Outside of Time

Chapter 862 Under the deep swamp

What came into Xu Qing's mind through Xiaoying was a scene that shocked him extremely.

Beneath this thousand feet of mud, there is a vast cave with an astonishing scope.

For this cave, the mud is the sky here, and the cave itself is like a separate world that is isolated.

As for the land of this world, it is a pitch-black void, and countless gray mists can be seen spreading out from the void, lingering in this world.

But these were not the source of Xu Qing's shock.

What shocked him was that there was a huge shrine floating in this world!

The size of this shrine occupies 10% of the world. It is rectangular in shape. At first glance, it looks like a coffin standing in mid-air.

Rotten ribbons drifted around its edges, swaying like tentacles with the flow of mist.

The long one hangs down into nothingness, while the short one also meanders thousands of feet.

Its overall dark golden color has no luster, and it even reveals the meaning of decay.

It seems like it has gone through countless years, giving people a sense of endless vicissitudes.

As for the interior, a terrifying existence is enshrined.

It was a strange thing that looked like a spider, with dark golden spots all over its body and a male head.

There was a branch nailed between the eyebrows of his head. Although the branch was dim, it gave Xu Qing a feeling like seeing the blazing sun, penetrating his head.

At the same time, four spears condensed by ice penetrated the spider's body and solidified it with the shrine.

On these four spears, Xu Qing keenly felt the fluctuations of the moon.

It's not over yet. There are eight clay pots on the eight legs of this terrifying existence, suppressing them, and the aura exuding is the power of star flames.

This terrifying existence was apparently sealed to death. As for the shrine, it was indeed like a coffin!

It has both the effect of storage and the power of sealing.

If you look carefully, you can see countless marks carved on the outside of the shrine, and each mark reveals the meaning of the gods.

Xu Qing's heart was filled with endless waves, but these were still not all that shocked him.

At most it can only be considered half.

The remaining half of the shock came from...under this shrine.

Below the shrine, in the void of this world, as the mist flows, some rare scenes are revealed, and there... there is a huge mountain formed of ashes!

Although it is slightly smaller in size than the shrine, the difference is not big.

This mountain formed by ashes constantly emits gray mist. It is obviously the source of Jiuli's gray mist.

It's hard to imagine what kind of being could turn into such a level of ashes after death, and around this giant mountain of ashes, there are nine relatively smaller mountains.

In other words, it's not a mountain, it's nine skulls!

Like a dragon's head, it is ferocious and exudes the meaning of prehistoric times.

Although there is no flesh and blood, from the open mouth of this skull, you can faintly feel their anger and madness during life.

The ancient meaning is extremely strong, and the sealing meaning is extremely strong.

The picture ends here.

In the Forbidden City of Jiuli, on the mud, Xu Qing's body trembled, and he spurted out seven or eight mouthfuls of blood uncontrollably. His body was also retreating. Even if he could see this place indirectly through Xiao Ying, it was still a bit unbearable for him.

As for Xiaoying... there is no fluctuation at all, and I don't know whether he is dead or alive.

But now Xu Qing is no longer in the mood to think about Xiaoying. His expression changes and he stares at the ground. The picture in his mind brings too many guesses.

"The shrine itself is a seal, and the spider-like being inside it is obviously a god!"

"He has the power of the three gods of the sun, moon and star in him. It must not be simple for him to be suppressed by these three at the same time, and also need external objects to accommodate and assist in sealing."

"And the mountain of ashes under this shrine..."

Xu Qing took a deep breath. He didn't know who it was, but those nine heads made a name emerge in his heart.


Xu Qing was not sure, because according to the information he knew, Jiuli was nine lantern-like shapes, which did not match what he saw.

However, Xu Qing now personally felt that the information about the Jiuli Ban was fabricated to a certain extent, so he could not judge the truth.

"Whether it is Jiuli or not, it must be related to it if it exists here. But if it is, Jiuli, as a national animal with special significance in Yanyue, why is there a shrine to suppress it?"

"He is obviously dead, but he still needs to be suppressed."

Xu Qing pondered, this was obviously a chain of suppression. The three gods suppressed the strange gods, and the strange gods suppressed the mountain of ashes and the nine heads.

The causal relationship here is difficult for Xu Qing to fully understand.

Xu Qing frowned and felt the bronze incense burner above his head.

"The fever is almost gone..."

Compared with the vast emptiness of the mud, this time through Xiaoying's exploration, the scene under thousands of feet of mud is obviously the focus of this Jiuli Forbidden Area.

Especially the source of the gray fog was also known to Xu Qing.

So at this moment, for Xu Qing, there is no other choice.

"If you want to leave Jiuli, maybe the source is the key. If I can get some of the ashes...or if I find a way to get one of the nine heads..."

This idea is crazy.

Xu Qing was silent and checked his storage bag.

