Outside of Time

Chapter 471 The big world on the corpse of the Spirit Emperor

In the basin, the big trees where the Wood Spirit clansmen merged opened their eyes at this moment and stared at the arriving Xu Qing.

On each leaf, most of the young tribesmen were sad. In the wind and rain, this sadness spread and enveloped the entire basin.

They did not stop Xu Qing and allowed Xu Qing to lead the old man and gallop towards the towering tree in the center.

There, the temple door was opened for him.

When entering the temple, Xu Qing saw the statues enshrined inside, but at this moment Xu Qing did not have the energy to observe carefully. Under the guidance of the old man, they went straight to the secret passage and followed the steps.

The rapid breathing of the old man on Banquan Road echoed in the dark passage. He was already running with all his strength, but Xu Qing felt that the speed was slow, so he grabbed the old man on Banquan Road and rushed forward. With the burst of speed, he seemed to be traveling through nothingness, directly At the end of the steps, we reached the altar that seemed to be suspended in the abyss.

The moment he appeared at the altar, Xu Qing looked around and saw at a glance a white figure sitting cross-legged and meditating in the countless caves thousands of feet ahead.

That was a very beautiful girl, with a flawless little face, carrying a touch of peace and innocence. But at this moment, she had her eyes closed, her face was extremely pale, and she was motionless.

But the dried blood on the corners of his mouth and clothes made Xu Qing's mind stir up unprecedented waves, and his expression revealed a rich and extremely complex expression.

He recognized that the other party was indeed the innocent girl who appeared on Mermaid Island.

He remembered that the other party came to him jumping up and down with joy and asked a question.

"Senior brother, do you like snakes or do you like to eat snake gallbladder?"

Xu Qing was silent. He thought of the words of the old man on Banquan Road. According to the other party, this girl was also the white snake he had seen before. Xu Qing remembered that the last time he saw the other party was in the Seven Blood Pupils, in a Downstairs.

The little white snake flew out and wrapped around his right wrist.

"Right wrist gold thread... the thread of life..." Xu Qing murmured, looking at the lifeless girl in white, his heart was first moved by the other person's sacrifice for him, and then he felt strong guilt. .

This is too big.

But he didn't understand why she could do this for him when he had never met her a few times or even had much contact with her.

Although all the good things he encountered in his life were real, there was a reason for them.

Lei Dui's kindness to him was that in the flames of the cremated corpse, the other party saw a touch of warmth in the world, and with the subsequent help of saving his life, he regarded him as his heir.

Master Bai is good because of his persistence in the way of grass and trees, as well as his desire and seriousness for knowledge, which makes him want to pass on his legacy.

Qi Ye, it was because of his own behavior that he appreciated him and gave him a chance until he saw himself walking all the way and came to the front of him and gained recognition.

But here at Ling'er, Xu Qing didn't understand.

He has never met such a person in his life.

"Why?" Xu Qing looked at the girl in the white dress and murmured softly.

The old man on Banquan Road stood next to Xu Qing, looking sadly at Ling'er in front of him, and said something

"Because she likes you.…

Xu Qing was silent.

The old man on Banquan Road sighed, the wrinkles on his face piled up to form a bitter

"Xu Qing, there is not only one answer or standard for many things in life. I know your confusion, but if you always think that everything good you encounter in life must have a reason, then Xu Qing, what are your thoughts? into a dead end

"There are actually many kinds of love. There are no fixed standards and methods. Some love is devotion, some love is care, some love is admiration, some love is sadomasochism, some love is attraction, and some love is... recall.

"There are all kinds of people in this world, and all kinds of things happen. If a person can only accept the path that he or she agrees with, that would be narrow-minded. Only if you accept paths from different directions can you grow.

The old man Banquan Lu whispered softly, no matter how anxious he was, he still had to explain everything clearly. He wanted Xu Qing to understand that many things in this world have no reason, and they do not necessarily have to have a reason.

And this is related to whether Ling'er can be successfully saved in the end in that special spiritual abyss.

When Xu Qing listened to these words, the deepest chord in his heart trembled slightly at this moment, and the waves caused spread throughout his body and mind.

"Tell me, how to save him?" Xu Qing took a deep breath, stared at Ling'er in the distance, and spoke softly.

