Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 107: Surprising all over the world

The giants are fallen, bloody, and tragic!

The picture of the blood-stained territory covers one area after another, and the sky seems to be in the blood, filled with the fierceness of the fierce, rolling, shaking, and flocking to distant places!

The sky is red, the stars are all red!

This is a sign of the fall of the giants, and the power can go against the sky, but once this giant is degraded, it will create a terrible vision and shock the world!

茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The power has fallen, and this is a terrible thing, so that hundreds of millions of people are shuddering, and their hands and feet are not listening to the beginning.

Once they were blessed by the power of the heavens, but nowadays, the generation of the mighty strong, was directly pinched by the palm of the prehistoric big brother!

How cruel this is, it is enough to call it the world, overlooking the ages!

After the blast of light, the life-threatening elements that were overturned were even stronger than Wang Yang. They rushed to the eight wastelands, and the nourishing broken domains began to heal. The collapsed mountains reunited and stood between heaven and earth!

Jinxiu River, but there is a tragic atmosphere!

Powerful degeneration, but also anti-Pu Tiandi, but unfortunately this territory, there is no trace of life, only Su Yan and Zhu Yue are nearby.

In a flash, the two bodies are blazing to the extreme, the life-saving essence of the powerful storage is too strong, but it is useless for the prehistoric big brother, but for them, it is still a priceless essence that can't ask for it!


The snow-white body of Zhuyue blooms with brilliance and sacredness. She is beautiful and can't be squared, such as a Lingbo fairy, fluttering like a fairy.

Under the impact of the massive life essence, the body of the bamboo moon is more and more flaming, and it is saving the foundation of the king of the gods.

This creation is so amazing that the bamboo moon is horrible, and the universe is stunned. In the faint ambiguity, she wants to go to the future, open the door to the king of God, and become a **** of heaven, standing in the limit.

At this moment, the bamboo moon has accumulated a strong king's heritage, as if it is a peerless goddess king, behind the vision of the sky, there are a series of cosmic stars running, and there is also a round of bright moon hanging high, reflecting the world!

The vision of the two kinds of visions is actually a vision. When it is released to the extreme, it is destroyed by the sun and the horror of the terror. She seems to have opened up the Chaos Xinghai, and sublimated from the extremes, to the extreme.


Tianzhu Da Neng has been entangled in the vicinity. At this moment, his eyes containing vicissitudes have shrunk slightly, his eyes fell on the bamboo moon, and he looked at the eyes and looked shocked. He whispered: "It seems that my family's moon and moon body has got no A small opportunity should be pointed out by this mysterious existence, and future achievements are limitless!"

"Since my family's moon and moon can be pointed by him, it means that my family and him have no hatred, but I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!"

"If her foundation is in a strong part, then with the help of this powerful and **** life, it is possible to open the door to the king of God, and some are a pity."

The power of Tianzhu is complicated. The appearance of the prehistoric big brother is beyond his cognition. This giant is in the world, who can stop his cover, but his appearance also breaks the rules of the universe.

In any case, Tianzhu can attach great importance to Zhuyue, destroying and coexisting with the new life, and evolving a new kind of fruit. Once the bamboo moon enters the realm of the gods, it is categorically qualified to become the king of the gods!

Immediately, Tianzhu's powerful eyes fell on Su Yan.

He was a little surprised, and he couldn't understand the situation of Su Yan, but among his pupils, Su Yan was like a strange stone, giving birth to a terrible fruit. Once awakened, it will shock the world!

Now Su Yan, with the help of body techniques, madly swallows the powerful elements flowing between the heavens and the earth.

Every breath, the accumulation of health skills is surging, joking, this is the essence of the power, the Qiu Ming Guardian who was torn by the prehistoric brother, the Taoist eternal, the road is unpredictable.

His life-threatening essence contains all kinds of incredible energy, but the body-building technique is extremely overbearing, winning the world, bringing together the roots of the famous mountains and rivers, including the origin of the universe, and nourishing oneself!

Keep your body and keep your life!

In short, Su Yan's bottom line has soared, and the bodybuilding technique has accumulated to an extreme degree of anti-sky, like carrying a dragon vein, and there is a perfect sign!

Even in the process, Su Yan's spirits are full of energy and undulating, in a few breaths, soaring to the realm of the nine heavens of the gods, the energy is completely saturated, and nothing can continue to be absorbed.

This shows a problem, Su Yan can not continue to grow, his combat power has reached the limit!

However, there is still a strong essence of power in the heavens and the earth. I am afraid that I can't use the tea. These essences will be attributed to the heavens and the earth, and I will never get it again. Of course, this large domain will become extremely beautiful and become a holy land!

Su Yan was extremely decisive to sacrifice the empty medicine field, in which hundreds of plants were planted in the sky, and the brilliance was swallowed.

Using energy to cultivate the treasure, and spreading out the gods and gods are painful, but Su Yan has grown to the extreme, but Zhuyue is still saving the king of the gods, and will definitely climb directly to the field.

