Outside of Time

Chapter 890 The idea is tricky

The figure that appeared next to the whirlpool had flowing hair and a large Taoist robe that could not hide the concave and convex appearance of his body. Especially his small face was extremely beautiful. Although it contained an evil aura, it added to his heroic appearance.

And as she took action, the entire cave was in turmoil, and seemed to be on the verge of collapse. In fact, Yan Xuanzi's punch was comparable to the full explosion of Yun Shen's cultivation due to hatred, and it was enough to crush everything.

With one punch, it distorts space, interferes with time, penetrates nothingness, and extinguishes life and death.

Even Xu Qing didn't have time to take action. The captain screamed in agony, and his body was directly exploded and torn apart by Yan Xuanzi's punch.

Countless pieces of flesh, along with bone residue and blood mist, rolled back dozens of feet in mid-air.

Yan Xuanzi's murderous intent rose, and without any pause after the punch, he stepped forward and went straight to the captain's collapsed flesh and blood, and was about to kill him with another punch.

As for Xu Qing, his eyes were as heavy as heavy water at this moment. In a blink of an eye, Yan Xuanzi finally roared towards him just as he was about to throw out his second punch.

His spiritual state instantly expanded to the fourth level, and the witch armor transformed by Jiuli's nine heads also covered his whole body.

The combat power has skyrocketed, comparable to the Great Perfection of Guixu.

At the time of the sealing, the poison ban was set off, and the purple moon descended, causing its purple master's magic to appear. While dividing the void, a heavenly sword appeared.

I saw the ancient temple appearing in mid-air, the temple door opened, the statue of the god stepped down, and he slashed with his sword.

The light of the sword is like a rainbow, like a sky tilting, blending into the battle power of Xu Qing's spirit. Under Jiuli's blessing, it is even better than before in the fluctuations caused by the opening of the third Tibetan Gate.

Go straight to Yan Xuanzi and fall.

Yan Xuanzi's figure paused, and the punch that knocked off the captain's flesh and blood turned and flew towards the approaching Heavenly Sword.

The deafening sound shook the gods.

Fist and knife touch.

The fist is unimpeded, the knife collapses!

The combat power from Yan Xuanzi was so terrifying that Xu Qing felt as if he was not facing Guixu, but the real Yun Shen!

In fact, in the realm of Guixu, Yan Xuanzi is the number one in the Yanyue Xuantian clan. Although her cultivation has not reached the end, her unparalleled talents and endless foundation have made her surpass the peak in terms of combat power. Defining the ultimate!

At this moment, with one punch, not only did the heavenly sword collapse, but the fierce and domineering force swept over Xu Qing's body, like countless mountains crashing down on him, as if the heaven and earth collapsed on him.

His witch armor suddenly collapsed, and even his spiritual form dispersed, turning into millions of soul threads scattered in all directions.

Xu Qing spat out a mouthful of blood and stepped back dozens of feet.

But in the end, time was bought for the captain.

In mid-air, the captain was blasted by a punch. His flesh and blood gathered rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he formed his body again. He was in a different direction from Xu Qing, staring at Yan Xuanzi between them.

While his expression was solemn, his murderous intent was also intense.

"Junior brother, we made this hermaphrodite!"

The captain's eyes were crazy. As he spoke, faces appeared in his eyes, and there were faces in the eyes of the faces. They were endless in number, layer by layer, and a strange aura spread around him.

There was even endless cold energy emanating from the captain's body. When he raised his right hand, the flesh and blood of his arm squirmed and turned into a blue ice blade.

The sword was only slightly swung, and the void was cut. It can be seen that its sharp edge was one step ahead, and it slashed towards Yan Xuanzi's head.

At the moment of this execution, the captain made a hand seal with his left hand, and dazzling blue light erupted from his body, forming a sea of ​​blue light, rolled with endless cold air, and frozen all the way.

Wherever he passed, nothingness turned into ice, spreading rapidly towards Yan Xuanzi with a crackling sound.

Xu Qing also had a solemn look on his face. This was the first time he had fought with Yan Xuanzi. Although it was just a single blow, the punch from Yan Xuanzi and the domineering aura now exuded reminded him of a person.

