Outside of Time

Chapter 498 The irritable big bird!

Xu Qing shook his head, grabbed Ning Yan's neck, and stepped into the teleportation array in the Sword Holding Palace. Amid Ning Yan's confusion, the teleportation array shone brightly, drowning the two figures.

The next moment, near the border of the county capital in the direction of the desert, within a teleportation formation of the Sword Holding Palace built on the plain, the figures of Xu Qing and Ning Yan were quickly revealed in a protective light.

There are many teleportation arrays in the Sword Holding Palace in the county capital. Not all of them are built in the city, but some are in the wilderness. They require special methods to operate and have their own protection.

This teleportation array here is like this.

When the figures of the two of them were completely clear, Xu Qing scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

Although before the teleportation, he had already determined the safety of this place through the formation induction of the Sword Holding Palace, his instinctive behavior still made him continue to confirm.

After realizing that everything was fine, Xu Qing walked out of the protection of the teleportation array and stood on the stone slab with a lot of weeds. He looked up at the sky.

It was still late at night, and the dark clouds that covered most of the county capital also shrouded the place. The rain fell on the withered grass on the plain, sending out a biting cold.

Because there were no tall buildings around, the howling wind blew unbridled, kicking up the rain and making waves of whimpering echo in my ears.

"Senior Brother Xu Qing, where are we... where are we going?" Ning Yan was very nervous, looking at the desolate plains, filled with anxiety.

"Ning Yan, when we came to the county capital to report, I saw you around here." Xu Qing said calmly.

"Ah?" Ning Yan was stunned and nodded quickly.

"At that time, you were in the claws of Senior Qingqin. Now take me to the place where you met Senior Qingqin." Xu Qing glanced at the black clouds in the sky and spoke softly.

"This..." Ning Yan trembled. He was afraid of Xu Qing and the big bird. The other party looked like he was going to eat him, which gave him nightmares for a long time.

At this moment, when his instinct was to find a way to politely refuse, Xu Qing turned his head and stared at Ning Yan in the wind and rain, with a solemn expression.

"Ning Yan, this matter is related to the life and death of hundreds of thousands of sword-holders on the front line and millions of human monks in Fenghai County. Please help me find Senior Qingqin, and I will report this matter to the Palace Master and record your great achievements for you! "

"But..." Ning Yan hesitated, Xu Qing saw this and spoke calmly.

"Otherwise, I will have you sent to Chaoxia Prefecture to reunite with Huanxihua."

Upon hearing these words, Ning Yan's expression suddenly became solemn and he spoke solemnly.

"Senior Brother Xu Qing, you underestimate me. Since it concerns Fenghai County, Junior Brother must go all out for this matter."

"When I was flying in the sky not far from here, I met Senior Qingqin and Senior Brother Xu Qing. I will lead the way!" Ning Yan looked serious, looking worried about Fenghai County, and his body was even more... Soaring in the rain, heading straight to the sky.

Xu Qing followed behind with an expressionless face.

In this way, the two of them galloped across the sky, and soon arrived at the place where Ning Yan met Qingqin. Looking around, they saw an empty space with no mountains or jungles, and it didn't look like there was a big bird inhabiting it.

Xu Qing looked suspicious.

Ning Yan's heart trembled, fearing that Xu Qing would find out the truth, so he quickly spoke.

"Senior Brother Xu Qing, it's really here. I flew over here and saw a storm, and then I was caught."

Xu Qing glanced at Ning Yan. Under his gaze, Ning Yan instinctively dodge his eyes.

Xu Qing was silent. He originally brought Ning Yan here to find traces of Qingqin and had no other thoughts about Ning Yan.

But now he felt that he was a little too kind, so after retracting his gaze, he took a deep breath and suddenly shouted to the surroundings.

"Senior Qingqin and junior sword holder Xu Qing are here to pay their respects!"

"To express my sincerity, this junior will bring Ning Yan, the sword holder who provoked you last time, so that he can apologize to you in person."

As soon as the words came out, Ning Yan's expression suddenly changed. He was indeed deceiving Xu Qing and did not take Xu Qing to the place where he actually met Qingqin. On the one hand, he was afraid of Qingqin, and on the other hand, it was related to his own secrets. .

The last time Qingqin appeared and caught him, he said to the outside world that he met him out of nowhere, but that was not the case... However, thinking that this place was extremely far away from Qingqin's lair, Ning Yan calmed down and began to think about what to do for a while. Justify yourself.

But before he could think of an explanation, and he didn't know whether it was because of him or Xu Qing, an extremely unpleasant and harsh scream suddenly came from the black sky.

As soon as this sound came out, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds surged.

The sky directly exploded, and countless black clouds collapsed and rumbled in all directions. When the rain poured down wildly and violently, a bird's head the size of a thousand feet was revealed from the collapsed clouds.

Red eyes shined in the sky, and their gaze seemed to turn into reality, locking on the location of Xu Qing and Ning Yan.

Immediately afterwards, the second head and the third head also poked out from the black clouds in the distance. Each one was thousands of feet in size, extremely astonishing.

It is Big Bird Qingqin.

It actually lives in the dark clouds.

Because the way it appeared was too violent, the surrounding clouds exploded, forming countless thunder and lightning, which traveled in all directions, and outlined its huge belly in the black clouds.

too big.

What Xu Qing saw in his eyes was that half of the sky seemed to be covered by it.

Perhaps because it was disturbed in its sleep, the big bird Qingqin had a bad temper. As it neighed, it took a breath, and the rain that fell around it suddenly flowed backwards due to the collapse of clouds and mist, turning into three long rivers. It is sucked into the mouth.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing was shocked. He found that Qingqin seemed to be his true form this time, so it was much larger than what he had seen before.

