Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1202: Emperor

Gold armor, radiant, beautifully densely patterned, like a fairy word, the end is extraordinary.

Nowadays, under the repression of Su Yan's reincarnation, the golden armor is alive and well, and there is a burst of avenues of immortality. It has an immortal energy. It seems that it used to be a taboo for the perennial creatures.

In short, this thing is extremely extraordinary, there is a strong guardian power, and even can give the gold woman a strong fighting power.

Unfortunately, Su Yan mastered the reincarnation avenue, enough to suppress the golden woman.

She is now sorrowful and angry, what does Su Yan want to do, is it really that she will become a maid of Su Yan?

This made her shameful, biting her teeth, and really looking for a seam to drill in.

She was too miserable and was caught alive. There is no means to deal with Su Yan now.

In fact, Su Yan sighed. He thought that the gold woman still had other treasures. After all, he broke into the emperor road, took out a blue stone bridge, and even took out a bracelet.

The two treasures are unimaginable treasures. Su Yan does not know what kind of treasure they are. In short, it is ruined enough to make people feel painful. He really worried about the golden woman and mastered other secret treasures.

After all, Su Yan wants to get an event about her time and space from her, and even want to know, what level of high civilization they are proud of?

"what did you say?"

At this time, Yin Yisi came over, the bad eyes glanced at Su Yan, and even stared at the golden woman, there was a chill in the depths of her eyes, what maid? Since it is an enemy, it is directly lost.

Su Yan discovered the slip of the tongue and quickly changed her mind: "The armor she wears is very extraordinary. I have encountered this treasure for the first time. It should be stronger than the golden robber I got in the past!"

The golden woman glared at Su Yan, what does he mean? Do you want to take the gold armor off and give it to this woman?

Yin Yisi licked the armor worn by the golden woman. This gold armor perfectly outlines her proud figure. It can be said that it is bulging and backward, but there are some violent leaks. Yin Yisi doesn't like it very much, and she can't wear it.

"Everyone is a woman." Yin Yisi looked at the golden woman, faintly said: "We want to know something, you tell us, you can spare your life, and we don't have much grievances between us!"

"Let it?"

Is it too wasteful to vigorously scream and scratch your head? I strongly feel that there are not many big amnesties. After all, it is the golden maid who Su Yan is not easy to suppress.

Moreover, with the strength of the golden woman, if Su Yan can conquer it, the future is definitely a general, and the birth is so beautiful, isn't this a versatile world that is hard to find?

"Don't dream." The gold woman sighed coldly: "I want to let me work with you, it is impossible, you have to kill it!"

Yin Yisi’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the jade hand stretched out, screaming the golden woman’s pointed chin, looking at her glamorous cheeks and smirking: “It’s a shame to kill, I can’t bear to kill. you!"

I frown and think about it. I don’t know what I want in my brain. I am screaming in my heart. What does Yin Yisi mean? Should she not like women?

The golden woman gritted her teeth, shivering and shivering, and she was so angry that she was so angry that she said, "What do you want to do, don't think you can really control me."

"Tell me, your origins."

Su Yan Shen Sheng: "Where are you from? What is the bronze weapon tree? And the purpose of your visit to the emperor!"

"Tell you, what can you do?" The golden woman sneered: "As for the bronze weapon tree, it is the legendary fairy tree. Of course, you don't know what the fairy tree is. In the future, you will knew!"

"You are so arrogant in this stage, why are you so arrogant!"

Yuan Yuan broke his drink and said: "It is clearly suppressed. Don't be a noble gesture. We don't care where you come from. In short, you are now a prisoner. If you talk well, there is hope of living!"

Yan Yuan’s voice was a big blow, and it was a big blow to the golden woman. She still sneered: “I am his prisoner, not yours, and there is no need for you to ask about my origin. You are the seal of this world. For a long time, even if you tell you, you can't get useful help, and you have an urgent need to understand what's going on outside, and you still think about not breaking into the outside world."

When I saw the golden woman’s disdain, Su Yan’s face was not good and she said, “Tell me, about the heavens!”

The gold woman was somewhat surprised. What an ancient group of forces, I did not expect to be mentioned by Su Yan, she frowned slightly and whispered: "This power is very special. The years of origin are also very old, even in the outside world. There are few legends about this power, which are listed as taboo events!"

Su Yan’s heart is heavy, the glorious era of heaven, the age of the present is really too long, and this woman seems to know very little.

"I think you are also a fake, and there are too few messages to know." Su Yan said with dissatisfaction: "I still have reason to keep your life?"

"Big Brother, the ancestors of the ancestors." Vigorously said: "This secretive master she mastered, let her use mystery in exchange for life!"

"Power is reminding me."

Su Yan was tempted, and also saw the golden woman’s face stunned. She whispered: “Your courage is too big. Do you know the strongest magical power in history, what is it? Even the most prosperous era in your world, I dare not rush to sneak a glimpse of the inheritance secrets of the outer domain, and although I master the ancestral secrets, it is not complete!"

