Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1204: The enemy of the world!

The Universe City is extremely lively in the place where the millions of monks gather.

However, the resounding words in the city made countless people stunned and felt that they had got it wrong.

Is the ancestral temple of the ancestral hall still alive?

At that time, many people saw it with their own eyes. The ancestral temple of the ancestral temple was killed by the Su Shi people in the reincarnation universe!

That incident even caused the entire cultivation community to oscillate. After all, the ancestors of the ages were invincible.

However, the ancestors of this generation have not yet grown up, and they were killed by Su Yan in the reincarnation of the universe. It is also because of this war that they have completely reverified the supremacy of Su Yan’s younger generation!

But now in the Universe City, a group of ancestral hall Yingjie stood up and released a sentence that made them feel unbelievable.

Are you still alive? Didn't it fall in the past?

"No way......"

The strongmen of the older generation are amazed, how can the ancestors still be alive? When he was defeated by Su Yan, how could he still be alive? Didn't he die in the past? Was it saved by the ancestral hall?

Some of the ethnic groups who have made good friends with the ancestral temples are close to these ancestral halls, and they are asking about the things of the heavens.

"Exactly, it is not the ancestors of the year, but the new generation of ancestors!"

The ancestral halls of this group of heroes laughed and talked about the ancestors, and they all had an unusually revered look. The myth of the ancestral temple was not only continued, but even the ancient ancestor of the ancestral temple, which was hailed as the ancestral temple for millions of years. Strong Wizards will be the Megatron universe!

For millions of years, the strongest genius of the ancestral hall!

This evaluation is amazing!

To know the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall, but a giant who is close to the great power of the dynasty, even he called the ancestral ancestors, they are called Xiaozu!

It is hard to imagine how terrible this generation of ancestors is, and it is said that Xiaozu is now in a secret retreat, and will soon be published, and he is going to fight for hegemony!

Even the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall said that the birth of Xiaozu was the day of the glorious and prosperous world. This evaluation is really scary!

"Waiting for the day when my ancestral temple Xiaozu went out, what Su Shiren, what young overlord, all **** wash, my ancestral temple, is the king of the universe!"

The ancestral halls are strong, their beliefs are really too strong, so that the onlookers in the vicinity are chilling. What is this? Kill the world and embark on the road of a king of the universe!

"King of the universe!"

A new noun appears, causing people nearby to exclaim, the myth of the ancestral temple is still there, and even release words to become the king of the universe!

What is this pattern?

The enemies of the future will not be Su Yan, and even include the first son of Chaos and the Celestial Body!

Since we want to be the king of the universe, we must brutally suppress all enemies and kill them in the realm of worldly respect. Only then can we look down on the world and become the only king of the universe!

The younger generation of the ancestral hall dared to say such words, indicating that they had received the approval of the big man of the family. They had to say that the matter was raging!

After half a month, another news came to the burial place!

"The big event, the Yin family, since the Yin Yin Xian, the young supreme of the family finally surfaced!"

The Yin dynasty is one of the best in the group. It can be compared with the ancestral hall. In addition to the ancestral hall in the outer universe, the second strong family is the yin dynasty. Now the family's ancestral star field, the whole day is covered with blood, and the corpse is rushing. Shuhan!

"The mortal generation?"

Vice President Jin Yu was moved and got important information!

The entire ancestral home of the Yin dynasty, arranged a boundless fierce array, encompassing the corpse of the entire star field, nourishing the young and supreme of the family!

This is based on the world of heaven and earth, to breed a young and supreme young supreme, even he also got the gossip, it is said that the Yin family also has taboo sleep, and even the taboo son of the family is about to come out!

"The ancient rumors, the ancestor of the Yin family, called the corpse!"

The old antiques of the great religion exclaimed: "It seems that the existence of the small corpse of this family is a fact. This is the strongest lineage of the Yin family. It has been ups and downs in the years, has been waiting for the opening of the emperor road, to conquer the emperor road, go Seek the strongest in history!"

The big news emerged successively in the burial place, and the world was suffocated.

"This is a prosperous world!"

Some people exclaimed: "The prosperous world that the three sons said in the past should refer to this kind of prosperous age. The opening of the emperor's road is the era of the advent of the prosperous world. Once that day, no one knows who can dominate the market!"

"How strong is the taboo son who has lived for a long time? The four sons of Chaos Valley do not represent the taboos. Only the first son of Chaos can represent, but since ancient times, no one has seen their true body. !"

"This shows that they are mysterious and powerful enough. The picture is the emperor road."

The youngest generation of the great teachers of the major schools have been trembled. The pattern of the burial place is really getting more and more amazing. Some people take stock of the youngest Supreme in the world and finally come to a conclusion that the emperor road is really open. The strongest collision in the year!

"The first son of chaos, the ancestral ancestor of the ancestors, the little corpse of the Yin dynasty, the Su Shi people of the burial domain, who can dominate the ages and the world?"

