Overgod Ascension

Chapter 767 Escort (9600 supplement)


The sound of an arrow breaking through the air came instantly.

The archers were originally at a loss in the clouds and fog, but now they heard Bishop Melk's shout and immediately shot the arrows in their hands without thinking.

After just one wave, they regretted it.

Facing the threat of bows and arrows, Zhang Fan naturally made the most normal reaction for ordinary people and raised the human shield in his hand.


Blood spattered, and the original Viscount Tieleburg immediately turned into a porcupine.

"Oh my God! What have we done?"

Several knights immediately became confused, and there was a commotion among the soldiers.

"Yan Ling?"

A middle-aged knight in the lead stared at Bishop Melk, but a word flashed in his mind.

He naturally knows that among these priests, there are even special spells that can form speech spirits and make the recipients completely obey their orders.

And, no matter what, it was too risky to rashly order the arrows to be fired when the Viscount was all captured.

‘Could it be that he was specifically trying to suppress his reputation and had some hidden agenda? ’

The old knight thought so, but at this moment he could only roar and rushed towards Zhang Fan.

In any case, the other party and Bishop Melk are the main persons responsible for the death of the Viscount, and no one can be spared!


Zhang Fan fought and retreated all the way, with an incredible expression: "This should be their lord, right? Are all people in the West so strong and unyielding?"

But he had no time to think too much, because at the next moment, a knight covered in iron armor launched a terrifying charge against him.


As a man and a horse, with iron armor, and being extraordinary himself, the power of this charge was obviously not something Zhang Fan could withstand.

With just a slight contact, the captain, who was too focused on skills, flew backwards, and the soft sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"Judge you!"

On the other side, several priests worked together to subdue the previous magician.

"What are you still doing? Take over this big ship immediately and don't let anyone leave!"

The old knight ordered loudly, and then looked at Bishop Melk: "Now that the Viscount is dead, this is the first Viscount to be murdered since the founding of the Kingdom! My Lord Bishop, I am afraid that before the matter is found out, our here No one can leave!"

"I know this!"

Bishop Melk made gestures and said with a pious expression: "Viscount Tieleburg died heroically in a bloody battle with the pagans. His soul will be accepted by our Lord and go to the eternal kingdom!"


Behind them, many red-eyed soldiers who had figured out the cause and effect rushed onto the treasure ship one after another...

A viscount of the kingdom was murdered. This incident alone was enough to bring him to the king's desk, not to mention that it also involved a group of heretics.

Not long after, Wu Ming, who was far away in the royal capital, learned the news.

"A group of strangers? Suspected of murdering Viscount Tieleburg?"

Now, he naturally feels that the upgrade of the universe is still unclear, but the Seer continent has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The end of the original world disappeared, and one or even several larger worlds merged in.

And this group of people is obviously the first group of outsiders.

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

Wu Ming saw an expression of interest on his face when he saw the description of black hair, black eyes, and being from an ancient eastern country.


He called out softly, and the leader of the night watchman emerged from the darkness quietly: "What are your orders, my master?"

"Regarding the real cause of death of Viscount Tieleburg, conduct a thorough investigation!"

Next to Wu Ming, there was more than one letter from the raven. Next to the official document, there were also some private letters, which described the death of Viscount Tieleburg so immersively that it made people feel like it was Intentional manslaughter and silence.

'It seems... the recent series of measures against the church are still a bit too merciful...'

Thinking of some die-hards and resistance factions in the church, Wu Ming's eyes flashed with a cold light.

After thinking for a while, he ordered: "Everyone on that ship must be escorted to the royal capital without missing a beat. I want to interrogate them one by one!"

Obviously, everything in the interrogation was fake. Obtaining first-hand information about the Eastern Continent and its empire was his real purpose.

"Your will will be carried out!"

Caritan bowed and retreated into the darkness.

What Wu Ming didn't know was that the visitors to Seer Continent were not the only wandering sailors from the east.


On the west side of the continent, somewhere in the wild, the void twisted and a translucent door appeared.

Shi Shiran, a divine envoy wearing a white robe, blond hair and blue eyes, with snow-white wings, walked out of the portal and looked at the sky and land.

"According to the oracle... our world has expanded again, with new blood added!"

His face is so handsome that it is difficult to distinguish between male and female, and is full of a divine flavor.

"Now it seems that the new blood is this big island? There is a kingdom on it, ruled by a saint..."