"You only have seven days!" The old man from Banquan Road suppressed the anxiety in his heart and his eyes fell on Xu Qing.

"After Ling'er's inheritance failed, her soul fell into the spiritual abyss. The flesh and blood of her body would have withered and turned into bones. I used my own sealing method to seal her body, but it could only be sealed for seven days.

"Within seven days, you have to find Ling'er's soul from the spiritual abyss!" The old man on Banquan Road looked at the abyss under the altar.


"In this spiritual abyss, outsiders cannot enter unless they have the spiritual abyss talisman. But the last talisman was taken down many years ago and the other party did not come out."

"And I am not Ling'er's real father, nor am I from the Ancient Spirit Clan, so I can't enter. Only the Ancient Spirit Clan and those entangled with the thread of life of their clan can enter here.

"This is also the reason why I found you." The old man on Banquan Road said hoarsely.

Ancient Spirit Clan? Lingyuan?" Xu Qing felt a wave of emotion in his heart. He had heard of the Ancient Spirit Clan, but he didn't ask about it at the moment.

Because seven days was almost one day away, so he raised his head and looked at the old man on Banquan Road.

"Do you have the information jade slip below?

“Give it to me and I’ll look at it myself later.

The old man immediately took out several jade slips and handed them to Xu Qing, with a pleading look on his face.

"Please see that Ling'er is your substitute, you must... rescue her.

Xu Qing looked up at Ling'er in the distance, and recalled his three lives and deaths in his memory. He nodded silently, his body on the edge of the altar, towards the abyss, and stepped out without any hesitation.

The next moment, his figure suddenly fell, falling rapidly towards the abyss.

The icy air whizzed around him, attacking his whole body, as if his flesh, blood, and soul were all being frozen at this moment.

Xu Qing lowered his head and stared into the abyss below. As his cultivation spread, the shadows also spread in all directions, and the power of the poisonous ban filled the air. Then his perception merged into the jade slip given by the old man on Banquan Road.

As pieces of information poured into his mind, Xu Qing gained a clear understanding of Ling'er and everything about Lingyuan as he continued to fall. …

Endless years ago, in an era older than the Ancient Emperor Xuanyou, there was a clan that also unified the Wanggu Continent.

That is the ancient spirit tribe

In his later years, the Spirit Emperor of his clan gathered the strength of his entire clan and their luck, and did something that shocked the entire Wangu Continent.

This matter is related to the way of heaven.

But the Spirit Emperor was different from the Exian tribe that followed, and was different from the more than 3,000 tribes before him. He did not want to create, but to replace, and use himself to seize the way of heaven.

Creation is merit.

Seizing one's home is a great rebellion.

In the end, the Spirit Emperor failed and suffered backlash from all the heavenly forces in Wanggu. The blood of the tribe was cursed. At the critical moment, the Spirit Emperor brought most of the tribe into his big world with his terrifying cultivation.

He tried to avoid the catastrophe for the entire clan, but even so, he still couldn't escape the curse of the Spirit Emperor and his death.

His big world withered and turned into a world of death, and all the ancient spirit races in it were instantly destroyed. However, the horror of this curse was not so simple.

Under that curse, all the dead Ancient Spirits turned into souls that suffered in pain day and night.

As a result, this withered world of death became a country of ancient souls that perished, enduring the torment of the curse forever and being buried deep underground in Wanggu Continent forever.

This Wood Spirit Clan's spiritual abyss is one of the entrances to the ancient spirit emperor's world.

There are many entrances like this in Wanggu Continent.

Although the Ancient Spirit Tribe was cursed, after all, there were still some bloodlines living in Wangu Continent, which continued sporadicly. In these long years, they would appear occasionally.

For example, the skeletons Xu Qing saw on the abyss stone wall before were the descendants of the Ancient Spirit Tribe who had come here and wanted to receive the inheritance but failed and died.

The reason why they came here is because after the ancient spirit tribe transformed from snakes into humans, it was difficult to maintain due to the curse of their blood, and they themselves were in a state where their blood would collapse all the time.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to the entrance of the world close to the ancient spirit of the dead country, and use the power of the ancient spirit of the dead country to suppress the cursed blood in the body.

Only in this way can one truly transform into a human form.