"The first three of us have not seen the real body, but it also shows that they are detached enough, powerful enough, and the long years have passed. Their goal is only one, which is the most powerful land in the emperor road!"

"Don't forget, there are the East Devils, the West Buddha, and even the heavenly body of the Tianzhu!"

This kind of inventory, the world is more and more shocked, originally in the era of the Su Shi people in the universe, the king of the group withered, but now counted up, there are so many terrible young giants will debut.

Then once the emperor road is opened, this is the big collision of the peak, and at the same time, the strongest in history, it is also revealed!

"I think there are too many enemies of Su Shi people. Once the emperor road is opened, it is tantamount to killing him for him!"

Some people are shocked, first of all, don’t talk about the East Devil, the West Buddha, and the Cang Tian, ​​the first son of Chaos, the ancestral ancestors, the little corpse, these three legends living in the years, if they really come out, they have How strong?

Now these are still unknowns. As for what the emperor road is, the world knows it is limited, and it does not know where the direction is.

"In fact, you neglect one of the most important issues, that is, the strongest creation in history, what is the accident? Why do they let them wait for themselves in the years?"

Very few people can answer for the origin of this thing.

However, I am afraid that even the supreme giants who have made great achievements and achieved taboos cannot even think of it. The emperor road has been opened by Su Yan, and even the strongest creation in history, Su Yan has begun to contact!

Three months have passed, and Yuan Yuan and his entourage are four people, stopping at the edge of the emperor's species, and feeling the most powerful achievements in history. They are deeply involved in the enlightenment, combing and practicing here, perfecting their own king road!

Three months is very fast, especially for the grand road of the evolution of the emperor, but between the fingers!

Su Yan is the closest to the Emperor. He stands between the heavens and the earth. He has been silent for three months. His body is always flowing with golden glow. Under the reflection of the emperor, his treasure is solemn, the gods are vast, and the body is always passing. Avenue Tianyin!

In his eyes, there are billions of avenues of fairy tales!

This is the supreme fruit of the evolution of the emperor, and it continues to emerge in Su Yan's eyes. Over time, his pupils are deeper, like two concentrated golden universes, projecting blazing light!

If you look closely, you can find that Su Yan's body is constantly relaxing, as if the universe is growing up, the universe's volatility is growing thicker. When it blooms, it is like the Avenue of the Fairy Cave, which is high in the heavens and the earth, and blooms in the sky!

He is also like a raging fire, burning and burning, the flames are growing, and the looming outline of the fire burns the sky.

The emperor is particularly magical. Su Yan uses the emperor as a nourishment, absorbs the energy of the avenue, nourishes his body, accumulates the strongest king of the gods, and cultivates a day here, which is enough to be worth ten days and a half.

In the process, Su Yan gained a lot, and the human body seemed to have created a chain of hundreds of millions of avenues, which was combined in a series, sketched and evolved his **** road.


Three months later, Su Yan’s momentum suddenly leaked!

This is a shocking picture. Su Yan disappeared and turned into a golden ocean, covering the heavens and the earth. Among them, hundreds of thousands of avenues of the avenues were surging, rewriting the pattern of this region and evolving his realm of the gods!

In the golden country, Su Yan appears ancient and majestic, enriching the vastness of the gods, it is difficult to reverse!

The source of energy in the sky is derived from the body of Su Yan!

In the half year of enlightenment, he has greatly expanded his own king road. His harvest is great. After all, he entered the kingdom of the gods. Su Yan was the first to comb the school. At this stage, he also helped the emperor to let Su Yan The progress is amazing!


Su Yan's breath is more and more shocking, and the figure is like the immortal superstar, emitting a horrible pressure!

The void is shaking!

This is a kind of inner force, the king of the king, the grandness of the world, open the corner of the universe, exudes the volatility of the gods, tearing the sky!


Su Yan is walking, walking toward the emperor, step by step!

Every step stepping out, his feet are derived from endless traces, he is like an enlightened person, walking between the heavens and the earth, he wants to contact the more vast world, to find a stronger road to the king!

After half a year of practice, his body has been perfected, and the power of the world can be erupted.

However, Su Yan is not satisfied, he feels that he can become stronger.

Su Yan continued to walk forward, step by step, he is very close to the emperor, but this time, the immortal power of the emperor's self-distribution, shaped like a boulevard imprint, bombarding Su Yan!

Very terrible resistance, thousands of traces of crushing pressure, causing his body to sting.

It is too difficult to get close to the emperor, and it is extremely difficult to bear the body of Su Yan. However, Su Yan directly released the physical defense, igniting the energy of the emperor and tempering his body.

He is taking the opportunity to train himself!

In the practice of the emperor, it is equal to the tempering of the universe, it is really painful and difficult.

Su Yan is not in a hurry to get close to the emperor for the first time.

Now he is using the emperor to perfect his own king road, this is the most important!

Moreover, with the power of the emperor, even if it is close to it, it is difficult to get the emperor to go to heaven!

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