Outside of Time

Chapter 443 We are serious about doing big things


In the cloudless sky, the winter sun releases the most dazzling light of the day at this moment, falling on the Ink Mountains that are some distance away from the county capital.

The reason for this name is that the geology here is mainly black and white, and there is no vegetation. There is only a kind of snake called ink, which lives here in groups.

The two-colored rocks overlap, and from a distance it looks like someone has spread an ink painting here.

At this moment, six people are sitting on the top of a mountain in this ink painting.

The six people are clearly divided, one sitting alone, and four behind.

The one sitting alone is naturally the captain. He looks proud, cross-legged at the highest point, looking over Xu Qing and looking down at the four people behind him.

The four people behind are Kong Xianglong, Shanhezi, Wang Chen and Ye Ling. They ignore the captain and look at Xu Qing sitting in the middle area at this moment. They are all very curious.

This place is the place where Xu Qing and Kong Xianglong agreed. The latter will cooperate with Xu Qing to perform a play later.

"So, shall we start?" The captain spoke calmly amid the anticipation of Kong Xianglong and others.

Xu Qing nodded.

The captain raised his chin, put on a detached attitude, took out two pill bottles, and threw one to Xu Qing.

"In each pill bottle, there is a Xuantian Yaoyue Pill. After we eat it, we can change our body structure and achieve real flesh and blood changes. In this way, after we transform into the Black Sky Clan, we can be indistinguishable from the real thing."

As soon as the captain spoke, Kong Xianglong raised his eyebrows in surprise, and Shanhezi beside him took a breath and looked moved.

"Xuantian Yaoyue Pill? This is the top secret pill of the Yi Clan. It is very valuable and very rare. I heard that the materials of each pill are from the members of the Change Clan!"

Wang Chen and Ye Ling were also surprised and looked at Chen Erniu.

The captain looked unworthy of mention and spoke calmly.

"This pill is just average. There were better options, but the Yi Clan owed me a favor. After knowing that I needed it, they crossed several states and personally sent it to me in the county capital. They knelt for seven days and seven nights to beg me. Alas, it is hard to refuse such kindness, so I can only accept it."

Xu Qing looked strange. He glanced at the captain with the pill bottle, and then looked at Kong Xianglong and others who frowned. Obviously, everyone did not believe what the captain said.

The captain shook his head and sighed, pretending that he did not want to say more about this matter, and took out the pill from the pill bottle.

When this pill came out, the red light was bright and dazzling, and there was a strange fragrance spreading from it. Xu Qing felt that his flesh and blood seemed to wriggle on its own after smelling it. It can be seen that it is extraordinary.

In front of everyone, the captain swallowed the pill in one gulp, and then his body shook, and a piece of clothes formed outside his body that could be seen with the naked eye.

This piece of clothes was gray all over, and it continued to cover and finally enveloped the captain's whole body.

Then he shrank suddenly, and the captain's body immediately changed under the effect of the clothes. His limbs became slender, his body became thin, but his head became bigger, his eyelids disappeared, and his eyes became bigger.

His hair also changed under the cover of the clothes, forming sharp thorns like hedgehogs.

A member of the Black Sky Clan appeared in front of everyone.

This magical scene made Kong Xianglong and others look strange. Although most of them had heard that the Yi Clan had such a wonderful pill, they still felt incredible when they saw it with their own eyes today. …

Seeing the captain's transformation complete, Xu Qing took out the pill without any hesitation. After swallowing it, he felt that his flesh and blood were rapidly changed at this moment, as if a part of it was separated and sent out of the body, forming clothes that looked like the Black Sky Clan.

The next moment, in the eyes of Kong Xianglong and others, Xu Qing's appearance changed and became a member of the Black Sky Clan.

Gray skin, thin body, big head, full of sharp thorns.

And the clothes on his body also took shape.

The clothes were not Taoist robes, but dark red armor that covered the whole body, which looked very strange.

