Outside of Time

Chapter 584: Master, this person is not a good person!


The ancestor of the King Kong Sect was immediately alert and stared at the old man outside.

On the street, the old man shouted.


This title is full of rich emotions.

And his expression was even more excited, his whole body was shaking, and his eyes were filled with tears. His expression clearly showed that his emotions were extremely intense.

"I've been looking for you for a long, long time!"

"I will always remember your life-saving grace. I just regret that I was busy practicing that day. When I woke up, you had already passed away." They didn't even charge me a single cent for the consultation fee and the cost of the elixir!

The old man's voice was trembling. He suppressed the anxiety and panic in his heart and took a few steps forward, shivering.

I arrived more than ten feet away from Xu Qing's medicine shop. This incident made me feel guilty, so I kept looking for you.

I feel that the sky has eyes. Finally, I saw your old man today. The old man wiped the corners of his eyes outside this medicine shop.

He bowed solemnly to Xu Qing, who was expressionless inside!

When he looked up, the old man looked at Xu Qing. His expression was pleading.

This time, please give me a chance to repay you, and be sure to accept the gift I prepared for you.

The old man endured his heartache, quickly took out his three storage bags, held up Chen Fanzhuo with both hands and looked at everything.

Confusion arose in his heart, and he could feel this old man who was so menacing just now. The sincerity and excitement of the moment.

In particular, he noticed that the other party only had three storage bags. But now, in order to repay his kindness, he actually gave them all away. This scene moved him, but also felt extremely weird, so he instinctively followed the old man's gaze and looked at the master of the medicine shop behind him.

In the medicine shop, Xu Qing was playing with the transparent elixir bottle in his hand. He glanced at the trembling old man coldly, and the words that the ancestor of the Vajra Sect came to him quickly echoed in his heart, "Master, this person is deceitful and cunning. You can't tell him at first glance." Good bird.”

Generally speaking, characters like Hua Ben are rebellious people, which is different from me.

He ignored the ancestor of the Vajra Sect.

Xu Qing stepped out of the drug store. Xu Qing could clearly see the old man's little cleverness. These little tricks might be effective for others, but they were of no use to him.

He was run away by this person in the past, but now that he met him today, Xu Qing had no intention of letting him go, and the ancestor of the King Kong Sect also felt the murderous intention in Xu Qing's heart. He was gathering momentum on the beam, waiting for Xu Qing to give the order to take action.

As Xu Qing approached, huge pressure enveloped the old man's heart. He was sweating extra hard, saw the coldness in Xu Qing's eyes, and his heart was churning.

Seeing that his method was ineffective, he glanced at Chen Fanzhuo beside him anxiously, and then gritted his teeth.

Suddenly he spoke loudly, "My benefactor, your kindness to me, Li Youbei, is greater than heaven. Please accept my thank you gift from me, Li Youbei, today!"

When Chen Fanzhuo heard the name Li Yougui, he felt it was familiar and recalled it in his mind.

Seeing this, the old man became even more anxious, secretly wondering if this guy was not a local, why hadn't he thought of it yet?

So he spoke loudly again. "I, Li Youbao, have lived in this mountainous area for two decades, suffered a lifetime of suffering, and survived the struggle. I know the importance of gratitude best. My benefactor, when you left that day, I, Li Youbao..." the old man said here.

Chen Fanzhuo's mind suddenly fluctuated. He remembered this name, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed.

"You are Senior Li Youbandi, the Immortal of Kusheng!" Chen Fanzhuo was moved. Thirteen years ago, he was refining elixirs with all the mortal newborn babies in the Kusheng Mountains. The infamous Linxue Sect was wiped out overnight, saving countless mortal children.

There has been a rumor in the Kusheng Mountains that the person who took action was the Kusheng Immortal Li Yougui!

There was also the Blood Worshiping Sect who raped, plundered, and bullied many cities more than forty years ago. Most of them were slaughtered in three days. Legend has it that the immortal Li Yougui took action!

In addition, during the past sixty years, every time there was a natural or man-made disaster, food would be given to the suffering common people in various Tucheng cities. It is said that it was also Li Yougui's fault!

The most recent one was a few months ago, when the peripheral cultivators who secretly attached themselves to the Red Moon Temple and wanted to obtain the status of divine slaves died frequently.

There is a sound transmission...

Chen Fanzhuo breathed rapidly. Looking at the old man in front of him, his heart was shaken. He had heard many legends in the years in the Kusheng Mountains.

Among them is Li Yougui.

Legend has it that this person is both good and evil, both chivalrous and bandit, but overall, the chivalrous person is greater than the bandit.

Senior, regarding the matter of the cave, all belongings belong to this junior. I will return them in full, and please forgive me, senior.

Chen Fanzhuo took a deep breath and bowed deeply to the old man.

He seemed excited. It might be unusual for someone to survive in the Kusheng Mountains and still have a small influence.

He naturally saw some clues between the old man and the master.

But regardless of whether the other party is true or false, he feels that this is an opportunity to successfully resolve his crisis.

When the old man heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He is indeed Li Yougong, but he is usually led by him to act outside, so his appearance changes. Conceal yourself.

Now there is no other way. In the crisis of life and death, he wants to let the old monster know that he... actually still has the value of living.

He understood that the other party wanted to join Niyue Palace.

Generally speaking, those who can choose to join Niyue Palace are those who are unwilling to do so. He wanted to tell Xu Qing that he was the same.

Although he has not passed the examination of Niyue Palace, he is still short of a sacrificial slave. But these years, I have been using my own methods to do the same thing.

