Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1326: Blood sacrifice billions of souls

A similar picture happened, Su Yan was not surprised, but the killing in the pupil was even more powerful!

He struggled hard, wanted to get rid of the suppression of the world of the ancestral domain, and even began to study the domain field pattern of the ancestral domain in an attempt to interrupt the strongest life star of the blood sacrifice of the ancestral temple.

This time, the ancestral temple master is really crazy, not only in the blood sacrifices hundreds of millions of souls, but even in the blood sacrifices the entire ancestral world!

This ancestral domain is the strongest star in the universe.

It is also one of the birthplaces of the former burial domain, and Su Yan is not destroyed like this.

However, the change of the ancestral domain is really too fast, and it has turned into a huge melting pot, melting the lives of hundreds of millions of souls!

Hundreds of millions of souls have fallen, blood is blooming, the picture is too beautiful and fierce, and all of them have become the vast energy of life, running through the entire ancestral world!


The entire ancestral domain is burning fiercely. If the fairy furnace is spurting the source of life, it will enrich the source of billions of megahertz of energy, and the surging moment will shake the whole universe!

"Lord, how can you..."

The ancestral tyrants trembled in fear, how could such a ridiculous thing happen, the ancestral temple lord sacrificed the entire ancestral hall in the blood, and even the blood sacrificed the millions of lives of the entire ancestral domain.

This is too mad, even if it is the ancestral dynasty, there are cruel deaf people who can act, but the poison is not a child!

The ancestral tyrants are shaking, is the lord crazy? In order to kill a Su Yan, Lian Zu Temple will sacrifice!

What is this ancestor? It’s simply mad, and the beliefs in Zu Tian’s mind have collapsed. Why did he do this, why?


There is a chaotic ruin that rushes to the outer universe. When you see this scene, you lose control: "Whether it is the ancestral temple or the celestial domain, your ancestral creators are not the creatures of our world. They are not at all. !"

The cruel truth was revealed, and the world was shocked. It is hard for the world to believe this rumor.

Feng Tianyu has been given a blood sacrifice by the Heavenly Overlord? real or fake?

Now the ancestral temple main blood sacrifices the entire ancestral domain, they are not accidental at all. Facts have proved that the ancestral hall and the Fengtian domain are even more tragic, and they have become chess pieces and have been dealing with their own people.

They are a race, they are the mysterious yellow!

"I hate it!"

There are ancestors roaring, it is difficult to bear these remarks, the entire ancestral temple group, just for the sake of one person, waiting for them to lose value, directly as a sacrifice!

Zu Tianba, they are all crazy, how could it be like this, why is it like this.

No matter how painful they are, the ancestral temple masters will not have any pity and sympathy, and even the power in the ancestral hall will begin to dry up one after another, and will go to death!

"My family, it's over, everything is gone..."

On the edge of the universe, the ancestors shivered and disgusted.

Zu Sheng, he wants to cry, crying.

His loved ones, friends, and elders have fallen, not Su Yangan, but the lord who has been admired by their ancestral hall!

"Why, why is this!"

Zu Sheng is in the sky, tears in his eyes, why is this!

He burst into tears and it was difficult to accept the ending. If the Susie people broke the group, it was fine. After all, the wind and water turned.

However, they think that their own people have killed their own people. This is an unbearable result!

Who can bear this ending, the ancestral temple in the other regions of the strong completely desperate.

A glorious million-year-old system, in the end, pigs and dogs are not as good, this is a big laughing handle, they can not bear the cruel reality!

The ancestral domain is a huge melting pot of life, a horrible murderous pattern, engulfing hundreds of millions of souls, and offering everything as a sacrifice.

When Su Yan first came to the ancestral domain, he saw some clues, but he did not dare to confirm that it is different now. His realm is already very high, and gradually see more terrible things in it!

The entire ancestral domain has been forged by the immortal giants, and it is like a special pattern.

Nowadays, the pattern is in full bloom, and the life of hundreds of millions of souls is filled in. Su Yan’s heart is fierce. Is this ancestral domain long been forged by the ancestral temple master, forging a giant array across the universe?

If you want to cross into another universe, you will inevitably need a huge amount of resources. With the natural treasures of the present Xuanhuang universe, it is extremely difficult to meet the opening of such giant arrays.

Now the ancestral temple master, blood sacrificed the entire ancestral domain, let the ancestral domain gradually surging, the ancient and vast years fluctuated, is this the formation of the universe across the universe? The main hall of the ancestral hall is summoned, and the strong people of their group have come to Xuanhuang!

"Bad, it is going to be a big deal. This ancestral domain has been smashed into a cosmic giant by the ancestral temple!"

Su Yan was frightened, his face changed dramatically, and he felt subconsciously that the consequences were too serious and terrifying, and it was very likely that the Xuanhuang Holocaust would accelerate.

His momentum is raging, his seal is struggling, and he wants to stop everything that follows.

But it is already late!

The speed of the burning of the ancestral domain is becoming more and more horrible, and the endless life is degenerate. Of course, everything does not exist, and it is completely ruined for death.

