Overgod Ascension

Chapter 159: The Book of Five Wheels (Subscription Updates)

"Hmm...does this stand-in seem to be successful?"

After the deliberations were over, Gui Yifayan specially left Mountain Monk Zhengfang behind. Immediately, the original Mountain Monk Zhengfang's demeanor changed drastically.

Now this 'Ghost One Magic Eye' is naturally Wu Ming using Hijikata Fujiyong to pretend.

Because it is also a third-level master, the aura of a strong man on his body is very obvious, coupled with the cover of Wu Ming's own bloody aura, even these closest warriors can't see it, but it can be used.

"And... when I was making it, I left behind the dark hand, this shadow warrior, and there is a second form - Mountain Monk Zhengfang! When necessary, he can be replaced as a monk, and I will continue to be the house governor... ...It is very convenient to switch back and forth, and it is better to cover up, just let the monk find a reason to retreat..."

After the preparations were completed, Wu Ming came to the newly completed 'Instinct Temple' with a ghostly eye.

"This name... is my bad taste again..."

Wu Ming wanted to laugh, but he forcibly held back because he wanted to maintain the posture of a generation of eminent monks.

"Onimaru Takeshi, Amakusa Toshiro!"

After entering the temple, it is natural that the ghost, Fayan, summoned two boys: "This is Shanseng Zhengfang, the future abbot of the Benneng Temple. You must respect him just like you respect me."

"See you, my lord!"

The two boys bowed down immediately, and took another sneak peek. They felt that the mountain monk Zhengfang was kind-hearted, and he was not the kind of person with the majesty of Vajra and Asura, so he reluctantly felt relieved.


At this time, Wu Ming manipulated Gui Yifayan, coughed again, and said solemnly: "Ghost pill is fierce! This mountain monk, Master Zhengfang, is also the teacher I invited for you. He will teach you the art of war, strategy, and even yin and yang techniques." , Ninjutsu, as well as noble flower arrangement and tea art, he is a profound scholar, and I also admire his attainments in these two aspects!"


Onimaru Muke saluted again, with longing in his voice.

"Very good... the poor monk will definitely do his best and bestow what he has learned to Master Onimaru Take..."

Wu Minggao proclaimed a dharma name, and then glanced at Shishiro Amakusa next to him: "Of course...the one next to you can also attend the class..."

An expression of joy immediately appeared on Toshiro Amakusa's face, and even Takeshi Onimaru was happy that this companion got a chance.

Next, Wu Ming was naturally too lazy to continue singing the oboe, and let Gui Yifayan leave, while he stayed behind and looked at Onimaru Meng in front of him.

"The poor monk learns everything, including the art of war, strategy, yin and yang, as well as calligraphy, tea ceremony, camellia, etc... Where do you want to learn Kimaru Meng?"

"Of course it's the art of war!"

Onimaru clenched his fists and replied without hesitation.

"Learning the art of war...is a rather painful process, are you ready?"

"Please don't worry! Teacher, I have already realized this!"

Onimaru's fierce eyes are firm, the blood on his back, the continuation of the family's hatred, and the years of hunting and wandering life have made him grow up rapidly.

"Very good... The poor monk summarized the art of war, strategy, and yin and yang techniques he had practiced all his life, compiled them into a book, and named it "The Book of Five Wheels". It is divided into volumes of earth, volume of fire, volume of wind, and volume of water Volume, and the last five volumes of the sky, I will teach it to you from today! Of course, Amakusa Toshiro can also listen in, and how much you can get depends on your own understanding..."


Onimaru Takeshi and Amakusa Toshiro agreed excitedly.

"Now... let's prepare lunch first. In the afternoon, we will officially start practicing. This is very hard..."

Wu Ming watched the two little ghosts leave with a smile, his gaze turned gloomy again.

The so-called "Book of the Five Rings" was naturally made up by him, but he combined the collected Fusang martial arts, Yin-Yang jutsu, and ninjutsu, and finally added the total collection of his own imagination.

Moreover, a lot of private goods were mixed in.

If it is useful, it is certainly useful. In Wu Ming's opinion, this is at least a third-tier classic.

The so-called third level is also his own division. Based on the maximum potential that can be cultivated by the secret book as the standard, the limit of the third level of the "Book of Five Wheels" is naturally the third level.

After all, Wu Ming is now a real person of the third level of Daoism. It is impossible for him to create a fourth-level canon, even if he has other references, unless he is advanced to a celestial master.

However, Wu Ming didn't have much good intentions in teaching Onimaru Takeshi and Amakusa Shirōro's "Gorinshu", because the control methods hidden in it are exactly the same as those of ninja swordsmen.

The more you immerse yourself in it, the more you will be under his control.

It's just that it won't make people crazy or lose their minds, and the methods are closer to gentle wind and light rain, which is much better than the simple and rude ninja swordsman.

