Outside of Time

Chapter 857 Hunting Xu Qing

Although Xu Qing had never seen the Silent Winter Son with his own eyes, he still had some understanding of Xiu through the introduction from the eldest prince.

"Among the Yanyue Xuantian Clan, the second highest ranked one!"

Xu Qing's face was solemn. The third-ranked Mortal Shuang felt that if he fought with all his strength, the outcome would be between the two.

It's just that such a fight will definitely consume a lot of oneself, and it will take a long time to recover later, which is not conducive to hunting in this second stage.

Even if there is a purple crystal to restore the injury, the consumption of divine source and the loss of soul thread will take a long time to replenish it.

Jidongzi and Fanshi fought three times, and each time they won easily. Xu Qing recalled the jade slips he had seen and knew that in the last battle between the two, if Jidongzi had not been interfered by Yanxuanzi, he could have even defeated Fanshi. Double kill.

With such fighting power, Xu Qing knew that he was no match.

In the final analysis, the foundation is still relatively insufficient.

As for the reason why the other party spread the news and searched for his whereabouts, this is not important. This is the fact, and there are too many reasons that can be guessed.

So after Xu Qing pondered, the figure moving forward became more invisible, and he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

He didn't want to meet this person before he obtained the second stage of the ferocious beast. A life-and-death fight was one of them, and his plan was interrupted for another.

"It's still ten days away from my destination..."

In the rain forest, Xu Qing murmured in his heart and shuttled away.

In this way, time passed and five days passed quickly.

During these five days, Xu Qing tried his best to hide his traces. No matter he encountered any Yanyue monk, he would stay away from him, not get close to him, or he would hide and wait for the other person to leave before reappearing.

But sometimes, the development of things is not centered on Xu Qing's will. In addition to monks, there are also a large number of terrifying beasts and strange things in this vast mountain and sea area.

In the latter, Xu Qing's shadow can evade and intimidate him to a certain extent, but in the former... it depends on luck.

And his luck could not always be high, so on the fifth day, at the junction of the upper and lower rings of the mountain and sea area, near the Jiuli Forbidden Area, Xu Qing encountered a group of tits whistling past in the sky. .

After seeing it, Xu Qing quickly avoided it without any hesitation.

The so-called tit refers to the bird with a mountain on its back.

It is huge in shape and likes to carry the mountain on its back, so in the eyes of the monks, the first thing they often see is the peak roaring in the sky, which is similar to the monks carrying the mountain in the first stage.

Moreover, these ferocious beasts live in groups, and every time they go out hunting, they are always in groups.

The ferocious flames are rising, and the fighting power is astonishing. There are often no cubs in the tribes that go out, but they are all adults. Their fighting power is at the Guixu level. They are as weak as Guixu Yi, and can reach the ultimate level of Guixu Dzogchen.

Plus there are a lot of them...so for the participants in the second session, the sight of them will give them a headache.

Because the tit diet is very wide, in addition to ferocious beasts, it also likes to devour monks.

What Xu Qing encountered now was a group of tits that were out hunting. With their strange talents, they instantly noticed Xu Qing's traces, turned sharply in mid-air, and rushed towards Xu Qing.

Xu Qing frowned, but his eyes swept across the group of at least hundreds of tits. He fell silent for a moment and fled at full speed.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, and the pursuit of the chickadees formed an astonishing wave that spread in all directions. A sharp sound came from the mouth, as if calling for companions.

Seeing this, a cold light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes, and his eyes instantly went dark. The purple moon rose, forming a deterrent, causing the chasing tits to stop.

With this time, Xu Qing was faster, but the group of tits in the sky and the fluctuations they emitted finally attracted the attention of the monks passing nearby.

So the expressions of these monks changed one by one, and they quickly avoided and did not dare to get close. There were also two Si'ers among them. They were shocked when they saw the group of tits from a distance. Then their expressions changed and they actually took out the jade at the same time. simple.

It was a special kind of jade slip, purple in color, and it was shining right now.

After the two men checked, their expressions changed and they quickly retreated. At the same time, they gritted their teeth and decided to transmit the message.

But the next moment, the wind howled, and a black mist appeared out of thin air, covering the two people. The drug ban broke out, and the sound of mournful wailing echoed. Soon the mist dissipated, and only black blood and storage bags were scattered on the ground.

In the rain forest on the ground, Xu Qing's figure flickered, grabbing the fallen storage bag and the two special jade slips, speeding forward without looking back.

But his brows kept frowning.

Although the two Si'e monks were killed, and due to the speed of the killing, they did not have time to send out the message, but the two purple jade slips gave Xu Qing a very bad premonition.

"The induction formed by using the blood of Ziyue believers and adding curses..."

Xu Qing sensed the principle just by scanning these two jade slips.

So he crushed the jade slip with a pinch, and he had a vague hunch that his whereabouts might not need to be spread.

