Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1160: Turn the tide

It’s hard to describe.

Feng Tianyu is a restricted area of ​​life, Henggu Hengqiang, the **** of the family is naturally strong, mastering prehistoric heritage, and each battle is superb.

The Dojo of the Ten Kings and the Kings broke up, and a figure broke through the sky and appeared in a shocking manner. He yelled at the sky and killed one after another!

It is hard for the world to imagine such a god-like power, and all of them are in a daze. These are all powerful gods. No matter what group of people, they can be called the existence of a big master, and they can't afford the almost invincible **** and king.

But the kings of the three great kings of the king, one after another, blew open the flesh. They couldn’t hold the glimpse of the man. Even he moved the corner of the universe, and the ten kings who were crushed were bleak.

The rest of the gods are heavy, mouth vomiting blood!

They are far away from Su Yan, so they are not directly killed, but they are also very wounded, and their eyes are full of fear, because they feel that a powerful person has killed, or why it is so abnormal!

Although Su Yan is not a **** king yet, his situation is extremely special after all. He bathes in the source of the universe. For the mastery of the universe, he is not inferior to the king of the peak, and even has a heart that transcends the past. The stalwart of the land!

And Su Yan is in the regional hall, **** five years!

His warfare is changing and becoming more and more horrible. Now he is more perverted. He can't use the realm to measure Su Yan. He is not inferior to the king of the gods, and his body is stronger than the ordinary **** and king. Even the yuan. God is the king of the peak!

Even with the momentum of Su Yan, the irresistible invincible trend, all the time to dominate the audience, all the people who were alarmed were creepy, and felt that a murderer who was invincible in time and space returned!

"What the **** is it!"

The onlookers are eclipsed. This sudden change is really amazing. A wild **** of war is killed like this. It is really strong enough to be in the agenda. Is this going to turn the tide and change the battlefield?

Yan Yuan, who is fighting with the eighth son, has blood flowing from his mouth. He makes a low laugh: "Before, I have experienced a lot of desperation. I feel that I am going to die. I always think that Su Yan will debut, from the regional hall. come out!"

"The Jedi did not wait for him again and again, but I came over again and again, I am still alive, I am stronger, I can be alone!"

"Now I don't have a look at it, I am not dreaming, he really has returned!"

The sound that uttered in Yuan’s mouth was a bit unclear, although the eighth son of Chaos didn’t know what 羿 Yuan was doing...

But he heard Su Yan, a nightmare they once had, a nightmare that once killed their confidence in the Chaos Tower!

"This is impossible!"

The eighth son of Chaos was out of control, and Su Yan went to the local temple and went to the death of the Jedi. He could not live out of the regional temple!

Even if he Su Yan created a miracle, it really did not come out in just over five years from the local temple. This is too unreasonable. How did he do it!

"It's him......."

The South Emperor, who is struggling with the seven sons, frowned. The emperor of his generation was filled with the Emperor Longwei, such as a young emperor, but he was also amazed at this moment. He asked himself not to be Su Yan. Savage is also overkill!

But if you were once an invincible Susie, you really came back from the regional temple!

This is a terrible thing. It will be a storm, sweeping the entire burial place, and rewriting the overall pattern of the current burial place. Has a strong person who once considered the world returned?

"who are you!"

The seven gods of the Tiantian domain screamed, and they also had young powers coming out. They are not the mysterious strongmen who are particularly afraid of coming, but they will not think that Su Yan is returning. The regional temple is the death of the Jedi. He cannot come out. !


Su Yan directly explores the big hand, the golden giant palm, the grand peerless!

The moment of crushing down, it can be called the corner of the universe, powerful and peerless, like a kind of powerful means of the world, holding the corner of the universe, commanding the world, mana!

"Do not!"

Su Yan’s big hands shrouded the two great kings in a twinkling of an eye. The two of them shivered, and the body of the king of the gods began to collapse without control, eventually giving off a heartbreaking voice and a fear.

They are desperate, is this still human?

Su Yan’s field is so grand that there is a great degree of power. Even he can easily take the road and the law of the corner of the universe. Is this still a person?


Su Yan's palm directly forced the body of the two gods!

This hegemonic means detonated the storm of the audience. Many of the soldiers of the Dala Dynasty were excited: "Invincible, invincible, invincible!"

"Invincible, brave and invincible!"

They are full of emotions, and they are so convinced that they are impressed and admire them!

This is the overlord. This is the symbol of the invincibility of the world. Killing the king is like killing a chicken. Lifting the hand to cover the corner of the universe and suppressing the king of the gods is the means of peerless invincibility. Let them admire each other and admire Su Yan. The five bodies cast!

