Overgod Ascension

Chapter 115 The Great War (Subscription Updates)

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"Five Lightning Palm Technique, finally entered the realm of cloud and thunder!"

Wu Ming opened his eyes, and seeing Xu Ziquan in the cave still sitting cross-legged in meditation, closing his eyes and resting his mind, he couldn't help smiling.

Just for a moment, they didn't know what kind of breakthrough they had made.

The prefecture-level level of Wulei Palm is said to be powerful against a real person, but Wu Ming estimated that Yu Shaojun, who may have only been in the Yunlei realm, could stand up to Nanshan real person, even if he was a wounded real person, it is also sharp!

Although Xu Ziquan and Li Suihan both have unique skills, they have not reached the level of Taoist real people.

In other words, these people, I can sweep them away!

"It's a pity... Xu Ziquan doesn't do anything, it's not easy to get angry!"

He killed his teammates for no reason, but turned into a lunatic and a murderer. Wu Ming is still in the right way now, so naturally he can't lose this reputation.

On the contrary, if these two people can't bear the greed in their hearts, it will give Wu Ming a reason to clean up.

"It's getting late, let's get on the road as soon as possible!"

The morning light was faint, even though the Black Mountain was shrouded in dense fog for many years, the sky was still faintly bright at this time, Wu Ming said immediately.


Huangfeng Cave is actually easy to find.

After all, it is still the gathering point of the mountains and the earth, and there is a demonic aura soaring to the sky, and many little monsters patrol back and forth.

Big monsters all have the ability to transform, which is the ability to activate the intelligence of low-level beasts by consuming mana.

Although in this way, firstly, it will consume a lot of energy, and secondly, it will also damage the potential of the little demon, but it can immediately improve its wisdom, to the point of an eight or nine-year-old child, but at this time it can't be called a 'monster', at best it can only be regarded as a 'monster' Ghosts'!

Want to transform into a human? It's almost impossible for a lifetime.

If so, when Wu Ming and the others saw the extremely anthropomorphic wolves, cheetahs, and even tigers and bears patrolling in a row, cold sweat immediately appeared on their foreheads.

After all, even a master martial artist cannot have endless physical stamina to deal with so many ferocious beasts.

If it were Chi Lianjian Zhan Hongzhaolai, he might be able to overtake all these beasts with his master-level martial arts skills, but it would be difficult for a strong man to kill them head-to-head with one enemy.

"It's very troublesome...Although we can clean up these peripheral spirit monsters, there is still a yellow-skinned monster in the Yellow Wind Cave! Not to mention, the people of the blood alliance must have already guessed our purpose..."

Gong Yunshang murmured, looking up at the sky.

Even though it was covered by thick fog, the strong man's sense had already made her aware that the agreed time at noon was already very close.

"How to do it?"

Xu Ziquan and Li Suihan looked at each other and then at Wu Ming.

"Nature is a word, wait!"

Wu Ming shrugged his shoulders: "Now the enemy is strong and we are weak, so we can only lie in wait and wait for the opportunity..."

This means that when the time comes, those righteous people will inevitably mobilize. If the momentum is huge, it may attract a group of spirits and monsters to share the pressure.

Of course, if you can't attract it, it means that you have failed in several other places, and it doesn't matter much if you add one here.

"It's the only way to respond to all changes with the same!"

Gong Yunshang murmured and looked at Wu Ming again. Although it was simple to say, it was not something everyone could do to be able to make the best choice so calmly.

What she didn't know was that Wu Ming had his hole cards.

In the end, it really won't work, the worst is to reduce the difficulty of the task directly, after all, there is a way to survive.

This makes it possible to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend, which naturally appears to be more than capable.

"From the point of view of the task, the main temple is so divided, it is bound to think that Zhengdao plus the Heitai City God is enough to rival the Heishan Lord..."

Wu Ming was hiding his figure at this time, his eyes were fixed on the movement of Huangfeng Cave, but he was still thinking in his heart: "So this assault, as long as it is not a feint attack, once it is really launched, it will definitely shake the foundation of the Black Mountain Dharma Realm... ...is this my chance? '


Time passed bit by bit.

Soon, the world outside of Montenegro will be at full sun.

On an emerald green upper peak, a golden ten thousand word light suddenly lit up, singing with Buddhist Sanskrit sounds.


An old monk wearing a white monk robe, with benevolent eyebrows and two long hanging white eyebrows, surrounded a huge wild boar with two other practitioners.

The wild boar's mane is upside down, with a metallic color, like a short spear, with three pairs of thick, long, white fangs protruding, and blood-red eyes, it looks like an invincible fortress on land.

But around this formation, the corpses of all kinds of spirits and monsters were poured all over the ground.

"Save the common people, in one fell swoop, this beast has already appeared in the body of a demon, and it is going to desperately, everyone be careful!"

A cultivator shouted, and flew out five small flags with thunder patterns flashing on them. This is the head of the Thunder Yi Sect, and this time he even brought the treasure of Zhenshan.

"Although a monk is merciful, my Buddha also has the means to subdue demons with the vajra's angry eyes!"