But the people of the ancient spirit tribe are miserable. Every once in a while in their lives, they have to rely on the power of the ancient spirit world to suppress the curse. At the same time, the process of suppression also involves huge risks, like a catastrophe.

Once they fail, their souls will be swallowed up by the ancient souls and become part of the dead souls.

Xu Qing silently put away the jade slip. As his body continued to sink, he glanced at his right wrist. After a slight sigh, his expression showed decisiveness, and his body's speed exploded again.

The whole person is like a meteor, whizzing faster and faster, getting closer and closer to the cold source below.

Waves of repulsive power also came from below the Lingyuan at this moment, but as the owner of the Silk of Destiny of the Ancient Spirit Clan, this repulsion quickly dissipated after Xu Qing appeared next to him.

And Xu Qing also penetrated deep into the darkness at this extreme speed.

Until a long time, a huge thing appeared in the mist.

It was a giant rotting snake, with a strong sense of death lingering all over it.

This snake was buried in the mist, and while its body was filled with decay, it also had a big world on its head.

The big world was blurry, and bursts of wailing sounds emanated from it, heart-breaking, falling into Xu Qing's ears in the void and mist, and his body was suddenly sucked away by a huge suction force. Go straight to the big world. …

Getting closer and closer, the giant snake's body became bigger and bigger. Soon Xu Qing could not see the whole snake clearly, only the blurry world with wailing sounds became more and more clear.

Until finally, a roar echoed, and Xu Qing's body hit the big world heavily.

When the loud noise spread in all directions, a pit appeared on the ground like rotting flesh and blood.

Xu Qing's figure walked out step by step and immediately looked around.

The sky here is shrouded in mist. There is no sun or moon, only will-o'-the-wisps like stars, looming in the mist. The pale and dim light turns the sky and the earth into haze.

The land here is all rotten flesh and blood, with no mountains or trees. It is desolate and exudes an endless aura of death.

This breath is extremely cold, and it is constantly attacking Xu Qing's body at this moment, seeming to corrode his flesh and blood. It is obvious that this place contains deep malice towards all living beings.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Qing's body was shrouded in the aura of death, and a large number of black spots appeared.

"The great world of the Ancient Spirit Emperor." Xu Qing looked around, and the power of the poison ban in his body instantly dispersed.

Immediately, a sizzling sound came from his body, and tiny existences with ferocious ghost heads and slender bodies, like maggots, were forced out of the black spots on his body and fell to the ground, twisting and turning into The black mist dissipated.

After they disperse, the spots no longer form and gradually recover.

"But how should we search here?" Xu Qing felt the malice of this world, with a deep thought in his eyes, and looked down at his right wrist.

The Ancient Spirit Tribe is related to luck·”

With a thought in Xu Qing's mind, the Sixth Heavenly Palace in his body instantly vibrated, and the Mosasaurus Heavenly Dao inside exuded a breath that poured into his wrist.


There is no change in the wrist.

Xu Qing did not give up, and continued to integrate the aura of heaven into himself. After a while, his right wrist suddenly felt slightly warm, and the golden threads that were originally deep into the bones slowly emerged on the flesh and blood.

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed.

Looking at the golden threads filled with countless cracks, he sighed in his heart, feeling even more guilty.

At this moment, he raised his hand and sensed his surroundings. Xu Qing quickly turned around and suddenly looked to the right. When his wrist moved to this position, the heat was obviously stronger.

"In this direction!" Xu Qing's eyes were decisive. Even if there was danger in this big world, he couldn't care too much now and rushed out with a sway of his body.

The cultivation level exploded in full, the speed was running at full speed, and the power of drug prohibition spread even more. Wherever it passed, the heaven and earth roared!

There were bursts of sound piercing the air.

After showing off the incense, Xu Qing, who was galloping, suddenly raised his left hand and pressed downwards. Suddenly, the golden crow appeared behind him, roared, emitted flames, illuminated the surrounding area brightly, and rushed straight to the ground below.

Just as Jinwu rushed towards him, a huge ghost hand suddenly formed from below Xu Qing. It was originally going to catch him, but now it touched Jinwu.

The ghost hand was completely green and black, covered with pustules, and each pustule was filled with countless screaming souls. They stared at Xu Qing, revealing madness and greed.

