Outside of Time

Chapter 986: Eastern Divine Purpose

The sky was churning, and there were waves like fish scales, so vast that it spread so far that it was hard to see the end with the naked eye?

If there is someone who crushes the clouds and mist, scattering them like flowers across the sky, adorning the nothingness!

And the dew in the clouds and mist gathered into a river called time, rolling up the waves of time, flowing from a distance, and stopping above the Holy Land of Evil Life!

Suppress this mountain, suppress the cultivators within the mountain, and suppress the sea in all directions!

The Holy Land of Evil Life trembled, and the outer array light curtain fluctuated strongly?

The monks inside were all fascinated, each one breathed rapidly, and their souls were trembling!

The sea water in all directions sunk completely, forming a huge whirlpool, and the broken corpse prison could be seen deep!

The momentum is like a rainbow, earth-shattering!

Attracted all the attention!

And under the attention of all parties, a god walked up from the waves in the sky!

This god wears an emperor's robe transformed by divine breath and an imperial crown formed by luck. His face is expressionless and his body is filled with divine fire.

There is also a strong smell of death spreading!

As for the two-eyed god, there is peace!

Like stagnant water!

It's just that there's a great horror hidden in the stagnant water!

It doesn't seem to break out, but once it breaks out, it will burst out in an instant and destroy the heaven and the earth!

That is the divine right of war.

The god who came was one of the five Human Emperor Corpse Gods of the human race... Dongsheng Human Emperor.

He closed his eyes and came, and at the moment he came, his eyes suddenly opened, revealing dark eyes, and an ultimate sense of destruction and power exploded on him!

Stare at the holy land of evil.

Amid the roar of the Holy Land, the divine voice from Dongsheng echoes vastly!

"On the order of the Emperor of Lixia, I came here to inquire about the cause and effect of evil beings in the Holy Land, contaminating our clan's Taifu Xu Qing. Do you, the whole clan, want to die?"

When Dong Sheng's voice came out, it was like thunder exploding from the sky!

Li Xia is the emperor's name changed by the empress!

At this moment, all the Xiesheng clan members in the Holy Land were all frightened. Only the Xiesheng Ancestor frowned and was about to speak!

But at this moment, the time in the sky was in the river, the waves were roaring, the river was instantly dark, and a cold feeling suddenly broke out!

Countless corpses suddenly emerged from Changhe River, letting out shrill wails!

There are countless corpses appearing in the forbidden sea!

Especially the corpse imprisonment was even more shocking!

It seems that there are signs of recovery!

Because the darkness that descends is the divine authority from the underworld!

Shrouded in this breath of death, the sky turned into a dark river, and a god emerged!

The same imperial robe is transformed by divine breath, and the same imperial crown is shaped by luck!

The one who came was the Emperor Xuanzhan.

The moment it appeared, the pressure of the gods descended from the sky!

The five Human Emperor Corpse Gods of the human race, now...are here!

At this moment, the tribesmen of Xie Sheng Holy Land were trembling uncontrollably. Even the ancestor of Xie Sheng Holy Land felt infinitely heavy in his heart, with even more sighs echoing in his heart!

His eyes fell outside the formation!

To the east of the mountain-protecting formation, there are countless Fenghai County troops, waiting in strict formation, as if they can launch a charge in the next moment and crush everything!

In the south is King Zhenyan, with murderous intent rising, and the human army behind him, with overwhelming evil aura!

The north is the great area of ​​the Moon Festival, with sharp momentum and endless killing!

The two gods in the west are shrouded in pressure, shaking the sky and the sea!

Above is the Flame Phoenix. Although it has stopped diving, as its wings spread out, its momentum shocked the heavens!

Endless murderous intent was suppressed from all directions on the Holy Land of Evil Life!

They all came for Xu Qing.

The sigh in the heart of the evil ancestor is even more intense at this moment!

But whoever comes, let him continue!

The sky was torn apart at this moment!

