Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1163: Calm before the war

The chaotic dojo has become a human purgatory. The blood is very heavy, and the residual killing is still cold and biting.

Some people who were originally watching in the distance and watching the crowds.

Now a batch and then a group were moved to the dojo by Su Yan, and some of the fledgling monks saw the bones of the earth in the dojo, broken bones, flesh and blood, pale, trembling, and almost spit out.

The picture in the dojo is too bloody, and the fallen strong is really difficult to estimate.

Even many of them are the geniuses of the famous town, and now they are all bloodshed.

These strong people who were taken over by Su Yan to be a guest were all shocked. Where is the time to appreciate the uniqueness and extraordinaryness of the chaotic dojo. One by one, the drums are straight, and I am really worried that this monk will kill them!

After all, Su Yan suddenly returned, and arrived here the first time.

Therefore, people outside are not aware of his news!

Even if some people had previously withdrawn beforehand, they did not see the complete battle. Even if the news leaked out, it was extremely difficult to confirm that Su Yan was alive and returning. After all, the chaotic dojo was so shocked that it was shocked.

Now Su Yan brought them all here, isn’t it about killing people?

"Su brother let us come here, is there anything to be told?" A daring strong man stood up and respectfully said to him, "If it is Su brother, if there is a dispatch, it is directly told that I am It’s not a bad thing to go to the sea under the knife!”

"Yeah, brother, do you recruit soldiers? You are the first to join, you mean where I am!" Some people are very upset. They want to join the Susie camp and follow him to the world. Maybe life can change.

Most people are a little scared and hard to calm down, for fear that Su Yan will kill them.

"You are."

Su Yan's breath is restrained, although the murderousness is scattered, but the breath is still strong, his pair of scorpions bloom and shine, and they patrol them faintly: "They don't panic, you are not malicious, just want to invite you here. After a few days as a guest, when I finish some things, you will return on your own, and I will speak for someone!"

Some people have a sudden shock, with the name of Su Yan, when they will not lie to them, he will not be able to.....

If he really wants to start, why should he say these nonsense?

With the promise of Su Yanwei, these people have a little peace of mind. They estimate that Su Yan is going to block the news and not let his own things leak more. But what is the purpose of his doing this, do you want to start against other enemies?

"Su Yan!"

Some people forcibly bring up courage and whisper: "I respect you as the overlord, but you shouldn't take such a slap in the face, and even put us under house. What do you think of us? I still have something to do. Must go out the first time!"

Many people have cold eyes, this is not nothing to find.

“Nature, can someone still go out?”

Su Yan’s nephew patrolled a huge crowd, and a few of them also had tens of thousands of creatures. His voice was low: “I’ll not force you to block everyone, but if you want to go out, stand up!”

Su Yan’s response made his face a bit gloomy, and he did not expect Su Yan to speak so well.

For a time, at least hundreds of monks came out and the breath was not weak. Some people held a fist on Su Yan and said, "I also have something to do, and there is no time to delay!"

Seeing these people stand up, more people are coming and going. For them, the chaotic dojo is the human purgatory. I don’t want to stay here for a while, and can leave as soon as possible.

Thousands of monks came out, and Su Yan said to the people who were still hesitant: "Friends who are willing to stay here for a few more days are my guests of Su Yan. Although you are practicing in the chaotic dojo, as for the friends who want to go. , the door is in the sky, you can leave!"


Su Yan just said this, many people are hot.

The monks who had previously flown into the crowd immediately returned to more than half of them. Many people are very excited. They can be cultivated here. This is what they dream of. We must know the existence and abundant chaotic energy in the chaotic dojo!

After practicing one day here, it will be worthy of ten days and a half months of hard work. Even if it is practiced for three or five days, it can save a lot of time to break through the realm.

"Ha ha ha, the name of Su Yan, such as Lei Guan, then we are welcome!"

Some older monks are red-eyed, rushing into the chaotic dojo at a very fast speed, looking for places to prepare for cultivation, and engulfing massive amounts of chaotic energy.

However, some people do not think that Su Yan will be so kind, and let them leave. It is true that these people just stepped outside the dojo, one by one is lost between the heavens and the earth, it is extremely difficult to get out of the square!

"What are you doing with Su Yan? You don't want credit to murder us!"

A group of monks trapped in a special field are ugly, and they are all intercepted by the domain. It is extremely difficult to get out.

"It’s ridiculous, just because you also let Su Da Ge murder." Some young people who are preparing to practice in the dojo say: "Do not stay here to practice, now there are ghosts in the heart that goes out. I think you can’t wait to tell the outside world. Su Yan's return to the news!"

"Damn, you Su Yan, you are too much, are you afraid of causing public anger?"

These people are so bad that they can't go out. They are trapped in a special field, lost their way, let them be strong, and it is extremely difficult to kill!

"Su Daoyou's Qimen means is really amazing!"

Nanhuang patrolled a glance, facing Su Yanzheng: "Watching these fields, you can see the realm of Qimen Qimen, you are close to the Grand Master!"

Many of the great dynasty dynasties were shocked. If Su Yan’s means of breaking through the field of masters, then it is an eight-character master, enough to be compared with the power of the great!

However, Su Yan lacks the corresponding inheritance, so this level is now a bit distant.

However, it is no longer particularly difficult to trap the king of the king by simply setting the level of his peak.