Holy Yunzi!

The two are not alike and cannot be compared at all. The reason why Xu Qing thought of Sheng Yunzi was because the feeling Yan Xuanzi gave him at this moment was just like when he faced Sheng Yunzi in the Huang Forbidden City.

They are all so powerful, so aloof, so invincible!

However, Xu Qing defeated Sheng Yunzi back then and blocked Sheng Yunzi's path to invincibility. Facing Yan Xuanzi today, he couldn't help but feel the will to fight in his heart.

The fighting spirit surged instantly, his sea of ​​consciousness exploded, the Tibetan Gate roared, his whole body's cultivation surged, the spirit state formed again, the witch armor was reshaped, the nine heads appeared to form nine flesh and blood lanterns, and the dragon's head roared.

Three more mountains appeared upside down, golden crows and black fire spread out, and the black spear made a sharp sound. Xu Qing held it in his hand and headed straight for Yan Xuanzi with the captain.

In an instant, the three of them touched each other.

The huge sound spread throughout the cave, like the sound of the creation of the world, deafening.

And Yan Xuanzi's strength was fully revealed at this moment. Facing Xu Qing and Er Niu's attacks, her response was not magical powers or foreign magic weapons, but still her fists!

One punch destroyed the knife of two oxen, and the knife broke into pieces.

He punched the black spear and rolled it backwards.

One punch can shatter the ice of two oxen, and the cold cannot invade it at all.

One punch split the sky and three mountains, causing the mountains to collapse and the earth to split apart!

It seems that facing everything, she can break it with one punch. At this moment, she steps forward, her fierceness becomes more and more shocking, and the feeling of terror spreads in all directions, especially that indomitable figure, which actually gathers into an invincible intention, towards Erniu, once again. fist.

Seeing it fall, Ding Yi, San Er and Bang Bang transformed into each other, covering it.

Yan Xuanzi was filled with domineering aura, and with one punch, Ding Yisaner collapsed, and she simply turned around and killed Xu Qing.

With one step and one punch, Jiuli was shattered and his spirit state was shattered. Xu Qing spurted out blood and kept retreating. Seeing Yan Xuanzi's momentum all the way, countless faces in the captain's eyes spoke at the same time. The invisible sharp sound shook the mind and shattered the soul. .

Yan Xuanzi was stunned.

The captain's eyes were crazy, and a roar that did not sound like a human voice came from his mouth, and the illusory ancient steps suddenly appeared in front of him!

The steps transformed in mid-air. There were nine steps in total. The vicissitudes of the ancient atmosphere spread, as if revealed from ancient times, and the captain raised his feet and walked directly up.

With every step, his body trembled and his chest squirmed. Until after the ninth level, an ice-blue bone hand broke through the flesh and blood from his chest, carrying terrifying pressure, the aura of ancient times, and the smell of death. Feng, grab Yan Xuanzi!

Xu Qing didn't hesitate at all. He raised his right hand, the Heavenly Dao rushed out and became the blade, the god cursed poison became the blade, the morning glow turned into the sword's light, the ghost emperor mountain turned into the killing platform, and Ding Yi San Er's luck turned into the slot of the knife!

The golden crow and the purple moon are both accommodated by time and driven by the sundial and the lamp!

The God-Slaying Platform came to this place, the sword shone brightly, and suddenly slashed towards Yan Xuanzi.

The two of them took action at the same time, launching their ultimate techniques. Their aura was astonishing, and they were as powerful as Yan Xuanzi, and they both had a solemn look in their eyes.

But it’s just a touch!

She raised her right hand and shook it violently, causing the void to collapse.

At this moment, his whole body shone with golden light. This light flowed through his body, traveling through his bones. The form of immortality gathered into his fist and transformed into... the Immortal Emperor Fist!

One punch and two bulls.

The ice-blue bone hand exploded directly, and the body of the two cows collapsed again, with flesh and blood scattered everywhere.

With one punch of Xu Qing, the invincible God-Slaying Platform could not be cut down. There was only a roar, no head flying, and it could only turn into nothingness, leaving Xu Qing's body curled up with blood.