"Actually, there is another way that can allow me to stay here longer..."

Xu Qing raised his hand, took out a piece of red mother flesh, and threw it into the incense burner.

The next moment, the incense burner vibrated, emitting more smoke rings, but in this environment, it only slowed down the extinguishing speed of the incense burner, and the side effect also existed, that is, the surrounding fog became thicker.

"After all, it is not a long-term solution. The more the power of the gods is used, the stronger the causal pull will be."

Xu Qing stared at the incense burner and sighed in his heart.

Then he felt the isolation caused by the bronze incense burner, which restored a lot of divine power.

Finally, I counted the time and the pattern below emerged in my mind.

"The mountain of ashes is directly under the shrine and is difficult to move, but the nine heads next to it are a bit further away..."

Thinking of this, Xu Qing's eyes showed a hint of determination and madness. He looked down at the mud at his feet and without any hesitation, he put away the unburned bronze incense burner.

At the moment when the surrounding gray fog invaded, the power of the gods in his body exploded, driving his body to sink rapidly into the mud.

The moment his body completely entered the mud, severe pain immediately spread throughout his body.

It was a corrosive feeling. Whether it was the silt itself or the surrounding gray mist, they were invading and corroding his body and soul.

Xu Qing forced himself to endure, relying on his cultivation and divine source to resist, and moved his body rapidly downwards.

In the blink of an eye, it reached Baizhang, and the corrosion and invasion here were even more terrifying. Even the flesh and blood had disappeared in many parts of Xu Qing's body.

But his speed still exploded, soon two hundred feet, three hundred feet...

Until the moment he reached four hundred feet, his body was already like a skeleton. Xu Qing gritted his teeth and sank another hundred feet.

It reached a depth of five hundred feet.


His body began to melt and his soul appeared to be shattered. At the critical moment, Xu Qing took out a piece of red mother flesh and blood, put it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it hard.

The red mother's flesh and blood, swallowed like this, exploded in his body like a fiery entrance, and a large amount of divine power spread out from Xu Qing's body.

It made him, who was already in a state of dissolution, almost collapse.

In fact, if he were not in this environment and swallowed the flesh and blood of the Red Mother like this, Xu Qing might be more likely to collapse. This is also the reason why he did not use it in the battle with Jidongzi.

But here, the power of the gods was rejected, hated, and dissolved. The gray mist and mud from all around indirectly helped Xu Qing.

Just like a balloon about to burst placed in water, they will offset each other to a certain extent.

So that his body could barely hold on after enduring the blood and flesh of the Red Mother.

With this violent force, Xu Qing rushed forward again.

Six hundred feet, seven hundred feet, eight hundred feet. During this period, the power brought by the flesh and blood of the Red Mother was quickly dissolved.

Until nine hundred feet, the limit is reached again.

Xu Qing knew very well that the Red Mother's flesh and blood could no longer be swallowed. Even here, his body could not support it after all.

So he raised his melting right hand, pointed downwards, and grabbed the closest skull in his memory.

Under this grasp, the world seems to have turned into a well, and everything, whether illusion or reality, can emerge from it.

But... the seal here and the distance limit blur everything, and the reflection of the moon in the well is also distorted and unclear.

When I grabbed it, it was empty.

Get it, fail!

The next moment, Xu Qing's body began to finally dissolve, as if it was about to be swallowed by the mud, but soon a life lamp flew out of his incomplete body, forming a sundial.

Each turned, and the power of time exploded on him.

Time reversal.

The next moment, Xu Qing's figure disappeared. When he appeared, he was not outside the mud, but still in the mud, only not nine hundred feet, but one hundred feet.

The environment here can affect everything, even the power of time of the sundial is weakened.

After appearing, Xu Qing rushed upwards without any hesitation, until the moment he broke through the mud and rushed out, he spurted out blood, his body was covered with rot, and he was seriously injured.

He immediately took out the bronze incense burner and floated it above his head.

With the help of the isolation of the incense ring, Xu Qing crossed his legs and recovered with all his strength.

As time passed, every time the incense burner was about to go out, Xu Qing would raise his hand and throw out a piece of red mother's flesh and blood to delay its extinguishing. Although this kind of consumption was extremely luxurious, and as the power of the gods continued, the surrounding fog became extremely rich. .

That sense of cause and effect has penetrated deep into my bones.

But... there is no other way.

Even if it means drinking poison to quench thirst.

Half a day later, Xu Qing opened his eyes. His injuries were still there, but his divine source had recovered somewhat, and his soul thread had become active due to the absorption of the red mother's flesh and blood.

But his heart became very painful due to this consumption.

But now I can only suppress the heartache, close my eyes and continue to recover.

The day passed slowly.

When Xu Qing opened his eyes again, most of his spiritual power had been restored, so he looked down at the mud beneath him, recalling his previous failure.

"There is another way... it should be possible in theory!"

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