Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1208: Perfect school!

Time flies, half a year's time, long pass.

The time of the emergence of the emperor has been more than a year.

These days, the burial place has undergone great changes. First of all, the suppression of the great environment of the universe will soon be broken!

At the entrance to the burial place, there are too many powerful people, and the top strength of the universe gathers here. They are waiting for the burial place to be crushed and broken, and this day is coming soon!

"One year, the deforestation of the emperor has not yet ended. I really don't know what the abyss is now!"

The strongest of the major peak groups are all in a hurry. After a year has passed, there is no result yet!

However, the rules of the burial place are about to dissipate. At that time, the mighty strongman will cross the abyss and certainly find the answer in a short time.

Some strong groups of people have great power and half-step power. They have no confidence in the struggle of the emperor. This is the battlefield of the giant family game.

They are now only thinking about the burial of the burial place, to find their own opportunities, after all, the new era, the new environment, they must adapt quickly, the future can stand in the decline of the universe.

"The latest information comes from a month ago. At present, they are as strong as the first son of chaos. They have not explored the end of the abyss. How big is this abyss? Will it never find the end?"

The news that was passed out a month ago made the powers laughter, stronger than the first son of chaos. They have not yet explored the end of the abyss, and have not even seen the emperor. This ending is beyond the expectations of the world.

The same abyss is very dangerous. Many strong men have died. Now in the depths of the abyss, only a group of super-powerful gods can stand still.

When Su Yan and his entourage crossed the abyss, they used the imprint of the prehistoric big brother. One step after another, they could quickly approach the abyss, but even this took a long time.

Even the first son of chaos is strong in their means, and it is extremely difficult to come to the emperor road in a short time.

"So far, the first son of chaos, the little corpse fairy, the ancestral temple ancestor, the east Buddha, the west Buddha, the celestial body, belong to these six young supreme, the deepest rush, as for the southern emperor they are behind, enough to explain A cruel reality."

"I have some regrets, Su Shi people did not show up!"

The strongman of the great religion sighed, and Su Yan, who was killed in the world a few years ago, disappeared for so many years. Nowadays, the strongest competition has been opened, but he has never seen him.

"Su Yan, the opening of the burial place is his ruin!" The strong man with the celestial domain said: "No matter where he hides, he will die, crushing Su Yan, and then the death of the funeral family." !"

The biting cold, this piece of land between the seats!

The big people of all ethnic groups are silent about this. These years of Tianyu’s hands are very heavy in Su Yan’s hands. If they are not suspected of their group’s suspicion, then the family has long been removed from the restricted area of ​​life!

The ancestors of Feng Tianyu, who gave a hateful flame to Qiu Ming’s death, wanted to enter the present place for the first time and annihilate Su Yan.

Some people speculate that Su Yan should hide, in some special boundaries, secretly grow up, hope that he can rise in a short time, impact the realm of power, so that in the time when the burial place is completely released, stand up!

However, the great energy can be such a good breakthrough. The celestial body occupies such a strong dojo. In the past few years, it has not accumulated enough information to break through. It is enough to explain the road of power, even the amazing figure of Tianjiao. It's hard to sprint up quickly.

No one knows the trace of Su Yan. It is outrageous that he has been here in the emperor and has been submerged for several years!


The low-pitched sound exploded, and Luo’s vigorous atmosphere surged, and the whole surging out, a vulgar power that was looming to the extreme, the powerful king of the gods, who has made remarkable progress in recent years, now he Unfolding huge arms, you have to tear the real dragon, swearing!

Vigorously broke through and directly stepped into the six kingdoms of God's kingdom!

Even Yuan Yuan and Yin Yisi, before they made great efforts, broke through to the six kingdoms of God's kingdom. What kind of concept is this?

The king of the kings climbed into a small realm, and the breakthrough in two or three years was already a horrible speed. However, the three of them have broken through successively in these years, and there is a speed of progress that runs through the seven heavens of the kingdom of God!

This speed of breakthrough, it will really scare people out!

In the past few years, I have accumulated the accumulation that the world has hard to get for a hundred years, and even touched the supreme king road. The future will certainly rise in the prosperous age!

"If you can practice here for ten years, you can hope for it!"

Yan Yuan’s eyes reveal a strong martial faith and pierce the void. It’s like a **** of war, and exclaimed: “The emperor is really amazing, helping us to take less detours and even accumulate quickly. Strong heritage!"

Yin Yisi’s eyes opened, and the Taiyin sacred body surging the vastness of the Holy Power, so that the celestial world was darkened. She was somewhat suspicious: “How did I find out that the emperor was getting weaker and weaker than before?”

Yuan Yuan also perceives that only the emperor is too strong. Although they can feel the degeneration of the emperor, they can really not see the specific weakness.

Yan Yuan also said: "Su Yan has been silent for half a year, and has never been awakened. Is he absorbing the energy of the emperor?"

"If he can really absorb it, then it would be great, Su Yan can definitely hit the power quickly, and even sprint more amazing areas!"

