Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1198: Emperor

"She is hiding too deep?"

Su Yan’s fists clenched, and they worked hard to find the emperor’s road and even opened this legendary road.

But now someone came to intercept the Hu, picking peaches on the way, and even succeeded by her!

Su Yan was furious at one time, and he had a big idea. First of all, the emperor road was too important. He must not let the strongman from the outer domain enter, although he did not know what the golden woman was.

However, since the opening of the emperor road, it is necessary to require a specific person, even a special lineage to do it, it is enough to explain the importance of the emperor road, people in the outer domain want to get rid of the fingers.

At that time, Su Yan also learned from the Zhang Shoukou that the golden woman’s whereabouts, even she was going to excavate the emperor road, Su Yan was in a hurry, they rushed the road day and night, and finally came here and saw a city.

Originally, Su Yan did not know that this city is the emperor road!

So he did not care, and did not carefully explore the surrounding, the result of the gold woman has been hidden in the distance, after all, she came to the emperor road before Su Yan, since there is no first time to come in, this shows that she can not enter the emperor road!

Now it’s good, and with the moment when the emperor road opens, the woman finally starts to shoot!

"Thank you!"

The cold voice came, this magnificent woman, wearing a golden armor, her body is proud, the skin is white, a pair of long legs straight and slender, the legs are carved like jade, full of beauty.

The golden woman, with a stunning look, has a full-bodied gold hair, especially a pair of eyes, all in gold.

This woman has a kind of noble temperament, such as a generation of golden goddess, figure across the void, and with a cyan stone bridge, across the time and space!

Even if Su Yan tried his best to break out, he wanted to resist the golden woman, but this blue stone bridge was too scary, flowing through the eternal power of the ancient river, and instantly reversed the time and space tunnel!

"What is this treasure!"

Yin Yisi's appearance is not inferior to the golden woman, but Yin Yisi is really a little inferior to the figure. The golden woman has the perfect body that is enough to envy the women in the world. It is extremely proud and has a noble atmosphere.

However, the blue stone bridge that she sacrificed made Yin Yisi's flower eclipse.

She has seen the cosmic bridge mastered by Vice President Jin Yu many times, but she thinks that the bridge of the universe is comparable to this cyan stone bridge.

"The horrible time and space energy, this should not be a supreme treasure?"

Yuan Yuan and his powerful face were shocked and tried to block, but the blue stone bridge could be powerful, reversed the time and space, and sizzled the vast years of light. It seemed to be able to cross the world and penetrate the end of the universe!

In this way, the golden woman, standing under the blue stone bridge, rushed to the emperor road!

"do not go!"

Su Yan’s nephew suddenly shrank, and in an instant, he killed the three of them.

Su Yan has caught it, and the grandiose to the extreme of the Diwei, originated from the opening of the emperor's road gate, an ancient font inscribed, can be called, the emperor!

The emperor's road is too big, and the Guangmenting is running through hundreds of miles. It is difficult for the world to imagine how vast the emperor's road is, and his door is enough to shake the earth.

Nowadays, this huge door is slowly opened, and it is enough to smash the anime gods. This is the horror of the horror. Su Yan suspects that he has penetrated the abyss and poured into the burial place!

In fact, today's burial grounds have some slight turmoil.

This is a big change, all the strong are shocked, even the king of God is difficult to find the source, just like the entire crust is moving!

Some rivers and mountains have been diverted, and the impact is too far-reaching. Unfortunately, they do not know what happened in the direction of the source, but they feel that the burial ground is shaking.

I am afraid that no one can think of it. This is the movement of the emperor road. This door moves slowly. When a blue stone bridge runs through the emperor road, a golden woman is about to step into the emperor road!

In the end, there was a big change here!


The bang blew up, like the billions of thunders blasting, the emperor of the long years of silence, and finally released the supreme power of the emperor, as if the whole universe was under pressure and impacted the blue stone bridge!

"not good!"

The face of the golden woman was shocked. Even if it was a sky-breaking, her brow would not wrinkle, but now, the emperor is shining, surging with the grandeur to the extreme, and under the blue stone bridge!


This cyan stone bridge broke out and recovered to the limit state for a short time. It was too blazing. For example, the ancient river was concise, and the sky was full, and hundreds of thousands of fairy marks appeared on the stone bridge to outline a huge bridge. .

But let the blue stone bridge be strong, facing the suppression of the emperor, this stone bridge is also shaking, this ancient font, although it exists here for a long time, but its power is still, once released, can destroy any substance .

The hundreds of millions of fairy marks inscribed on the stone bridge began to collapse in the blur, and the stone bridge eventually collapsed.

The golden woman is shocked, this is the bridge!

