Outside of Time

Chapter 808 The Way of the Withered Flame Demonic Master

The night is as dark as ink, the stars are twinkling, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the bright moonlight shines on the earth. But when it falls on a long street in the imperial capital, the moonlight turns purple, as if it has covered the place with a thin layer of purple gauze.

Outside the purple gauze, the cold wind swept across, and the dead branches and leaves made a rustling sound. The shadows of the trees in the distance were faintly whirling, as if telling secrets to the dark night.

And inside the purple gauze, the cold wind howled, chasing a figure that was retreating rapidly, as if contaminated by the momentum of the dominant side, challenging the dark night.

The mud on the long street exploded, and the retreating figure fell to the ground, leaving two long traces on the ground. He pressed the ground with one hand dozens of feet away, and then stabilized his figure.

Under the purple moonlight, it can be seen that this person is the mysterious woman. At this moment, she is no longer as calm as before. There are cracks in the mask on her face, and there is a faint light in her eyes. She is staring at the moonlight and walking towards her. Xu Qing.

"It is rumored that you once took away Chi Mu's divine source. You didn't make many moves in the Imperial Academy before, so I don't feel it clearly yet. Now that the moonlight has changed because of you, it seems that the rumors are true."

Xu Qing's expression was as usual. In the moonlight, he seemed to be walking in his own country. As he walked toward the woman, the purple energy around him surged, coloring the world and invading all directions, forming a terrifying divine shadow that swallowed everything, leaving only the moonlight. Like water, sprinkled all over the earth.

"But the more this happens, the more interested I become."

"The last time I took action, I didn't use the secret method because I didn't want to be exposed to the Star Emperor Sect and cause unnecessary trouble. But this time..."

In the dim light of the woman's eyes, strange shadows suddenly appeared. A baby was curled up in the left eye, and an old woman was hunched over in the right eye. They each exuded aura and gathered together to form a strange force, containing life and death, rising in her body.

Behind it, black and white formed, each in a fan shape, distributed left and right, rotating with each other, affecting the laws of heaven and earth, shaking the rules of the world, and the momentum was amazing.

In Xu Qing's eyes, there was a fluctuation for the first time in this battle.

That day outside the Star Emperor Branch Sect, he felt that the other party's aura was strange, like a god but not a god, like a cultivator but not a cultivator. This matter attracted his attention at the time, and now that they were fighting again, this feeling was even more obvious.

"A lot of nonsense."

Xu Qing spoke calmly, and with a wave of his right hand, the purple moonlight around him suddenly shone brightly, as if it had turned into substance, and turned into beams of light like spears, heading towards the mysterious woman in an instant.

Looking from a distance, tens of thousands of moonlights were approaching from all directions. The speed was faster than lightning, covering all directions, making it impossible to avoid the mysterious woman.

At the critical moment, the mysterious woman's pupils shrank, her hands instantly raised to make a hand seal, and she swung outwards. Suddenly, the black and white fan shape behind her covered her like wings.

The roar echoed, and all the moonlight spears, with the potential to kill and the power of destruction, fell down.

The black and white double fans kept vibrating. Although they blocked everything, the impact from the moonlight still caused the woman inside to spurt out blood. However, she finally blocked the blow.

Xu Qing's eyes were fierce, and he rushed forward. The third spirit form behind him instantly formed, and his ferocious body stood tall in the sky. Along with Xu Qing, he approached the mysterious woman.

It was at this time that a woman's voice came from within the black and white fan.

"One pulse transforms three souls, the three souls temper the nine gods, and the nine gods refine the deity. This is... the path of the withered flame demon method!"

The moment the woman's voice came out, the void above echoed with muffled thunder, and three illusory mountain peaks came out of the void.

The three mountains are not normal, but they hang upside down in the sky, with their peaks facing the ground.

The mountain is covered with ice, blue and white in color, and contains endless cold air.

The mountain was as red as blood, with countless skeletons visible, and a sea of ​​corpses filling the sky.

A mountain of flaming rocks is like fire, rendering the sky full of supreme majesty.

The moment they appeared, the three mountains suddenly fell down and roared towards Xu Qing, their atmosphere full of ancient feeling.

"What kind of magical power is this! It's full of ancient meaning..."

Xu Qing's face darkened, and with a thought, more soul threads rushed out of his body, and quickly woven into the first and second god's states next to the third god's state in mid-air.

Looking around, in the purple moonlight, Xu Qing's three spiritual states appeared at the same time as never before.

If he had killed Bai Xiaozhuo before, Xu Qing would not have been able to do this. The number of soul threads he had could not support it. Only the current two million soul threads could allow him to transform the three forms at the same time. All formed.

The moment they appeared, like three gods, they formed a triangle and enveloped Xu Qing in the middle. Each of them moved with Xu Qing's hand, and fell down three mountains toward the sky.

For a moment, heterogeneity spread, the surroundings were blurred, and the purple moon was extremely rich.

The next moment, Xu Qing's first form punched the frost mountain. As the mountain roared, the second spirit state arrived. As it approached the second mountain, black poisonous mist invaded instantly, turning into a huge demon and swallowing it fiercely.

Then, the third spirit held the purple moon high, turned into stars, and fell on Yanshi Mountain.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, winds and clouds surged, and the three mountains in mid-air shook violently. Cracks appeared in an instant and spread all over, until they fell apart and collapsed under a loud noise.

They were originally illusions. At this moment, they were shattered and returned to nothingness without a trace. But if you look carefully, you can see... when they dissipate, there is a colorful glow on all the fragments, flashing away.

The backlash caused by the destruction of magical powers also caused the mysterious woman to spurt out blood again, her breath was weak, and her body staggered backwards.