"The blood of the Black Sky Clan is black. Although your aura is flawless, the Black Sky Clan's words, deeds, and magic are different from those of our human race." Looking at Xu Qing and Chen Erniu, Kong Xianglong suppressed the urge to participate and reminded them.

"This matter is naturally in Chen's preparation." The captain smiled proudly and threw a black stone to Xu Qing.

"This is the black blood stone. After eating it, the color of the blood in the body will change for a short time."

As he said, the captain swallowed it in one gulp, and then bit himself. Black blood overflowed from the broken flesh and blood, and combined with the aura on his body, it was exactly the same as the Black Sky Clan.

"As for the magic." The captain who turned into the Black Sky Clan, his black eyes flashed with a faint light, and the void in front of him suddenly twisted, and a blurry spear formed rapidly.

Then he raised his right hand and waved it outward, and his body shook immediately. The next moment, countless ink snakes in the mountains actually drilled out from all directions with a rustling sound and gathered together, raising their heads towards the captain, as if obeying his orders.

This scene made Shanhezi stand up suddenly. Wang Chen and Ye Ling also took a breath and showed disbelief. Kong Xianglong's eyes were shining.

It was really. Everything was exactly the same as the Black Sky Clan in their memory, enslaving all races and creating something out of nothing.

Even if they hadn't seen the process of the other party's transformation with their own eyes, they would have thought that Chen Erniu was a member of the Black Sky Clan.

Xu Qing was also surprised.

Seeing the reaction of the crowd, the captain smiled mysteriously, waved his hand, and the group of snakes dispersed, the spear disappeared, and then spoke meaningfully.

"Little Junior Brother, this time the Senior Brother will definitely take you to do a big job. Don't go out with others to take tasks in the future. You have too few military merits. Taking tasks depends on who leads the team."

Kong Xianglong snorted coldly.

Xu Qing smiled bitterly and swallowed the black stone in his hand. After changing his own blood, he was also curious about how the captain was able to perform the Black Sky Clan's magic. However, considering the mystery of the captain, there seemed to be nothing surprising about this matter.

"I should be able to do that too." Xu Qing thought thoughtfully, remembering the eyes of the Black Sky clan that he had been studying for three days.

"So, junior brother, what are the old rules?" The captain glanced at Kong Xianglong and others, then looked at Xu Qing and licked his lips.

Xu Qing understood it as soon as he heard it. There was a hint of hesitation in his big black eyes and he nodded.

Kong Xianglong and others were surprised when they heard this, not knowing what the old rules of the two people in front of them were.

While he was thinking about it, the captain suddenly stepped forward, raised his right hand and an ice spear appeared. The spear pierced Xu Qing's chest. After passing through, the ice spear exploded, turning into countless sharp ice blades, which exploded directly on Xu Qing's body. …

In an instant, Xu Qing was covered with black blood, but the captain did not finish. He made a fist with his right hand and landed on Xu Qing's right arm. After the interruption with a click, when Xu Qing took a breath, the captain came quickly and opened his mouth to bite.

Xu Qing's eyes widened, he instantly stepped back and spoke.

"It's my turn!"

"Haha, you're used to it. I didn't mean to do it. You come and you come." The captain was a little embarrassed.

Xu Qing endured the pain and looked unkindly. He instantly approached his right hand and turned it over to reveal a black dagger, which penetrated the captain's stomach.

The captain wailed.

Xu Qing did not stop as the blood spurted out. He flicked the dagger up and then pulled it out. He changed the direction and continued to stab him. After seven or eight stabs in a row, the captain was covered with bruises. Xu Qing instinctively raised his head and slashed across the captain's neck.

When the knife passed by, his head almost fell off.

The captain's eyes widened, he quickly backed up to avoid it, and spoke unconvinced.

"The sword holder has been chasing us for a long time, so there must be sword wounds!" As he said that, he drew out his sword and stabbed Xu Qing seven or eight times.

Xu Qing endured the pain, leaving more blood behind, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Since we have been chasing for a long time, we don't have time to rest. The wounds will rot." As he spoke, he began to poison. The next moment, the captain screamed, and the wounds on his body were still rotting.