"It seems that you are not willing to hand it over!"

Su Yan’s eyes flashed a cold light. He didn’t want to delay the time, because he discovered that the depth of the emperor’s road, the surging force of immigration, is slowly strengthening, and Su Yan must rush in the first time!


His palms have emerged with stronger reincarnation fluctuations, and in a flash has covered the golden woman's delicate body!

"You can't kill me!"

The golden woman's eyes flashed a fabulous decision, and the golden armor draped in a moment of eruption of the horror of the fairy light, which was like a powerful fairy in the armor, and the golden woman was shrouded in a flash.

In Yin Yisi’s surprised eyes, the golden armor, covering the golden woman for a short time, sealed her whole person.

She has become a golden woman. She is golden and covered with a hyperthyroidism. It is equal to being isolated from the world, but it is extremely dangerous because she will not be able to act. Su Yan can take her away at any time.

"She is self-appointed!" 羿Yuan wrong, this woman chose to be self-styled!

Su Yan found gold armor, surging with a terrible energy seal, and the power of reincarnation was extremely difficult to puncture into it.

"She is decisive."

Su Yan shook her head slightly, but she did not have any leisure on her hands. In the blink of an eye, she built a layer of seals on the reincarnation road. She sealed the golden woman and suppressed her reincarnation. Even if the golden woman suddenly recovered, she could not turn over. The wind is coming out.

"This self-styled, it is difficult to maintain for many years." Yin Yisi said: "Waiting for the seal to disperse, it is estimated that her armor energy will also be broken."

Su Yan took out a powerful space treasure and placed the golden woman in it. In short, she was trapped in it and could not run out.

Now Su Yan has more important things to do, and there is no time to pay attention to the golden woman.

“Do you find any special fluctuations in the emperor road?”

Su Yan asked, and his eyes also visited the surroundings. From now on, he has not yet inquired about the situation of the emperor.

The emperor's road is large and magnificent, and it is called a magnificent universe, exuding the supreme power of God.

In an endless world, it is hard to imagine that this is just a road. When Su Yan is in the depths of the emperor's road, he can feel an immortal energy, in shock, surging, and even stronger as time goes by. !

Vigorously they shook their heads and didn't feel anything.

Su Yan was a little surprised, and secretly said in his heart: "Is it because the war between me and the mysterious man just ignited the material in the emperor's road?"

"Go, let's go in and have a look. Be careful. On this road, don't know what will happen!"

A group of four people quickly rushed deeper, and their minds inevitably stirred up. This is the legendary emperor road, a heavenly road that is being watched by the strong outsiders!

And there is no level of pressure in this road, even the power can break into it.

Sealing the long road of the emperor, ushered in a group of swaying, this wide to difficult to measure, no treasures found along the way.

However, the gas of life here is very rich, and it is much richer than the burial place.

They don’t know how big the road is, but Su Yan feels that he is still on the edge.

Su Yan followed the fluctuation of immortal material and straddle deep into the emperor.

Only one hour is less than the world in front, and the glory of the world has been caught by them!

"Isn't that a certain treasure born?" Yuan Yuan's eye heats: "This is the legendary emperor's road. God knows how much it is, and since we first came in, we can definitely seize the opportunity!"

Su Yan is also full of expectations, they follow these glory, but the destination is really too far away, the source of the direction is what the material spurt, how can radiate so far!

After a whole day and night, Su Yan came close to their destination.

After a long distance, when you see the material moment in the direction of the source, the group is petrified!

"It's it!"

Su Yan exclaimed, he had seen it, and he was still outside the burial place!

Now Su Yan once again saw it. It is known as the most powerful material in history. Now they have seen its lineup. This material is like a nine-day big day, hanging in the emperor road, carrying a kind of extremely terrible Fairy waves!

It is like a seed, and there is a kind of unspeakable emperor. Once they have encountered this kind of infinite emperor, and once again, they are shocked.

"Is this seed related to the Emperor?" Yin Yisi screamed.

Now this seed is releasing infinite sacred glory, containing a huge amount of immortal material, extremely scary!

And they found that this seed, in a semi-sleeken state, has not completely recovered!


A group of people rushed to the emperor, but along the way, they encountered unprecedented pressure!

It is extremely difficult to bear with great strength. He is almost unable to move. This is due to the oppression of the emperor. It is really difficult to get close to him. It is only young and supreme in history. Only qualified to contact the close-range emperor. .

Su Yan can continue to sprint, his mood is particularly exciting.

This seed is too horrible, squandering innumerable emperor, and spreading the vast laws of the universe. If you can approach, go to observe and enlighten, this is enough to help people practice!

"The strongest in history, hahaha!"

Su Yan laughed at the sky, even if he couldn't get it, even if he sat in a nearby practice, it would be a great harvest!

Four more!

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