Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1274: Mysterious treasure house

Su Yan and the iron **** are all awkward, what is the situation?

They are about to enter the ruins of chaos. As a result, a young man with a bruised face and a swollen face rushed to the ground and cried to Su Yan.

This voice is really infiltrating people, sending out the screams like killing pigs, crying too miserable, so that Su Yan is not chilling, what is this ghost thing?

Su Yan looked at the man who kept yelling at himself and crying. When he looked at it for a while, his face was slightly cold, and the purple jade king!

The Purple Jade King of the Cosmo-Commerce League is the first person in the young generation of the Purple family. It has received the avenue mark of the top life ancient star. Although the Purple Jade King is now a strong man of the gods, but the possibility of breaking through the king of the future Larger.

The burial place of the chaotic ruins is the battlefield for the younger generation to compete for the hegemony. It has nothing to do with the monks such as the Purple Jade King.

In the past few years, Su Yan has forgotten the Purple Jade King. This kid did not provoke Zi Xiu Ning in the past!

"Zijia, it seems to come, they speculate that I am going to chaotic ruins."

Su Yan's gaze looked ahead, and the purple family came to a large number of strong people, but most of them were old monsters, and they were all nervous. After all, Su Yan had a big trouble over the entire ancestral domain, and the entire ancestral domain was turned upside down.

The stronger Su Yan, the more uneasy the purple family!

In those days, they did not chase Su Yan, and even the cosmic business alliance, they also attacked the Northern Fighting.

The relationship between the Northern Fighting and Su Yan is too close. Even the Beidou Fairy and Su Yan have a life and death. In short, a group of ancestors of the Cosmic Business League feels terrified. Whether it is Zi Xiu Ning and Beidou Fairy, the relationship with Su Yan is very different.

Of course, these are still secondary. The most important thing is that the cosmic business alliance is in the dead of the burial domain. The Purple Jade King actually issued an order to celebrate the family!

If it is not because of this incident, Su Yan will not directly abolish the branch of the Cosmopolitan Business League in Ziwei City, and even release the words to go to the Purple House, which really scared the entire Purple House, so they decided to come to sin!

"You are awkward, you are ready!"

The owner of the Purple House angered the Purple Jade King, and then walked respectfully, and smiled at Su Yan: "Su Yan's predecessor, the current owner of the Purple House, Zi Hongwei, is also the father of the filial son of Ziyu Wang!"

Having said that, Zihongwei grieves and angers: "It is all that I have no way of discipline, only to make the Ziyu King a big mistake. My family and the funeral domain are one, but in the day of the family's distress, not only did not give it Help, even his purple jade king is still ...."

Having said that, Zihongwei smashed a purple jade king, and his voice was angry and said: "He is doing things in a difficult way. Now, with Su Yan, you will fall, no matter the ending, I will not have a purple house. Any complaints!"

The purple jade king was shaking and trembled, and could not say a word.

No one can save him now, he is finished himself!

He is not dead, the whole purple home is difficult.

Even if it is to escape, don't say that Su Yan will not spare him, waiting for Zi Xiu Ning to restore his identity, and definitely make him look good.

"The owner of the purple family." Su Yan's eyes looked at Zihongwei.

"Don't dare to dare." Zihongwei lost the smile: "It's fine to call Xiaowei, and Su Yan has something to do, even though it is told that our cosmic business alliance will go through the fire and it will not leave!"

Wen Yan, Su Yan sneered, said: "When the Universe Coalition chased me, is it your head?"

Many past events were unbearable, and they were angry when they thought of it. When he helped the Purple House and took back the ancestors' relics, they were going to kill themselves and destroy their own lives.

And ridiculously, the Tianshi technique is still the secret of the family of the funeral family. It has long been lost for a long time. Su Yan learned the secret technique of his family, but the purple skin of the year was really thick enough.

In the year when I was shaking the city, if it wasn’t for the bamboo moon, Su Yan’s life would be hard to protect!

