Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1136: Kill it!

"Cosmic Bridge!"

Nowadays, the powerful powerhouses in the Chaos Tower are less than one or twenty.

Now they are all amazed, seeing the bridge of the universe hit, the golden avenue spreads, like a bridge of the universe, covering the vast territory, directly extending to the chaotic tower area!

Some people look at Xi Xiu, they estimate that most of the temple knows that he is guilty of malpractice, but also put Su Yan to death, because he angered the strong temple, even the universe bridge was hit, it seems to be the road The real power of the temple is shot!

However, the development of the next thing made them all horrified. There was a grand bell rumbling, a golden bell illuminating, rumbling, and the bells were grand, and the crowded universe was shivering!


The whole scene was sensational, and the two halls of the Daodian were manifested in the treasure. The power was infinite, transpiration of energy fluctuations and rushed to the chaotic tower area.

Even they saw, the three figures, the peerless powerful, along the bridge of the universe, one step at a time, a short time rushed here, the three strong as the three immortal furnace is burning, blazing!

"The three giants of Daodian are here. What happened?"

"Is it because of Xi Xiu?"

The group is hairy, what is the situation? Although he repaired the rules of destruction, he helped Chaos Valley against Su Yan.

But it is not that the three giants of Daodian stand up directly, even if they come to the scene, appear here. Is this to ask for sin, or what to do?

Xi Xiu's old face is very ugly, how can this be the case, although he broke the rules, sent seven sons into the trial space where Su Yan is!

There is no need for things to come, let the three giants stand up for him to take the lead?

Even if he broke the rules, there is no need to use this lineup?

And Su Yan has many families, and Daodian may not keep him.

But nowadays, the three giants of Daodian came, looking at Xi Xiu, let Xi Xiu scalp numb, but he is powerful after all, and soon calm down, said: "The three vice presidents are coming, the old man has a long way to go welcome!"


The three giants are cold and the face is sinking at the same time. This makes Xi Xiu's skin tremble, isn't it?

"Xi Xiu, you can know sin!" Vice President Jin Yu said with a calm face.

"What happened to Vice President Jin Yu?" Xi Xiu's fist was slightly gripped, and he said with an old face: "Where is this place I offended Vice President Jin Yu?"

"If you don't know sin, then I will talk about it."

Vice-President Jin Yu, the majestic face reveals an anger and sighs: "You are also the old man of Dao Dian, who is in a high position, and is a powerful person. You have a good performance in the past, and you are deliberately letting you take the town avenue city." But you are good, for your own selfish desires, in the avenue city against Su Yan!"

The whole game was boiling, and they really didn't know about it. I didn't think that the avenue disaster in that year, Xi Xiu also stepped in!

"You have angered the taboo and been cut off!"

Vice President Jin Yu said with cold anger: "If you don't stop in time, you can know the consequences!"

Surrounded by a mess, his arm was broken like this, the world can not forget the loss of the Tianyu, and indeed Xi Xiu started to target Su Yan, almost made a great disaster for the temple!


Xi Xiu’s face was ugly, and Vice President Jin Yu was in the world, saying his scandal, making him really difficult to see.

But the three giants are in front of you. What can he say? This is a fact. It was not the vice president of Jin Yu who made it out of thin air. He could only bite his teeth: "The matter has passed, and the old man does not want to mention it again!"

"Before this." Vice-President Jin Yu said with a cold face: "You have destroyed, the iron law of the chaotic towers has destroyed its test rules. I don't think you really put the hall on your mind. To put Su Yan to death!"


What Xi Xiu wants to say, but there is nothing to say. After all, this is something that the whole world can see.

Some people in the neighborhood are talking about each other, what is the situation? How did the temple suddenly appear for Su Yan? Is it true that one of the three great giants has a relationship with the three giants, but also for other special reasons!

"The old man now gives you a chance to make a sin!" Vice-President Jin Yu sighed coldly: "Go, throw me the chaos three sons from you, or else I will go to the temple, and I will not forget it!"

The horror kills the Quartet, and the pupils of the three giants have a cold light!

The people around him were frightened. What the vice president said, on behalf of the Taoist temple, they have to marry the Xiu Xiu? Is the honor of recovering the loss, or because of Su Shi? This is a powerful, killing and killing?

"you guys!"

Xi Xiu’s face was angered, let him throw the chaotic three sons out? It is equal to thoroughly provoke the Chaos Valley!

But if you don't go, the three giants will shoot him off.

He did not doubt the attitude of the three vice presidents. He was really shocked. Is it because of the taboo behind Su Yan that the three giants shot?

"Don't be too much!"

Xi Xiu suddenly gritted his teeth: "I am Xi Xiu, the powerful and powerful, and the elders of the Taoist temple. Su Yan is now mostly a dead person. He can't stop the three sons from joining forces to help a dead person. It’s not wise to provoke chaotic valleys!"


Kong Xian, who has been silent for a long time, screams loudly!

The scene that makes the world chilling, the arrogant power can be angered, the vast universe is shaking, the sky and the moon are all bursting!

Some of the big powers in the vicinity are hairy, and how strong is Kong Xian, the fighting power is superb, the body is dominated, and the big swallows are swallowed.

