Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 2232: If the emperor is alive!

"stand up!"

The shouts of the screaming clouds should be robbed and resounded throughout the world, seemingly blasting in the universe!

This kind of appeal, this kind of appeal, makes the tide of the strong heart!

A world-famous Su Shi person can have such a strong appeal. It is really worthy of this life. It is worthwhile to suddenly fall!

For decades, the sorrowful, Su Yan’s admirer, his admirers are too many.

The hero is late, the beautiful woman is about to lose the fragrance, they don't want to see Su Yan being knocked down, want him to stand up and protect the woman who can pay for his life.

No matter what they are facing, they don’t want Su Yan to fall.

Suddenly standing dead, can not be such a humiliating death.

The shouts of the mountains and the seas made the three great powers of the ancestral halls murder. Su Yan’s appeal is really strong. Once he rises into the field of power, he will be able to form when he rises. Terrible Taoist forces!

The result of this appeal can definitely make the funeral domain, reverse the race, and become the hegemonic group between heaven and earth.

In the shouts of the sea, the man really stood up and let the people in the audience tremble. He really stood up and stood up!

His blood-stained body, bathed in the fire, is like a bathing nine days of fairy fire, the gods are infinite!

Su Yan's body is surging with the gods of the world, rebelling against the heavens and the earth!


Su Yan is also like a madness. In the flesh, there is a surge of heavy air and a heavy air. This is an ancient energy fluctuation, and it has a great power. I don’t know where it originates. It seems to belong to Su Yan.

His body also seemed to be pierced by the seal, a heavy invisible energy, and soon spread out of the vastness, directly filled the entire wild land, shaking the ocean, sweeping hundreds of miles away.

"too horrible!"

Many of the former silent monks were trembled, shivering, and even squatting on the ground, worshipping the terrible figure.

Because this moment of Su Yan is terrible, the fluctuations of the body surging against the cosmic shackles, suppressing the Huangquan purgatory, expanding the whole world, the surge of fluctuations, so that the world will tremble!


Too many people were shocked by his gods, squatting on the ground in trembling, and began to tremble one by one.

As for the monks who screamed the Suyan people, their minds were out of control. The former king returned, standing between the heavens and the earth, turning into an immortal monument of the top of the earth, deterring the universe, such as the emperor!


The ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall flew straight out, and there was a despair and a fear in his eyes.

What is this energy? It simply surpassed the power and forced the taboo level!

How can Su Yan release such a strong force, how exactly did he do it?

Is this one scary to the foot, is a reincarnation? Or, in his body, hidden energy reserves, will be released at his life and death!

"Su Yan........"

Outside, outside the burial place, a group of powerful people are scared and stupid.

what's going on? How can Su Yan break out of such a strong source of life? Was he awakened in adversity, and it did not reach into the realm of power?

The iron **** thought, frowning, scratching his head, and wondering in his heart: "Is Su Yan stealing the reincarnation and reincarnation? Similar to my situation, he should not be a strongman living in prehistoric times? Seal it now?"

The face of the iron **** was amazed. The original Su Yan was really going to die. He was on the road in humiliation, but now Su Yan stood up, and it was particularly scary. The body was bathed with fire, and the majestic grandeur was the ultimate, such as the emperor!

"Is this what the old leader said, the strong potential!"

Xiahou, they were shocked, especially Su Dalong's face suddenly dignified, the tone was low: "Bad, the old leader said before, Su Yan human body, contains endless potential, once activated, it is very bad!"

"This is a good thing, but the energy emitted by Su Yan is too strong!"

Ye Lingtian, the giant Han Shen Shen said: "This is not what he can bear at all, even if I am extremely difficult to bear, Su Yan's physical strength can certainly suppress the general power strong, but Su Yan's meat shell, It is also extremely difficult to carry such strong energy!"

At this time, a group of strong people in the outside world trembled and found that the burial place was under pressure and it was likely to be related to the change of Su Yan!

"Can go in!"

Many people are excited and shouting. Some great powers are no exception. The pressure of the burial grounds has completely dispersed, so they can return to the prehistoric environment.

However, most of the power in the field, the killing of the pupils in the pupils, and instantly rushed to the burial ground.

In particular, the strongest people in the Tiantian domain are squatting, and the great environment of the burial place has been dissipated, so it is time to find Su Yan to clear it!

Too much power, rushed to the burial ground.

Only those powerful players who rushed in did not see the next picture, if they saw it, it is estimated that they would not choose to provoke Su Shi people in this time period!


Unexpectedly, the earth blasts a huge bang, and the earth's eardrum is smashed, smashing hundreds of millions of stars!

Gods and chaos, the momentum is terrible!