Xu Qing would not believe it if this kind of jade slip specially used to detect oneself did not have the effect of transmitting messages on its own.

"But it's also possible that I'm overthinking it. There are still five days until the destination."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and looked up at the direction of Jiuli Forbidden.

Where he is now is not far from the edge of Jiuli Forbidden City.

Looking around, the entire Jiuli Forbidden City is filled with thick gray fog, which cannot be penetrated by sunlight. The fog inside is slowly rolling, giving people the feeling of an old man in his twilight years.

From time to time, painful faces appeared, sending silent shouts to the surroundings, forming ripples of nothingness.

Vaguely, there seemed to be blurry scenes forming inside, but they were hard to see clearly and difficult to remember.

Only screams of despair and madness echoed muffledly from the depths of the mist.

This sound penetrates the heart, shakes the soul, makes people tremble, and instinctively arouses uneasiness and awe.

Especially the divine source, I feel like it is being suppressed, as if the power of a god is incompatible with this place.

As for the situation in the fog, it is full of mystery and elusive.

"Jiuli's Forbidden..."

Xu Qing murmured.

Although he could not see the specific landforms and details in the distance, through perception, a sense of depression clearly fell in Xu Qing's heart along with the decaying wind blowing from the direction of Jiuli.

And more wind fell on Xu Qing's body, lifting his hair.

In this wind, my hair appeared to be withering, as if some of its vitality had been robbed at this moment.

This scene made Xu Qing even more fearful of this Jiuli land.

In his life, he has seen too many forbidden areas and has been to several forbidden areas.

But here, it was completely different from where he had been.

"This place is more like a tomb."

Xu Qing looked deeply and carefully before retracting his gaze and continuing to sneak towards the Mountain Wings.

At the same time, he was also transmitting messages to Senior Brother.

During these days, he would try this every day, but because the distance was too far, the messages were scattered like stones into the sea, and there was no reply.

Xu Qing shook his head, put away the message jade slip, and his figure floated away silently in the jade forest.

A day later, at the edge of the area near the lower ring, roaring echoed and mist shrouded. The figure of a Si'e monk tried to rush out of the mist, but it eventually turned into blood.

Until the fog dissipated, Xu Qing's figure walked out.

Behind him were dozens of Si'e monks.

Standing here, Xu Qing looked back at the melting corpse behind him, his expression a little ugly.

He was ambushed while passing by here before.

The other party seems to be able to accurately grasp his whereabouts, and each of them is completely desperate. When they see him appear, they will use their own methods.

Some even self-destruct like a madman.

From Xu Qing's point of view, their purpose was obviously not to kill, but more like delaying time.

The most important thing is that each of them has that special purple jade slip.

"My judgment is correct..."

Xu Qing was silent and looked up at the location of his destination, Nine Wings.

It will take four more days to get there.

"These people are delaying this time, which means that the Silent Winter Son is most likely not far away."

"The next four days... should not go smoothly, and my traces are locked. Even if I successfully enter the Mountain Wings, there will still be huge hidden dangers in the future, so it doesn't make much sense."

"So, we must find a way to deal with this Silent Winter Son and completely avoid detection."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the problem if this continues."

Xu Qing pondered. He knew very well that some things needed to be prepared in advance. Only in this way could he seize the opportunity for reversal at the moment of life and death.

So after thinking about it, he moved his eyes away from the direction of Shanyi Land and looked at Jiuli Forbidden City that he had passed by on the edge.

There is a vast land of mountains and seas, only one day away from where you are.

Staring at the Nine Forbidden Lands, Xu Qing was silent for a moment, with determination in his eyes.

"In terms of combat power, I'm most likely not as good as Silent Winter, but if I compare to survival..."

Xu Qing felt the purple crystal and felt at peace in his heart. He swayed his body, changed his direction, and galloped towards Jiuli Forbidden City.

Xu Qing's judgment was correct. Two hours after he left, a long rainbow roared in the sky in the distance with a stern aura.

Arriving at the place where Xu Qing was before, Changhong dissipated and turned into a figure.

It is Silent Winter Son.

He stood on the rain forest, glanced at the place where the Si'e monks died, and then closed his eyes to feel.

"Direction to Jiuli?"

Jidongzi spoke calmly.

"You're not stupid, but... the possibility of escaping from me is very slim."

With an indifferent expression, Jidongzi took a step forward, and the sound of piercing the air suddenly rose. Her figure seemed to be able to lock Xu Qing's traces, and chased him according to Xu Qing's forward trajectory.

Just like that, one of the two rushed and the other chased. Three hours later, Xu Qing, who was in front, turned his head suddenly with a look on his face.

As he looked at the horizon, the clouds and mist exploded, nothingness rolled, and a bloody light swept across all directions connecting the heaven and the earth, roaring toward him like an overwhelming mountain.

In the sea of ​​blood, a black figure could be seen, looking at Xu Qing indifferently.

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