This is indeed the case.

Thinking of this, the old man looked at Xu Qing, pleading in his eyes.

Xu Qing paused and looked at the old man. He said nothing and his silence made the old man tremble and feel extremely depressed.

After a while, Xu Qing raised his right hand to grab it, and suddenly three storage bags flew in front of the old man. After grabbing it, Xu Qing turned around and walked towards the medicine shop. As Xu Qing left, the pressure on the old man suddenly dissipated.

The old man took a deep breath, looking at Xu Qing's back, bowed his head solemnly, turned around and left quickly.

But he didn't notice that in the shadow behind him, there was an eye that opened and closed slightly, then quickly hid it. Xu Qing did not kill Li Yougui for the time being.

He was going to keep a close eye to observe if the other party was really what Chen Fanzhuo said.

Then it is not impossible to let him go.

But if it is false or malicious, then no matter how small the person does, there is no possibility of saving lives. The shadow will control his body and let him devour himself. Until everything is eaten.

The sky at this moment, after Li Yougui left, was dark but without fog.

Looking at all this, Chen Fanzhuo felt the awe of Xu Qing in his heart reaching the extreme.

He was glad that he was respectful before, and his attitude was even more so now.

He bowed to the drug store where Xu Qing was, then stepped back and left.

In the medicine shop, Ling'er's eyes widened and she looked at the storage bag in Xu Qing's hand.

Xu Qing has already felt the money-obsessed character displayed by Ling'er after the drug store opened.

So he smiled and merged his consciousness into the storage bag. After checking that there was no danger, he gave it to Ling'er.

Ling'er cheered, took it and quickly explored it, just like opening a wish box. I took out each item with anticipation, and my little face was filled with joy.

Xu Qing watched for a while, then returned to the back room with a smile, sat down cross-legged, took out the mirror, and blended in.

The bombardment continued like this. Three days passed, and in the early morning of the fourth day, the light of response from the Niyue Palace ended.

Xu Qing stood there, excitement and anticipation rising in his heart. After more than a month, he finally completed the third assessment!

"too difficult."

Xu Qing sighed in his heart, raised his right hand and made a fist, and blasted forward with all his strength. Amidst the clicking sounds, the moment she opened up the next ten feet of road, Xu Qing's whole body was enveloped in strong light and electricity.

He took a step forward as if walking through a layer of cold water, and appeared in an ancient temple.

This temple is not big, about ten feet square. There was no incense present in the light, and there was nothing else but an altar.

As for Xu Qing's position, the altar is not his original appearance, but has become a statue.

The statue was wearing robes and had the appearance of an old man. He looked calm and intimidating, and had a long beard from his chin to his chest, giving him an air of immortality.

There is also a huge gourd behind it.

There seemed to be a faint sense of sanctity flowing through Xu Qing. After checking the appearance of his own statue, his senses dispersed.

But he soon discovered that spiritual consciousness could not penetrate the surrounding walls and could only spread within the temple. After making sure that there was no other breath here, Xu Qing raised his hand. His stone-carved hands are very dark in color, as if they had been painted with paint, but with the passage of time, they have become mottled, and there are some cracks on them, some deep and some shallow.

Xu Qing put down his hand and glanced around.

"This is the Palace of the Inverse Moon?" Xu Qing was stunned. He didn't know why he turned into a statue, but he could feel that the statue contained the power of vitality, but it did not belong to him. It was more like entering this place. Later, he was given the armor by this place.

"In other words, there was a statue here originally? After I came in, I appeared in the statue?" After thinking for a moment, Xu Qing tried to move.

As the altar trembled and dust scattered, Xu Qing controlled his statue body and slowly walked down from the altar, reaching the ground step by step. He felt the inflexibility of his body.

After some more activities, he explored the small temple again and became more familiar with the statue armor. At the same time, he also found that his cultivation was meaningless here and could not be dispersed. The statue blocked everything.

If you want to move here, you can only rely on controlling the statue body to move forward.

However, the storage bag can be opened.

So he raised his head and looked at the door of the temple. This door was originally supposed to be vermilion, but now it has a layer of cracked skin and the color has faded a lot due to the invasion of time.

"Outside the door is the Niyue Palace."

Xu Qing's eyes showed anticipation, and he controlled the body of the statue to move forward.

After a few steps, he reached the door. He stood there, took a deep breath, raised his hand and pushed forward.

But the moment his hand touched the temple door, a sudden change occurred!

At the same time, at the edge of the green sand desert outside the Kusheng Mountains, in the green sand, there was a colorful light, racing across the sky and the earth.

The speed of this light is extraordinary. From time to time it will shine, teleport to a farther place, and alternately move forward faster and faster.

The dangers in the desert seem to be nothing to it. As long as it is fast enough, it can ignore everything.

But occasionally this light will pause in mid-air, as if it is looking for its direction. If you look at it at this time, you can clearly see that Hao Ran in the light is the parrot in Wu Jianwu's son.

Every time the parrot paused, its nose would twitch a few times and its head would move left and right to explore. At this moment, in the sky far away from the Kusheng Mountains, its eyes lit up.

"Grandpa, I'm so awesome, I finally found it!"

"In this situation, if my father were here, he would definitely be very prosperous and write a poem. As the smartest among my father's many descendants, I would like to recite the poem on my father's behalf right now."

"As soon as a parrot is born, it's a shame. Call daddy quickly."

The parrot spoke proudly, but in his heart he regretted that no one around him applauded such a talented poem.

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