Master Baiyun clasped his hands together, and a layer of golden light full of compassion bloomed on his body, carrying the flavor of redemption and compassion.


Beside another Tianchi Lake, a big man with a height of eight feet and horns on his head showed a disdainful face. With a sudden struggle, all the black hairs on his body were broken.

Immediately, it charged mercilessly, drew its knife, and the huge saber, as thick as a door panel, fell mercilessly, cutting a middle-aged nun with a decayed complexion and vomiting blood back into two pieces.

"Tsk tsk... this little magic weapon, you still want to restrain me?"

The bull demon looked at the calm Tianchi Lake behind him, and the running aura and earth vein nodes, and his ugly bull face just smiled: "I don't know how to live or die!"

Immediately, he looked at the corner of the Buddha's light again, and murmured: "Zhu Ba is in trouble this time, but he can't be transferred, and I can't go directly to save him!"

Immediately he cut his saber and said, "Where are the little ones?"

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Several teams of strong little demons just knelt and said.

Most of these little monsters have human bodies, but bear the heads of all kinds of beasts. This is the evil brought about by enlightenment. It is extremely difficult to transform into a complete human body.

But with this appearance, it is even more ferocious. Wearing armor and holding weapons, it has the feeling of a large army array.

"Hmm...you go to Lian Bifeng, support Master Zhu Ba, and kill the human monks!"

The cow demon immediately gave the order.

"It's just Your Majesty, our duty is to..."

A fox-headed human body with snow-white fluff and a little demon with a long tail came out and said, "If we divide our forces at this time, I'm afraid we've fallen for the tricks of human beings!"

"Bah! It's enough to have me here, don't hurry up!"

The cow demon shouted loudly, and the sky shook like a small earthquake.

"Your Majesty, calm down, you little ones, let's go!"

The little demon underneath immediately agreed to come down.

No matter how much you learn from the human race, among the monsters, the strong are respected, and the idea of ​​doing whatever you want prevails.

Seeing this, the fox military master didn't dare to persuade him any more, and obediently ordered troops.


At the same time, waves of other battles also started in Montenegro.

The practice world, which was driven to a dead end, really mobilized all its forces and began to launch a surprise attack on the Montenegro Dharma Realm.

Moreover, like Lian Bifeng and Tatianchi, the battlefield where the winner can be determined after a few face-to-face encounters is rare, and most battles at the nodes of the Dharma Realm have fallen into a fierce stalemate.

above the sky.

Huge spiritual birds such as cranes, vultures, and black eagles are constantly circling.

Daoist Le Song, and several practitioners whose aura was like an abyss, looked indifferently at the changes in Montenegro.

In the hands of Master Le Song, an ink painting of rivers and mountains several feet long was unfolded, and white dots of light could be faintly seen on it, shining with supernatural light. There were eighteen in total, and they seemed to be condensed into a whole.

At this time, waves of black energy were constantly entangled with Qing Guang, fighting against the light spot.

"The cow demon in Tianchi Pond made a mistake in detection, I'm afraid it is already at the level of a demon king! Even Master Baiyun on Bifeng has the upper hand, and it will be over in a while..."

Seeing the black air completely overwhelm the golden light on Stepping Lake, Master Le Song let out a long sigh.

Immediately, seeing the white dot representing Lian Bifeng shake for a while, and finally completely annihilated, a look of joy appeared on his face: "As long as more than half of the eighteen spiritual nodes can be broken, the Black Mountain Dharma Realm will be unsustainable. Arouse the scourge!"

"If everything goes well, we don't have to go straight to Lord Heishan's formation!"

An old man in a Confucian shirt who was riding a giant eagle next to him said, making no secret of his pity for his wealth and life, this is the true nature of a practitioner!

I have always practiced the Tao, but what I want is a long life and a happy life?

If you really follow the trend of righteousness and face difficulties, you will become a martyr long ago.

"With the help of the Black Mountain God, we are not hopeless against the Black Mountain Lord!"

Le Song real person laughed.

They are not fools, if they really do not see hope, naturally they will not take risks.

It's just that at this time, seeing the entanglement of many black air and clear light on the ink painting of mountains and rivers, I was still a little disappointed after all.

Suddenly, Master Le Song saw the white dot representing Huangfeng Cave again, but at this moment there was silence, and he couldn't help snorting coldly.

"Sure enough, it's those foreigners! Their hearts are to be punished!"

A Taoist nun riding a crane saw her, and immediately said coldly, the word "outsider" is even more playful.

"That's all! The node of the Yellow Wind Tunnel is originally the weakest, and it's just a small situation on the left and right, so it doesn't hurt!"

Master Le Song shook his head slightly: "Although Poor Dao has already realized that something is wrong, when he is employing this person, he can only hold his nose and trust him, but it is so unexpectedly, hey! Sure enough, he is ambitious!"

Even if it is a strategy, but at this point, disobedience to the overall situation, not sacrificing one's life to attack forcefully, but cherishing oneself, this is rebellion!

A killing intent immediately formed in the hearts of the people around him.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

The female crown who spoke just now said coldly, and even pointed out something, which made Master Le Song frowned. (To be continued.)

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