Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1182: Dragon City

At the end of the space-time tunnel, there are several tall figures, exuding indescribable power.

They should still be alive, because Su Yan caught the life and weather, which made him feel shocked. The time of the seal of the burial place was too long. Although it has been opened in the past, it is rarely.

Now that the distance has been turned on last time, there are hundreds of thousands of years to say, but how can there be living creatures in it? Is it a taboo?

"Walk or go back?"

When Yuan Yuan was sweating, it was scared. Who can hold his heart, if they are in danger, they can't live out.


Su Yan is low-lying, he has a dragon totem guard body, and there are certain countermeasures in case of danger. Moreover, there is no danger in this area. Since it is a land of Hidden Dragon, it is feared that the dragon totem will play a vital role.

Moreover, if the front is not Jedi, then it may be an opportunity for Tianda.

A group of four people, sprinting quickly, and some of the strong followers, is also a trepidation, living creatures? What do you encounter if you go in?

But when they saw Su Yan, the pedestrians decisively broke in. These people also bite their teeth and rushed hard. Maybe they could get some opportunities. To know the burial place, the world’s most eager to get is the prehistoric inheritance. There may be a legacy of anti-day.


When the four of them rushed to the end and rushed out of the space-time tunnel, the tall figure between the heavens and the earth stood still a real distance.

But for a moment, they trembled, as if they had entered another big environment, the vastness of the universe between the heavens and the earth, the suppressed Su Yan they suffocated.

Of course, this is not a kind of power, but an atmosphere. There is a kind of shocking power. If it is really a kind of power, they will probably be hit hard.

"This day and the earth!"

Yuan Yuan trembled and said: "With a strong sense of divine power, is this really a true dragon's nest, the place where the most sacred souls live, and cultivated the gods of the world, which can certainly breed the strongest creatures!"

Su Yan will not question this point. If he lives here for a long time, he will really develop a stunning charm. If he comes to the heavens and the earth, he will feel that the external environment is weak!

Then here should be a peerless dojo!

For the chaotic dojo, Su Yan has explored it, but unfortunately, it has lost its original power and lost its proper foundation. Although it is still a peerless dojo, it lacks important things, that is, charm.

Even he speculated that the chaotic dojo should not be the boundary of the Xianxing land. He felt that it should be moved to the burial place. Since the land of Xianxing had been catastrophe, it was not unexpected that many Taos moved to the burial place.

"It's very special here. If it's a real dragon's nest, then there should be a taboo in it, or there won't be such a terrible pressure!"

Su Yan, they are amazed, what is the essence, this is!

Moreover, this is still the edge zone. It seems to be taboo and heaven, magnificent and boundless. Looking at the end of the earth, the tall figure is still there.

"Be careful!"

Su Yan took a deep breath and said: "I don't know what will happen, Baocai will not come here? Let's go and have a look!"

Since I am here, I must definitely see the host of this place.

Su Yan, who is daring in art, is not to be scared. In this way, a group of four people walked toward the depths of the mysterious world. No threats were encountered along the way. Instead, the atmosphere between heaven and earth became more and more heavy.

Soon they approached, and when they saw the destination, they were all stunned.

At the end of the world, there is actually a city!

The ancient city pool, standing here does not know how many years, the city is large, not inferior to the universe city.

The bronze-colored giant city exudes a thick and breathful atmosphere, filled with a kind of philadelphia. The breath that Su Yan felt before was actually the city.

It is dusty here for a long time, on the huge wall of the city, with a huge image of the dragon, also like the real dragon.

Nine dragons, around the giant city!

The picture is extraordinarily spectacular. This is a city of dragons. It is a vast and vast city. It is a slap in the face of a slap in the face.

"A city!"

Su Yan, they are shocked, how can you think of it, this end of the wild land, there is a city!

So far, there is only one city in the burial place. They did not expect that there is a big city here that is no less than the universe city. Even the weather that the city is filled with, must surpass the universe city!

“Is this the Dragon City?”

Yan Yuan patrolled the nine dragons inscribed on the wall of the city, like the living supreme creatures, very vigorous, they are like steel pouring, the dragon body is magnificent, and overlooking the eight wasteland.

The City of Dragons is shocking and gives a visual impact.

Su Yan, they hold their hearts, because just now, they have a mentality of surrendering at the foot of the Dragon City. The power of the city is too vast!

"God, there is a city here!"

"Unbelievable, this city is even more amazing than the Universe City. It must be a prehistoric city. I don't know what characters were forged. Is this the birthplace of a group of prehistoric people?"

"I think it's related to the real dragon!"

At this time, more people came in, they were surprised, never expected to follow Su Yan, they ventured into here, they will see a city!

They are excited and excited. This is a prehistoric giant city, and there may be a shocking legacy.