As the roaring sound echoed, the ghost hand collapsed directly under the impact of the Golden Crow. After being scattered, the souls contained in it gathered together and rushed towards Xu Qing in dense numbers. …

But before they could get closer, flames spread out in the sweep of the Golden Crow, and shrill sounds came from the mouths of those souls, all dissipating like moths flying into the flames.

Xu Qing did not go and continued to gallop according to the guidance of the golden wire on his wrist.

But not long after, a huge ferocious face suddenly appeared in front of him, opening its mouth and about to devour

Xu Qing was looking for Ling'er anxiously. When he swerved away, the shadow behind him twisted and appeared next to the ghost's face. He swallowed it with greed, but soon the shadow was shaken and retched. spit out.

Xu Qing frowned. He could feel that the reason for this was that the dead souls here possessed a curse, but now was not the time to think. Xu Qing's speed did not slow down and he rushed out at a high speed.

It was not until half an hour later, when the heat from the golden wire on his wrist became more intense, that something happened that shocked Xu Qing.

There was a breaking sound on his wrist!

Xu Qing's expression changed and he lowered his head suddenly.

The golden thread shattered at this moment and fell off Xu Qing's wrist.

A feeling of loss instantly arose in his heart.

Then it turned into intense uneasiness and a heart-wrenching pain.

Xu Qing breathed rapidly and raised his hands to catch the scattered golden threads, but these golden threads were quickly dissipating after being broken.

Unable to stay.

Vaguely, it seemed as if a vague figure was disappearing in his memory.

At the critical moment, a sharp light appeared in Xu Qing's eyes, and the mosasaur from the Sixth Heavenly Palace in his body suddenly appeared above Xu Qing's head, spitting out a large amount of heavenly power and rushing towards the golden thread.

Mosasaurus also felt Xu Qing's anxiety, and tried his best to unleash his heavenly power crazily.

This method is indeed useful, but for some things, it is not that simple to reverse it. Even if the mosasaur's heavenly power is incorporated to slow down the dissipation of the golden thread, it still cannot prevent it from dissipating.

Obviously, the power of the mosasaurus alone is not enough to stop the dispersion of the golden threads.

Looking at the dispersing golden threads, the pain in Xu Qing's heart continued to be strong. He closed his eyes. When he opened them after three breaths, his left eye turned purple, and there was a purple moon in his pupils, which was incomparable. strong.

The right eye also changed, becoming black, containing endless poison. At the same time, the purple moon behind him transformed, and a pair of black indifferent eyes blurred out from behind the purple moon.

The surroundings suddenly blurred, the heaven and earth were distorted, and the power of divine authority exploded in Xu Qing's body, continuously improving his status. Xu Qing stared at the dissipating golden thread and spoke out


As soon as this sound came out, the sky reverberated and roared, and the earth shook.

This is how Xu Qing learned to use the power of the gods from his simulated murmurs after his battle with Chu Tianqun. With the help of two kinds of divine powers, he made himself like a new god, and the words he spoke were divine voices.

Xu Qing felt that since the power of the sky was not enough, what about adding the divine voice...

As soon as the divine voice came out at this moment, the dissipating golden threads shook with a bang. Under the dual power of the divine voice and the mosasaurus, the dissipation slowly stopped!

Although most of it has dispersed, a part of it has remained.

Xu Qing nervously raised his hand and grabbed it, feeling the burning heat emanating from it. Endless anxiety arose in his heart, and he galloped at full speed in the direction directed by the burning heat. …

He wanted to find Ling'er's soul here. As for how to leave after finding it, the old man on Banquan Road also told him that among the several jade slips given by the other party, one was special.

Once this jade slip is crushed, the old man on Banquan Road can use the power of the entire Wood Spirit Tribe to perform spells from the outside world to help them return.

“Six days left”

Xu Qing was faster, and the sky and the earth roared wherever he passed during this galloping, and his existence was like an extremely bright torch to this world of death and to the dead souls.

So soon, souls of the dead sprang up from all directions, roaring towards Xu Qing with infinite malice.

The ground exploded, and withered hands stretched out, revealing rotting corpses, rushing towards Xu Qing with greed and madness.

"Get away!"

Xu Qing was of extremely high status at this moment. As soon as the divine voice spoke, all directions were distorted, and a large number of dead souls disappeared in a shrill voice.

