Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1308: The ultimate change!

The palm of the tyrant's lord is too big, and it is difficult to find out how vast it is. It seems that it stretches out from the outside of the field and can't see the source.

This one hand is enough to destroy everything, so it is suppressed, and it has calmed down the mountains and rivers, suppressed all matter, and began to erupt with Su Yan, destroying a blow!


The blood-stained figure, although under the palm of the heavenly hegemony, appears to be weak, but his spiritual will is too horrible, which leads to the appearance of Su Yan, magnificent and boundless!

He broke out, tried his best to resurrect, and released the most powerful force. The whole fist ran out of the initial light of all things, sketched out a universe of time and space, and released the initial fist of all things!

"This battle will win, it will win!"

Su Yan screams, exudes the wildest combat power, resisting the palms falling from the sky!

The bombardment of the boxing fist caused a hurricane in the universe, and the time and space between the heavens and the earth broke into a picture of time and space collapse!

The souls of the entire chaotic ruins are watching this scene. Seeing Su Yan turned into an unyielding **** of war, although it appears to be weak, the power that can be dissipated is terrible, and it resists the palm of the heavenly hegemon!

He is fighting for his life, doing everything, breaking his own path, just for a battle.


Su Yan screamed, stirring the strongest strength of the human body, burning all the details, just for a battle!


The giant palms are gently shaking, and there is a tendency to be overturned by Su Yan. This scene makes the Feng Tian overlord really feel humiliated. His ancient big hand finally blooms immortality!

In fact, Feng Tianba does not want to use too much immortal energy for an ant ant. After all, his loss is too serious, and the amount of immortal energy is less.

But the current situation has forced him to break out.

For a time, the giant hand of the heavenly hegemony was heavily heavy, and the sky was broken. The starry sky above the sky was bursting!

What can stop his palm? This is not a level, nor a life level. Su Yan’s entire body must burst and bear an unbeatable impact. The battle body is really torn apart!


He coughed up blood and had to bear the fate of being suppressed.


Su Yan suffered from low pain, and the spine was crushed. The whole person fell to the ground, and the wounds flowed out of the blood, stained the soil and spurred the blood, but he still exudes wild fighting spirit.

This war can only win, not lose.

Su Yan gave up everything, just to break through in the battle, only to withstand the repeated suppression of the immortal, he can quickly dig out the strongest treasure in the human body, among the ranks of the immortal!

"Su Yan!"

Liang Yaan cried, why should she bear it, why did Su Yan go to seal the hegemony?

This should not be the battle he was going to bear. This battle was too bitter. The bones in Su Yan’s body were smashed one after another. The flesh suffered tremendous pain. In exchange for the rest of the great power, it was already blasted. !

But why, Su Yan is going to bear all of this.

In fact, the woman in purple is extremely clear. If it is not Su Yan’s crazy attempt in these years, his strength in the field of power is soaring. Now Su Yan is really equivalent to a monster, otherwise he will have died.

It is too difficult to fight with the immortal, all the way to be crushed, the purple women have some doubts, can you really force the strongest treasure of the human body through the battle of the immortal?

Since Su Yan is still going on, maybe, really!


Next, Feng Tianba is furious, because Su Yan has once again climbed up!

He stood up in the pool of blood, rubbed the blood of his mouth, and made a laugh: "What immortal, the strength is too weak, I have not felt the pain, your evil dog, take your strongest strength, don't let I look down on you!"

"I killed you this little beast!"

The main face of Feng Tianba is seen, the whole person is coming across, and the positive contact will be replaced by a powerful person.

Light his ancient body flowing power, it is enough to stop the gods, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, all things in the heavens will collapse under the power of his destruction!

Su Yan’s entire body must be pierced, and he realized the horrible immortal power, and came to Su Yan’s impact, to split his body, destroy his life mark, and erase his whole person from the world!


Su Yan smashed up, his battle is burning, in front of the immortal contact, the most dangerous treasure in the human body, must start erupting!

"This is the power!"

Su Yan seems to be mad, he found that this energy began to flow slowly, rooting in his carcass, this should be said by the purple woman, ripening the flesh, growing out of immortal energy!

It is this kind of energy that makes Su Yan's heart burst, really like a madman, shouting: "Come, grandfather is here!"

not enough!

The threat of the hegemony is not enough to speed up Su Yan’s immortal energy.

He must survive the South Pass, kneel down, and enter the immortality in the shortest time. Success or failure is in these times. He must live stubbornly to explore the creation of the human body!

"Su Yan God of War!"

The people all over the world are also crazy, what is he doing? Is he dying?

Many people can't bear to watch, because the Fengtian tyrant should pay attention, he is tortured Su Yan, pointing a little, his finger pressed on the shoulder of Su Yan, directly collapsed out of a blood hole, almost cut his entire arm!

Then he lifted his foot and stepped on his Su Yan's chest. His entire chest was smashed and the meat shell collapsed!

This is cruel destruction, **** crushing!

Su Yan’s warfare is scarred and will be ruined at any time, and he will be on the road in pain.

Struggling in his blood pool, squatting in purgatory.

He wants to live more than anyone else, knowing his importance more than anyone else!