Although it is said that the Tongtian Bridge it is in charge is not the real thing, but the power can inevitably surpass the bridge of the universe. This is a taboo that is so scary and rare, but it can't hold back the suppression of a font, and it has collapsed!


In the end, this bridge began to blow up!

This ancient font, slowly pressed down, in the eyes of the golden woman, as if the entire universe sinks, to be pressed on her delicate body!

Really enough to be desperate, who can hold it, most of the taboos will die!

"How can it be so strong, is it that the great existence of the past..."

The golden woman's delicate body shivered, recalling that there was a great existence, creating a heavenly domain, running through the emperor's road, overlooking the billions of Taoism, and tying the future of the past and the present.

He originated in this world!

Here is the birthplace of the endless myth, which is fascinating and attracts people.

"A font, there are endless years!"

The golden woman's towering chest is undulating, and above her wrist, she flashes off the next bracelet!

When the bracelet breaks away from her wrist, as the stars of the sea sink, as the door of the universe is opened again, on the bracelet, nine objects are woven, and each artifact seems to have evolved into an ancient universe!

"What is this treasure!"

Su Yan was shocked, and the bracelet was too scary. The nine great treasures were connected in tandem. It was like the nine great supreme treasures, forming nine universes, intertwined with the rules of immortality, and lightning-like impact to suppress her emperor.

The golden woman’s eyes are full of pain, because this treasure is too big, although it is also a replica, but this set of treasures, but the world is hard to find!

This string of bracelets slammed into the emperor.

For a moment, the heavens and the earth exploded, and the vast stars were trembled, and the big cracks were hard to say clearly.

Su Yan, they clearly saw that the nine great treasures on this string of bracelets, one after another, collapsed, and the whole nine treasures were crushed into robes by the emperor. The golden woman also took advantage of this precious time to break into. In the middle of the road!

Her heart is bleeding, because the cost is too amazing, if she is allowed to choose once, she will not choose to lose the blue stone bridge and bracelet, but since the road has been forced, it is impossible to turn back.

However, just as the golden woman broke into the emperor's road, the outside world made up a figure, like a comet rising from the ground, and suddenly rushed to the emperor road!

Su Yan's breath is too strong, the combat power soars to a state of prosperity, the human body flows out of the cosmic energy!

He directly patted his hands and suppressed the golden woman!


The golden woman’s pupils are large and proud, and they are steaming with golden gods.

She is throwing a punch, although she said that she is glamorous, enough to be called the previous generation of gold goddess, but her momentum is extraordinarily powerful, a fist hit, all have the power to penetrate the universe!

This piece of heaven and earth has been hit by a loud noise. I have to say that her fighting power is too overbearing. It is very imagining that this woman will explode such a strong force, and it will hit it all at once, and it will break the light of the universe that Su Yan’s palms push. !

Originally, the gold woman wanted to say something.

Su Yan's momentum is directly violent, coming out, the fist print is released, the blood is filled, and the void is shuddering!

He made a long scream, the move was big and big, and the suppression, forward and one stroke, all provoked his strongest fighting power, and overwhelmingly attacked the golden woman!


The gold woman had a punch, her delicate fists and numbness, the blood in her body was tumbling, and she was almost shocked.

She moved, how many years, Su Yan how to grow to this step.

Even with the momentum in front of this, the moment of the explosion into the ultimate field, Su Yan's body, bursting out of the horror of the sky, can be said to be like a broken bamboo, there is an incomparable shocking world!

The gold woman noticed that this blow was unmatchable!

Her slender waist is twisted, like a beautiful snake, her movements are confusing, and her charm is natural.

And in her golden battle, there is a surge of air, like the ancient air of the phoenix!


The void behind the golden woman blew open, and a supreme creature swooped out, and unfolded a pair of golden giant wings, dancing the wind!

The heavens and the earth are tremble, the terrible true volcano fluctuates, and the impacting stars and seas are shaking with the shackles. Everything between the heavens and the earth seems to have been turned over by this creature.

"The ancestral secret!"

Su Yan was shocked, this is the strongest magical power in history, the secret of the ancestors!

He can perceive that the power of this mystery, with a kind of shocking pressure from the long rivers of the years, lightning swept over and rushed to Su Yan!

Although it was said that in the Longcheng City, Longjiu said that the strongest magical power in history is difficult to play to the strongest state, so is the golden woman nowadays. It is difficult to release this secret to the extreme field.

But even a small part of the power, it is enough to shock the world, like a huge boundless ancestral phoenix, the figure is crowded with the sky, flowing the avenue, the sound of the blast!


Su Yan issued a long scream, such as the universe evolved thousands of killings, tens of thousands of turbulent waves roaring, bombardment forward, and Wandao is in harmony, melting a furnace, evolutionary chaos, containing power peaks, and Right!

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