Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1200: Big peak collision!

"Why did a bronze tree make me chill?"

Yan Yuan, all of them were all cold and staring at a bronze tree. First of all, this bronze tree was shocking enough to take root in the space and time and radiate vast cosmic energy.

This weapon tree is very weird. Just like the universe as a nourishment, the power of heaven and earth is absorbed by the bronze weapons trees. It must be said that this embodiment is particularly amazing!

After all, it is just a bronze tree. Why is there such an amazing amount of spray?

And above the bronze tree, there is a piece of weapon, each weapon is absorbing the energy of the bronze tree. During the process of being bred, these objects glow, emitting the sound of the avenue, the light of the avenue!

"this is......."

Yin Yisi was shocked, a bronze tree, in the birth of weapons, is incredible, mainly because it is not a few weapons, and each weapon contains a terrible universe!

Of course, even if these weapons are strong, compared with bronze trees, it is difficult to measure.

It is huge, and its trunk is like a bronze pillar. It exudes an ancient, unspoiled, ancient wave. It is hard to imagine how many years have survived and how many weapons have been produced.

This tree, full of bronze, even if the leaves are bronzed, it is rooted in time and space, absorbs the essence of the universe, nourishes the various weapons that grow.

What shocked them the most was the innumerable weapons that sprayed the essence of the life and surged to the top of the bronze tree!

Su Yan has also seen this pattern for the second time. This bronze tree does not know how many years existed, but it has produced countless weapons. However, these weapons are nothing but nourishment. They are nourishing one bite. Daxie.

The first time Su Yan was very difficult to see the shape of the top utensils, but now he can see clearly, a bright snow, if you are cutting the fairy, full of the spirit of destroying everything!

Su Yan’s fist clenched and he was red!

This weapon is too powerful, and it has been bred for a long time, and it is said to be a strong embryo. It is afraid that it will be taboo to see it.

However, this time, Su Yan also saw a different scene at the peak of the weapon tree.

It was a particularly vague and illusory figure, such as an immortal imprint, which was extraordinarily amazing. It seemed to open a pair of pupils and began to look down on the mortal beings.

This kind of grace and style is not trivial, and it contains incomparable divine power. He really is like the supreme supreme between heaven and earth!

"You used to be."

The golden woman stands in front, her figure is proud, and the curve of the undulating body flows to the golden god, indifferent: "I don't even see his qualifications!"

Her words have a contempt, but I don't know if he is in the golden woman's mouth. It is because of this branding. Or because of this brand, in short, she seems very confident and calm, and she feels that the overall situation has been set.

"You said it is good." Su Yan chuckled: "But now, I really want to master this big saga, you said I can get it?"

It is said that the glamorous cheeks of the golden woman are chilling and sneer: "If you don't see the coffin, you will not shed tears. You will eventually die in this world, and you will not be able to take the young supremacy of the world, let alone the king of the universe!"

"It seems that you are very confident. Although I don't know the extent of our glory in this world." Su Yan laughed: "Today, in this emperor's road, I am standing here, you are destined to get no thing!"


The golden woman's body glows, covering the mysterious gold armor of the delicate body, simmering Xianhui, and a bronze weapon tree rooted behind her, also began to wake up with lightning!

At the corner of the vast emperor's road, there is a roaring sound. The power of this bronze weapon tree is powerful, especially with the resurrection of the top scorpion, there is a sharp edge, and the sky is split!

"This is not self-confidence!"

She said indifferently: "This is the crushing of civilization. If you can resist three blows, it is enough to be proud!"


The golden woman swooped in, and it was accompanied by a fascinating world, with horrific cosmic waves!

"A terrible weapon!"

Vigorously trembled, a big bang, it seems a bit fuzzy, some are not true!

However, the air machine that it releases is too scary, and the snow is shining and screaming through his eyes, and the big cockroaches spray a radiance, and I don’t know how many tens of thousands of cocks.

In a flash, the cold-blooded to the ultimate cosmic killing and rolling, accompanied by the avenue, along with the cosmic energy, along with the pressure of time and space, Cang Yu was directly cut into two sections, straight to the Su Yan Trail!

"come on!"

Su Yan cold drink, caught a big crisis, but he seems extremely calm, standing between the heavens and the earth, majestic, such as a universe, the body is tough and unbreakable!

In the face of this power from the sky, Su Yan single-handedly held the cosmic corps, and it turned into a similar big cockroach.


Two big cockroaches smashed into the air, and they collided in an instant, bursting with a thunderous bang, as if two big murderers were hitting.

This picture is terrible and horrible, the void blasts open, the world is turbulent, and it is quickly torn and turned into a ruin zone!

Su Yan's cosmic soldiers are blazing to the extreme, simmering the light of killing, exuding the spirit of the king, surging with the belief that the world's strongest weapon is high!

However, the snow is brighter and more terrifying, it is really sharp to the extreme, such as the cosmic concentrated killing, bombardment on the cosmic soldiers.

Yuan Yuan, they panicked, because Su Yan’s cosmic soldiers broke out a gap, and a cosmic soldier who faced him was to be crushed by the smashing of the snow!

We must know that Su Yan’s cosmic corps, which combines the weapons of the three sons, and bathed in the robbery, evolved into the ranks of the top gods, but nowadays, even a face is broken!

"Ha ha......"

