Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1190: Legendary road

Su Yan’s flag of war broke out too suddenly, and the silver warships docked nearby began to tremble, and they shattered as the flag flies!

Yin Yisi quickly took the silver warship into the treasures of space. This treasure is hard to come by. If it is destroyed, it is really a violent thing.

“What treasure is this? Why is it revived?”

Yin Yisi was the first to see this battle flag. It was extraordinarily amazing, self-illuminating, and the flag-hunting screaming, swaying a supreme power, as if it was a supreme power!

"Why did the Emperor's Battle Flag recover?"

Su Yan was shocked. It was particularly scary during the resurrection. Is this the enemy?

Although Su Yan, they do not know what is Diwei, what is the emperor!

But now, the gods of self-released by the Emperor's Battle Flag today are really like a kind of emperor, supreme, and they are on the top of the universe, and they cover everything!

In the process, this piece of the ruined universe and the sea of ​​stars trembled, and all the matter was boiling. This sound is really terrible. This battle flag is like dancing the whole piece of the broken universe!

"Which level is this battle flag?"

They were so horrified that they had seen the gods of the Emperor's battle flag, steamed the devil's fog, and killed a fierce demon.

But now the power of the resurrection of the Emperor's battle flag surpasses the last fight against the devil's fog, and there is a vague dynasty that is surging. It is like a resurrection of the emperor, and the atmosphere of the excitement makes the whole universe tremble!

Yin Yisi is unbelievable. How strong is this weapon? Shake the whole universe!

Su Yan, they all saw the supreme treasure, but felt that the supreme treasure in front of the Emperor's battle flag seems to be a little small, it is like a kind of extreme weapon, a supreme weapon, rogue emperor, sweeping the whole The universe, shocking the future of the past and the present!


In the world, countless corpses are annihilated and turned into gray.

Su Yan is amazed, what is the flag of the Emperor? Seems to be destroying these corpses? Have these been the enemies of heaven, and now the Tiandi battle flag is self-recovering, destroying these corpses?

But these people have died for a long time, and it is not necessary for the Emperor’s flag to make such a meaningless move.


A loud bang exploded in this ancient broken universe, and there was a murderous sound coming from the vagueness. The sound was very far and close!

Soon, they snooped at the source, and they burst into flames and were shocked!

Because this sound originated from the smashing of some of the remaining bones of the corpse, some of the corpses were well preserved, and they were actually shining and moving.

"They are alive!"

Yin Yisi’s face was white. The dead bodies of these long years were moving and even making some sounds. This picture was too shocking. After all, there were many corpses in the sky and there were many corpses that glowed at the same time.

There are even many weapons fragments burning, releasing a small amount of residual energy, to fly back to the original owner's bones!

"Is this the strongest person who died in heaven, belonging to the subordinates of the Emperor?"

Su Yan’s heart came out with an idea. He felt that the possibility was great. These corpses had already died, but they left their obsessions and were triggered by the flag of the Emperor, thus forming the illusion that they want to be resurrected!

These soldiers must have been particularly strong during their lifetime, and the obsessions left behind are immortal.

Su Yan heard the sound of shouting, these soldiers have to follow the command of the Emperor's battle flag, to climb again and fight for the world!

What kind of organization is heaven in the end? What kind of beliefs these soldiers have, they are all dead and endless, and their corpses can still surpass the belief of deep bone marrow!

The military order is like a mountain!

Su Yan’s face is awe, even if these people are enemies, it is worth to respect.

They have been dead for a long time, but because of the emergence of the battle flag, they are shining, to recover, to climb up and go to war!


The Emperor's battle flag slammed, and the huge flag creaked, and the dense symbols appeared. It was like a complete avenue inscribed in it, it was brilliant!

This horrible banner is like a cover of the corpse of the sky, a symbol to suppress the future of the past and the present.

In the vagueness, this piece of the bones of the world, there is another picture!

"Who are they!"

A generation of tough guys are so scared that the twins tremble, this broken star, now completely different, everything seems to be broken!

The next moment is presented, the army is going out, the gods are killing, and the blood is staining the heavens!

It is hard to imagine how many soldiers there are!

Endless, they are walking along a road, traversing in one direction.

In the process, the footsteps are neat and uniform, and the trampled out of the big universe makes a sound of waves and waves.

On the way, it is really sweeping the six in eight, and suppressing all enemies!

This is a prehistoric scene. It is now spurred by the Emperor's Battle Flag. This battle flag also has a spirit. It spontaneously ejects a kind of war, and the vague and prehistoric blurred images have some resonance.

They must be very strong, otherwise the picture of transit will not remain until now, which shows that their momentum in the past has left an indelible weather in the universe!

