Outside of Time

Chapter 445 An unexpected encounter

Xu Qing glanced at the young man in front of him and nodded slightly.

Last night, at the request of the young man from the Shenglan tribe, he and the captain pondered for a long time, and finally agreed with the other party's statement, and planned to use the Shenglan tribe's motorcade to leave the area where the sword holder was searching.

As for whether to go to the Zenith Kingdom where the opponent is after entering the Shenglan Clan, Xu Qing did not give a final conclusion.

The hiding place they were arranged was on the skin of the four-legged beast. This method was very clever, and it was even more concealed by its aura. It was obvious that the Shenglan tribe was very good at this kind of hiding technique.

"Xiao Xiu has lived up to the expectations of his superiors and has successfully deceived the sword holder. There should not be too many surprises on the next journey. We will arrive at the Shenglan tribe in a month."

As he spoke, the young man from the Shenglan tribe raised his right hand and took out two lotus leaves from the storage bag, and raised them respectfully above his head.

"Xiao Xiu has only seen the upper clan twice in his life, and only from a distance. Although his father has repeatedly spoken about the customs and customs of the upper clan, he really doesn't know much about it. He only heard that the upper clan likes to eat the moon dew before dawn. Collected by Hu Mingren."

Xu Qing's expression was as usual, but something moved in his heart. Although he knew something about the Black Sky Clan, he was not so detailed. He didn't know anything about eating moon dew.

Moreover, the words of this young man from the Shenglan tribe were ambiguous. They seemed normal, but they also contained a sense of temptation.

Therefore, it is unknown whether the Black Sky tribe really likes to eat moon dew.

So there was silence.

The captain smiled faintly, raised his right hand and grabbed it from the air. Suddenly, the two lotus leaves flew towards him. Instead of drinking the moon dew directly from them, he raised his tiny fingers and lightly dabbed a little with the dew on them. on the eyes.

I saw that the moon dew was evaporating rapidly and a film appeared on the captain's black eyes, as if covering his eyes, and his expression also showed some comfort.

"You've got your heart set on it, just step back."

This young man from the Shenglan tribe had no abnormal expression from beginning to end. He was always enthusiastic. After hearing the words, he stepped back respectfully until he took nine steps back and then stood up and left.

As it rose into the air, its figure grew larger and larger, and finally transformed into a normal figure, appearing on the red-skinned four-legged beast, sitting there with no abnormal expression on its face.

that's all. Time passed, and half a month passed quickly.

In the past half month, this young man from the Shenglan tribe was very measured and did not disturb Xu Qing and the captain too much. When he occasionally came, he would ask to see them from a distance and would only approach after being allowed.

There was nothing unusual about their words and deeds, as if they really regarded the two of them as their superiors.

However, in his words, he would occasionally ask respectfully and skillfully about the customs and customs of the Black Sky Clan. Every time, there was a look of fascination on his face.

Xu Qing didn't know much about Bian, so he didn't speak. The captain was handling everything.

The captain obviously did a good job this time. He had a very good understanding of the Black Sky Clan and even pointed out the opponent's mistakes twice.

"Who told you that Krishna Mountain is used for sacrifice? It is the place where moonflowers bloom, where the gods once descended, and where the shrine is now."

"The Black Scale City at the foot of the Holy Mountain? What a pity. That city was gazed upon by the remains of the gods a century ago and has since disappeared. Not much is known about this to the outside world."

Both the look and tone of the captain's words were extremely real, giving Xu Qing the feeling as if the captain had really lived in the Black Sky Clan.

This also made the young man from the Shenglan tribe even more fanatical.

However, this person's temptation did not disappear completely. There was another time when the sun was the strongest at noon. Although he did not appear, the hair that could cover the sun moved slightly, causing the strong sunlight to fall directly on Xu Qing. body.

Xu Qing frowned and waved slightly, and the hair covering the sun immediately returned to its original angle.