This snoring is like opening up six reincarnations and re-enacting the order of the universe. Su Yan’s pair of scorpions are even more flaming. In the degree of piercing time and space, people can’t look directly at it. Because it’s too blazing, they must stab the powerful eyes. .


Su Yan’s body is surging out of the golden light of the sky, and it’s surging, and it’s rising!

The airflow in his body is hard to bear, and even the whole body of Su Yan must burst and die!

Su Yan feels that he is going to be destroyed. The moment when the strong potential of his body is opened, he will fall!

"Suddenly dead, I will kill you!"

The void exploded, and the territory was overturned. Su Yan’s overall killing of the sky, the whole person also rose up, his breath became more and more outrageous, the area where it was broken, the gods cried, and all the materials were falling apart. , self-destruction!

This is too strong to reflect, the world is difficult to carry Su Yan, his body is full of golden light, hula suddenly burst out, than Wang Yang does not know how many times the surge, packed with Scorpio, suppressed the ancestral temple Ancient ancestors!

"Do not!"

The ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall screamed and screamed. Under the suppression of the power of Su Yan, he was very scared and hard to compete. He felt like an ant in front of Su Yan.

Is he a taboo, or a great power, strong and outrageous!


Su Yan suddenly raised a large hand and pinched the ancient ancestors of the ancestral temple!

Su Yan's palm is huge and boundless, like the golden giant palm crushed out of the field, the impact is down, and the earth is falling apart!


The ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall feared and shouted. This is also the greatest fear and despair that he has suffered in his life. He thinks that Su Yan is a taboo, and even the weakest is also a great power. How can he have such a strong force? Not in line with common sense.

Gold is big and empty, falling from the sky!

Let the body of the ancient ancestor of the ancestral hall collapse, this giant palm has not been crushed, and his power source has been broken, really desperate, how can such a ridiculous thing happen!

It is clearly a **** king, but it is a royal man, full of the gods!


In the eyes of the audience, Su Shi’s slap in the face, the ancestral temple blasted open, and the gods were destroyed. Even the blood in the body was evaporated, and the flesh and blood no longer existed.

what is this?

This is the destruction of the gods, the destruction of the clean and dry, was killed by a slap!

You must know that this is an ancient ancestor of the ancestral temple that is close to the field of great power. Now it is shot by Su Yan, and this picture is really outrageous. The heroes are frightened.

"How can this be, Da Yong, what is wrong with you..."

Luo Huaqing was scared of a goose bump, feeling a little uncomfortable, out of control and shouting.

Luo Tian was on the side, and he was excited. "Is there anything wrong? Su Yan is really powerful. Shouldn't this guy be a taboo reincarnation? Or, he has taboos left behind!" ”

"No, his state is a bit wrong...."

Luo Huaqing shook her head. She didn't want Su Yan to do this because she felt that Su Yan's state was not good, like she changed herself.

Although he is still Su Yan, but in the current situation of Su Yan, mastering such a strong energy, in the end how much it costs!

Now no one can see the state of Su Yan, because he seems too amazing, the whole surging, the grandest to the extreme supreme fluctuations, the pressure of nine days and ten places, omnipotent!

Like a former emperor returning, wearing a gold battle suit, peerless horror!

"Escape, escape...."

The other two big-powered people must urinate their trousers, run their legs and run, and they are not willing to stay for a moment. The body is full of fear.

Even they never want to face Su Yan again, to face this madman, this monk!

Even the ancient ancestors of the ancestral temple, who quickly stepped into the utmost power, were shot and killed by him, and they could not stop Su Yan.

"Everyone is going to die!"

The low noise appeared, shaking the whole wild land, the whole piece of the sea of ​​stars trembled, and the vast universe reverberated with Su Yan's killing power!


He lifted the giant palm of gold and suppressed it forward.

The palm of the hand is huge, and it is high in the heavens and the earth. It instantly covers the vast territory and covers these two powers.

The two great powers are afraid of the ultimate, let them run away, or cast a defamation law.

However, Su Yan's palm, as vast as the universe, will never be possible, reaching the end.


This is a finger in the close, each finger is huge as the pillar of the sky, the sun and the moon are all surrounded by the fingers, showing how great the shore.

When the five fingers are closed together, the two ancestral halls are powerful, and they also directly crush the body and are crushed into a group of ash!

As for Zu Xingzhen, he was on the road in pain and was killed by Su Yan!

In this way, the seven great powers of the ancestral hall have all fallen, and the dead are all dry!

The whole wild land, also in trembling, began to return to calm.

In the world of smoke and dust, the golden figure is still stalwart, the pores are sprayed with vast golden light, wearing a battle suit, and standing on the ground!

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