"who are you!"

The five kings of the gods who are still alive are afraid of trembling. They are all shaking in the sorrow, far away from Su Yan. Just now, the whole five gods died, and even a wave did not turn out!

They are so dead, even they have not figured out who is coming!

Su Yan's spirit of gas, compared with before, the gap is too big, these years have changed a lot, some familiar people are extremely difficult to determine, whether he is Su Yan.

At this moment, his pair of cold pupils also stared at the eighth son of chaos closest to him!

This dark, deep, cold, and even regarded as the most respected creatures are the eyes of the ants!

Let the eighth son of Chaos be a little angry, but soon his scalp exploded, and there was a horror in his eyes. He felt that this person was absolutely Su Yan, the **** of war that broke out from the death of the Jedi!


When his figure traversed and penetrated into the dojo, as if the disappearing emperor returned, the breath of the infinite stalwart broke out and went straight to the eighth son of Chaos!

In the gaze of the surrounding, the eighth son of Chaos turned around and escaped!

Everyone is in a daze, some doubts about life, he is a chaotic child, a taboo descendant, but now he ignores face and escape, this is the performance of losing his fighting spirit and hope, then what kind of enemy is he facing, why is it like this? Unbearable.

"I haven’t escaped before I fight, is it..."

Some of the onlookers in the distance stirred up their minds, and the goose bumps all started. The Su Shi people who disappeared disappeared. The invincibles they once admired from the death of the Jedi!

"It is him, absolutely he!"

These people are out of control and roaring, and they have seen this figure, grand and peerless, as if they are crowded with the entire universe!

He came, and crossed into the chaotic dojo, the voids exploded, with incomparable oppression, with the murder of thousands of supreme creatures, enough to suppress everything!


The eighth son of Chaos is flaming in the air, and it breaks out in an instant. Because it catches an unstoppable force, it must resist it. Otherwise, he is likely to be killed by Su Yan in one face!


The body of the eight sons is flaming, and the body is surrounded by a silver beam, releasing an immortal power!

This has to be astounding. The chaos has just begun to fight, and has burned the power of the bloodline, bursting out the strongest source of power. He has a huge figure behind his back, as if looking down at the supreme **** of the universe. !

"Chaotic time and space!"

The eighth son of Chaos, the most powerful force, spreads all over the body with the power of the blood of the ancestors, and the palms that are swung out have a vague and immortal light bursting out, and instantly hit the figure that crosses, to stop him!


Yuan Yuan yelled and reminded Su Yan, because this energy is very evil. He has been hit hard by this material many times and has to flee!

Nowadays, the eighth son of Chaos has completely released the blood of the mother. This is to fight!


This blow is extremely strong, and the repressed heaven and earth are bleak, enriching a storm of destruction.

The South Emperor was somewhat eclipsed and his look was bleak, but he quickly cheered up. He knew that this was the innate gap, but it could be done through the day after tomorrow!

Each chaotic son has a contraindication to bloodlines and even inheritance. It is too tyrannical. If you really fight, you can make a shock and destroy the enemy. This is the most terrible place for Chaos!


Su Yan's tall figure, a punch directly went straight out, seemingly calm, but actually led to the roar of the universe, and his body shines, exploding the power of the universe.

The fists hit together!

What is shocking is that the eighth son of Chaos is trembled, and it will be broken, and the pores will be sprayed into pieces of blood, which will be broken!

But at the crucial moment, the taboo bloodline burns, covering his body, stabilizing his falling body, and condensing the vague immortal power to kill Su Yan's invincible flesh!


Su Yan made a long scream, smothered the bull, and bravely died. He seemed to kill the real dragon, kill the whole world, suppress all the turmoil, and dominate the world!

The astounding picture, the entire chaotic dojo is stunned by him!

This is the return of the king, all the people are clear, his move is simple and hegemony.

After three punches, the bombardment of the silvery immortal material is divided!

Even the huge figure that condenses behind the eighth son of Chaos, such as the supreme **** overlooking the heavens and the earth, is now under the guise of Su Yan, and begins to collapse in the distortion!

"In the future, I am invincible, and I can't help me with taboos!"

Su Yan screams, black hair flutters, like a torch, smoldering the stars!

His embarrassing taboos were completely blasted, and the eighth son of Chaos was directly smashed by Su Yan, and collapsed into a group of blood, and the silvery blood of the sky was annihilated!

(There is still in the evening, it will be added today)

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