Although there were not many small things like this, Xu Qing and the captain handled them well every time, so similar temptations finally stopped appearing after half a month.

Until this day, in Linlan Prefecture, the Shenglan Clan's convoy approached the Tianyue Canyon.

Tianyue Canyon is very big. It will take three days to travel here at the speed of the convoy. After leaving the canyon, it will take

The border can be reached in a week.

Because Linlan Prefecture is a state bordering the Shenglan Tribe, after the convoy arrived here, the Shenglan Tribe monks breathed a sigh of relief, and their tight strings relaxed a little.

After spending the night outside the canyon, early the next morning, the convoy entered the canyon in a mighty manner, roaring and galloping inside.

As the team moved forward, the day passed quickly, and as dusk was approaching, they were approaching the middle of the canyon.

The mountains and rocks on both sides of this place are rugged and towering, blocking part of the sunlight and making the canyon look a little dark.

In the distance, in a hidden cave located high up, a woman in red clothes opened her eyes from her cross-legged posture, revealing a cold light.

This woman has a mask on her face and a huge evil sickle beside her. It is Qingqiu.

She has been here for half a month, and her target is the returning mica convoy.

These fleets are large and small. In order not to alert others, Qingqiu has let go of several waves of small fleets. Once he takes action, he will grab the largest fleet.

"It's coming, it's coming!!" When the Shenglan Clan convoy that Xu Qing and the captain were in approached this area, the voice of evil spirits immediately came to Qingqiu's mind.

"This convoy is one of the targets you asked me to investigate before coming. They come from the Zenith Kingdom in the Great Wilderness East County. Although it is a small country, this transportation

There are a lot of mica stones. "

"I just sensed a circle. There are hundreds of monks from the Shenglan tribe inside. There are not many golden elixirs. The strongest one is the Sixth Palace!"

"It's good for them. The Sixth Palace is also suitable for us to die together!"

As the evil ghost screamed, a cold light flashed in Qingqiu's eyes. As the cultivation in the body was running, red light emitted from the whole body. Under the unfolding of its secret method, the combat power of the Sixth Palace fluctuated.

Apparently, in the past few months, her cultivation had finally made a breakthrough, and she had formed four heavenly palaces. With the help of imperial-level skills and secret techniques, her combat power had reached the sixth palace.

"At their speed, they will reach us in a stick of incense!"

The evil spirit's voice was filled with excitement, but he obviously didn't notice the captain and Xu Qing behind the cover, and Qingqiu never expected that Xu Qing and Xu Qing would be in the motorcade.

So, she licked her lips, the cold look in her eyes getting stronger, and waited silently.

At the same time, in the motorcade, Xu Qing raised his head and looked into the distance. The voice of the King Kong Sect ancestor had just come from his mind.

"Master, I just noticed that there was a weapon spirit coming towards me. It was Hong Nu's sickle ghost."

Xu Qing raised his eyebrows.

The captain next to him also suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, looking a little surprised. Apparently he also had his own way of detecting it.

"It's interesting, you feel it too, right?" The captain smiled and turned to send a message to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing was not too surprised that the captain could investigate. After thinking in his eyes, he sent a message to respond.

"If her target is not this convoy, we don't want to cause trouble."

"What if so?" The captain smiled half-heartedly.

"The killings in Fenghai County will be investigated, and the Shenglan tribe will be captured alive and killed." Xu Qing said calmly.

"Do you really want to kill him? Haha, okay, before you kill him, see what he looks like and wear a mask every day." The captain narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu Qing with some teasing in his eyes.

Xu Qing was surprised and frowned.


The afterglow fell on the earth, glowing with dim yellow, and became even dimmer when it fell on the canyon, causing the canyon to enter the night early.

As the hundreds of red-skinned four-legged beasts moved forward, the ground continued to vibrate, and a loud roar came directly from the front of the convoy.

The ground suddenly exploded somewhere, and countless rubbles splashed, and formation runes fell from the sky, like a big net covering all directions.