"The actions of this person and me, and such movements, cannot go unnoticed. No matter whether it is the Imperial Capital's formation or all the forces, it is impossible not to feel it."

A cold light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes.

"But up to now, it's still quiet here... Unless it's the same as the night assassination I encountered, otherwise, there is only another possibility."

"This woman's identity... is extraordinary!"

Xu Qing thought of this, his body swayed, and his three gods in mid-air also exuded divine power in an instant, and together with Xu Qing, they went straight to the woman.

Although there was blood at the corner of this mysterious woman's mouth, she was obviously still unconvinced. There was still provocation in her eyes. Staring at Xu Qing, her right eye suddenly closed, leaving only her left eye open.

In the left eye, the curled up baby moved slightly.

With this movement, the white fan among the double black and white fans behind the woman rapidly expanded and unfolded on the sky, revealing a picture scroll inside.

The picture is very simple, just an endless watery land.

The moment she appeared, a low moan came from the woman's mouth.

"Mizusawa, country!"

As soon as this sound came out, the world changed, the imperial capital seemed to disappear, and the long street where Xu Qing and the woman were was no longer there, turned into a vast water.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in Xu Qing's heart. The next moment, under the water, the sound of a giant beast rose up, shaking the water space.

Immediately afterwards, a huge horn rose from the swamp like a mountain into the sky, one after another, leaning towards Xu Qing.

The surge is surging, stirring up thousands of flowers, like thousands of horses galloping, with majestic momentum.

At the critical moment, Xu Qing didn't hesitate at all. He rushed up, raised his hands in mid-air, and clasped his hands together. In an instant, the three gods around him came towards Xu Qing and merged with his body one by one.

In the blink of an eye, a figure that combined the three levels of gods appeared directly between heaven and earth.

The crystal is bone, the soul silk is flesh, the poison atomized armor, the brand of heaven, and three ovens are burning violently in his chest, forming a terrifying aura.

Behind the purple moon rises, and behind the purple moon, there is a larger shadow of a sundial.

The shadow also spread out at this moment, covering all directions, forming the meaning of a restricted area. The coffin hanging from the dead wood in the depths was also shaking rapidly, and the sound of murmurs spread in all directions.

This is Xu Qing's strongest performance now.

He raised his right hand and pressed it towards the water, and a sacred voice echoed in his mouth.

"The Way of the Dry Flame Demonic Master!"

As soon as Xu Qing spoke, a colorful glow burst out from outside his body. After spreading in all directions, the void roared, and the three upside-down mountains that had appeared before actually appeared again.

At this scene, the face of the mysterious woman suddenly changed, showing disbelief.


Before he could finish his words, Xu Qing's eyes flashed with colorful lights, and he raised his right hand and pointed towards the earth. Suddenly, the first mountain of frost crashed down with great force, rushing towards the rising corner of the water.

The loud noise was deafening, and the water and the earth roared, followed by the second mountain, and then the third mountain. The three mountains suppressed it, the water swayed, and the space was unstable.

The last blow came from Xu Qing's body. His body was like a meteor, falling suddenly in mid-air and landing on the watery ground with a punch.

From the depths of the water, there was an unwilling roar, as if a being hidden inside wanted to completely rush out, but due to some reasons, it could not be done in a short time.

As a result, this space collapsed first, and the heaven and earth were restored.

The white fan painting behind the mysterious woman was torn into pieces. She looked in disbelief as she looked at Xu Qing, who was standing there like a god and demon, and deliberately unfolded the secret technique of her right eye.

"Palm edge..."

But the continuous backlash caused the old woman in her right eye to move, and the black fan shape spread out behind her, and then dissipated on its own.

The woman's blood spurted out again, and the crisis of life and death emerged, and she was about to speak.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Qing's figure had disappeared from his sight. The next moment, the woman felt a powerful force coming towards her. Although she tried her best to avoid a fatal blow, she could not avoid Xu Qing's changed fist. For the slap of the palm.

A slap fell on her face.

The mask collapsed, revealing a beautiful face, but the spurting of blood and the blackened half of the face destroyed the beauty, and its body also rolled back uncontrollably.

Before she could fall, Xu Qing's figure caught up with her with a roar and appeared behind her. When he raised his right hand, a dagger appeared and slashed hard at the mysterious woman's white neck.

No matter who the other party is, since the other party comes and takes the initiative, Xu Qing has no habit of not killing.

Blood surged out and heads flew up.

At the same time, countless soul threads spread out and rushed towards the woman's body and head, quickly devouring it.

The woman's body turned into ashes.

But Xu Qing's brows furrowed. The soul silk did not swallow any soul. This body... has no soul.

The next moment, Xu Qing noticed something and looked towards the place where the woman turned into fly ash. Countless dust there gathered at this moment and actually formed a bright butterfly.

This butterfly is illusory as a whole, full of light and dazzling beauty. When its two wings flap, countless starlight falls, and a cold sound comes from its body.


In the blink of an eye, the soul thread rushed away and the butterfly collapsed.

But soon, it formed again.

Xu Qing's eyes were cold.

And the woman's voice continued to echo.

"Even if you kill, your anger should be gone, right?"

With a bang, millions of soul threads went away again, and the butterfly died once again, but as expected, it was re-formed.

"That's enough!"


After burning the incense, Xu Qing walked away expressionlessly. The butterfly behind him followed, and the sound continued to echo.

"You are so stingy. You haven't calmed down yet. I was joking with you before. If you still want to fight, you can kill me another hundred and eighty times."

"Oh, don't be angry. I know you are curious about my skills. You should also be curious about my origins."

"I am from Xia Xiangong."

"By the order of the Palace Master, I invite you to see Xia Xiang Palace."

Xu Qing paused.

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