Because these dead souls contain curses, foreign invasion can only destroy them and cannot be worshiped. Now, more souls are constantly being formed. Soon, as Xu Qing flies out, souls are formed in front of him. ocean

Xu Qing looked ugly. He could not maintain the personality formed by the superposition of the two divine powers for a long time. At this moment, he temporarily dispersed the purple moon and used all his strength to promote the spread of the poison-forbidden elixir in his body.

At this moment, he released the poisonous elixir even more intensely than when he faced Chu Tianqun.

And this place... as a closed world, is also suitable for the outbreak of Xu Qing's drug ban

So the next moment, with the spread of the drug ban, a storm formed around Xu Qing, rumbling in all directions, ten feet, one hundred feet, five hundred feet, until finally it reached a thousand feet!

Xu Qing's poison-forbidden power covered the area of ​​1,000 feet. Wherever it was covered, the dead ghosts that appeared all let out even more mournful lamentations, and their souls were instantly distorted as if they were corroded.

The same is true for the corpses rushing out on the ground. Even if they are not alive, Xu Qing's poison can still turn them into flying ash.

After all, this is power from the divine realm, a kind of divine curse!

Xu Qing's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his speed did not slow down at all. He rushed forward with the unprecedented spread of the drug ban, and behind him, in addition to countless wishes, there were waves of heterogeneous growth belonging to him, returning to him quickly. , surrounding it, making the power of the drug ban stronger again.

The spread range also expanded from the previous thousand feet to one thousand three hundred feet.

It's just that there are too many dead souls here, and they keep appearing, as if the world of death has come alive at this moment.

Although the lethality of a single soul is average, when there are many, it still forms a terrifying pressure.

Seeing that he was blocked, Xu Qing gritted his teeth. The power of the purple moon suppressed in his body exploded again. Endless purple mist spread from his body. When Xu Qing pressed it, the purple mist fell into the earth. It rumbled around and spread, turning the ground into purple!

On the ground, corpses trembled as soon as they crawled out, and were turned into fly ash by the purple mist. There were so many that in the end, the dust mist on the earth was astonishing.

Then Xu Qing's body swayed, and the Golden Crow transformed again. His body stepped on the Golden Crow's back. The Golden Crow looked up to the sky and roared, filled with a sea of ​​tail flames, and rushed forward with Xu Qing. …

From a distance, this scene is shocking.

The earth was shrouded in purple mist, and as Xu Qing moved, corpses were constantly dissipating. But outside the purple mist, in endless directions, there were an infinite number of ferocious corpses.

And the sky was full of crazy evil spirits. Even if Xu Qing's poisonous storm spread and caused countless evil spirits to dissipate, more evil spirits would be added crazily.


In the dim world, only the fire emitted by the Golden Crow was extremely dazzling in the sky, constantly rushing into the sea of ​​flames.

Like a light.

Around this light, evil spirits and corpses were overwhelming, and their roars were even more shrill and filled with madness.

With greed and hatred for life, trying to extinguish the flame and cover the light.

time flies

This light, in this dim world, rushes forward rapidly, crossing the sky

Until one day later, blood overflowed from the corner of Xu Qing's mouth and his Taoist robe was soaked with blood. He dragged his scarred body and finally rushed out of the sea of ​​souls. His bloodshot and tired eyes saw a black line in front of him. of big rivers.

The river was vast and roiling, like the River Styx.

There were countless skeletons floating inside, and even faces were weeping and rising in the river.

At the end of the river, Xu Qing saw a red sedan with eight lifts.

There are jars of different colors on each of the front and rear lifting poles of the sedan. They seem to be growing on top of the sedan, motionless.

At the same time, there was a long queue around the sedan. Most of the figures inside had snake heads and human bodies. They were wearing bright red robes and were moving forward.

There was even a harsh, screaming sound coming from the front of the team.

At this moment, the dark wind was blowing on the Styx River, causing waves. At the same time, it also blew up a corner of the curtain of the sedan chair, revealing the figure of a girl sitting inside, with a pale face and wearing a wedding dress.

Xu Qing's expression condensed, his eyes were not looking at the girl in the sedan, but at the white one of the four jars on the front pole of the sedan!

The broken golden wire in his palm was burning like never before!

Don’t separate anymore, continue to be two-in-one!

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