There was also blood-colored light, which fell like a sea of ​​blood and filled the entire area, making the canyon instantly red with blood.

Amidst the exclamations and turmoil, a thin figure flew out of the dusk in the sky, wearing a wide red robe, a white delicate mask, and a huge evil sickle.

As the figure appears, it seems

The ancient chant-like tones also echoed around the world at this moment.

"It's hard to find traces of the path when we leave the road. My Emperor Xuanyou will bless us and lead us. The spirit of war is here to help my disciples and set off on the road!" When the chanting of this ancient tune spread in all directions, the heaven and earth were affected by some kind of power. As a result, gusts of dark wind appeared in the canyon.

This wind swept through everything, and all the monks of the Shenglan tribe who passed by felt their bodies tremble, as if they were invaded by ice, and their minds were also shocked.

And the dark wind roared from all directions, and in the blink of an eye it gathered around the devil's sickle in the hand of the woman in red.

The evil ghost's eyes flashed suddenly, emitting a scarlet light, and then suddenly opened its mouth and bit the woman's arm.

The next moment, the woman in red was shocked, and an overlapping shadow instantly formed outside her body, as if a war spirit from heaven and earth was attracted by it and merged into her body.

You can vaguely see that the fighting spirit is a female general wearing armor, transforming behind Hong Nu, blessing her with the power of cultivation.

This scene makes the red girl at this moment seem like the messenger of death, trying to harvest all life.

Not only that, but endless red light also emanated from the red girl, making her the source of the bloody light in the canyon.

That is the blood artistic conception of Taisi Xianmen!

At the moment of unfolding, another personality will appear, replacing Qingqiu and taking the lead.

So the next moment, a strange smile came out from the mouth of Qingqiu who came here.


The laughter combined with the expression gave people a sense of endless madness. In the next moment, her speed exploded, blending with the blood, roaring towards the Shenglan tribe, rolling in a sea of ​​blood.

The devil's sickle in his hand cut through the sky, and the sharp blade seemed to be able to cut through nothingness. Wherever it passed, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds surged.

No one can stop her in the slightest.

Even the young man with good blood from the Shenglan tribe, whose expression changed drastically at this moment, rushed out to stop him, but although he also had the combat power of the Sixth Palace, he was not as fast as Qingqiu.

After all, they are a transport convoy, not black-clad guards responsible for killing.

Qingqiu avoided it with a slight sway, and in the series of strange laughter, with strong murderous intent, he went straight towards the crowd.


The monks of the Shenglan tribe were unable to dodge at all. As the sickle swept across, their bodies were cut into pieces in an instant, which was extremely cruel.

The red girl's attacks were ruthless and devastating. It was obvious that she wanted to kill everyone in this place.

During the killing, blood spattered all over her body, and her face

Make the blood in his eyes thicker.

Especially the action of licking away the blood, the feeling of madness reached its peak.

The youth at this moment is exactly what Xu Qing remembered when they first met that day.

This is also the origin of the word "红女"!

It can even be said that if there were no Xu Qing and the captain, and if the convoy did not have any trump cards, Qingqiu's ambush would have been successful with a high probability.

Even though this convoy has a hidden trump card, with Qingqiu's current combat power and speed, she can still plunder some of the mica stones.

It's just that... Xu Qing and the captain couldn't possibly watch Qingqiu take such action. They didn't care whether the Shenglan clan died or not, but they couldn't die before taking them to the Shenglan clan.

So, when Qingqiu forced the young man from the Shenglan tribe back with a sword, opened another golden elixir from the Shenglan tribe, and killed three four-legged beasts as he approached the convoy, and was about to continue wielding the sickle, the captain took action.

Its figure flew out from the ninth four-legged beast, as if appearing out of thin air, and instantly changed from subtle to normal, revealing the appearance of the Black Sky Clan, with a cold look in its eyes, and a cold snort.

"Humans, be bold!"

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