He can't die, he wants to live, and stimulates the immortal treasures in the flesh to speed up. He feels that the distance is very close, and it takes some time, he can do it!


Su Yan growls and grasps the key points. Only the immortal material can truly stimulate the surging of human treasures!

"You bug, I see how many times you can resist!"

The Fengtian tyrants are somewhat irritated, and Su Yan is still provoking himself. I really don’t know how to be tall.

His power is aimed at the ultimate power, almost dead.

However, Su Yan resisted so many times, he even managed to hold on, even the spiritual will of Su Yan exceeded the expectations of the hegemony, and could already stand shoulder to shoulder with any immortal.

At any time, the Fengtian hegemon wants to kill Su Yan.

However, he really cherishes genius. If this kind of character is cultivated, the future is really impossible. Maybe you can fight against the immortal hegemon between heaven and earth, go to the vast universe of the outside world, and lay a vast world!

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Yan is really dying.

With the help of Tian Tian, ​​he survived again and again, and the whole body was burned, and even swooped up, killing the tyrants!

"Su Su people!"

The hearts of the world will explode, and Su Yan will rush to it again. Is he really dying?


Feng Tianba master roared, violently raised his palm, a slap in the air to fly Su Yan!

This shot is not allowed, Su Yan's body is divided, it looks very aging, and even the flesh is dry!

Because from the battle to the present, Su Yan did not rely on any treasures of the heavens and the earth, only relying on the details of the flesh, he must drain his own heritage, accelerate the ripening of immortal matter as much as possible!

"Can you climb up?"

Feng Tianba looked down on Su Yan’s anger: "I really don't want to kill you, give you a chance and surrender to me!"


Su Yan squirted blood and rushed to the mouth of the Fengtian tyrant.

The heart of Feng Tianba accepts Su Yan’s heart completely dead. This saliva is silently extinguished in front of him. He lifts his foot directly and wants to crush Su Yan!


However, at this time, the distant world, one by one in the big field of indulging, suddenly broke out a sacred sacred soldier!


"Kill this evil dog!"

"Su Yan is not humiliated even if he is killed in battle!"

"To take a shot together, instead of sitting and waiting to die, it is better to take the shot with Su Shi people, and have a great fight!"

The world is in chaos, emotions are exploding, and many people are crying.

Too many groups, strong, sacrificed the roots of the group, broke out the strongest power, and rushed Su Yan!

Perhaps these forces are insignificant for the battlefield.

However, they also want to do their best, do not want to be a tortoise, the strongest young people are desperate, and they have nothing to do.

Things have progressed to this step, really ignited the madness of this world, hundreds of holy soldiers have come over, and there are also the impact of the old strong man!

"You guys, you want to rebel!"

Feng Tianba main anger, a pair of pupils open, the gods burst, the power of immortality!

He is too horrible, and the law is not invading. Any sacred soldier who is killed in front of him is silently extinguished, even the light bursting from his pupil, splitting the time and space, and attacking the strong man who started him. !

In the distant world, the blood flowed to the river, and the tyrants of the heavens were furious. They all raised a big hand and rushed to the far end, to destroy the strong who was disrespectful to him!

He is now a demon master, and it is a disaster!

A large number of top powerhouses died tragically, and a sacred squad blasted open and survived very little.

The Fengtian tyrant issued a very cruel killing: "A bunch of sacrifices, but also want to turn over, I will let you take a look, how your hopes are destroyed by me!"


In the sea of ​​the heavenly hegemony, the power of the immortal **** is stirred up, and the spirit of Su Yan is attacked, and the **** of the gods must be destroyed first.

Perhaps, he felt that leaving Su Yan's body should be of no small use.

However, the power of the Yuanshen, who is the master of the heavens, has just spread to the sea of ​​Su Yan...

The cruelty on his face dissipated, and it was an incredible one!

Su Yan knows the sea, sitting on a figure, grand and magnificent, like sitting in the future, looking down at the heavens!

This weather, this god...

And from the beginning to the end, Su Yan has not used it, any immortal gods and Feng Tian hegemony hegemony!

The fear of the Lord’s tyrant’s heart is a touch of fear. What does he think of, is this madman?


The tyrants of the tyrants are vetoed in an instant. Who can do this in the past? Unless the most powerful descendants of the sectarian culture that have been passed down for hundreds of millions of years can be, the rest, who can fight the immortal, dig out the immortal heritage, and step into this!


Su Yan's frontal bone burned a horror soul flame in an instant, and steamed the power of a part of the **** of the hegemony!

The moment when the whole person has to get up, the tyrant is already crazy, and he must not give Su Yan a chance. Although he thinks it is impossible, he can never give Su Yan any chance and hope!

"Go to hell, you can never succeed!"

His feet were lifted up and he was going to crush the whole person of Su Yan and not give him any hope of turning over.

The huge soles of the feet, the transpiration of the sky, the immortal power, this is the strongest blow of the hegemony of the heavens, enough to grind everything in the world, this time Su Yan feels that it has been crushed, will soon be destroyed!

"I want to break through!"

Su Yan's blood-stained battle body burns gold fire, itching, his blood, his bones, his flesh, including his hair, all itching.

This is a terrible change, the beginning of life evolution!

(There is still at night!)

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