The golden woman smiled, she was very splendid, and she was somewhat disdainful. She had expected it in the end. It did not exceed her expectations. Although she said that she had not yet developed it, this treasure is already infinitely close to the world. The most terrible treasures of the rough embryos!

Only the smile on her cheek, and how long it did not last, it slowly stiffened!

Su Yan’s cosmic soldiers were broken, but this amnesty was still full of the arrogance of the soldiers of the king’s hegemony. It was completely out of the palm of Su Yan’s palm, just like the sleeping soldiers in the area were awakening!


This cosmic soldier to be broken, the internal rushing out, the mysterious source of the mysterious yellow, running through the entire cosmic corps, the resurrection of the potential of the world, in a short time it got the baptism of the original source of Xuan Huang, a blazing spurt!

"The origin of the universe!" The gold woman was taken aback. This is what she longed for. She also went to the Chaos Tower, but unfortunately she never saw the origin of Xuanhuang.

However, Su Yan has already got it. No wonder his practice has progressed so fast. Even his weapons have been bathed. Because of being suppressed, the cosmic soldiers broke out the soul of weapons and activated the origin of the universe.

This weapon healed spontaneously in the destruction, and the more horrible energy that swayed out, and it started directly with the snowy scorpion!


Two weapons, turbulent impact, Mars!

Although it is said that Xue Liangda still suppresses the cosmic soldiers, the cosmic soldiers remain invincible and can even fight against them and not destroy them.

"It seems that I would like to thank you for activating the potential of my weapon!" Su Yan's face smiled and said: "After the profound tempering of Xuan Huang's source, my weapon has developed a soul and developed a complete Cosmic avenue!"

"You have received the baptism of Xuanhuang, and there are great achievements in the future, but unfortunately...."

The golden woman shook her head gently, and the two murderers were at the moment of the impact. The bronze weapons tree surged out, and the vast powers of the gods took place.

Su Yan’s nephew suddenly shrank, saw a mark, quickly zoomed in, awakened, and the figure was clear, like a real fairy waking up from the silence, filled with shocking Tianwei!

Very terrible picture, like a figure spanning time and space, came to this world, directly participate in the war!


He is throwing a punch, especially scary, the space of the heavens and the earth is weak, and it is blown up by a fist!

This punch is powerful and unmatched, and the transpiration of the breath is terrifying. In an instant, it rushes to Su Yan’s eyebrows, and it is necessary to directly kill it.


The peerless crisis hit, Su Yan made a big noise, and suddenly stood in the field!

Even his entire body, stirred up the splendid light of the universe, such as the concentrated universe is sprayed thin. Surging out, the grandeur to the ultimate breath, such as a vague king of the universe was born!


The golden woman moved, and a pair of golden pupils stared at Su Yan, feeling incredible.

What is this secret? Too powerful and peerless!

Su Yan’s boxing force is invincible, and the universe fist broke out directly. The strongest card was used. The moment of this boxing bombardment, as if the universe was running, it rushed to the figure of the bronze weapon tree!


They are like a match between time and space. The moment of bombardment between each other, the world is violent, and the emperor road is also violent. Everything has to be sunk, and time and space have spawned numerous cracks!

Yan Yuan, they were shocked. This is the school that Su Yan created. It is really too strong.

Originally they thought that everything would be dispersed, and Su Yan’s fists would be blown up, and the seal of the bronze tree would be wiped out by Su Yan’s fist.

But they were shocked, the figure was still there, and the second punch broke out in lightning, screaming Su Yan.

On the contrary, Su Yan has some decline, and the loss of the universe fist is too great for him!

However, he exerted a thorough throughput of energy, which is derived from the singular ability of the blood to give Su Yan's physique!

His human universe swallowed a lot of fine elements in a short time, quickly stood on the top, and waved a second punch!


He is awkward, and his fists are fierce, as if he is hammering the gods!

This is definitely the most colliding big collision. The cosmic boxing is punched out with a punch, and Su Yan has also recovered from the decline and broke out!

One dozen or so successive collisions are now one of the most amazing hegemony of Emperor Lu. The world of killing collapses, the time and space collapse, and the depths of the emperor's roads are faintly concealed, spreading one after another, and grandiose to the extreme. Immortal fluctuations!

"He and the conquest of the Lord have actually spurred the deep emperor, which shows that his potential has been recognized by the emperor, and he hopes to get the strongest species that has been bred for a long time!"

The face of the golden woman was shocked and rushed up with lightning. It activated the golden armor and broke out to the strongest state. It must be combined with the brand to suppress Su Yan. The emperor is important, and the rest are not important!


Su Yan made a scream, a pair of pupils killed in the light, the chest directly burst into a tsunami-like bang, the recurrence of mystery broke out, and suddenly hit the golden woman!

The armor that she was wearing was strong, and she was also being photographed by the reincarnation of the mystery. Even the strange reincarnation avenue penetrated the blockade of the golden armor and attacked her body!

Su Yan now does not want to let any external force, destroy him and the mysterious brand of hegemony!

In the process of fierce killing with the mystery mark, Su Yan realized his own shortcomings!

This is too important for him. This war can't be interrupted. Su Yan relies on his own combat power, tempering himself with mysterious imprints, and exploring his own deficiencies so that he can become stronger and cope with the unknown and sinister future!

(Erupted today!

Children's Day, I wish you all a happy holiday, by the way, ask for a child's monthly ticket, let Su Yan hold the doll early, haha! )

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