A giant with a body tens of thousands of feet in size tore open the sky, grinned ferociously at the Holy Land of Evil Beings below, and then moved away, revealing its back ()


Within the crack, what appeared was the sacred mountain of the Three Gods of Yanyue!

Although separated by the cracks, the aura of the gods spread even more alarmingly here, and even more indifferent voices came from the gods, along the cracks in the sky, and fell into the forbidden sea!

"Those who touch my clan's Taixuantian are my enemies, Yanyue Xuantian."

As soon as these words came out, the waves of the Forbidden Sea were also affected. They flowed slowly, and strong pressure descended from the cracks, making the formation of the Evil Born Holy Land even more turbulent!

The evil ancestor inside has an extremely serious face!

He naturally knows Yan Yue Xuantian, and also understands the terror of the three flawless gods of Sun, Moon and Star!

What happened today changed his understanding of Xu Qing from information to real-life experience!

To the east of Wanggu, Xu Qing...is of great significance!

Fuxie, a person who cannot be moved if moved!

This Xie Sheng Ancestor understands everything, but... once he admits what happened today, no matter whether Xu Qing lives or dies, Fu Xie... will definitely perish!

If Fu Xie had not been promoted to master, the matter would have been simple. He would definitely find him and resolve them as much as possible. Even if the other party was executed, it would be insignificant compared to the ethnic group!

"But... the moment Fu Xie was promoted to become the master, the meaning of his existence itself became the meaning of the existence of the ethnic group!"

Thinking of this, the ancestor of Xie Sheng sighed again. He knew that he could not tell the truth. No matter from any standpoint, as the deadline was not far away, he needed to protect Fu Xie!

This is the wisest of unwise things!

"Fu Xie, I hope your choice is correct!"

The evil ancestor murmured in his heart, then took a deep breath, looked at the outside world, and heard a low voice!

"As an ancestor of this generation of the Holy Land of Evil Born, I regard Tao as philosophy."

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"I have never met the Xu Qing you are looking for. Xu Qing's matter has nothing to do with me or my clan's holy land!"

"My clan..."

Xiesheng's voice echoed, but before he could finish speaking, the next moment, his expression suddenly changed drastically, his body suddenly retreated, and his cultivation level exploded with all his strength!

When Yanhuang arrived before, he was awe-inspiring!

When the moon festival comes, he is solemn!

The appearance of Fenghai County and the human army made him feel even more depressed!

The arrival of two human gods made him in trouble.

The appearance of Yan Yue made him afraid!

But this time, he was shocked.

Almost at the moment when his body retreated, a woman's hand appeared out of thin air outside the Holy Land formation, and there, she pressed lightly!

With this press, the formation guarding the Holy Land suddenly roared, and while a deafening sound was heard, the entire formation echoed with the sound of shattering!

A series of cracks, centered on that palm, swept in all directions instantly!

In an instant, this formation was like a spider web, crumbling, although as the mountain of the Holy Land shook, and with the influx of a large amount of spiritual energy, it tried to repair it!

But that hand seemed to suppress everything and isolate everything!

Containing domineering will, press hard inward!

At that moment, it was like the earth was falling apart!

Outside the Xie Sheng Holy Land, the formation that has protected its tribe for countless years would have required at least a peak emperor to break it open if it were in its prime!

However, the wear and tear of time has diminished its power, and there has been no second emperor in the Holy Land of Evil Life for many years, making it difficult to replenish this formation!

So at this moment, the power from that hand finally reached the critical point of the competition!

Afterwards, the formation was like a broken mirror...

In the echo of the shocking sound, it suddenly exploded.

Fragmented, collapsed!

Countless formation fragments turned into a storm, sweeping toward the Holy Land with terrifying pressure and terrifying roars!

While the evil ancestor's complexion changed greatly and he stepped back, he raised his hands. Under the explosion of cultivation, he tried his best to stop it!

