Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1134: Rolling!

"Su Yan, I am coming, come to lead!"

The cold voice spread throughout the Taoist platform, containing a kind of domineering, and the trial space for blood-staining between the seats, so that the monks who were entrenched in the parties were stunned, and someone came in? Even the Su Shi people came to lead to death.

The audience's gaze quickly fell on the seventh son of chaos that strode forward. His **** was deterrent, and there was a domineering singularity that attracted me.

His injury has also healed, standing at the peak, his body bathing nine colors of flames, such as a fire road supreme, overlooking the battlefield, containing coldness, came to recover the lost dignity.

"It is seven sons!"

The whole scene was sensational, and some people were completely dumbfounded. They stared at the seventh son of the domineering chaos. They wanted to say that they were small and small. Do you know that your fourth brother and eight brothers were shackled by Su Shi? A meal, even escaped directly!

"The seven sons are coming, but the eight sons and the four sons have already left, and they have just fled. It is too coincidental that he is coming."

"Before the four sons said that people are told to come to the seven sons, and the three sons can join hands to wipe out Su Yan, but now it is better, they escaped, a pit brother, a pit brother!"

"It is impossible to say this. After all, the seven children came together too coincidely. It happened to be the moment when the four sons and the eight sons escaped. They could lose heart with the brothers. They missed it perfectly. Maybe the seven sons came in time, and the battle will be reversed again. Su Yan is in a strong and unstoppable attack by the three sons!"

Some people talked about it, it seems very easy, because the ending has already been, since the seven sons have come, even facing the current Su Shi people alone, it is really a tragedy!

"Su Yan, I am coming, come..."

The seventh son of Chaos completely broke into the trial space, a pair of cold pupils, quickly all over the world, and soon he saw Su Yan, wanting to say all the words, brows slightly wrinkled, whispered: "Four brothers and What about the eight brothers?"

His eyes have seen the entire trial space, and he can't find four and eight younger brothers. He can only see the Su Shi people who are **** and savage!

When the Su Shi people stared at themselves with a pair of indifferent pupils, the seventh son of Chaos was a little big. He was anxious. Where did the fourth brother and the eight brothers go? Did you come to the wrong place, or what accidents did they encounter? Left the trial space!

There is an ominous in the heart of the seven sons, looking left and right, wanting to leave, figure out the situation and say, anyway, Xi Xiu can still send him in.

"I am here!"

Su Yan raised his palm. He was covered in blood. His entire arm was also stained with blood. He waved at the seven sons and said: "Come, come over, I am here!"

Just turned around, the seventh son of chaos who wants to leave, the whole person is stiff, and there is cold sweat behind.

The onlookers are stupid, and the seven sons are not right to escape, but the Su Shi people can let him escape!

"I am in the wrong place, I will!"

The seventh son of Chaos said in a deep tone that he escaped and escaped faster than his rabbit. A pair of pupils stared at the door of the trial space, as if to catch a life-saving straw!

Because he felt a kind of chill, a kind of chilling gas came to him, and he was about to swallow him!

This makes the seventh son of Chaos panic, and the hairs are all upright!

He was scared, and the fourth brother and the eight brothers disappeared. They are likely to die. Perhaps they have escaped. But it is not so coincidental. Did he escape at the moment he came in?

In short, the seven sons scared the legs and legs soft, but the legs and feet are also very agile, running fast, all the way to run, but he is about to cross the door, feel safe at the moment, the whole person is like falling into the ice!

Just like a magic mountain, standing behind his recovery, the **** air of the light, has already stunned the seven sons, the whole person shivered, turned his head, saw Su Yan's blood-stained face, with a smile.

"I am here!"

Su Yan’s voice blew in his ear, and the seven sons of the shock broke out in an instant, and they were released to the extreme. The nine-color flame burned, and his whole body was full of flames, burning down the void, and burning the Suyan!

Su Yan raised a hand and landed on the shoulders of the seven sons, ignoring the pain of burning the flame.

"I am here, how are you going? Don't you come to me?"

Su Yan's palms are forced, the seven legs of the pressure are shaking, the whole person is not controlled, and there is a tendency to blast!


What kind of power is this in the heart of the seven sons? He seems to have seen countless Supreme bodies in the resurrection, oppressed him, and he dared to look directly at Su Yan!

Su Yan patted his shoulders in a friendly manner. In fact, the power was very unfriendly. The seven sons of the film trembled and screamed, causing him to spurt blood and spurt out the blood from his nose and mouth!


The seventh son of Chaos broke out in an instant, burning in the extreme, and the strongest fighting power emerged. It was necessary to shake off Su Yan and escape the door of trial space!

The seventh son of Chaos is naturally strong and awakened to the extreme. It is terrible. His entire fist burns nine colors of fire, shining brightly and bombarding Su Yan.


Su Yan is cold and cold, facing the seventh son of chaos who killed him. His tricks are simple and hegemonic. A fist hits the blast, the brave force is peerless, the sky is full of fire, and the void is derived from the great collapse!

In the shocking eyes around, the seventh son of Chaos appeared very weak. The fist hit by Su Yan’s fist broke, and the flesh flew, letting the energy he released just now was powerful and spectacular, and was also completely killed in the face of Su Yan. !

