Outside of Time

Chapter 930: The Hundred Days Fight refers to the time of Yi Ming

For Erniu, official position is not important, as long as it is enough.

Although he is also a sword wielder, since neither the King of Zhenyan nor the Emperor of Humanity mentioned this matter at all, he didn't care much about it. The most important thing was the prestige in his heart.

After all, he knew that although he was somewhat related to the human race, he was not actually a human race.

Even Er Niu himself is not sure what kind of ethnic group he is.

"Oh, I had so many troubles in my past life."

Er Niu looked back at Xu Qing proudly and instinctively!

Xu Qing's eyes also fell on his senior brother at this moment. Seeing this, Erniu was extremely happy. When he thought about the big Tiangang Armor, he became even more excited.

As for Dazai, after he finished talking about the reward for the two cows, he paused slightly and gave everyone time to accept the matter before continuing to say: "The human race is lucky. The dawn will be the first to frighten the foreign races from all directions, and then the seal will be sealed." Haijun conquered Shenglan and Heiling to expand its territory."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the officials in the hall fluctuated one after another.

The previous imperial edict for Xu Qing to be crowned king was a matter of course, but the following words... most of them heard that it was not simple.

Such utterances must have echoes.

As a result, speculations arose in their hearts.

"In the following battle, the Black Sky Domain will send a letter to Yanyue, and the subordinates will also retreat. Soon there will be messengers to discuss the millennium discussion in detail, and the Moon Sacrifice Domain Alliance will be concluded. 】

Our human race has gone through countless years, and our ancestors in every generation have had great ambitions, and until now we have finally seen the light of day!

Today, the territory of the human race is no longer one domain and seven counties, but

Four regions and seven counties!

"The Imperial Capital Territory, the Shenglan Territory, the Black Spirit Territory, and the Black Sky Territory!"

"This is the time to offer sacrifices to our ancestors, to honor the heroic spirits, and to inform the human race of the eternal destiny!"

"Feng Xian Chengyun, Xuan Zhan Emperor said."

"In the year 2939 of this dynasty, after the human race has been able to worship their ancestors for 800 years, they will open the ancient star again and transport it to the Temple of Heaven during the Hundred Days Fight to Point Yi Ming. The human emperor will carry the fate of his family and worship his ancestors again!"

As soon as Dazai's voice came out, the hearts of the entire hall and ministers immediately roared.

Ancestor worship is an extremely important ceremony for the human race. It can even be said that its importance exceeds all others and should be ranked first.

This can only be done if the previous emperor dies and a new emperor succeeds to the throne, or if the human race achieves earth-shattering achievements.

After all, every time the Ancient Emperor Star is opened, the resources required are vast. Even in the previous era when several human emperors were in power and the human race was relatively strong, every time the human race worships their ancestors, it will attract the attention of all the Wanggu clans.

Although the power of the human race is not as strong as before, it has the intention to rise. The worship of ancestors will probably attract the attention of many foreigners from ancient times. Such a major event will naturally shock the hearts of everyone in the palace.

It's just that... according to the imperial edict, the human race has indeed achieved unprecedented achievements, and it is logical to worship their ancestors.

Xu Qing was also shocked, and there was an undetectable light in his eyes.

He came to the imperial capital on official business to report on his duties, and he also had a private matter!

That is to put up the green lantern for Zixuan and retrieve Zixuan!

He even helped Ning Yan up because of this, because the lamp was on the Ancient Emperor Star.

As the ancient emperor star is the greatest foundation of the human race, its outer formation is terrifying, and its inner formation must be even more terrifying, so it is not easily opened, and it can only be used to worship ancestors.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing's mind was slightly disturbed.

At the same time, Dazai's voice echoed again.

"In this sacrifice to the ancestors, the eldest prince Yan Yue has meritorious service, the fourth prince has merit in bloody battles, the fifth prince has guarded the border, and the three princes are outstanding, have both ability and political integrity, and have sacrificed themselves to serve the public, so I give you the honor of worshiping the ancestors!"

After finishing speaking, Dazai turned around, bowed to the Human Emperor.

The Human Emperor took the lead and was speechless.

Dazai followed the palace etiquette and waited for nine breaths before he straightened up. He turned his head and looked at the ministers in the palace with deep eyes, and spoke in a low voice.

"After this court meeting, do you have anything else to say? If not, I will withdraw from the court."

The ministers bowed their heads.

Only Xu Qing took a step forward and bowed to the Human Emperor.

"Xu Qing, I have something to report."

As soon as Xu Qing spoke, all eyes gathered around him. Even the Human Emperor's eyes fell on Xu Qing like Hailuan. The same was true for those heavenly princes and kings.

Even King Zhenyan was concentrating.

In fact, with Xu Qing's current status, the things that come out of his mouth must not be trivial.

Dazai looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice.

"King Zhencang, what do you want to report?"

Xu Qing pondered without speaking directly, but took out a jade slip and recorded the appearance of the three Holy Land cultivators he saw in Liaoxuan County, as well as their actions.

Except for the part about Liao Xuan Liquid, the rest is true.

After doing this, Xu Qing raised his hand and the jade slip flew towards Dazai.

Dazai took it and swept it away with his spiritual thoughts. The next moment, his eyes suddenly opened wide, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Xu Qing.

"King Xu Tian, ​​this matter..."

"That's absolutely true."

