Outside of Time

Chapter 460 Ghost Blood Wing Lamp

The strong power of heaven and earth kept coming like a tide. At this moment, the sky was distorted.

The sky seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​spiritual energy.

The ancient Heavenly Dao in the crack now stretched out its big hand and moved it again, pulling the Tenchang Tree in little by little.

In the cracks, it is constantly being absorbed. The figures of Xu Qing, the captain and others also slowly approached the crack.

And it was not just Xu Qing and the captain who benefited. Ning Yan and Qingqiu on the side, although not as good as the two of them,

But he also benefited a lot, and his body's cultivation level was fluctuating. As for Xu Qing, his mood was ups and downs at the moment. He felt that he

The sixth heavenly palace of oneself.

This sixth celestial palace is entirely golden, with the Dao of Heaven sitting in its depths. A sea is formed in the celestial palace, and mosasaurs swim around.

Waves of Taoist rhymes emitted.

Extremely extraordinary!

The power of heaven and earth around him was still pouring in. Xu Qing's heart beat extremely fast, desire arose in his heart, and he immediately breathed

Collect and shape your own seventh heaven palace. After more than ten breaths, Xu Qing suddenly raised his head, with a bright light in his eyes.

After the Sixth Heavenly Palace was formed, now most of the Seventh Heavenly Palace has also taken shape. Seventy percent, eighty percent, ninety percent...

The next moment, as Xu Qing took a deep breath, his Seventh Heavenly Palace was 99% realized.

"The ruler of this heavenly palace." Xu Qing's mind was spinning rapidly. He had practiced the Imperial Sword for a short period of time, but now he still has it.

Not suitable, Tai Cang Yi Dao is not qualified. Weiyou Dao Seizing Technique is special. It is said to be a technique, but in fact it is more of a god.

Tongyi is different from the Golden Crow Refining All Spirits, and is not suitable.

As for the black iron sign and the shadow, Xu Qing's thoughts were cut off as soon as he raised them. Although these two

They were extremely well-behaved under his methods, but Xu Qing still didn't fully trust them in his heart, let alone use them to

Sitting in the Heavenly Palace. Although there are magic weapon fragments in the storage bag, which can also be used as external objects, they are still inferior after all.

"Purple crystal is okay, but this thing is the core existence of my body. I know too little about it and should not take it lightly.

Yi decided to use it. "

"Besides this, there is actually another thing that can also be used as a guard!" Xu Qing's mind was whirling with thoughts, and without any hesitation,

Immediately urge the Ghost Emperor Mountain in the sea. Move it to the seventh heaven palace. At the moment of integration, the Seventh Heaven Palace blasted

Suddenly trembling and shaking violently, the arrival of Ghost Emperor Mountain actually caused the Seventh Heaven Palace to be repulsed.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed. He had encountered similar rejection before. That was when the Poison Forbidden Pill was integrated. Because of

The Poison Forbidden Pill itself is too poisonous, and its fusion takes time. What he has to do is not die before the fusion is completed.

After experiencing all kinds of torture and pain, he finally succeeded in placing the Poison-forbidden Pill into the Heavenly Palace. As for Ziyue

As with the Golden Crow and Mosasaurus, there is no similar rejection. Xu Qing understood that although Ziyue was of extremely high status, after all,

It was plundered by oneself, and in the end it belongs completely to oneself, just like the Golden Crow and Mosasaurus, so it will not


Although this Ghost Emperor Mountain was formed through my own insights, in the final analysis it is still a copy, which to a certain extent belongs to

What is half a foreign object does not completely belong to oneself. In this way, I want to put it in the heavenly palace and completely separate from myself...

It is not surprising that there is rejection when there is integration.

A cold light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes, he opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and suddenly the majestic power of heaven and earth surged in from all around him.

Enter the Seventh Heaven Palace to bless him and increase his strength to integrate into Ghost Emperor Mountain.

The next moment, Ghost Emperor Mountain trembled and slowly overlapped with the Seventh Heavenly Palace. This process is not very fast, but it is not

Just as the Poison Forbidden Pill was as slow as before, especially now that the power of heaven and earth around Xu Qing is extremely strong, this makes him have

Received endless help.

As time goes by, as the Ten Intestine Tree continues to merge into the cracks in the sky, the integration of Ghost Emperor Mountain is also progressing. Thirty percent,

Fifty percent, seventy percent.

Xu Qing sat down cross-legged, raised his right hand to grab a branch on the side, and after fixing his body, the sweat pores on his body were all wet.

The control is turned on, and the abdomen is contracted and inhaled again, and suddenly the power of heaven and earth surges in from all around.

Finally, thirty breaths later, Ghost Emperor Mountain was completely integrated with the Seventh Heavenly Palace. As Xu Qing’s mind exploded,

The sound of singing echoed, and the Seventh Heavenly Palace was fully formed.

The appearance is not a palace, but more like a temple. In the temple, the Ghost Emperor was sitting cross-legged and meditating, with two long knives behind him.

There was a Taichu Liyou Pillar on his knees, and his whole body exuded a shocking charm. His eyes were closed, but judging from his appearance, he had already met Xu.

It's exactly the same here!

At the moment when the Seventh Heavenly Palace was formed, Xu Qing's body emitted more powerful fluctuations, and his aura was rising.

Xu Qing also clearly felt how powerful he was at this moment. Compare it with yourself who didn’t come to Zhenxian Shichang,

The gap between front and rear is like an abyss.

"The good fortune this time is indeed great!"

