Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1188: Explore the abyss

In the city of the dragon, the vomiting of the vast blood, grand like the king of the dragon that patrols for nine days, enriches the king of the world!

Su Yan's body is too strong, the blood is strong, and his vitality is superb. In the past few months, he refining all the dragon essences, making him a big hit in the kingdom of God!

At this moment, Su Yan woke up, the energy fluctuations of the leaks were all restrained, and the city of the dragon was less hanged with blood and blood, and there was a terrible oppression in the invisible, so that the new creatures in the city were hairy.

"It's too abnormal, Su Shi people just broke through, but he broke through a realm, how long it will take!"

"My family, the most amazing wizard in ancient history, the king of heaven is a heavy heaven, and it took up to three years, but how long did he spend?"

They are whispering, and they don't know the realm of Su Yan, but they think that he is stronger than the peak of the gods, and the blood of the body is huge, covering the entire city of the dragon.

This makes them shocked. If it is a simple flesh, can Su Yan compete with the general power?

This is the superb of the essence of life in Kowloon, so that Su Yan has a super strong heritage, his nephew opened up, the light of the light, developed a kind of king power, making it difficult to look directly.

Su Yan, who stood in the kingdom of God's kingdom, really looks like a transcendental king. Looking down on the eight deserts, the life force in the body is too terrible. Can someone else in the same generation fight against it?

God's first king!

These strong influxes of the Dragon's blood in the body are screaming, and they are truly well-deserved.

"You are leaving?"

Long Jiu had some accidents and said: "This is only a few months. I haven't started to mend it yet. I just tried to find a way and I need more experiments."

Wen Yan said that Su Yan went up and said: "Predecessors, there are still some important things that need to be dealt with now. As for the embarrassing things, they will ask for their predecessors. The younger generations will wait for some time to pick them up."

"Well, follow you." Long Jiu said: "The City of Dragons will not be closed for a short time. When it comes, it will come directly, but if you can succeed, you should not say too much."

Su Yan nodded, can have a certain hope is already a good thing, if not successful, Su Yan does not force.

In this way, their group left the city of the dragon.

"Someone came out of the Dragon City!"

Outside the city, there were a lot of onlookers, and there were even a lot of strong people waiting for the test. The appearance of the Dragon City caused a big wave outside, and a city was even more magnificent than the Universe City, causing great attention.

It is a pity that this dragon city can only let the dragon monks enter, and other monks can only blink.

Who dares to be strong? There are four powerful guards outside the Dragon City. After these days, they also learned that this Dragon City originated from prehistoric times and is a dojo for training dragons.

Training real dragons?

Therefore, the value of the Dragon City is too amazing, all the big groups are jealous, but unfortunately, the conditions for entering the city are too harsh.

Now Su Yan came out from the inside, and immediately caused a big sensation. For this famous Su Shi who was known as the first person in the kingdom of God, they all came from the heart of awe.

One kills the almost invincible existence, and his name is enough to shock the Tianjiao arrogance. Now Su Yan and his party left the city of the dragon and disappeared into the wild land, causing the strong attention of the strong people of all ethnic groups.

"I really don't know what the Su Shi people got in the Dragon City. I don't know if there is a way to step into the power!"

"Genergy, now there are some distant people from Susie. It is difficult to break through in decades. The most promising breakthrough is the celestial body."

Having said that, some of the people discussing it are silent.

Originally Qiu Ming was the first, but he died too badly. He was killed several times by Su Yan and died in this Jedi.

Feng Tianyu was completely dumb, and there was no response. The family was silent.

The teachers suspected that Feng Tianyu was being scared. They dared not take the lead. Even if they had young arrogance, they would not dare to let them rush out. They were really afraid of the younger generation of the family and were killed by one person. Everything is clean!

One person, deterred all major teachers, he really did it!

"I don't know where he is going?"

Everyone saw that Su Yan had left, and some people wanted to follow him and explore his trail.

But this time Su Yan, their speed is too fast, disappeared in the blink of an eye without a trace.

The burial place is vast, and nowadays the major groups have not yet reached the end. This is the gathering place of hundreds of thousands of geniuses, and the grandeur of the burial place can be seen.

There are many fierce places here, the Jedi, it is extremely difficult to go deep, and devour the life of all spirits.

There are also strong people rushing in, harvesting opportunities, and gaining prehistoric inheritance, so they fall into silence and absorb in the secret world.

The burial ground is like a huge trial field, the same situation as the Dragon City.

These days, Yin Yisi and the guardian of the Dragon City stalked and gradually figured out that the burial place was the prehistoric sacred land and the ultimate sacred land.

Once the world was hit and collapsed, many of the Taoism were moved to the burial grounds. The universe was sealed at that time, but the burial place was an exception, and the prehistoric heaven and earth environment was preserved.

Even the most important thing is that the emperor road is in the burial place!

This is amazing. The emperor's road that has disappeared for a million years may be manifested in the burial ground one day. However, in the end, where the emperor road is, the guardian of the Dragon City is unclear.

"The front is the abyss!"

Su Yan crossed the territory and spent the whole whole day and gradually approached the destination.

The world ahead is dark and the atmosphere is particularly oppressive, giving people a strong sense of death, not suitable for practice.

The eye-catching eyes were a bit red, and the once-in-a-lifetime was hard to forget. He and Zhang Liang were chased by Qiu Ming all the way to the place. Finally, Zhang Zhang fell into the abyss. Yin Yisi also played with Qiu Ming here, and then took it. Vigorously reinvented.

