Outside of Time

Chapter 475 Linger is not afraid, I will take you home

Under the dim sky, the bloody and fleshy mountain was filled with divine power. Xu Qing stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the sky.

The moment his eyes fell on Ling'er's soul, the little white snake in the sea of ​​consciousness also opened his eyes, sensed something, and made a sound.

"Gurgle gurgle..."

With the call of the same soul sound, Ling'er's soul in the air trembled and wanted to raise his head to sense.

But the eighteen green mist dragons and snakes surrounding him suddenly moved away, exuding a strong luck, forming a confinement force, blocking Ling'er's perception.

At the moment when the luck was advancing, the little white snake in Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness instinctively exuded a touch of desire.

These dragons and snakes are the luck of the ancient spirits.

They look clear, and their scales are also exuding green, lifelike.

Even if they are cursed by the way of heaven, the ancient spirits are said to be the destiny of the Wanggu Continent, so even today, they still have their destiny.

Xu Qing's eyes were fierce. Since Ling'er's soul could not be summoned back, he simply rushed up from the mountain of flesh and blood and headed straight for Ling'er's soul.

The dragons and snakes transformed by the green luck immediately roared threateningly.

It seemed that as long as the ancient emperor gave an order, they could swallow Xu Qing in an instant.

Xu Qing was unmoved and moved quickly towards Ling'er's soul. The power of the purple moon spread out, and the dragons and snakes of luck became restless but had to retreat.

As they retreated, the power of confinement dissipated.

Ling'er's soul stopped trembling, and when the perception of the origin became stronger, Xu Qing's figure appeared in front of Ling'er's soul.

He did not hesitate at all, raised his left hand and immediately took Ling'er's soul.

The moment they touched, the black light outside Ling'er's soul dissipated, and the little white snake in Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness, attracted by the same source, directly appeared outside Xu Qing's body and flew into Ling'er's eyebrows.

Ling'er's body trembled, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly raised her head. The first thing she saw was Xu Qing's figure.

"Brother Xu Qing... Is this a dream..."

Ling'er's face was blank. After muttering, her soul was weak. It was obvious that she had been away from her body for too long and she could not hold on.

"Don't be afraid, Ling'er. I will take you home."

Looking at the weak Ling'er, Xu Qing spoke softly, waved his hand to cover her in his arms, and quickly retreated, and even crushed the jade slip given by the old man on Banquan Road.

At the moment the jade slip was broken, outside the ancient world of the Emperor of the Spirits, in the Wood Spirit Clan of Fenghai County, the old man who had been anxiously waiting for several days at the edge of the altar above the Lingyuan, was shocked.

His haggard face, all the wrinkles trembled, as if there was a power called hope rising from all over his body, and his bloodshot eyes suddenly showed an unprecedented brightness.

Without any hesitation, he quickly made a spell, his body trembled, his heartbeat accelerated, and the blood in his body flowed rapidly at this moment, stimulating the sealing power in his blood vessels.

There were also spiritual energy unique to the Wood Spirit Clan, which spread from the altar and the roots of the big trees in the basin at this moment, and quickly gathered towards the old man.

The old man on Banquan Road was shaking all over, his eyes were red, and his blood vessels bulged instantly. His head cracked with a bang, and countless tentacles flew and broke off by themselves!

Large pieces of blood sprayed out from the tentacles and gathered in front of the old man on Banquan Road, forming a three-meter-sized blood clot that kept wriggling.


In the roar, the blood clot turned rapidly, locked the guidance of the jade slip, and tore a small and narrow gap! Connecting to the place where the jade slip was!

Endless death energy immediately spread out from the gap, filling all directions. At the same time, through this gap, the old man on Banquan Road excitedly saw Ling'er who was being cared for in Xu Qing's arms!

This gap is extremely unstable and cannot last long after it appears. It is about to close as soon as it is formed.

At this moment, the sky in front of Xu Qing in the gap suddenly trembled, and the eyes of the Ancient Spirit Emperor seemed to be about to open.

On the Blood and Flesh Mountain of the Great World, Xu Qing's expression changed. He felt a divine power that was even more terrifying and shocking than before, which suddenly erupted around him.

All the evil spirits and corpses knelt down.

And here, Xu Qing felt unprecedented pain, and he barely resisted with the power of the purple moon.

All this happened in a flash. Xu Qing's body trembled and he retreated quickly without any hesitation, approaching the gap opened by the old man from Banquan Road behind him.

The instability of this gap was extremely strong at this moment, and it was disappearing rapidly, and the old man from Banquan Road's anxious roar came from it.


Without thinking, Xu Qing sent the unconscious Ling'er's soul directly into the gap with one wave.

Then he stood in front of the gap, in front of Ling'er, using his body to block the overwhelming power from the Spirit Emperor's Eye that was gradually opening in the sky.