"Southern Emperor!"

Su Yan’s eyes looked at him and said: “This campaign, thank you for your help!”

Although there was some unpleasantness with the South Emperor before, but it was because of Luo, the two did not have too deep hatred. Now the South Emperor rushed here to save Luo Huaqing, Su Yan really looked at him with a high look, a generation of emperors!

After this war, the South Emperor and Luo Tiandu separated from each other, and the Dala Dynasty was afraid to be unified!

After this battle, Luo Tiandu also knows his own Southern Emperor. It is also clear that the Dala Dynasty must gather the strongest strength to cultivate the Southern Emperor. Otherwise, it is not qualified to compete with the best of the future. The lessons of Chaos Valley are enough!

"It’s about my glory and shame, I naturally want to stand up!"

The Southern Emperor breathed calmly and calmly said: "You and I will not know whether it is an enemy or a friend in the future. Now there will be a period of time. Luo Tian is also a good person, let me take a step!"

The South Emperor left, not staying here.

In this battle, he knows his own shortcomings and must take a more brutal test to make himself stronger. In the future, he will not be eliminated by the times!

As for the future he said, let Luo Tiandu sigh, referring to the hegemony of the most powerful burial place, one day sooner or later, they will all use the strongest power to compete!

"Congratulation to the South Emperor!"

A group of soldiers from the Daluo dynasty yelled. From their eyes, there was a kind of recognition. After all, the South Emperor came here and gave birth to life and death, fighting for the dignity of the Dala Dynasty!

The South Emperor of this day, really win the respect of these soldiers.

at night.......

The **** atmosphere of the chaotic dojo scattered a lot, and the battlefield was cleaned.

Su Yan regrets that he did not get the material of the immortality, but he could not use it, but Luo vigorously can raise the disease with the immortal material.

However, the empty pockets in the two corpses have many treasures and great harvests.

Here, burning a campfire and grilling some food.

Su Yan, they sit on the ground and talk about the big and small events that have occurred in the past five years.

"The three sons are finished, and there is still a celestial body that does not target us, but it also secretly makes the scorpion!"

Luo Tiandu whispered: "When Huaqing was caught, the Zhuyue Fairy of Tianzhu had come to help, I don't know if the Big Dipper is innocent now!"

Su Yan learned that these days, Zhu Yue has repeatedly helped each other, or else they are very difficult to find out.

Now vigorously and Yu Yuan both double breakthroughs, stepping into the realm of the king of God, but also from the desperate.

Now they feel a lot of emotions. If these people are not secretly helping these people, they may not see this day. Now they are all kings and gods, even if Su Yan does not come, it is much better than before!

"Yan is also shooting, where is the bamboo moon?"

Su Yan’s heart is warm and can help at this juncture. This is the friendship.

These days, Liang Yaan refining many secret medicines to help them, even if it is a breakthrough, it is related to the secret medicine of Liang Ya'an refining. Where is the bamboo month? This battle did not see her figure.

"Bao Cai fell into a Jedi."

Yuan Yu’s tone was low and he said: “When our brothers entered the burial place, they encountered their siege. On the way we were broken up. Later, I heard that Baocai strayed into a place of life and death, and now the whereabouts are unknown!”

"Baocao's life is hard, there are also Wan Yaoqi guards, it will not fall!"

Su Yan’s fist is tight, and he does not believe that Tiebao’s finances will fall. He does not believe in Yuan. He has repeatedly gone to the life and death of Baocai. Unfortunately, he did not find Tiebaocai, but he did not see the body of Baocai. Do not believe that Tiebao Finance will fall into the Jedi.

"Is the tensor really degraded?"

Su Yan’s voice was a little hoarse, his fists were clenched and he tried to control his emotions.

Yan Yuan, they are all silent, bow their heads, and their hearts are very painful. It is difficult to accept this.

The eye-catching eyes are red, and he whispered: "The tensor brothers allowed me to escape. He deliberately introduced Qiu Ming into a bottomless abyss, but Qiu Ming was not fooled. He was driven into the abyss, and Was hit the heart!"


Su Yan's body murderous, leaking, cold biting.

He is like a sacred furnace burning, the whole chaotic tract of the sky is shining, and the blood in his heart is boiling.

"Qiu Ming, I will kill him personally!"

Su Yan said coldly: "He wants to break through the power. This is impossible. We have been here for a few days to go to him for liquidation. Some grudges can now be put in a liquidation and liquidation!"

He and Qiu Ming have too many grudges, and once Qiu Ming Gao looked down on himself.

Now Su Yan has the strength, he wants to kill Qiu Ming now!

"Yes, kill him, revenge for the Zhang brothers!"

Vigorously low, no matter whether the tensor has fallen or not, some accounts should be counted!

Now that Su Yan is returning, they also have the backbone of the heart. They really don't believe in Qiu Ming.

"Kill Qiu Ming...."

Luo Huaqing also picked up, drunk, and ate barbecue. She felt that she was still alive.

A group of soldiers of the Dala Dynasty were inspired by their words.

To know that Qiu Ming, has begun to accumulate Qiu Ming, who has the impact of the impact!

If you can get rid of Qiu Ming, then this is even more shocking than the chaos of the chaos.

But can they do it? Now Qiu Ming’s combat power is superb, and the distance is almost infinitely close. It’s easy to kill the current Qiu Ming!

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