A thoughtful look flashed across the face of the divine envoy: "...It is necessary to investigate carefully and pass the news to my lord."


The prison car opened, and Zhang Fan, who looked depressed, was dragged out of it.

Ever since the nobleman died in his hands, he knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, after a brief period of confusion, the soldiers went crazy and arrested the entire crew and imprisoned him. The only food available every day was sour and hard black bread that was only enough for a mouse to eat. , Zhang Fan estimated that he would definitely be hanged.

Even in his country, the assassination of nobles such as Dr. Qing would be punished with the death penalty.

But he didn't expect that the other party didn't execute him immediately, but put them into a prison car and kept driving.

Now, he finally knows the reason.

——The conquering king asked to take them to the royal capital and judge them personally!

Well, to be honest, even if you know you can't escape the death penalty, it is a good psychological comfort to delay the execution for a while.

However, when he arrived at the royal capital, he couldn't help but marvel at the layout and planning: "I didn't expect that a barbarian country in the west would have such a magnificent capital..."

"My Lord proprietor..."

The magician next to him had two dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes were all bloodshot: "Aren't you worried about our situation at all?"

As a ship's magician, he also received "preferential treatment" from the prison bosses.

Because he was treated as a wizard, he was treated like a wizard. Whenever he wanted to close his eyes and rest, a bucket of cold water was always poured on his head. In short, he was not allowed to rest well.

This is because the wizard's spellcasting requires a high degree of mental concentration, and this method of forcibly disturbing them and not allowing them to rest has proven to be quite effective.

In fact, dealing with magicians is really a mistake.

After not sleeping well for more than ten days in a row, the magician didn't even have time to replenish his magic power, let alone cast spells.

Although given his poor rank, even if he recovered his spell-casting ability, it was very doubtful whether he could escape alone from the strong guard team.

"If you really want to be judged, it will be enough to bring a few of us here!"

Zhang Fan spoke to the magician in the language of his own empire, then pursed his lips and pointed at the huge escort team behind him: "Why capture all of us? We shouldn't all be killed..."

"Oh my god...are these barbarians planning to sell us as slaves?"

The magician's teeth were already chattering.

He has also heard about the cruelty of some Nanyang native tribes. Basically, the entire village or even the clan of the defeated will be sold into slavery, or even worse, become a sacrifice to the evil god.

It's a pity that although he lived in a miserable life in his hometown, he was actually a genuine magician! I don’t want to become a slave to the barbarians, or a sacrifice or anything weird.

"Rejoice, you prisoners, your treatment is specially ordered by your superiors!"

For Zhang Fan, he had no chance to see the prosperity of the royal capital, so he was quickly thrown into prison.

The fat prison head muttered and brought him today's dinner - a few pieces of soft white bread and a small pot of vegetable soup with a strong aroma.

For prisoners, this kind of food is quite luxurious.

Zhang Fan had a bad premonition, but he still had a hearty meal with the thought that he would be a full-fledged ghost until the end of the day. However, he was surprised to find that no one came to interrogate him until the evening.

At night.

The moonlight outside is as quiet as water.

"The Moon God is too yin..."

Zhang Fan looked at the bright moonlight outside through the narrow iron window, and suddenly prayed: "Please bless me to return home safely..."

"Moon God Taiyin?"

At this time, outside the cell, a somewhat unfamiliar but unusually young voice sounded: "Is this the god you believe in?"

"Who are you……"

Zhang Fan backed away with a vigilant face, and immediately saw a man in a black cloak opening the cell and walking in.

"Good swordsmanship? But I don't have much foundation in internal cultivation..."

Wu Mingming opened his eyes, took a look at this person's details, and immediately shook his head.

"who are you?"

The feeling as if his whole body was being seen through made Zhang Fan's uneasiness rise to the limit, and he asked sternly.

Only now did he realize that the words used by the other party were the same as his.

"Actually, I still want to thank you!"

Wu Ming did not answer Zhang Fan's question, but smiled and said.

"Thank us?"

"Yes, thank you for working tirelessly to bring me the world's information from the very beginning!"

He stepped forward instantly and put his palm on Zhang Fan's forehead.

The man still wanted to resist, but after a slight struggle, his eyes glazed over and he stood still.

"Although I can ask slowly, but how can I compare with checking it myself?"

Wu Ming murmured, mobilizing huge power, and all the memories of Zhang Fan's life, starting from his birth, appeared in front of him in detail.

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