Overgod Ascension

Chapter 677: Strike (10,000 replenishment)

late at night.

Inside an abandoned factory.

The surrounding environment was dark, but a large number of white candles were lit in the basement.

In the warm and eerie light, many believers in black robes gathered together furtively.

"My Lord, the God of Blood, is the only ruler in the world!"

"This world will eventually be destroyed. Only those who believe in Agulla, the God of Blood, can obtain the final salvation!"

An old guy with platinum hair, wrinkles on his face, messy amulets hanging on his body, and tattoos was crazy and confuses the ignorant believers.

"Now, let us prove our loyalty to our Lord!"

There is a pool behind the old man, and in the middle is a bright red vampire bat statue.

After praying, he took the lead and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his scarred arm. He held a silver dagger and cut a hole, letting the blood flow into the pool.

"The blood of my blood, as a sacrifice, I offer my soul to be with God!"

He prayed loudly and handed the dagger to the next person.

The other party cut his arm open without hesitation and poured the blood into the pool.

At the end, a pool of blood was rippling with a strange red light, and the vampire bat statue in the middle seemed to come to life.

"My Lord...please grant us your grace!"

At the end of the ceremony, the old man filled a silver wine glass with blood and drank it all in one gulp: "Each other's blood flows in our bodies, we are all blood brothers!"

"Blood relatives!"

The same was true for other believers. Several pale-faced guys who seemed to be participating in the ceremony for the first time were also forced to drink several large mouthfuls of blood with painful expressions on their faces.

Only one of them, with a calm face and a silver cup in his hand, caught the old man's attention.

"Drink it, and you will be our blood brother. Otherwise, you will be punished by my god. Tell me, what is your name?"

The old man's voice was hoarse, and his eyes glowed with a wolf-like green light.

"Casper City Patrol Officer 1—Arthur!"

The man named Arthur looks to be in his twenties, has blond curly hair, pale skin, and is very handsome.

At this time, he looked at the old man with a smile in his eyes: "Blood Butcher Chris, you are suspected of illegally organizing a cult blood kinship association, intimidating and coercing others, illegal fund-raising, and fraud... I want to arrest you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the basement was violently smashed open, and a group of patrol officers rushed in, holding batons and revolvers in their hands: "Don't move, hold your head with your hands, and squat in the corner!"


At this time, the old man Chris's movements were so vigorous that he didn't look like an old man.

He magically took out a pistol from his arms and fired a few times. After creating chaos, he immediately rushed to the other side of the basement without looking back.

There, there is a secret door and secret passage that only he knows, and it is the only way to survive!

"Lord Blood Pope, where do you want to go?"

A joking voice came, and immediately, a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of Chris.

This was a member of the Blood Religion who was also wearing a religious robe, but he was as agile as a cheetah. With a quick pounce, combined with grappling and fighting skills, he knocked Chris to the ground.

The patrol officers nearby swarmed up, handcuffed Chris, and pulled him out of the basement.

Outside the factory, I don’t know when black police cars were parked, and several reporters holding flashlights were snapping pictures. It must be in tomorrow’s news headlines that the police department is cracking down on cult blood relatives. Going to make headlines.

"Thank you for your assistance. I will apply to the Office of the Commissioner to issue you a good citizen award."

A group of patrolmen were sealing files and collecting evidence, but a patrolman named Arthur came outside with the man in black robe who subdued Chris, smoking a cigarette and saying.

He was indeed quite satisfied with the actions of the guy in front of him.

After all, Chris and the Blood Association are very vigilant, and it is difficult to catch any evidence. Even if they send out an undercover agent, it is difficult to pretend to be a fanatical believer, and it is extremely easy to be exposed.

But after cooperating with the other party, all dangerous activities are done by the other party, and the detection rate is greatly improved. It is really a win-win situation.

However, Arthur still had a vigilant and suspicious attitude towards this man and the Redemption Church that he represented behind him.

Although the other party is a serious religious person with a registered license and has done nothing illegal, he just instinctively feels unhappy with the other party, especially when the other party is pretending to be a bastard.

"All of this is our Lord's will. To redeem the believers who are bewitched by evil gods, those ignorant lambs, is also the mission given to us by our Lord!"

The man in black robe took out a palace-shaped holy symbol and murmured a prayer.

This kind of attitude, no need to pretend, is on the level of a fanatic, which makes Arthur even more disgusted.

