strong who mastered the laws of Wanggu Continent can also do this Heavenly Dao Knife in Wanggu Continent, but this is extremely difficult.

Because the Heavenly Dao of the small world is controlled by the Sword Holding Palace, it can be used.

But the Heavenly Dao of Wanggu Continent should not be controlled by anyone.

And without anyone controlling it, the Heavenly Dao has no self-awareness, only the instinct transformed by the law.

At this time, Xu Qing suddenly realized what the Lingzang Realm is.

He also understood why Guishou once said that the Lingzang Realm needs to comprehend the Heavenly Dao and that the Heavenly Dao must be in charge of its own secrets.

That is because only the Heavenly Dao can carry the laws and then command the laws.

The strong in the Lingzang realm can already bring down the laws of their own heavenly way, which can act on the Wanggu Continent. Although it cannot last long, it can also change in a short time and form its own strongest state.

Similar to the Xuanyao state of foundation building.

After understanding these, Xu Qing had a deeper understanding of this Heavenly Dao Knife.

He finally knew why he had always failed before.

Because this knife contains the law, and the law can only be mastered by Lingzang, and Lingzang's mastery also relies on the Heavenly Dao in the secret treasure as a carrier.

So he failed, so no matter how hard he copied, he would never succeed.

He lacks a carrier to carry the law!

"So that's it!"

Xu Qing completely understood.


He thought of the Poison Forbidden Pill, the Life Lamp, the Imperial Level Kung Fu, Zi Yue...

Eventually, he gave up.

In the final analysis, these are all external objects.

There is only one that is most suitable.

That's... a Mosasaurus.

The natal Mosasaurus!

"The way of heaven in my secret treasure of the future!"

This is what truly belongs to him!

Xu Qing's eyes were shining brightly.

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