Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1316: The blood is boiling!

The cosmic catastrophe, but in a day or two, the small half of the universe is completely collapsed, and the dead creatures are hard to estimate!

Too many creatures are dying, and for the sake of sacrifice, the stars are dead, and hundreds of millions of souls are dying.

In the dark world, the universe is crying.

Although some of the stars are intact, the sentient beings of the Xuanhuang universe are equally fearful of those taboos. Although they are not targeted at them for the time being, the actions of the immortal giants alone are enough to see that they do not regard the creatures of the Xuanhuang universe. One person to look at!

If no one stands up to stop the disaster, this universe is likely to become a death universe, and nothing will be left at that time!

Since Su Yan rushed to the sky and stepped into the ranks of the immortal, perhaps there is indeed hope, calm down the disaster, and suppress all blood and darkness.

"What do you say, that person is Su Yan? Has he entered the taboo field?"

The strongest of the entire Ziwei teaching, even a group of ancestors trembled, can not believe their ears.

Su Yan, once blocked the return of the universe, blocked the time when the taboo giants were born, so they bear the nickname. Who knows this thing, but when they look forward to the day, it is **** and catastrophic.

Now everyone hopes that Su Yan will seal the universe once again. They will never want to see the return of the environment and see the day when the immortal giants are in trouble!

But now the old lord said, the giant who just stood in Ziwei taught is the legendary figure, Su Shiren!

"It's him, I won't misread, or else, is my Ziwei teaching still there?" The old teacher of Ziwei teaches the excitement. This news is too important for the now troubled universe!

"Su Yan, Su Shiren!"

All the people's scalp numb, he actually achieved taboos!

These people were stunned, and their hearts were unbelievable. Su Yan made taboos? Many old brands can't do it, but Su Yan did it. I want to know that Jiuyang teaches almost exhausted all the facts of the group during the disaster, and failed to make Jiuyang teach the ultimate power. Throughout the taboo field.

But Su Yan, but did it!

"Tianyou Xuanhuang!"

Some old strongmen are embarrassed, their eyes are red, and they growl: "God bless the sacred yellow, Su Shi people should be born, and they can calm down the world!"

Nowadays, the universe is suffering, and millions of people are degraded. Even those who are in the heart of the stone can't bear it. Until this day, they realize that the creatures born in their universe are a race, a mysterious yellow!


Su Yan's figure smashed into the long river of time and space, crossed the starry sky, and explored the giant trail. He left too fast, and did not dare to make any mistakes along the way.

At the same time, Su Yan studied the infinite mystery, mastered this fairy sorcerer as soon as possible, the size of the mysterious secret, small and secret mystery, surging in the soul of Su Yan.

Fortunately, Su Yan’s Yuanshen took the lead in entering an immortal world. Otherwise, it’s really hard to study small and infinite. This fascinating supernatural power is read in his knowledge of the sea, which makes Su Yan’s gods exceptionally spectacular!


Su Yan is a three-minded one. This is the great advantage of a gasification of Sanqing. While enlightening the magical powers, he digs into the physical treasures and deeply understands the immortal meaning. On the other hand, he is crossing the universe!

At the current speed of Su Yan, you can cross the hundreds of stars in a short time, and the speed is outrageous!

At this time, a cold light, like lightning, tore the starry sky!


A pair of gold-transparent pupils, smashing the fire, the caves penetrated into the distant universe, a **** sea!

All living disasters, everything is dying.

A weak and immortal giant is smashing a star field, absorbing the blood of thousands of souls, and recovering the long-term loss!

"You are a beast, you must not die!"

"You will be retributed..."

All living beings cry, roar, roar, here is the world of purgatory.

They are just the edge of the universe, not a prosperous star field, but they did not expect to be poisoned, too many people died, life is dry, and sacrificed.

This unknown star field, bloody, drowning in the corner of the universe, the bones are enough to pile up into 100,000 mountains.

A murderous bird was across the sky, huge in size, **** red, bare, without any hair, and the blood-red body, most of which rotted.

An almost deadly immortal giant, plagued the world, greedily absorbs the fire of life and restores its long-term loss.


Its body is also extraordinarily large, like an ancient star of life, his mouth is open, and 100,000 souls roll into his belly!

The cruel picture, the world does not dare to look directly, live in fear, can not wait to die immediately, do not want to become the food in their belly.

"It is an honor for you to be ignorant of the world and to serve me."

The **** savage bird smirked, just at the moment when its mouth chewed, a smashing battle of fire, smashing the big universe, rushing into the star field of the dead sea of ​​blood!


The world of blood and light is torn apart, accompanied by a strong source of blood and blood. If you look closely, you can see that it is a figure, and it has been killed in the **** star field.

"I found it here!"

The **** murderous bird was shocked. It whispered: "I don't conflict with your interests. Why come to hunt me!"