But the joint action of Xu Qing and the captain was not without any effect. Although the Immortal Emperor Fist shook the world at this moment, Yan Xuanzi's face was still a little pale after all, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

But his murderous intention and domineering spirit were still strong. At this moment, in one step, he went straight to Erniu.

Her goal has always been Erniu.

The desire to kill cows has become an obsession.

But the moment she took a step down and raised her fist, a hoarse voice came from behind her.

"The world of heaven and earth can be regarded as a well..."

"There are all things in the well..."

As the sound echoed, ripples appeared in the air of the cave, covering everything, including Yan Xuanzi.

Yan Xuanzi's body paused again, water formed under his feet, and a shadow appeared on the water.

In the distance, the corners of Xu Qing's mouth were stained with blood that had not been wiped away in time. His eyes were full of fighting spirit. He had already raised his right hand and suddenly grabbed it towards the figure at Yan Xuanzi's feet.

Yan Xuanzi was shocked, and a feeling of life and death arose in her heart for the first time, but in the blink of an eye, golden light flowed all over her body and merged into the reflection on the water.

The reflected golden light shone and turned into a sun, rising suddenly from the water!

The terrifying high temperature burned everything at the moment the sun rose. Whether it was nothingness or water, it evaporated instantly and dissipated directly.

Fishing for the moon in a well was broken!

Xu Qing's mind roared, his eyes were red, and there was severe pain in his soul, but this pain was bearable for him. At the moment when the moon in the well shattered, the third hidden door in his body roared, and the white ball inside , hitting the hidden door.

The Zangmen shook, the gap became wider, and the cold air from Youying burst out instantly.

That is the power of Taiyin, that is the power of Ancestral Moon, that is the power that can freeze time and space. The moment he rushed out, he gathered a finger in front of Xu Qing, and suddenly pressed it towards Yan Xuanzi.

Yan Xuanzi's eyes shrank, and for the first time since the battle, he chose to retreat.

But the moment she stepped back, the captain collapsed into flesh and blood. His shattered flesh and blood instantly rose into the air and turned into blue worms, as many as one hundred thousand in number.

They all moved and appeared around Yan Xuanzi. All the worms had the face of the captain. At this moment, they all opened their mouths and spit out blue cold air towards Yan Xuanzi.

The concentration of this cold air surpassed that before, and with Xu Qing's Taiyin finger, the void was frozen, and time and space were frozen.

The sound of clicking spread directly in all directions, and a huge ice block appeared directly in mid-air, connected to the top of the cave and the walls around the cave below.

Within the ice, Yan Xuanzi's figure was sealed within it, motionless.

"You won't be trapped for long, little junior brother, the idea is prickly. Let's retreat quickly. Follow me. The path I step on will automatically form a way out. That bitch can't get in!"

One hundred thousand worms opened their mouths at once, rewinding quickly, converging into the embarrassed figure of the captain, and headed straight for the third vortex above.

Xu Qing did not hesitate and caught up in an instant, but when he was about to step into the third vortex, he glanced at the seventh vortex with determination in his eyes.

"Big brother, I'm going there!"

With that said, Xu Qing moved towards the seventh vortex.

"do not go……"

The captain was stunned. Before he could finish his words, Xu Qing's figure had disappeared.

The captain was helpless. Seeing the ice shaking, he turned and headed straight for the third vortex.

"I can't control whether my father or mother gets married, let's all settle down to our destiny!"

And not long after their figures disappeared, a sudden change occurred in the ice of the cave here.

In the ice, behind Yan Xuanzi, the shadow of an illusory world suddenly appeared!

In that big world, there are stars, heaven and earth, and life.

The moment one after another appeared in this world, they actually rushed out from the illusory world. There were hundreds of them, and every one of them was actually Yan Xuanzi!

The moment hundreds of Yanxuanzi rushed out, they each clenched their fists and blasted towards the ice outside.

The ice exploded instantly and fell into pieces, but Yan Xuanzi was also shocked. Most of his clothes collapsed, revealing his white upper body...

But she didn't care, her eyes filled with murderous intent, and she rushed towards the whirlpool.

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