Zi Hongwei’s face turned pale and he panicked: “I made a big mistake in the past and I knew that I was guilty. I have decided to step down as a big head of the family and take over as the owner of the Purple House!”


Su Yan slightly frowned, and then remembered what came up. In the preparations for the gathering of the Baobao Business League, Zi Xiu Ning got an opening fund from the ancestors of the Purple House. The chaotic treasure is not a small number.

"Old man Zihong." An old man in a black robe came in, feeling complicated. He said: "My cosmic business alliance is indeed one with the burial domain. Our purple family also knows that it has made a big mistake, regretting the night. Oh, I don't know if there is a chance to remedy!"

A group of ancestors of the Purple family also stood up, pleading guilty here, and trembled: "I still want adults to be gracious, Zijia knows the wrong, let you fall!"

A group of old guys who have lived for thousands of years and even tens of thousands of years, crying with a nose and tears here.

"Now run out to play emotional cards!"

The iron **** sarcastically said: "When did you go there, if my brother stepped into the power of the ruins, your ancestors could come to admit your mistakes. If the family of the burial domain collapses now, you are still celebrating the family, now ran out and cried. Oh, that’s ridiculous!”

The iron cock's words are very penetrating, and the ancestors of the purple family of the earthquake are frightened. They are really worried that Su Yan will open the killing ring and engage in blood flow.

There are also ancestors lying on the ground, crying and crying: "Adults, they all blame the owner and the Purple Jade King. These years they are the only ones. Many decisions are approved by them. You don’t have any opinions on them now, but we The purple family must not let the purple family break the **** inheritance because of the stupid practices of several of them!"

"Just rely on them two!"

Su Yan finally spoke up: "Do you purple family come to tell me? Loss you remember, the cosmic business alliance and the funeral family belong to one whole, my family has extinguished your celebration, my family has risen, you come to sin Under the circumstances, there is such a cheap truth!"

The icy chill is filled with sorrow, and the horrified people of Zijia are fighting in the world. With Su Yan’s way, now they can suppress them all. Even Ziwei teaches them in front of him, and what the purple family can count. .

"Su Yan..."

At this time, a soft voice came.

Su Yan stunned, gazing at the past, seeing the end of the purple family, a purple woman, step by step toward here.

The crowd separated independently, many purple family desperate ancestors looked at her, and there was hope in the heart. Zi Xiu Ning is now the only life-saving straw for the group. No one wants to die, don't want to be dragged!

"Xiu Ning."

Su Yan was surprised. I didn't expect Zi Xianning to come.

Zi Xiu Ning is laughing, it can be said that it is a smile, she is charming, and the white body is full and full, the front is convex and the back is black, and the hair is full of black hair.

In these years, she alone supported the Jubao Business Alliance, and her faint temperament was somewhat fascinating. However, she was more mature than before, and her hands raised her hand to exude a mature woman's charm, which made people fall for it.

"Loss you still remember me, I don't know how to sit down at the Chamber of Commerce in these years." Zi Xianning turned a blind eye and his words were full of resentment.

Su Yan smiled bitterly. It’s really fainting in these years. I can’t find time. In these years, Jubao’s business alliance has also helped the family of the funeral domain. Su Yanke is in his heart.

"Yes." Zi Xiu Ning smiled, mature and charming, can be described as a variety of styles, her red lips are as bright as fire, autumn water eyes looked at Su Yan said: "I came because they asked me to come, Let me love it!"

Zihong said on the side: "Su Yan, Zijia has already handed over the cosmic business alliance to Xiu Ning management. In the future, I am the owner of the purple family, and Xiu Ning is responsible for mastering the Cosmo-business alliance!"

The Cosmo Business Alliance is a cosmic business alliance, and the Purple House is a purple house.

Although the Purple House has sufficient power to control the Cosmos, but in the branches of large and small stars, it has deep cooperation with the local forces of the major stars. If Su Yan masters the Cosmos, he is afraid. It will be a heavy blow to the Cosmos.