"how is this possible!"

The seventh son of Chaos coughs blood, and there is tremor in the eyelids. How can Su Yan be so strong? They are all invincible, even if Su Yan is a prehistoric supreme body, it is impossible to be so outrageous!

"The Su Shi people are stronger, very strange, why he became so scary!"

"Yeah, we are all here in heaven and earth, but why is the power of Su Shi people so savage? Strong as seven children can't stop him!"

The people watching here are stunned. Some people feel that they are related to the inheritance of this, but they are confused. Even if Su Yan really harvests the inheritance, it will not be lifted by a kind of inheritance.

The seven sons are very strong, everyone knows everything, but what they can't think of is that Su Yan, with the inheritance of the Taoist platform, perfectly grasps the power of physical fitness. Once it breaks out, it seems that all the great supreme bodies are united, resulting in extremely abnormal power!

Even this kind of power is still in a state of semi-sleeping. If it is completely recovered, how strong the body is, it is really an unknown!

"Take your full strength and fight with me!"

Su Yan strode forward, such as a martial arts master, the momentum is completely different, raising his hand to lift the foot, the pressure is hundreds of millions!

He is somewhat unsatisfied. The reason why he quickly mastered the inheritance of the Taoist platform is because he and the two sons of Chaos have been in the ultimate state, so he can quickly grasp the part of the inheritance.

Now, Su Yan still wants to fight again, but he lifts his big hand and pushes forward. Facing the power of pushing and pushing, the seven sons can only despair. He can't stop Su Yan. The two are not like a level. The skin that was photographed was opened.

"Do you have this strength?"

Su Yan looked down on the seventh son of Chaos. His words made him feel self-sufficient, and his eyes flashed cold and chilling. The nine-color skyfire that ran over the flesh was revival, but it was mixed together, and it was going to evolve a kind of destruction. The chaos of the earth is coming out!

However, the moment of this energy formation, chaotic space-time inflammation can not be said to be too strong, although the temperature of burning is terrible, but lacks the power it deserves!


Su Yan shook his head, and his fist directly shattered the chaotic time and space.

He strode forward, fierce, looking down on the seventh son of chaos, the words of the Tao made the seventh son of Chaos furious: "I am not good at the flesh, I am one of the nine fires, the world is invincible!"


Su Yan's eyes were fierce, and a slap in the face, the seven sons and half of the face were all cracked, and the teeth spit out seven or eight. The whole person was very miserable and fell to the ground.

"I make you invincible!"

Su Yan was a pedal, and the seven sons flew to the sky. He was too miserable. He was hanged by Su Yan and there was no room for resistance!

"I don't accept it!"

The seven sons roar, really hateful, in the long years, he also realized a kind of school, but not in the flesh, but in his way and the law!

"Do you have any dissatisfaction? Even if you really walk out of your own path, it is not a road that is truly invincible!"

Su Yan has a kind of enlightenment, the gods and gods, accumulate the underworld, and realize the road of his own. In the future, he can be called the king of the world!

If you don’t take this road, even if you are a **** god, it’s not strong enough. The **** king is already in the avenue, from the gods to the king’s kingdom, a realm of sublimation, going through the kingdom of the gods and stepping into the road. Only in the ranks of the top, can you let your own infinite explosion!

No wonder Xiahou let them know, this is very big, and these three sons have not come out of their strongest invincible road, they are not strong enough!

"You are just relying on your physique. If you don't have physical fitness, you can't hold me down!" The seven sons resentful and said the key points.

"If you don't have nine flames, it's really worth noting in my eyes!"

Su Yan shook his head and spoke of a more cruel truth. This made the seven children time and space. In the trial space, they were the most proud of the blood, unable to use, mastered all kinds of prehistoric great powers, and could not be used!

The killing of pure flesh, before the two sons joined forces to check and balance Su Yan, not to mention a seven sons.

"Providing the source of the nine major fire materials, you can consider giving you a life!"

Su Yan’s soles stepped on the chest of the seven sons, overlooking him. The words that were made let the onlookers hair, which is to capture the creation of the Chaos Valley, the source of the nine major fires, precious!

"Is the seven sons coming to make it?"

Many people are dumbfounded, and the ending makes them all scream.

Some people in the outside world are worried about Su Yan because the seven sons broke into the trial space.

In particular, a large earthquake broke out in the hall. The news came, the entire hall was shaken up and down, and the chaotic tower was so important. However, the Daodian was a mighty, destroying the rules, and sent the seven sons into the trial space. Dead!


A sturdy mountain peak, gentle and watery Liang Ya'an, wearing a light blue dress, like a valley, she is beautiful and quiet, sometimes smiling, is taking care of the fragrant medicine garden.

When I heard the raging incident in the hall, Liang Ya'an picked several medicinal herbs that had been in the year and fell to the ground. The news of the madness of the temple broke the quiet heart of Liang Ya'an. Her jade hand clenched her face and her face was vague. pale.

"I look at the distance, you are invincible in the future, how can you..."

She heard some news that Chaos Valley three sons joined forces to put Su Yan to death, and even in the dark there is a way to help.

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