Under his shackles, Xi Xiu Meng spurted a blood, flew out like a dead dog, and the whole flesh exploded. He was a little scared. What happened in the end, so that Kong Xian was angry. , start with him!


Xi Xiu did not know much, and directly applied space to move, first escape and then talk.

However, Kong Xian is too strong, and his big hand is enough to cover the entire large area. The source of divine power is hundreds of miles away. Under his palm, Xi Xiu appears to be very weak, allowing him to move faster. Can't escape the five fingers between Kong Xian!

"Five Fingers Mountain!"

Some people exclaimed: "This is the secret technique of the long history of the Taoist temple. Wuzhishan is rumored to be a savvy savvy savvy savvy!"

Some supernatural powers, exclusive to the power!

Some secrets, non-primary can be used to display, this Wuzhishan once displayed, magical powers across the billions of miles away, suppressing strong enemies!

"Ah, the vice president is forgiving, forgive me, my training is just a moment of confusion, the vice president is alive, I am going to play the chaos three sons now!"

Xi Xiu screamed and was suppressed by Wuzhishan. As long as Kong Xian’s five fingers were closed, he would die!

Shang Li shook his head, it is already late, and even if they can look at the past feelings, do not kill the Xi Xiu, just give him a certain lesson.

Who can roar in the purple bamboo forest, but it will not be a good time to rest, this Xi Xiu can not live for too long.

"This is the temple, it is too domineering!"

"Kong Yin is a great power, strong and outrageous. Xi Xiu was suppressed by him!"

"Dao Dian, still the same as before, full of credibility, I see this world is still the most outstanding disciple under our door, join the Taoist temple!"

This is the act of the three giants, so that the people of the world can look at each other. They have to say that the three giants have joined forces, causing the storm to be too fierce. They directly suppressed Xi Xiu.

"I will take a look and bring the chaos three."

Vice-President Jin Yu has just stepped forward. Who knows that Kong Xian looked at him and said, "I am going, you don't have to be able to play chaotic three."

Wen Yan, deputy director Jin Yu has some face green, but he said it is good, the three sons join hands, the gods of the heavens he is indeed no match, can Kong Xian be able to host? Vice President Jin Yu is also not very convinced.

Just when Kong Xian was ready to step into the Chaos Tower, something strange happened to them.

Su Yan's trial space, violently ran out of two blood-stained shadows, **** and fuzzy, miserable, and even one less one arm, the other walked limping.

what's the situation?

Did Su Yan escape from the inside and was rescued by others?

However, it seems that it didn't take long for the seven sons to enter.


Chaos two pairs of each other, the momentum is also released at the same time, they are the king of God, take out the big tonic to swallow, nourish the wound.

They are very angry. Why are the seven children still not coming?

If you want to enter the trial space for the second time, you must have a real person in the hall to take the shot.

Now Su Yan is still not in the trial space. They are going to unite the seven sons. The three sons will once again go in and kill Su Yan anyway!

This face they really can't afford to lose, if the three sons can not even get a Su Yan can do, Chaos Valley will really become a big laughing handle!

"Where is the Daodian, give it to me, I have something to tell!"

The four sons of flesh and blood are still less than one arm, and the face is invisible. He absorbs the big tonic as soon as possible to refine and restore the damage. He also wants to let the temple open the trial space and not give Su Yan a chance to heal.

"Is this little friend Su Yan?"

Vice-President Jin Yu went to go, and smiled kindly: "Little friends don't misunderstand, there have been some minor problems before, and now they have been solved!"

"Who is Su Yan, your eyes are blind!"

The fourth son of Chaos was furious, and Zhang mouth was stunned. He was on the head, but could anyone mistake them for Su Yan?

"Not Su Yan?"

Kong Xian looked at the two sons with strange eyes. Are they chaotic two sons? Can Su Yan be able to go against the sky, in the hands of the three sons, forced to chase two sons? Is this guy younger than himself, and the flesh is still dominating?

"I see you are old and dizzy, and you are bald, what do you look at?"

Eight sons also witnessed splitting, especially Kong Xian staring at their gaze, making him very angry, what a good look for his mother?

They thought about directly acknowledging their identity, but they were really humiliating. Did they tell them that their two sons were joined together by Su Yan!


Shang Li was furious, she was still calm, but two generations, so roaring two powers? Two deputy directors of the roaring hall, this is too much!

Even if they have the identity of the sky, this is too much!

"You old woman, who let you insert it?" The four son's nephew sank.


The atmosphere of the audience was a bit cold, and some people groaned and began to move back, worrying about getting into the fire!

The Han family ancestors have long fled, how far is far away, although the three giants do not necessarily kill the chaos two sons, but most will tear him!

In the distance, he was speechless and speechless. The three deputy directors of Daodian were screamed by two sons. Even the glass is still a female power. They are called old women. This consequence can be serious!

A woman is versatile. Looking at the entire cultivation community, can I find out a few? Moreover, although she still has some decline, she still retains some peerless styles in her youth!

"Hey, what should I do?" Kong Xian did not care about it. He touched the big bald head and licked the glass.

"Kill it."

Shang glass cold ice and ice response, she has always loved the United States, or else the young age will not cost a lot, get a resident Yan Dan.

Vice-President Jin Yu said nothing, thinking that not to provoke a woman with too much ability, or else it would be very miserable.

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