After all, the essence of life that is capable of leaking out is enough for the king of God to break through several small realms, and it is even more likely to stand at the peak.

After all, only two of them are practicing here, and Su Yan’s various kinds of exotic medicines planted in the empty medicine field grow vigorously. One breath is equal to a hundred years, and it is really scary.

If these ancient medicines are sold out, the value can certainly be doubled.

It is a pity that Su Yan and Zhu Yue have limited ability to intercept more elite essences. They can only watch them, and the life of the dragons is integrated with the heavens and the earth.

As for the old antiques that do not dare to show up in the avenue city, I really want to kill. If I didn't offend the prehistoric big brother, he ran straight out and swallowed it. The effect is even the worst, and it can prolong life for a hundred years!

However, this great essence is so wasted.

"Is it powerful?"

In the quiet and silent Avenue City, there is a trembling voice that makes the atmosphere of the city even more intense.

Many sluggish eyes, looking at the outside of the avenue, the picture of blood-stained territory, suspected of great power, the vision of the birth of heaven and earth, they have seen in ancient books, but here saw a cruel reality!

Zhu Qiang is unbelievable, and I don’t see it with my own eyes. Who can believe that the power will be killed so quickly!

However, the **** territory, the picture is ambiguous, and some people whispered: "Impossible, the power is not so weak, even if there is really a disparity in the power, fight hard to resist, you can stick to a little time!"

"You found that there is no place to fight, there is still a breath, and the war is still going on!"

There are strong people in the city who have caught it, and the direction of the source still exudes a sense of supreme oppression. Unfortunately, their strength is not good, and they are not qualified to wait and see this battle!

The bronze hand of the prehistoric big brother, always shines!

Like a condensed universe, flowing with a blurry light, it is very close to boiling.

"this is?"

Su Yan and Zhu Yue looked at each other. They were a little surprised. Did Qiu Ming’s Guardian not be killed by the prehistoric big brother?

But who are you targeting now? Looking at the cold face of the prehistoric big brother, it seems that the enemies encountered are even stronger than the Qiu Ming Guardian. His entire bronze hand seems to burn and outline a world of heavens!

In the palm of the world, the boundary of the world is like destroying immortal matter!

No one can see the picture of his world in the palm of his hand, nor can he see that there is a small man with a big fist. It is like a heaven that is in charge of the universe. It is a godly horror. For any awkward person, only killing innocent!

It is a pity that he encountered the predecessor big brother, the wild giant, and the big fist of this big man began to be illusory in the struggle.


In the vagueness, there was a buzzing sound that opened the seal and spread it directly from the palm of the hand.

The seal of the ancestor of Feng Tianyu seems to be the ancestor of the family, but suffered a brutal suppression and made an ancient language, but it did not respond at all.

In this way, in his endless suppression, this imprint is finally broken!

The palm of the prehistoric brother was tight, and he looked careful and cautious, ensuring that all the marks of this line were wiped out, and the bronze hand was released, and a crystal light was scattered in the void, and it was in the darkness!

"Is the big brother just annihilating the mighty god?"

Su Yan scratched his head, and some couldn’t figure it out. I don’t know who the prehistoric big brother was targeting.

The world has returned to tranquility, and there has been a cold wind that has blown away a lot of blood.


The avenue city is quiet and suffocating. No one dares to say a word, because it is very likely to find a tragic event of great energy and hate. This is a **** event that will sensationalize the whole universe.

Although it is said that the ancestral hall was able to fall down more than a decade ago.

There is also an unexpected component in the fall of the mighty power. The starry sky matrix that crossed the star field happened to be an accident. It was invaded by time and space storms, and suffered heavy losses.

Then the old leader was killed by the bombardment!

It can be said that a powerful man died near the Avenue City, and even how many storms have not been set off, and the time is extremely short, then this is against the sky!

The chaotic ruins of the present are shaking again and again.

Feng Tianyu came out.

The direction of the city of avenues is bloody.

In a world-wide situation........

One after another, a vast expanse of vibrations!

"That is a group of people who are crossing time and space, are they chasing strong enemies? Or do you want to go to the top of the road for hundreds of millions of miles!"

"Too horror, is it a strong group?"

The gods shuddered and saw the picture of blood traversing millions of miles!

This is not a single thing. There are more than a dozen big people in the Tianyu area crossing the border. The blood is suffocating, and the gods can be vast. It is the scare of the scorpio burning and blazing!

They are crossing time and space, where they pass, the sun and the moon fall!

In the short half-column time, Feng Tianyu rushed out a dozen streams of cosmic torrents, and the crushed Tianzhu rumbling, shaking the universe!

The practice of sealing Tianyu is very simple. With the highest-profile attitude, crush any group of people who dare to provoke the Tianyu domain and kill innocent people!

(Chapter 2 to)

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