Xu Qing spoke in a deep voice.

Dazai's expression and Xu Qing's answer made everyone around him startled and confused. Only Erniu obviously guessed the contents of the jade slip. After smiling, he continued to imagine the splendor of his big Tiangang armor.

As for Dazai, he took a deep breath at this moment. His concentration was not like this. In fact, what Xu Qing told him was too shocking. He was from the Holy Land.

So Dazai did not hesitate and sent the jade slip in his hand to the Human Emperor.

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The Human Emperor's spiritual thoughts swept over him, his face was expressionless, but his eyes had some meaningful colors, and he waved his hand and gave the jade slip to King Zhenyan.

After seeing it, King Zhenyan turned gloomy and gave the jade slip to the other heavenly kings.

After a while, under the various speculations of the officials in the main hall, all the heavenly kings finished reading the jade tube, their expressions were solemn, and they did not show the jade slips to the heavenly princes.

The Human Emperor's voice also came out at this moment.

"There is no need to spread the word about this matter, as long as the King of Heaven knows about it."

Although there were many doubts, all the ministers in the palace could only bow their heads, but a cloud of haze unconsciously rose in their hearts.

The sky outside also turned gloomy at this moment. There was a roar of thunder, heavy rain fell from the clouds, and wine fell into the world.

Amidst the sounds of rain and waves, Xu Qing no longer paid attention to the matters in the Holy Land. For him, these matters naturally required the attention of people in higher positions.

He is just a returnee. The Holy Land is too big and it is not his turn to worry.

In his opinion, there is something more important than the Holy Land at this moment.

So he spoke again.

"Xu Qing went to Yanyue this time, and the source of everything was Ning Yan. Although Prince Ning Yan's achievements are not obvious, regardless of his virtue and talent,

, and self-restraint, all are the top choices]

"Since Your Majesty has appointed Xu Qing as the Prince's Tutor, Xu Qing recommends Ning Yan, which is the honor of worshiping his ancestors."

"I hope your Majesty will give me permission."

Xu Qing bowed.

His words were not false. Everyone naturally knew the relationship between Xu Qing and Ning Yan, so after a while, the Human Emperor's voice echoed.


The moment the voice came out, the figure of the Human Emperor was blurred and disappeared.

This court meeting also ended.

As everyone left the hall, most of the ministers had smiles on their faces, clasping their fists and congratulating Xu Qing and Er Niu. There was a constant voice for a while, and it seemed that every one of them had a kind heart.

In reality, although this is not really the case, generally speaking, good intentions prevail.

This is determined by level and human nature.

After a person reaches a certain height, most of the people around him will be kind.

Because the cost of conflict is too high.

Unless it is driven by greater interests, no...

The whole world is kind.

"This is human nature. Even though we are the same race, that's because we are now in the spotlight of the human race, so everyone is full of good intentions."

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Xu Qing and Er Niu, who received the Shanngling Mansion card from the palace guard, said goodbye to everyone and left the palace, walked on the street to Shanngling Mansion holding oil-paper umbrellas.

The rain turns into silk threads, and the wine falls along the umbrella eaves. The sky and the earth are also hazy in the rain.

There were not many pedestrians on the road, and the scene of welcoming the hero also dissipated under the rain, and Er Niu's long words echoed at this moment, looking like they were piercing through life.

"So, little Aqing and Rui, we have to keep working hard, but we can't fall down. I think you don't want to see the humanity at that time."

Erniu patted Xu Qing's shoulder, and Xu Qing looked as usual.

"I've seen it before."

[I forgot that your childhood experience made you see too much evil in the world. "

Team Chang smiled when he heard this.

In this way, they walked all the way, listening to the sound of rain, watching all living beings, and enjoying the rare peace after returning from the scorching moon.

Until an hour passed, the Shanngling Mansion, which was rewarded by the Human Emperor, appeared in their eyes.

There are a total of 1,808 buildings in the entire imperial capital and Shanngling Mansion.

Now most of them are vacant and sealed.

Because the only person qualified to obtain this palace is the King of Heaven.

And the value of each Shangling Mansion is astonishing. Because it is built on top of the human race's clan-protecting formation, it gathers rich spiritual energy that exceeds other areas.

At the same time, whether it is the material of the building or the furnishings inside, it all gathers the peak power of the human race, and the formations it contains are also amazing.

In addition, each Shanngling Mansion has different characteristics. For example, the one in Xu Qing has a spiritual pool inside.


This spiritual pool has great assistance to the physical body and cultivation, and can even nourish the soul for a long time. It is precisely for this reason that this spiritual palace can be ranked in the top ten among the one hundred and eight.

The Emperor of China rewarded this palace, which shows that he attached great importance to Xu Qing.

In front of this mansion, the two cows said goodbye.

"I won't go. I'm going to look for the old man and see if he is in the Imperial Capital area. After all, his face and flesh are broken... As a master, he cannot eat alone! 】

The captain never mentioned this matter on the way back, but when he said it now, it was obvious that he had been thinking about it all the time.

After saying that, as Xu Qing watched, Erniu left with his head held high.

Seeing the senior brother's figure, Xu Qing suddenly remembered something, hesitated and then suddenly spoke.

"Senior Brother, wait a moment. 】

Er Niu paused and turned around in surprise.

Xu Qing tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, and spoke without any unnecessary expression on his face.

"Chaizi, are there any more?"

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