All of a sudden, there was a constant roar ()


In the end, although he barely blocked the storm, it was only part of it!

Under that storm, 30% of the formation fragments spread to the Holy Land!

The mountain of the Holy Land shook with a bang, and countless cracks that appeared, especially at the top of the mountain, were directly wiped out!

As for the Xie Sheng tribe members...many of them didn't react at all.

Come on, just under that storm, your body turns into ashes!

At this moment, the owner of that hand slowly appeared in the world.

The moment it appeared, everyone from east to west, south and north, whether Fenghai or Shenglan, whether worshiping the moon or Yanhuang, all lowered their heads!

"Meet the Empress."

The person coming is none other than the human empress Li Xia!

Not the real body, but a projection body!

But even so, the power of the altar is still enough to shake everything here!

His tall and straight figure was like a mountain, with his luck around him, shining brightly. He stood outside the collapsed formation, staring at the broken holy land mountain and the pale-faced Ancestor Xiesheng, and spoke calmly!

"Xu Qing is indeed not here, and you have nothing to do with him.


"But there is still one person who is the master of your clan!"

"Since you are determined not to cooperate with the Evil Born Holy Land, you should seal it first. If Qingyun is allowed, your clan will be buried with him!"

Three sentences settled the matter, and a sealing power from the altar came suddenly, covering the Holy Land of Evil Life, and even fell on all their clansmen, becoming shackles!

Even the ancestor is no exception!

After the shackles were entangled, the heavy pressure caused all the Xie Sheng tribe members to kneel down one after another unable to support themselves. Many of them spurted out blood and showed signs of collapse!

And the ancestor was trembling at the moment and could not resist, his heart was churning... and finally he lowered his head!

Only the empress stood between heaven and earth, looking at the depths of the Forbidden Sea, and then in the direction of Nanhuang Continent.

After a few breaths, he looked thoughtful, looked away, and spoke lightly!

"Seal the boundary of the Ancient East. It cannot be moved, cannot be teleported, and cannot be crossed. The boundary of the Ancient East is sealed and cannot be moved. It is the decree of the human race!"

"Anyone who finds Xu Qing, the Taifu of our clan, will be given the opportunity to receive divine fire!"

"The sky, the earth, rivers, vegetation, living beings, all things, heaven, and gods, all obey orders!"

As soon as the empress' voice came out, the entire Wanggu East, including the Forbidden Sea, heard it at this moment. Countless creatures and existences all heard it, and their hearts roared, causing huge waves.

Countless divine creatures are excited one after another, and a large number of alien races are even more excited and greedy!

Immediately afterwards, the words that caused the minds of all the beings in the Wanggudong Realm to fluctuate violently again spread to all directions from the direction of Yanyue!

"Looking to the ancient east, the Yanyue decrees, all things obey the command, the gods also respect it, and all living beings respond."

"Whoever finds Xu Qing, the great Xuantian of our clan, will be given the opportunity to have divine fire!"

The human race's decree and Yanyue's decree. The superposition of these two decrees is the supreme will of Wanggudong!

Now the echoes are like meteorites falling into the sea, setting off endless waves, turning into tsunamis and strong winds, erupting in every area in eastern Wanggu!

This has been happening for countless years in Wangguzhidong and has never happened before!

All parties were crazy about the divine fire and began to look for Xu Qing.

Especially those divine creatures are becoming more restless than ever before!

Gods are no exception. Due to the chance of divine fire, Guan does not only mean igniting, but also includes the promotion of fire!

But at this moment, in the Forbidden Sea, Fuxie has erased all traces of himself, and has even transformed into a human being, and is moving forward carefully and in hiding!

The sarcoma on his shoulder was also transformed by him, turning into what looked like a big sword carried on his back!

"Boy, although the tower you are in is mysterious, some things are destined to happen!"

As we move forward, Fuxie sends a faint message!

Inside the big sword and the broken tower, Xu Qing closed his eyes and still meditated!

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