"However, ambushing dark hands in the exercises, exerting spiritual influence every day, and planting the brand of control are all small ways. The real way should be locked with love..."

Wu Ming rubbed his chin: "How about adopting him as a adopted son? Or... just find a random adopted daughter and marry him..."


In the afternoon, the Honno-ji Temple was bathed in the sun, and there were fallen leaves in the garden, which looked warm and genial.

Onimaru Takeshi and Amakusa Toshiro, but they knelt in front of Wu Ming and listened seriously.

"The "Five Wheels Book" written by the poor monk, the earth volume tells about the way of the warrior and the practice of swordsmanship; there is also the water volume, the water is empty and rippling, but it is the softest and softest thing, which is contained in the ever-changing Therefore, this volume is about Yin-Yang and ninjutsu; the volume of wind is about the acquisition of information, the geography and general trend of the whole world, and the art of war of various schools of kendo..."

"And the Scroll of Fire..."

Speaking of this, a strange smile appeared on Wu Ming's face: "What is recorded on it is the method of marching and fighting, and the best battle formation tactics in the world!"

"No. 1 in the world?!"

The two little ghosts were really frightened, and Onimaru's eyes showed yearning: "What kind of tactic is that?"

"The poor monk named this tactic—the formation of iron cannons and guns! If it is practiced well, it will be enough to rule the world and win every battle!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Ming's mouth.

This is actually talking about firearms. As a person in the previous life, fantastic ideas and ambiguous knowledge in this regard are still indispensable.

However, the world of Dazhou is far more developed than the world of Fusang, and it already has primitive firearms. If Wu Ming takes them out again, it will be eye-catching, and it will be easy to be imitated, and there is no time for that.

But in the world of Fusang, it was suddenly different.

With status and power, and a long time, Wu Ming also gathered craftsmen and tinkered with something.

Now is the time to experiment on this apprentice.

Those who hold power must hold power, otherwise there will be turmoil!

The birth of firearms is to enable anyone who has a finger to pull the trigger to gain strength, comparable to a samurai who has been training for many years!

What kind of changes will be brought about after the bottom has mastered a powerful force?

Wu Ming was quite looking forward to this.

'...According to my research, the supernatural power in this world is too strong. Ordinary firearms have been developed to the limit, and they can be compared to the peak of the first level, which is the highest...Although it will cause certain social turmoil, but for the second and third level It is still not optimistic about the impact of masters, and even the rule of the entire Shinto...'

"However, first-level transcendents are the foundation and the largest group... The changes here may be used as a preview of Da Zhou and even other transcendent worlds..."

Wu Ming's mind is very big, it is far from being limited to the world of Fusang.

"Iron cannon plus guns? What is that?"

Onimaru was puzzled. To defeat Genheira's army, a strong force would be needed, which made him interested in this tactic known as the best in the world.

"That's the power of flames... It represents the extraordinary power that invades like fire and destroys everything. More importantly, it can be easily controlled by mortals..."

Wu Ming briefly explained the function of firearms, and immediately Onimaru's eyes lit up: "I want to learn this!"

"Hmm... I will teach you this Fire Scroll together with the Art of War!"

Wu Ming shook his head: "And the last volume of the void... oh..."

"What about the empty volume?"

Onimaru tightly clenched his fists and asked nervously.

"The last volume of emptiness tells about the way of law and lawlessness. It is the summary of the poor monk's life. The empty one has no beginning and no end, no inside and no outside. Because of emptiness, it is not bound by any external objects. It can be both inside and out of it. Whether you can practice...it all depends on your talent..."

Wu Ming seems to be sighing, but in fact, this is the control method he tailor-made for Onimaru, the art of mind manipulation, as long as he is fascinated by cultivation, he will inevitably be controlled by him unconsciously.

"Empty? Law and lawlessness?"

A hint of doubt flashed in Onimaru's eyes.

"All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity of destiny, Wu Ming recites mantras, such as Huang Zhong Dalu, which are thought-provoking, go straight to the depths of the soul, and firmly plant a seed in Onimaru Meng's heart.

"When it comes to brainwashing and control, Taoism can't keep up with Brahma..."

At the same time, seeing a hint of Buddha-nature appearing on Onimaru Meng's face, Wu Ming secretly complained in his heart: "And... this is also a means of preventing accidents, diverting attention and cause and effect..."

If one day, Susanoo found out that something was wrong, but because of this arrangement, he drew attention to the group of eminent monks in the Brahma Sect, Wu Mingcai would wake up with a smile from his dream.

Not only Onimaru Takeshi, but even Toshiro Amakusa next to him, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, bowed respectfully to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ming was a little happy at first, and then a little secretly awe-inspiring, knowing that his own path is indeed a long way to go. (To be continued.)

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