"We are hiding here and there. The spiritual energy here is insufficient and we will be very weak!" The captain continued.

"The Black Sky tribe doesn't like sunlight, and their bodies will be corroded over time!" Xu Qing took a breath and took action again.

Just like that, the two of them were going back and forth. This scene made Kong Xianglong and the four people on the side stunned. They were stunned on the spot. After a while, the four of them were all stunned.

Taking a breath, they instinctively looked at each other.

"Are you so serious?"

"Xu Qing once said that he and his senior brother have experienced many lives and deaths." Shanhezi whispered.

Everyone agreed.

After a while, the captain grabbed the dagger Xu Qingtong had brought and spoke weakly.

"Little Aqing, we are almost done. If we continue, we will really be gone."

Xu Qing was panting, holding down the ice blade stabbed by the captain with one hand.

"It should be fine."

The two stopped their hands at the same time, and when each was weak, the captain looked at the sky.

It was dusk now, and the sky was filled with red clouds, tinged with blood. On the ground far away, dust and mist were rising at this moment, and there were vibrations coming from the ground, mixed with the faint roars of some ferocious beasts.

"The target convoy has arrived. Junior brother, it's time for us to perform. Although we have a plan, we have to adapt to the situation!" As he said that, the captain stood up, held his stomach, swayed forward, and fled quickly.

Xu Qing looked solemn, looked back at Kong Xianglong and others, clasped his fists, turned around, and ran away at full speed toward the sky.

Kong Xianglong and the others were refreshed. After witnessing what Xu Qing and Chen Erniu had done, they were moved and felt infinite admiration in their hearts.

Especially the two people's previous actions of trying so hard to hurt each other shocked them. They felt that Xu Qing and Chen Erniu were too serious, so they also became serious.

Their expressions showed evil aura and ferocity, and they took off into the air, quickly pursuing the captain and Xu Qing in front.

"In my human domain, let me see where you can escape!"...

"They are seriously injured and can't last long!"

"Everyone, please pay attention. The Black Sky Clan is good at enslaving people. There must be a reason why they fled in this direction."

When Kong Xianglong and the other four shouted loudly to pursue, in order to be more realistic, Ye Ling simply waved his hand and crushed a jade slip. In an instant, a beam of light shot into the sky and exploded in the sky, forming a sword shape.

That is the mark of the sword bearer.

At this moment, a hundred miles away from here, there is a motorcade moving forward in a mighty manner.

There are no fewer than hundreds of carriages inside, each one hundred feet in size, covered with black canvas, and being dragged forward by a four-legged beast covered in red skin.

On each four-legged giant beast, there is a monk from the Shenglan tribe. There is no Yuanying among them, most of them are foundation builders. As for the golden elixir, there are almost ten.

They all look like the second and third houses.

Only three of them belong to the Fourth Palace. As for the strongest one, he is a young man. He is wearing a brocade robe and has an extraordinary appearance. A black line between his eyebrows is particularly clear. He obviously has good blood and possesses the combat power of the Sixth Palace.

They are the transport team from the Zenith Kingdom, one of the thirty-six city-states in the Great Wilderness East County of the Shenglan Region.

This time I came to Fenghai County with the customs clearance order given by the Yao family to transport mica stones.

This stone is special and cannot be placed in a storage bag, so it must be a convoy.

The Yao family's order also allows them to travel unimpeded to a certain extent in Fenghai County, but they are also aware of the conflict with the human race, so if someone comes with too much strength, it will cause too much trouble.

On the contrary, it was more unusual to show that there was no threat.

After all, they were here to transport, not to kill. Now that they had collected the mica stones, the convoy sped along without any pause, heading towards the border.

Seeing that they were about to reach the Ink Mountains, as the sky roared and the sword holder's signal changed, there was some commotion in the convoy.

The young man inside, with an extraordinary appearance and an extraordinary aura, suddenly raised his head and looked coldly at the sky.

"The sword bearer?"

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