With a bang, Xu Qing's body was torn apart more strongly, and blood spread as the injury broke out, spilling along the Taoist robe, but his blocking played a key role.

The hand of the old man from Banquan Road in the gap behind him grabbed Ling'er's soul. He seemed to want to save Xu Qing, but now it was too late and he could only take it back. Almost at the moment of his return, the crack could no longer be maintained and collapsed and dissipated.

Xu Qing smiled.

On his pale face, he smiled for the first time after coming to this world filled with death.

He knew very well that the gap was too small and he could not pass through it, but it didn't matter, he succeeded.

Successfully found Ling'er's soul and sent it out safely.

At this moment, the cracks in the sky completely opened!

A huge, dim yellow vertical pupil appeared in the sky, staring at Xu Qing like the eye of the sky.

At this moment, the endless corpses and souls in all directions lowered their heads and roared wildly.


The sound was so loud that it was deafening and spread throughout the sky.

Not only them, the dragon heads in the mist of the sky, the giant snakes undulating on the earth, the terrifying figures in the River Styx, and the countless chariots and soldiers in the distance also all let out low sounds at the moment their eyes opened. Voice.


The huge eyes in the sky were indifferent, and black flames were burning around the dim yellow pupils.

A pressure comparable to that of a god enveloped the world.

The injuries on Xu Qing's body exploded uncontrollably.

It seems that the Ancient Spirit Emperor's ability can amplify all injuries several times in an instant, which is actually the source of the tear.

Facing Him, the more serious your injuries are, the greater your reaction will be, and under the influence of this strange power, even minor injuries will become serious injuries in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, because the tearing continues, it means that it is constantly expanding layer by layer.

It is conceivable that relying on this ability, in the heyday of the Ancient Spirit Emperor, those who faced him must have had an extremely difficult time, and they could not be injured at all. As long as they were injured, they would be instantly blessed to the extreme.

Xu Qing's body was also being torn apart at this moment, with flesh and blood detached piece by piece, and then forced back together by the power of Ziyue.

The severe pain from this process was like a big wave, especially the feeling of his own flesh and blood squeezing against the wound, which turned into a heart-wrenching tremor, but his raised right hand did not loosen at all, and he held it tighter.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the Ancient Spirit Emperor!

In an instant, endless information rushed directly into Xu Qing's mind, constantly filling, constantly exploding, and constantly churning.

These messages were messy, contained cruelty, and contained madness, which caused Xu Qing's head to become more fractured, and his head bulged as if it was about to explode.

An even more terrifying will suddenly swept through Xu Qing's mind, shaking the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it was about to crush the soul, and the power of drug prohibition also rose up to resist at this moment.

The mosasaurus even roared and rose from the Sixth Heaven Palace, but it was also blocked.

With the appearance of the Mosasaurus, this extremely powerful will paused slightly, apparently recognizing the way of heaven in the Mosasaurus.

Divine thoughts, like thunder from the sky, echoed indifferently in Xu Qing's heart.

"The source of the Red Mother God in your hand must have been plundered."

The bloodshot eyes in Xu Qing's eyes have now turned into cracks, and blood is flowing down the corners of his eyes. He looks at the blurry giant eyes above, his voice hoarse.

"so what?

As he spoke, the purple moon light in Xu Qing's right hand erupted again, and the fourth heavenly palace in his body shook violently. The moonlight shone like the purple moon in the sky, and its edge... began to turn red at this moment.

The red is spreading.

It was as if behind the purple moon, there was an extremely rich blood color, shrouding the inside from outside the world.

"Either let me go or die together!" Xu Qing spoke word by word with difficulty.

The countless information passively acquired by looking at the giant eye made his head explode and gave him a strong feeling of madness, but from this information, he gained more or less some perception.

Spirits can devour each other.

Once the red moon comes and the Ancient Spirit Emperor is in his current state, he will indeed become food.

This knowledge made Xu Qing determined that his threat would be effective.

But at this moment, he could no longer hold on. The severe pain in his body and the countless messy information in his mind made him spin. If the power of Ziyue hadn't become a signal at this moment and was pulled to an unprecedented high, he would have been in a state of despair. All destroyed.

But after the previous words came out, the gaze of the giant eyes in the sky was still intense. Xu Qingxin was furious and spoke in a low voice.

"Red moon, red moon..."

Following Xu Qing's call, the color of the sky changed, and large red spots formed directly on the sky. More and more, they even began to spread among each other, trying to connect together.

This is Xu Qing taking the initiative to summon Hongyue!

Taking the initiative to call with one's own authority is on a completely different level than the previous passive attraction, with a huge gap.

The sky is bright red.

The giant eyes shrank instantly, and there seemed to be rapid breathing reverberating around the world, and even more frightened and angry, and finally turned into a roar containing suppressed emotions, which echoed.


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