It is very clear that during this time, the immortal giants were at least five fallen, and they were all hunted by the Chaos Valley Lord. This **** savage bird naturally did not dare to take the lead and could only avoid the edge and hide at the edge of the universe. Foraging.

But it did not expect that someone is rushing now!


For a moment, the golden figure striking along the way was even more magnificent, and the breath filled the entire **** star field, the mighty people.

He didn't say a word, his expression was cold and scary, and his nephew was as jealous as a knife.

Su Yan killed the near, directly raised his fist, smashed to the **** soul!

"Do you want to bully? I want to devour my immortal material, it's not that easy!"

The **** spirits are furious, lifting up the dry big claws, and welcoming the fists that come from the bombardment. It uses enough strength, and the whole claw is entangled with a few immortal substances, and it is quite powerful.

"Look at the animals, take your life!"

A shout of screams shook the universe and starred.

The golden figure became more and more fierce, and the fists were suppressed. The immortal material rushed out of the body in the process, surrounded by fists. Each of them was a golden dragon, and it was vaguely revealed.

"This is impossible, how can your immortal energy be so powerful!"

Scared of **** birds, and staring at Su Yan is incredible.

Even this is a young man, full of temperament, mana, a little immortal material, but surging with the peak of the overlord Tianwei, let it chill in a moment, is it just a breakthrough of the immortal strong, even relying on Break through!

This boxing is unstoppable, so that the surviving people are excited above the sacred sea of ​​the sacred mountains. The people who are killed are too powerful, and it is difficult to see the whole figure. Only one punch, the power of the universe, the ambition !


Huge dry paws, bursting in an instant, terrible gold fists, hammering **** creatures tremble, the flesh is beaten with flesh!

It is almost desperate, crazy roaring: "Who are you, who?"

"Kill your people!"

Su Yan was killed in the near future, and he punched forward with a punch and a fist. The **** murderous poultry body that was bombarded by each punch continued to crack. The large cracks in his body also fell off the creatures swallowed before.

Almost a million creatures have fallen out of his stomach. These people are still yelling in fear, they are going crazy, they have just been swallowed!

"Don't kill me, leave me a life!"

The **** creatures are desperate, this person is too ferocious, just shot to blow yourself!

"I want to kill your sacrifice flag!"

Su Yan’s eyes roared and took out the cosmic corps, smashed its head, and uttered a wrath of the sky: “You are waiting for the foreign dog things, and one can’t run, we put You dug it out and killed it all!"

Su Yan hit a **** murderous bird with a punch, blood spattering, affecting the vast star field, resulting in a terrible earthquake!

The emperor puts his words, the words and the law follow, the sly star fields are ups and downs, with the release of the rushing killing, the impact is too far!


The Xuanhuang universe is like the resonance of Su Yan, which sets him to the supremacy!

Infinitely, the spirits worshipped and worshipped the people.

All sentient beings saw hope, the golden **** of war was supreme, representing Xuanhuang, killing an immortal giant in the world, and shocking the world!

A terrible storm, ignited in the universe, the flames of war, and the sky!

In fact, Su Yan feels that even if some giants have lived for a million years, they are absolutely exhausted and powerful. Nowadays, there is not much fear of surviving!

After all, these people are different from the Fengtian hegemons. The ancestral temple masters created the Supreme Masters, and the behind-the-scenes are shocking. Therefore, even if they are suppressed for a million years, there is still certain strength.

As for this **** creature, in fact, only one or two percent of the power of the heyday, how can you rival Su Yan.

"Who is that person?"

Su Yan left and left an endless legend.

Su Yan is on the road, searching in the vast universe, going to search for the next goal, the most important thing is to find the ancestral temple master.

However, after searching for a while, Su Yan was subconscious.


He frowned and found that some of the stars were intact, and some of the evils in the world were forbidden. They should be along a road and kill them!

Soon, Su Yan found that something was wrong, and the road they followed seemed to be the road to the Milky Way!

"not good!"

Su Yan’s eyes burned with anger, and the immortals of these groups of ancestral temples have been plotting the universe. Now that the universe has returned, it will definitely kill the galaxy for the first time!

Su Yan's face is particularly ugly, the old leader is the most powerful in the Milky Way.

However, the old leader is not an immortal giant. Even if he has the opportunity to break through, it will not be completed in a short time. If the three major taboo giants really kill the Galaxy, the consequences are really unimaginable!

"If this is the case, I want to kill the giants!"

Su Yan gave a sigh of anger, and the figure burned and smoldered!

Su Yan's body is full of blood, like a golden dragon, tearing a big crack in time and space, crossing the long river of the universe, and madly crossing the Milky Way.

(The third is the brothers, asking for the monthly ticket to support the Milky Way)

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