Soon, Su Yan, they are near the city of the dragon. In front of the city, they are as small as ant worms. Su Yan has practiced in this field. He can give birth to this feeling, showing the city, absolute and legendary taboos. related!

"Is they, will they be living creatures?"

At this time, Luo Dali, they saw that several tall figures they had seen before, they stood at the gate of the Dragon City!

Su Yan’s fists are clenched, pressing the horror of his heart.

Each figure, tall and majestic, exudes cold metal fluctuations. Although it is human, it can have a metallic atmosphere, not like flesh and blood, but like a mechanical creature.

The four great creatures, the silence is here for a long time.

They are covered in dust on their bodies, and they don’t know how many years they have stood.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth is quiet, and the picture is too strange after all. At the gate of the Dragon City, the four great creatures stand, and the suspected patrolling soldiers are guarding the city gate.

Su Yan, they dare not act rashly, do not know why, he vaguely feels that the four creatures are somewhat familiar, but never imagined where they have seen it?

“Is it familiar?”

Su Yan whispered, have they ever met them, why is there a sense of familiarity?


At this time, a strong man who came in from outside could not control it and rushed to the past. He felt that the four great creatures must have died long ago and could not live to the present.

Then now enter the Dragon City, most of them can harvest the inheritance!

However, just in this moment, when he was approaching the door of the Dragon City, his eyes were blooming, and then there was a scream of screams!


The strongman in the field was shocked. It was a veteran god, but they couldn’t see it clearly. The result was thrown out at once, planted in a few miles, screaming, and the body was almost twisted. It became a twist.

The people around him are hairy, and they are so wary that they can easily enter. The king of God did not even see the enemy and was thrown out.

"How to do?"

Yuan Yuan whispered: "I just saw that a living guarding the city gate raised his arm and suddenly flew him!"

Su Yan’s nephew, took a deep look at the old **** who was thrown out. He whispered: “The strong man who shot, the man’s mercy, or he will die directly. You see that although he is seriously injured, It’s all skin wounds, and it’s not hurting inside!”

Yin Yisi could not help but nod, Su Yan's observation is very keen, and the key points!

Since this is the case, then here is not the land of killing, then you want to enter the city, it is estimated that there are certain special conditions.

Luo vigorously walked over and gave a big gift to the four major creatures, and then snorted and said: "The younger generation wants to enter the city, do not know what conditions are needed!"

Suddenly, these four creatures, the body is filled with horrible metal fluctuations, accompanied by a **** power.

They are all too strong to look at the specific combat power, but they are recovering, and the dust covering the flesh is spilled over the ground, revealing the true face.

The four great creatures are the same as the human race.

They seem to be wearing armor, but they haven't faded for a long time. This armor seems to be integrated with them. They are extraordinarily tall and mighty, emitting cold metal fluctuations.

"They are still alive!"

The onlookers in the distance are scared, and the four creatures are still alive. How many years have they lived?

The pupil of a living being big, the scorpion is like two rounds of the sun, it is very blazing, looking at Luo Dali, this moment Luo is like being torn into the flesh, there is a kind of severe pain.

However, his heart is tenacious, and he endures pain and does not say anything.


There is a voice coming from this creature, he is opening.

But the words are extremely old, and Su Yan can't understand them.

However, deciphering the will of the avenues contained in their words, Su Yan understood, his face changed.

"You have passed the test, but you are not a strong dragon, you can't enter the city!"

"Dragon strong?" Luo was so dumbfounded that he passed the test, but he is not a strong dragon, not qualified to enter the city?

If it is strong?

Just kidding, the four great creatures are too strong, the fighting power is bound to be terrifying, and a face collapses the king of God, who can hold it.

Even Su Yan does not dare to rush to rush, if most of the strong will be killed.

Yin Yisi, they smiled bitterly, and there were extremely harsh conditions in the land of creation. They must have strong dragons to enter the city, but look at the whole prosperous world. Is there a strong dragon in this world?

"The burial place, there are many inheritance sites, even the prehistoric legacy, requires special conditions to enter the city!" Su Yan regrets, he feels that there should be some inheritance inside.

Yan Yuan went up, very respectful, and said that the true dragon has not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

It is a pity that these creatures simply ignore Yuan Yuan. They are here to protect the city gate. They will not let outsiders enter the city. Only the dragon monks can.

At this time, Su Yan went up and said: "The four predecessors, we risked life and death to come here, in fact, to inquire about the whereabouts of my friend..."

"You can enter the city!"

A defender looked at Su Yan. He spoke. The words were like a big clock, and he went deep into the soul. His voice was also low. He said: "The dragon is strong, and it’s been a long time. I didn’t expect two consecutive appearances. !"

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