"But, it's still not over!"

Xu Qing opened his eyes and felt that the power of heaven and earth around him was now declining. He knew that this time he

The first gift received from helping the Heavenly Way be complete is about to end. So he raised his right hand and took the blood wings in his arms

Take out the life lamp.

As the left hand kneaded, the power of heaven and earth suddenly surged in from all around, and

Not to merge into oneself, but to rush into this life lamp

among. He wants to use the power of heaven and earth here to cleanse his life lamp. After all, this thing was sent by the Shenglan tribe.

Qing is worried.

Regardless of whether there are some flaws in this life lamp or hidden secret methods, using the sky at the moment

The power of the earth is extremely suitable for cleaning. In the blink of an eye, under the integration of the power of heaven and earth, the life lamp shines with blood, becoming more and more

The emission is intense, and finally it is bright and dazzling, and the light bursts out.

After cleaning several times in a row, Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, made a secret with his left hand, and suddenly the seven heavenly palaces in his body were running at the same time.

The power of the Ghost Emperor comes and cleanses again. Then came the influx of the power of the Golden Crow, and then the power of the Purple Moon and the poisonous aura,

Finally, the mosasaurus transformed and spit out golden light. After cleaning this life lamp inside and out in so many ways, many

Only then did Qing feel relieved and no longer hesitated to integrate it into his body.

As the life lamp disappeared in his hand, it soon disappeared within the life mist of his consciousness sea, behind the two life lamp heavenly palaces,

Another heavenly palace rumbled out. The mist of life rolled, Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness shook, and soon the blood light gradually began to form from here.

The completed Heavenly Palace erupted, and while penetrating the Life Mist, the Heavenly Palace formed by the third Life Lamp suddenly took shape. …

In an instant, all the perceptions about this third life lamp came to Xu Qing's mind, and he understood it clearly. This lamp is called

Netherworld Bloodwing Lamp. Its blessing power is different from Xu Qing's two previous life lamps. It is not a protection, nor does it appear to be a blessing.

Come and kill like that, it has only one effect, and that is speed!

Those who have this life lamp will be extremely fast in terms of speed, and can explode several times their own speed. And it should have been

They are a pair. If they are possessed at the same time, the speed will not only be more terrifying, but also the lethality will be extremely terrifying. Even though

Now he only has one wing, but Xu Qing is still satisfied, especially after feeling the speed blessing of this life lamp, his mood

They all became excited.

The harvest this time is unparalleled. Whether it's military exploits or being the father of Heaven, it's enough to make people jealous.

As a result, his cultivation also leapt from five heavenly palaces to eight heavenly palaces.

Moreover, because the eighth house is formed by the life lamp, the palace of limits is added to him, so that after he completes the heavenly palace in the future,

It will change from the original ten to eleven. At this moment, the power of heaven and earth is gradually dissipating. Although his ninth heavenly palace

It was not materialized, but half of it was completed. When everything was perfect, the Tengu Tree where their group was,

It is less than a thousand feet away from the crack in the sky. Seeing that the ten-intestine tree was being melted away, Xu Qing felt separated in his heart.

Then he looked at the captain.

Compared with the previous one, the aura on the captain's body has obviously increased a lot. Even though Xu Qing has become stronger now,

But still can't see the depth.

But Xu Qing has become accustomed to this.

"Senior Brother, it's time for us to leave."

Qingqiu and Ning Yan opened their eyes quickly when they heard these words. Ning Yan obviously showed some nervousness,

But compared to Ning Yan's current ignorance, Qingqiu has more or less known the identities of Xu Qing and Chen Erniu.

He gave some answers, and the expression under the mask was complicated.

The captain licked his lips and looked at Tiandao's hand above.

"hold on."

Xu Qing followed the captain's gaze and looked at Tian Dao's snow-white hands. Based on his understanding of the captain, he immediately understood

Bai asked what the other party was going to do. He wasn't surprised. After all, the captain would take a bite like this every time he finished something important. Note

Noticing Xu Qing's expression, the captain blinked.

"Junior brother, things are too big this time. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to leave with our normal methods, but I and I have

You said I had a big baby. "

"After this object is unfolded, although it cannot be fixed, it can also allow us to teleport over long distances. I have adjusted the direction.

The target is Fenghai County. "

"But this thing requires too much power to operate. There is no way. In order for us to leave smoothly,

I'm going to say hello to my son. "

"Oh." Xu Qing nodded. The captain coughed and smiled.

"Well, if something happens to me later, junior brother, you must remember to kick me and send me into teleportation.

inside. "

As soon as the captain spoke, Qingqiu fell silent and turned his head with an unknown expression. But Ning Yan's expression changed. He heard it.

Fenghai County suddenly looked at Xu Qing and the captain. Although he was too ignorant to react before, he actually had doubts in his heart.

But what happened next was too fast and shocking, and there was no time to think too much.

Now that he had settled down, when he went to see Xu Qing and the others, Ning Yan's doubts became more and more intense. But it's him

The moment his eyes fell on Xu Qing and the captain, the captain showed madness in his eyes, and when Tiandao let go of his big hand, he

When he grabbed the tree trunk a hundred feet away, his body rushed out like a hyena.

"Heaven... I don't know what it feels like."

The captain's eyes flashed intensely, and at a very fast speed, he was at his son's big snow-white hands, holding him in his arms.

Holding this hand of heaven, he raised his neck and head slightly backward, opened his mouth wide, and then suddenly dropped it, towards

The hand bit it in one bite.


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