They are suffocated by all kinds of scenes, and the king of God is shuddering from the soul!

"What hidden secrets are there in the abyss?"

Yuan Yuan said: "I saw the endless army expedition and rushed along the abyss. What are they going to do? Is it against the enemy?"

"On the way, I was intercepted. Some people died in battle, but the bones left behind are now resurrected by the battle flag."

Yin Yisi said that they speculate that the events involved here are particularly old. Although they are not clear about the origins of these people, they are attracted by the flag of the Emperor of Heaven, which is related to their burial domain.

Then this abyss is too important. They are following a road and killing the depths. There is definitely a hidden secret in it!

Even the prehistoric big brother has come, this thing is particularly important.

"I understand!"

Su Yan fiercely snorted, the voice scared them to jump, Yin Yisi saw Su Yan's emotional out of control, which made her strange, to Su Yan's state of mind, what made him lose control.

Su Yan’s fist clenched and tried to suppress the horror in his heart. Shen Sheng said: “This is not an abyss here, here is the emperor road!”


Yuan Yuan, they exclaimed, their eyes are wide, here is the legendary emperor road?

Their first feeling, how is this possible, the emperor road disappeared, no longer exist, but now Su Yan said that this incomplete universe is actually the emperor road, which makes their hearts messy.

Was the emperor destroyed?

"No, the emperor road is not destroyed!" Su Yan whispered: "Along this road, you can lead to the emperor road, which should not be the entrance to the emperor road!"

He got an amazing inference. From the picture here and the scene he saw in the burial place, Su Yan came to an end. This place should be a road to the prehistoric, heavenly army.

Then this road should be the emperor road, but now they have not yet reached the destination!

"Emperor Road, we found the emperor road!"

Yin Yisi screamed: "If we rush deeper, we can definitely seize the opportunity. It is said that the strongest creation in history is in the road of the emperor. As long as we can find the emperor, we can get the strongest in history!"

Yan Yuan, they are all excited, they are really lucky.

Who can think of the abyss and the emperor road?

As long as they can explore the depths, maybe they can really dig out the lost emperor.

After all, a quiet million-year-old emperor road, if they are occupied by Su Yan, can imagine what kind of opportunity this is.

If they were in the past, they could not do it at all, and even the abyss could not be explored.

But the prehistoric big brother came and even left a mark here. Su Yan speculated that the time of these marks should be around ten years, so he decided that this should be the first time Su Yan opened in the burial place, prehistoric old Big Brother has already entered!

He was shocked. In terms of time, Big Brother broke into the abyss almost in an instant, leaving a mark here!

Since he can ignore the burial place, and the first time he entered the abyss.

So Su Yan made an astonishing conclusion, and here is definitely the road to the emperor!

"let's go!"

Su Yan’s breathing was heavy and he quickly explored deep into the abyss.

They followed the footsteps of the prehistoric big brother and stepped into the depths of the abyss.

Along the way, Yu Yuan’s harvest is huge. He is constantly blending with the prehistoric big brother’s footwork. His momentum is changing, and even with the big brother’s Shenwei has some looks!

Yan Yuan is particularly excited, this is his opportunity!

Repeatedly and step by step imprinting, making Yu Yuan’s momentum more and more horrible, and his inheritance in the wilderness of the mountain, has also been sublimated, and even further harvest the unconfirmed Tao.

"If I can understand the little prestige of the prehistoric big brother, the power is very close to me!"

羿Yuan laughs constantly, they have already crossed the tens of thousands of steps, and the change of Yuan Yuan is so amazing. The martial arts developed in the body are perfecting, and the surging king is surging!

Su Yan moved, Yu Yuan is equal to the true biography of the prehistoric big brother!

"Are you smelling something?"

At this time, Yin Yisi whispered, her eyes were crystal clear, and Qiong nose pumped and smelled a light fragrance.

Su Yan was confused and didn't smell anything.

However, the woman has always been keenly savvy, Yin Yisi has been skeptical, and walked toward the direction of the medicine. Although there is super pressure in this abyss, there is no problem in small-scale walking.

At this time, Su Yan moved, and also smelled a strange fragrance.

“Is there a medicine here?”

Su Yan, they moved, all the way to the past, seeing the moment of the source, a group of people almost petrified.

The dark universe, the death atmosphere is strong.

However, the direction of the source, Ruixia Wanxi, brilliant and dazzling, has a sacred atmosphere.

They saw a creature here, which was born from the fire. Although it was only as big as a fist, it was very dazzling.

"True phoenix...."

Su Yan exclaimed in his heart and saw a real phoenix swimming in the dark universe. It was too embarrassing, hotter than the sun, and their eyes were fast and unable to open, and there was a horrible life tide in the body.

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