Nowadays, they once again came to this land boundary. Su Yan has already caught a strong death volatility in this area, and began to explore inside. They have already seen the end of the world and have a huge abyss!

"This is the abyss!"

Su Yan's movement, like a giant furnace, black lacquered, exudes a wave of devours.

When Su Yan approached the abyss and looked at it, it seemed as if he saw a huge black space-time tunnel and did not know what boundary to lead to.

It is too deep, not bottoming out!

There have been many strong people who have explored it, but no one can live out. Even the gods that Qiu Ming sent in the past, after falling into the abyss, have not lived out!

The huge black abyss, the king of the gods are a bit small here.

Su Yan opened the eyes of Kun Kun and observed the abyss, but it is a pity that it can't be seen anywhere. There are extremely terrible fluctuations in the environment and blind exploration.

In the quiet world, Yan Yuan, they are breathing heavily. Now that they have not yet gone through, they have already felt the big crisis. It is obvious how big the difficulty is.

"I will go down and have a look, you are waiting for me here!"

Su Yan's human body is blazing, the calm blood begins to recover, and his breath is extraordinarily powerful, like a burning day in the dark!

Even the cosmic soldiers have turned into a pagoda, floating on the top of Su Yan's head. He can always achieve the same strength in the state of human body integration, and deal with the crisis of the abyss.

Wen Yan, Yuan Yuan frowned, said: "When you go, let's go together, we have all come, really want to see what hidden secrets in the abyss, with the strength of several of us, we can't find out."

"Yeah brother, you don't want to risk alone!" vigorously nodded and said: "When the tensor brothers wanted to lead Qiu Ming, but Qiu Ming did not go to the list, he also caught this abyss can not easily Hey!"

"Go and walk together!"

Yin Yisi's body is shining, the white body is too sacred, and her palm floats out of a small warship.

"Look, this is the treasure that the Vice President Jin Yu has given me. It can cross the vast universe and even counter the pressure of the big universe without damaging it!"

Yin Yisi activated the warship. This warship was silver-white. It was quickly enlarged and turned into a huge silver warship. It swelled the light of the avenue and filled with the power of time and space.

"Okay, let's go!"

Su Yan is not insisting, and a group of four people jumped into the battleship!

The silver warship shines, and the short-term light shines. The silver glow falls like a star river, and the roar suddenly rushes to the abyss.

Su Yan was amazed. This warship was very good. It should be the beloved treasure of Vice President Jin Yu. When Yin Yisi was injured by Qiu Ming, she was withdrawn by the silver warship.

This thing is special, and it is rare for the big ones!


However, just as the silver warship had just rushed into the abyss, the warship trembled in a flash, encountering terrible pressure, and the warship had a tendency to disintegrate.


Yin Yisi blinks, how can the pressure of this abyss be so strong? It must be known that the silver warship was forged by the vice president of Jin Yu, and now there is a tendency to withstand the collapse.

In a short time, the brilliance of the silver warships is even more flamboyant, rolling in the silver gods, the emergence of vast golden gods, outline a huge field of law, guarding the warship.

"Activated the strongest energy." Yin Yisi frowned: "Be careful, Vice President Jin Yu once said that power can approach the power level of the power level to activate the strongest state of the silver warship!"

Su Yan is in a heavy mood. He is in a warship. He just clearly felt that a terrible force attacked the ship and penetrated the defense of the ship.

Although the warships were blocked, Su Yan felt that they seemed to have decayed a little, which made them feel awkward. This abyss is too strange, and silent and uninterrupted can affect their lives.


Silver warship, crossed under the abyss.

It is extremely fast, and it is suddenly such a super-crossing speed that it cannot reach the end of the abyss.

Just now Su Yan knew very well how far it had crossed that moment.

His mind is highly vigilant and always keeps his strongest state.


Yin Yisi fully grasps the silver warship, and once and for all, space jumps, and has jumped nine times in space. It has already crossed tens of millions of miles, but the abyss or the abyss, dark, and bottomless, seems to never reach the end!

In the process, the silver warship was a bit bleak and the loss was huge.

Su Yan frowned and said: "Don't worry, we have time, I have to take a look, how deep this abyss is!"

The speed of the silver warship began to slow down, but the speed was still very fast. The hull broke through the dark space and constantly explored deep.

At this moment, Su Yan was amazed.

"At last, there are some substances!"

Yan Yuan, they are all relieved, the world below, they saw some broken Xinghai, the broken Tianyu, an ancient cosmic wave emerged, although it is a run-down world, but the momentum is magnificent!

"Is this abyss a broken universe?" Yin Yisi moved, if this is the case, then it is too difficult to explore the entire abyss!

However, when the silver warship leaps to the bottom, the run-down universe has an amazing repulsive force, constantly blocking the silver warship, making it extremely difficult to cross.

There is no doubt that the following environment is very special and excludes outsiders.

"Can't get in?"

Su Yan’s eyes are wide-eyed, and the golden eyes are shining, and the insight into the dilapidated universe is trying to find out the correct tunnel.

However, his eyes and eyes saw some pictures in the depths, his face was shocked, and he stood up fiercely, with a pair of golden pupils, staring at the broken star, with a magnificent figure, walking towards the abyss!

"Big brother!"

Su Yan’s fist slammed tightly. He saw the prehistoric big brother, and the figure was as tyrant as ever. Even the broken universe was a little small in front of him!

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