Overgod Ascension

Chapter 170 Fire Ninja

In front of his subordinates, Wu Ming unabashedly expressed his ambition for the Izumo country.

"The current Izumomori is from Yiyu's family, with a stone height of one hundred thousand stone and a foot light of tens of thousands..."

Yamanaka Kanosuke said in a deep voice: "My family only has 20,000 shi now, and even a few days ago, a small wealthy family with no more than 5,000 shi, who would have thought that the lord would not only destroy the Yamada family in one fell swoop, but also defeat the Yiyu family's family?" Interference?"

"Not bad! Moreover, after defeating Numata Castle and obtaining the savings of the Yamada family, we have enough food reserves of 100,000 shi, which can completely set off a great war to unify the Izumo country. My Zhu Yinling, the general’s rations have been delivered, and we are preparing for military training. This time, our family will recruit 1,000 standing ashigaru, give them a salary, and usually live in the barracks!”

There was a flash of light in Wu Ming's eyes: "Next, deal with the 1,500 captives first, and immediately go to Chuanliu City of Yi Yu's family!"

This Chuanliu City is the headquarters of the Yiyu family, representing the hegemony over the Izumo Kingdom! With Wu Ming's move, he was going to hit Huanglong directly!


Hearing this, the sound of gasping for air resounded on everyone.

"My lord... the Zika along the way, as well as the sneak attacks by the wealthy and wild people of the country, are enough to collapse the family... at least more than 10,000 troops must be mobilized, and thousands of standing logistics are required to ensure the safety of the rear. Only then can we act!"

Shikanosuke Yamanaka spoke out to persuade.

He originally thought that the lord just wanted to take advantage of the situation to conquer one or two counties and defeat the Yiyu family's general trend, but he never thought that Wu Ming would destroy the Yiyu family's hegemony in one battle!

This is of course near impossible.

First of all, there are many powerful clans along this road, and they all rely on mountain cities and wooden villages for defense. They will be flattened one by one, and it may take only a few to wipe out the army.

Moreover, there are many Chinese and savages on the road, and the troops need to be stable, otherwise the grain road will be unstable.

Only by mobilizing an army of more than 10,000 people can these small checkpoints dare not stop and suppress the place.

Now Wu Ming only has 2,500 people, and even the core army has only 500 people. It is no wonder that Shikanosuke Yamanaka is like this.

"I make my own decision, you just need to carry it out!"

Wu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and Kenichi Matsushita held the handle of the knife next to him. This awe-inspiring aura immediately made Yamanaka Kanosuke sweat from his forehead: "Hi!"

"Very good! Now let's talk about the prisoners!"

Wu Ming knocked on the military fan: "Since we have decided to attack Yi Yu's house, these thousand and five hundred people will naturally not be released..."

"How about killing them together?"

Kenichi Matsushita licked his lips, feeling the killing desire in his heart.

"Killing captives is not good after all!"

Oniichi Yoshitsune frowned: "Let's take them back and do hard work for us every day!"

"Your suggestions are all good, but I want to neutralize it. First of all, the prisoners must be screened. All the warriors must be selected. Those who are willing to submit to my family should write down the oath and press the bloody fingerprints. Let them be the leading party. Those who disobeyed will be killed at once... Among the remaining ashigaru, we will select the docile ones to go to our rear, undertake heavy physical work such as mining, opening roads, etc., and promise that as long as we work hard to contribute to our family, we will give them back in a few years Forgive me, I believe Shigeru Tachibana will make good use of them; those who are irritable or unwilling, let them go!"

Wu Ming waved his hand.

"Let go?"

Both Oniichi Yoshitsune and Matsushita Kenichi stared wide-eyed, as if seeing their master for the first time.

"But before letting go, cut off the thumbs of their hands!"

Wu Ming smiled coldly.

This treatment is quite cruel. The thumbs of both hands are where the strength lies. Once lost, not only can't draw a bow, can't wield a sword, and even can't do heavy physical work, you can only become a useless person!

Putting it back is just a waste of the enemy's food, and it will spread the evil name of the ghost family!

Even, there is no need to bear the bad reputation of killing prisoners, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.


A few days later, after a rest, the ghost army received another 1,000 people from Fanshi County to assist them, and immediately formed an army of 3,000 people, and rushed into Dayuan County, which is adjacent to Fanshi County.

The Patriarchs of the other Ashgaru regiments naturally complained, but under Wu Ming's high-handed rule, they had to dormant one after another.

"After passing Dayuan County, you can reach Yiyu County, where Chuanliu City is!"

Yamanaka Shikanosuke was riding a big horse, with a look of doubt on his face: "But there are many wealthy families in Dayuan County, most of whom are Yiyu's genealogy officials Zhixing, and there are more than 30 wooden villages built on key points. place, it would be extremely troublesome to lay down one..."

Sure enough, not long after the army advanced, a huge wooden village could be seen, like a checkpoint, lying in the middle of the road.

Although it is made of wood, it has basic defenses. There are banners erected in the village, and there are figures on top of it. There are obviously hundreds of people guarding it.