But the infinite amount of life essence, through the process of the ancestral domain, led to the ancestral domain, which soon became an ancient and huge array, exuding the vast light of the universe, the power of the ancient years!


The ancestral giants, the energetic energy of the universe, have torn the corner of the big universe and extended to the no-man's land.

This is a tunnel, old and mysterious, densely covered with time and space, its awakening is simply unable to stop, and in the process the vastness of the ancestral domain can rapidly decline.

The large array of these intensities is turned on, and the energy required is too loud.

Therefore, a long time ago, the ancestral temple master prepared blood to sacrifice the entire ancestral field, and opened the peak of the universe.

But he is not prepared to do so.

The ancestral temple owner wants to swallow the treasure of Xuanhuang, and the result is that he can't do it. He can only open the ultimate card!

The light of the universe broke through Cangyu and began to extend to a land that is difficult to see!

In the vast no-man's land of the universe, a lonely figure wanders and walks aimlessly.

He is tall, very majestic, messy with shawls, sometimes whispering, and sometimes thinking.

What he seems to be looking for, seems to be seeking true self, wanting to come out of the cycle.

At this time, an amazing light of the universe awakened the lone wolf who had no purpose to swim.


He jerked his head up, a pair of pupils sharp, sputtered two dawns, such as a slashing knife, a hole in the universe, and even along the light of the universe, to trace the distant source!

His horrible people, such as the great tycoon, opened a pair of Tianmu!

His bronze body is shining, very heavy, very horrible, like a wild dragon, he is resurrecting, he is awakening, it seems that he heard the whining of the universe, he wants to stop!

At the same time, the energy radiated from the ancestral giants wraps the ancestral temple!


The bundle of fairy ropes that are tying his wreckage is suddenly shaken!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The ancestral temple master made a big laugh, although there was unwillingness in the heart, but there is no second way to choose.

Once he was killed, everything became empty, and even waiting for the Tao behind him to discover that the Xuanhuang universe had been unblocked. I don’t know how long it would take, and maybe Su Yan would leave the Xuanhuang universe.

Now that this step has been reached, the ancestral temple master can only choose, reopen the cosmic road, let the group behind him, drive the mysterious yellow universe!

Although he will lose a lot, he will also get a lot!

This is a great achievement. This road is open, and there are too many things to represent. When the emperor reopens, the vast and immortal Tianyu will definitely erupt, an unimaginable storm!

And their group, will certainly have a certain initiative in this game, so his credit is amazing.

"You will all die, one can't live!"

The main hall of the ancestral hall witnessed the sound of roaring in the universe. His heart was full of anger and coldness. "No one is there, you must follow the funeral, and a poor universe will cease to exist!"


Suddenly, a golden fist hit him and slammed it on the remains of the ancestral temple!


The ancestral temple screams, his flesh is rotten, his stern pupil stares at Su Yan, and swears: "Su Su people, how can you kill me? Things have already reached this point, no one can save you. You will follow the funeral!"

"It is a sudden fall, I have to marry you!"

Su Yan’s scorpion is fierce and sprints into the universe, and he must kill the ancestral temple master!

The ancestral hall master was really panicked. I didn’t expect Su Yan to dare to come. He was not afraid of death?

He ran wildly, and he had nothing to die. Millions of years of achievements will also pay for the East. As long as he can survive, he can get more.

"You are a madman, a madman, when is this, I want to kill me!"

The ancestral temple lord, Su Yan quickly catch up, he followed the starry sky, chasing the ancestral temple master, to kill him.

First of all, the giant array across the universe is so grand and vast, like an ancient space-time universe, too spectacular, Su Yan chasing the ancestral temple master, must be rushed to kill before the extraterrestrial strongman!

In fact, what Su Yan wants most is not the life of the ancestral temple owner.

It is not Jinwuxian medicine.

What he wants most is that it was swallowed from his body in the refining furnace. Some special substances must be taken away. He feels that this material is of great importance and cannot be known by the third person!

Even if you can get Jin Wuxian medicine, Su Yan can accelerate growth and evolution.

After all, Su Yan has relied on himself to enter an immortal environment. The next step is to breed enough immortal substances, and Jin Wuxian medicine can satisfy Su Yan.

Therefore, the ancestral temple master must die!

And he killed so many people, he must not let him retreat, always leave something.


Su Yan also squatted, his body vacated, and his explosive power was amazing.

Just when Su Yan was about to chase the lord of the ancestral temple, this blood sacrificed hundreds of millions of creatures to open the universe, suddenly, revealing the immortal immortality!


Su Yan has a splitting headache, his eyes are black, and he feels that he is going to be killed!

He captured the ancient and horrible life, supreme, as the dragon looked down on himself, making him breathe hard, such as being struck by lightning!

Su Yan’s mouth and nose have blood, and it is difficult to bear this kind of severe pain. If his body is hard, he feels that it will be broken in a flash!

What kind of creature is this? What kind of big murder? Do you surpass the immortal giant!

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