Yin Yisi’s jade hand clasped her hand, and she was very expecting: “Although he is retreating, he has an unusually strong field in his body. I think I should wake up soon!”

Su Yan has been quiet, sitting in front of the emperor!

His body is radiant, like a psychic body, blooming.

Su Yan's body absorbs the energy and energy scattered between the heavens and the earth, and even the influence of the emperor. The energy of this area is full of avenue deity, which greatly improves the human body.

In the long run, his body has accumulated innumerable reserves, and there is a very special domain field emission, which has far-reaching influence and touches the depths of time and space.


Three days later, a vast wave of volatility suddenly swept across the ground, shaking the earth, like the Xinghai sinking the earth, surging with infinite power.

"Big brother wakes up!"

I was so scared that I opened my eyes and looked at the past. I saw Su Yan’s human body and stirred up a magnificent airflow. It was too stalwart. It was like an endless universe, and it began to recover in a deep sleep.

"What power is this, why is it so terrible, I feel like the universe is in full bloom, in bloom, on the road of evolution!"

Yan Yuan stood up and looked at Su Yan, who was sitting in front of the emperor. His body stirred up the grand energy, and accompanied by the revival of the avenue symbol, shining through the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the universe seems to be accommodated by Su Yan, and the heavens and the earth are filled with his divine power. He seems to replace the universe, and the avenue energy released by the body has left a profound influence between the heavens and the earth.

The heavens and the earth have changed, and there is a sound of the avenue.

Su Yan's figure is extremely grand, there are stars appearing between the heavens and the earth, around the rotation of Su Yan, the stars in front of his figure is particularly small.

The world is constantly changing, the birth of the stars, the birth of the sun and the moon, the birth of the Milky Way, and the surviving mystery of the recovery of all things, Su Yan is giving this universe life, building a complete heaven and earth!

When all this has evolved, his body is surging with a sturdy king's volatility, and he is overbearing to the extreme. Even if it is far away, he will breathe heavily!

They are eclipsed, what is this energy, why is it so scary?

Even they think that Su Yan is opening up the sky, is he running through the mighty realm?

"I think Big Brother is really like a big man, a sky above his head, looking down on the heavens and the earth, omnipotent, although there is no breakthrough, but he is creating the universe!"

Vigorously exclaimed, I realized that a kind of recovery of all things, the power of the universe to open the sky, filled with Su Yan's human body, this is the ability of the Cosmic Avenue, changed the heavens and the earth, shaped like a rule of order, re-enacting the world!

However, this astounding field of volatility quickly returned to calm.

Everything returned to the body of Su Yan, and he became the same, sitting in front of the emperor, and the treasure was solemn.

However, in the body of Su Yan, the moment is stirring, the power of the world, this is the energy of the universe, want to spray out!

If you look closely, you can find Su Yan's human body, densely covered with billions of avenues, like the carrier of the Cosmic Avenue, mysterious speculation.

And the universe in his human body is constantly relaxing, vomiting, and evolving in the field, and it is necessary to hit the strongest level, and open up the earth to create a new order of the universe!

The ultimate in the Tao, can evolve the order of the universe!

“Su Yan is perfecting her own school!”

Yin Yisi said the key point: "He is not running through the power, Su Yan's practice has reached the ultimate moment, and will be fully completed. If he perfects, he is afraid to directly sprint to the top of the gods, and even have the ability to run through. The shocking world!"

Yan Yuan, they were pleasantly surprised. This day, Su Yan was very fast. It could not be used for three or five years. I was afraid that it would be a short period of one or two years. Su Yan could successfully enter the realm of power.

Nowadays, he is simmering with the radiance of all things. He is gestating the avenue, and it is necessary to let everything recover and complete. This is also a great achievement!

If it can be done, then the power is very close to Su Yan!


羿Yuan Yangtian laughed, after so many years of ups and downs, once Su Yan entered this level, under the circumstances, there is nothing to resist his footsteps, and Su Yan’s breakthrough is also related to the strongest creation in history.

It's really hard to imagine, this day is coming, how strong Su Yan will be!

"We are in trouble!"

Yuan Yuan suddenly stood up, the body's breath broke out, and the scorpion flashed a bitter cold, splitting the void, and powerful.

"what happened?"

Yin Yisi frowned and looked at Yuan Yuan.

"someone is coming!"

Yuan Yuan looked indifferent. He placed some police arrays outside the emperor road. Now these police arrays have passed some energy fluctuations, which makes Yuan Yuan’s heart heavy.

"The time for the emperor to appear has been several years, and it should come!"

Strong fists clenched, the body broke out, such as the dragon dancing, said: "Big brother is about to complete the merits, not to disturb, or else everything will fall short!"

The three kings are empty, and the king of the gods is leaking.

Over the years, they have also developed a shocking world.

Now that time is at an emergency, we must hold this road and no one can get close to the emperor.

Although they don't know who is coming, since the people can cross the abyss, it means that the strong is strong and can't be sloppy. If it is an enemy, it is afraid to go through a fierce battle.

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