"I am the Patriarch of the Xiaolin family, Xiaolin Chongsheng! I advise you to leave quickly!"

On the top of the wooden village, a well-dressed general in gold and red shouted.

"Aren't you willing to surrender?"

Wu Ming was dressed in black, his face was full of heroism, and he asked lightly, "Xiaolin's family?"

Mochizuki Kotaro immediately said: "This is a wealthy family in Dayuan County, Shigao has two thousand stones..."

Although such a small family can only mobilize about 200 troops, relying on the wooden village, if the army wants to capture it, it needs to lose at least dozens of people!

And there are dozens of such wooden villages in the vital areas of Dayuan County! Not to mention that there is a higher level of city!

This is like a huge beast with a huge mouth. If there is no leading party or "righteousness" to oppress the powerful clan to submit, then they will have to fight one by one along the way. Death is only a moment away!

"Ghost Yoshitsune! If you are allowed to lead the army, what price will it take to take down the wooden village in front?"

Wu Ming asked casually.

"I'm afraid it will take five hundred people, two days!"

Oni Yoshitsune was also wearing a black full armor with the Oni family's blue oni head family crest on it, and replied with a serious face.

"Hmm... The wealthy families and the people of the country in these places rely on the geographical advantages and these wooden villages to divide the entire Dayuan County, which makes it difficult for Yiyu's family to order, let alone my family..."

Wu Ming looked at the defense ahead and said coldly.

In addition to the contradictions between the three noble gods, this broken terrain is also the main reason for the formation of the Fusang world!

"What about the loss?"

When asked about this, Oniichi Yoshitsune broke out in a cold sweat: "Unless the Oni team is used, there will be no fewer than ten people!"

Such a fortress, even if he was at the peak of the second level, he would not dare to bravely break into it, otherwise he would probably not be able to escape being torn to pieces by knives!

And even if it is the most powerful group of ghosts under Wu Ming's command, there is no guarantee that no one will die. Maybe the enemy will hide masters. Even if there are no masters, they are not truly immortal. Cut it off, you will still die!

Even if it is a great swordsman, or even a swordsman, it would be quite stupid to attack an army of thousands of people.

"No one in our family can be injured, and the same goes for other infantry units! Mochizuki Kotaro! Bring the secret weapon of our family!"


Mochizuki Kotaro respectfully led the order, and soon after, a group of strange ninjas appeared on the battlefield pushing wooden carts.

Although these ninjas were dressed in plain attire, they all wore forehead protectors, and there was a strange swirl and beak engraved pattern on it.

"Is this...a trebuchet?"

Yoshitsune Oni barely recognized these wooden cart-like things. He originally thought that Wu Ming was going to use the big gun team.

"That's right...it's just a small trebuchet. Because it's made of wood, it's easy to disassemble, and it can also be transported by car..."

Wu Ming glanced at the opposite Muzhai: "Although throwing stone bombs is a little bit reluctant at this distance, there is no problem with lighter ones!"


Oniichi Yoshitsune was still a little puzzled, and immediately saw those ninjas take out the black cannonballs, put them on the trebuchet, and threw them violently.


A group of bright red flames pierced the sky and fell into the wooden village.


This kind of shell exploded when it hit the ground, splashing countless flames, and the Ashigaru who was hit was crying like a ghost, and after a while, the aroma of barbecue was emitted.

"Fire... kerosene bomb?"

After watching several shots, the enemy's wooden village was on fire, and when the fire destroyed everything irresistibly, Oniichi Yoshitsune finally reacted.

"That's right, it's petrol bombs!"

Wu Ming smiled and said, "The family has accumulated oil for five years, and there is no problem in burning down the entire wooden village in Izumo Kingdom!"

To be honest, since I came to this Fuso world and saw such a large pile of wooden fortifications, I am really sorry for being a pyromaniac.

Since the enemy is already stupid enough to run into the pile of logs, why should I be afraid to add another fire?

In fact, Taoism can also do this, but the spells of other low-level onmyojis are not very effective, and it would be exhausting for Wu Ming to do it himself and burn them one by one, so he secretly formed this team. ninja army.

"I formed this ninja army myself and named it 'Huobu Ninja'. What do you think?"

This scene was quite inhumane, and even his own people in Guiyi's army were frightened, so Wu Ming asked Gui Yiyijing next to him.


Seeing the raging flames engulfing the wooden village, Oniichi Yoshitsune moved his lips, but remained silent.


The gate of the village opened, and it was obvious that the military commander launched a desperate charge after realizing that all rescue measures were useless.

"Iron Cannon Team! Let it go!"

The Iron Artillery Team, which had been waiting in full force, immediately stepped forward and fired three times in a row. The concentrated fire of the cannon became a sieve on the spot.

"Yoshitsune! After the flames are extinguished, you lead the ashigaru to destroy Kobayashi's family. Presumably the supplies stored in his family are enough for our army to use for a while, and let the people around you know that they are against my ghost family. What will happen to me!"

Wu Ming flicked his nails, his face was calm and authentic, as if a demon descended into the world. (To be continued.)

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