When the family of the burial domain developed the Cosmopolitan Business League, there was no intention to let outsiders know the relationship between them.

At this time, Zi Xiu Ning took out a thing and solemnly handed it to Su Yan.

Su Yan took a glance and understood that this thing is not the general thing, but the most complete enrichment technique. It belongs to the secret family of the funeral family. It is extremely precious and has great help to Su Yan!

"That mouth is dying." Zi Xianning whispered: "That thing, not only called the legacy, it is very big!"


Su Yan’s nephew has shrunk, and once Zitai, he tried every means to get the stagnation. Isn’t the purple family aware of the hidden feelings of the disabled?

At this time, Zi Xiu Ning's eyes, looking in the crowd, a very old man of Shouyuan, his old ones are fast moving, and the hair is sparse, and they are almost skinny.

The old man stood up, a half-step big-powered old strongman, special status in the purple family, because it is the oldest strongest of the purple family.

The old man trembled with his hands and said: "Zi Zhengchu, my brother, I am Zizhengyang, the owner of the upper generation of the purple family. I am the oldest elder of the purple family. Things, the old man's responsibility is the biggest!"

"The ancestors, the purple family, have nothing to do with you. You have been sleeping in these years, how can you be punished?"

A group of old strong people in Zijia are ashamed and difficult, and the birthday of Zizhengyang will be dry, but now it is extremely difficult to go to sleep, and it is really close to sitting.

"Give me shut up. If the old man ruined the old bones, he could save the entire purple house. I also recognized it!"

Zizhengyang was excited and yelled at them: "Is the ancestral training forgotten? Although my family has not been with the family for many years, there are some ancestral trainings. How can you go against it, and your courage is too big!"

"What do you want to say?" Su Yan was a little surprised.

Purple Zhengyang suppressed the sound, and the voice said to Su Yan: "There is a huge treasure, it is very big. My family has a treasure house. Only the disabled can open it. The ancestral training has a record. The treasure house of the year was the strongest of the main family. Is to prevent the treasure house from losing."

Su Yan moved, the time that can be traced back is too long, the purple family has always kept secrets, only a very small number of people know.

Even what is stored in the treasure house is unknown?

Can be used as a key to open the treasure house, had to let Su Yan scared.

Ding Ding, a treasure that can be confronted with the devil's fog, is the key to open the treasure house of the purple family.

Su Yan was shocked. No wonder that Zitai tried every means to get the disabled. It turned out to be in the treasure house, but no one knows what is inside. Even the purple Zhengyang who guards the treasure house, it is not clear what is in the treasure house!

"Su Yan, this thing matters!"

Zi Zhengyang grabbed Su Yan’s arm and said: “And now, there is no time to open the treasure house. A treasure house that has been sealed for a long time is definitely not allowed. Although some people in Zijia know these things, but I don't know the location of the treasure house. I have already told him the location of Zihong. This is the only purple family whose purple family knows the location of the treasure house!"

Su Yan was very surprised. I didn't expect to get this news.

This thing may exist in prehistoric times. After all, the family of the burial domain of the year was against the dark disaster and against the invasion of strong enemy outside the domain. It is a unique group in the universe, so what they left behind is no small feat.

In fact, Zihong knew that this incident was particularly shocking!

A treasure trove of seals of endless years, the years of origin are extremely old.

And this secret, the people who know the purple family are very limited, but the only place to know the treasure house is Zi Zhengyang.

In the past few years, although the Zi family had broken contact with the family of the funeral domain, the treasure house has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Old ancestors!"

Zi Xianning lost color and saw Zi Zhengyang fall to the ground and his life was dying.

Purple home up and down, Zizhengyang sat down, gas if the hair, but he still tried his best to make a low voice: "We purple home, keep it for a long time, look at this credit, on the purple home Let's open the net, so the old man can laugh at Jiuquan!"

(Additional brothers, there is still at night)

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