"Also...according to our agreement, our church will build a shelter to provide guidance services for those lost lambs. Please don't forget to send those people over as soon as possible!"

The black-robed believer finally added.

"I will."

Arthur agreed immediately.

After destroying this kind of cult, the backbone and core members have always been sentenced, but how to deal with those believers who have been brainwashed but have committed no crimes is really a big problem.

The old religions were also interested in dealing with them before, but later found that it was purely thankless and have gradually stopped doing so.

Now that the Redemption Church is willing to take over this package, it is exactly what the police department and city hall are looking for.

I don’t know what method the other party used. After those believers were sent there for ‘forced learning’ for a period of time, they actually abandoned evil and turned to good without causing any trouble. Many people said it was incredible.

"I'm warning you not to engage in any tricks or illegal activities!"

Arthur stared into the eyes of the man in black robe: "I will always keep an eye on you!"

"Officer Arthur, you seem to have a misunderstanding about our gods. I lead people to do good and respect the power of the world and organizations, which is different from other sects!"

"I hope so!"

Arthur put out his cigarette butt and ended this not very pleasant conversation.

"How's it going? What do you think?"

Bob suddenly appeared from the darkness, looked at Arthur's leaving figure, and asked with a smile.

"His prejudices are too deep!"

The black-robed believer said in a fanatical tone: "After being undercover by these evil god sects, I believe even more that my Lord is the only true God and the true savior in the world!"

"After the Blood Reunion, the evil sect in Casper City has been completely eliminated, and our true believers have steadily grown to more than a thousand people..."

In the office of the headquarters of the Redemption Church, Wu Ming looked at the report sent to him and seemed very satisfied.

The entire office is magnificent and grand, but it pales in comparison to the church in front of it.

Religion is indeed a profitable business. Although Wu Ming does not force believers to make donations, there are still many people who hope that the church can accept their property to show their piety.

It's like the former landowner here, the guy who rented the space to the Redemption Church, actually dedicated this land directly to the church after he became a believer.

After Wu Ming personally received him once, he announced that the first church of the God of Redemption would be built here.

According to his religious experience, even if it is a deity, the facade of the church needs to be as grand as possible or full of mystery. In short, it must not look shabby.

After hearing the news, the believers who had money and strength quickly built the church of the God of Redemption.

"His Holiness the Pope!"

"His Holiness the Pope!"

Wu Ming walked out of the office. When the believers and office staff outside saw him, they all saluted with utmost respect.


At this time, with a warm smile on his face, he walked into the main entrance of the church.

The marble-paved floor appears to be quite solid and stable. In the center of the church, a tall statue of God has been erected.

This Redemption Church was completely designed by Wu Ming. The scriptures are naturally focused on 'redemption', 'light', etc., while the holy emblem directly adopts the style of the main temple.

As for the idol?

It was a young man carved from pure white marble. Every muscle on his body was polished according to the golden ratio, making him look extremely perfect. His face was that of a mixed-race Chinese and Western man. From there, you can find the shadows of Wu Ming and himself.

In fact, neither the holy symbol nor the idol is really important.

The only key lies in Wu Ming's main god space.

Only with its great power can it continuously receive the spiritual power of believers and directly intervene in the present world with the power of creation.

"After the blood kinship meeting, our development in Casper City has reached its limit! If we continue to develop, we will be worried and hostile by the local forces. It's time to immerse ourselves in development..."

As far as new religions are concerned, the development of the Redemption Church in Casper City is simply rapid.

Wu Ming looked at the statue and turned his back to Carter, Lian Na, Bob and other senior church officials who came in, without looking back.

"Lena, Carter...how is the training of priests going?"

While he was speaking, the surrounding believers had already exited the hall, leaving the huge space to the true core of the church.

"It went very well. I deeply felt the greatness of my Lord!"

Lian Na said in a whispering tone, a ball of light appeared on her hand.

This is the simplest light spell, but after it is performed, it also means that she has officially entered the rank of priest.

"Very good. In the future, above the ordinary members of our church, I am going to draw several more levels: pastors, bishops, cardinals, and finally the pope! You have undoubtedly reached the standard of a pastor now!"

Wu Ming said in a god-like tone: "Lian Na, are you willing to become my Lord's Divine Shepherd and spread His glory in the world?"

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