Especially since his cultivation has improved so much now compared to when he first came to the county capital, and he has experienced many things, and he has some judgments about the strong ones who return to the void.

At this moment, he saw with his own eyes that the big bird Qingqin was exposed in the black clouds. There were countless traces of threads in the eyes of its three ferocious heads. There were even overlapping shadows on its body, and there were even lightnings around it. , there are small worlds formed and destroyed one after another.

Although it has not yet reached the level of the unity of trillions of laws, the coercion exuded by its majestic body of thousands and nearly ten thousand feet is enough to shake the world.

When Xu Qing's heart was filled with huge waves, Ning Yan was already frightened and couldn't believe it, because this was not the place where he originally discovered Qingqin.

Qingqin’s old nest is far, far away from here...

"Why did it appear here? This is wrong. Qingqin's habits are very lazy and she hardly goes out on weekdays! Could it be... could it be targeting me?"

Ning Yan was trembling all over, and when his heart was turbulent, Xu Qing took a deep breath, withstood the huge pressure from the sky, took a few steps forward, and bowed with his fists to the three huge heads in the remaining clouds in the sky.

"Xu Qing, the sword holder, pays homage to Senior Qingqin."

As Xu Qing opened his mouth, the three heads exposed in the black cloud made a rattling sound at the same time. The sound was like countless sky thunders exploding, roaring in all directions, and setting off a violent storm, causing Xu Qing's body to involuntarily move backwards. Yan howled quickly.

"It's over. What Qingqin doesn't like the most is to be woken up while sleeping. We're doomed!!"

"Shut up!" Xu Qing growled. After barely standing still, he bowed to the sky again.

"Senior Qingqin, now that the Shenglan Clan is invading and Fenghai County is in crisis, I sincerely request you to come out. If you don't want to go to the battlefield, that's fine. You just need to stay with me for the time being and allow me to take advantage of the situation. "

Xu Qing spoke sincerely and bowed again after speaking.

But Ning Yan next to him was about to cry at this moment. He ignored Xu Qing's scolding and quickly reminded him.

"Senior Brother Xu Qing is useless. I actually guessed what you were thinking before. But in fact, although Qingqin's ancestors followed the Ancient Emperor Xuanyou and eventually died in battle for him, this is a beautiful description given by future generations. ”

"The truth is that Qingqin's ancestor, as a peerless ferocious bird at the time, was originally hostile to the ancient emperor. Later, due to the situation and the ancient emperor's promise to protect his descendants, he died fighting for the ancient emperor."

"The remnant face of the gods has arrived. The ancient emperor left Wanggu Continent and failed to fulfill his original promise. The love of incense has been broken."

"As for Qingqin, although he was friends with the previous county guard, it was because that county guard had been of great help to him. After he left, the relationship between them was over. This is why Qingqin did not leave with him. s reason."

"I have read the eight hundred years of Fenghai County Chronicles. Although Qingqin has not been an enemy of the human race, he has not helped either. Everything is based on his personal preferences."

"And Qingqin has always had a bad temper. This is generally recognized. The ancestor who is the source of his ancient alien bloodline was a vicious bird that was famous in the world for devouring all races!"

"We disturbed its sleep, which is the source of anger for Qingqin."

"Besides, when you saw that I didn't die in its claws, it wasn't because of my physical strength, but because of my bloodline that it was afraid of it. I..."

Ning Yan was beside him, and he quickly told what he knew, his voice was trembling, and he even said some things that he couldn't say, which showed the panic in his heart.

Xu Qing's expression was solemn. He heard many questions in Ning Yan's words, but this was not the time to explore, because a huge sense of oppression came from the sky.

Qingqin's three huge ferocious heads actually hung down outside the clouds and mist, approaching Xu Qing and Ning Yan with a sinister intent.

At such a close distance, Xu Qing could clearly see that there were not many feathers on these three ferocious heads. The wrinkled purple-red skin was full of cracks and ugliness. The red eyes showed the irritability of being disturbed. The huge and pointed heads were full of wrinkles. His mouth exuded terrifying pressure.

Seen from a distance, in the sky, Xu Qing and Ning Yan are as small as compared to the vast Qingqin. Although they are insignificant, the visual impact of this scene is also amazing.

Ning Yan quickly unleashed the power of his bloodline to try to resolve his own crisis. As for Xu Qing, he couldn't care less.

Xu Qing breathed rapidly and did not move, but the purple moon in his body had already risen from the heavenly palace. Just when he was about to speak, Qingqin's three heads sniffed at him, and the irritability in his eyes disappeared.

The right side of his head suddenly sank. After it was under Xu Qing's body, he pushed it up and gently lifted Xu Qing's body onto his head.

Xu Qing was stunned.

Ning Yan's eyes widened completely, and his inner aura stirred up a huge wave. He exclaimed in disbelief and disbelief.

"This this……"

Ning Yan's mind was turned upside down and he was completely dumbfounded. He stayed there completely. Regarding the scene in front of him, he felt that his mind was completely blank.

It seemed that even the ability to think had stopped at this moment.

The scene in front of him was really shocking, even to the point of appalling.

His origin is mysterious, so when he was at the Shichang Tree, he recognized most of the things the captain took out, and he also knew many things that Xu Qing didn't know, and he also understood Qingqin's murderous intentions and its relationship with the human race.

That's why he told Xu Qing before that, in his opinion, for the transcendent Qingqin, it actually makes no difference whether Fenghai County is controlled by the human race or not.

Even if the Shenglan tribe occupies this place, they will not do anything to it easily. Basically, it will remain the same as it is now.

Therefore, he knew very well that Qingqin would not help or fight.

But now...

He saw that the arrogant Qingqin actually used the right side of his head to lift Xu Qing up, and actively let Xu Qing stand there.

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