Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1333: Extraterritorial war

Three golden avenues, extending from the golden giant ship.

Every golden avenue, the avenue of the road presented is completely different, and all have the order of immortality.

When the three immortal strongmen crossed the golden avenue, the stars were oppressed and dull. The vitality of these three people was so amazing that the spewing time and the vast time and space were surging, like They were swallowed up!

This is how shocking the amount of spurt, arrogant and unbelievable.

Suddenly there is the power of prehistoric big brothers, to isolate their breath, but the world is still being squandered by the three supreme creatures, the breathing is difficult, the legs and legs are soft, they are too strong!

Undoubtedly, these three strong players are more powerful than the ones that were annihilated by the older brothers. The pores are sprayed with brilliance, and the power of this order and laws can be overwhelmed!

The three strong, wearing armor, the atmosphere is cold.

Even in the prehistoric years, these creatures belong to the top, and any one can stir up the storm and deter a prosperous universe!

Now the top three are standing on the Golden Avenue, looking at the prehistoric big brother.

It is difficult for them to see the depth of this person. The murderous murderous in the scorpion, there is also a middle-aged woman wearing a gold armor, looks good, but the breath is too aggressive, and there is a domineering!

"You are the strongest of the ancient heavens?"

One of the men spoke up, the body was amazing, the force of the surging blood was too strong, and the whole bloom of the fairy radiance shined on the heavens and earth, setting off its like a heavenly **** of war!

Prehistoric big brother, full of chaotic shawls, step by step to go.

"I don't want to answer the words, you are too big!"

The woman wearing a gold armor was sulking and sulking. This person did not say a word, and even forced it directly. Did he want to monopolize the three strong ones!

In fact, in the eyes of three people, the prehistoric big brother is a dead person, no matter how strong he is, no matter what background he has, he can't live.

The Xuanhuang universe is also bound to win. This is the goal they wanted to accomplish a million years ago. If you can figure out the secret of the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe, or get the treasures of the ancient heavens, you can be called a thrilling opportunity.

The nephew of the prehistoric big brother bloomed in the cold, splitting the sky, and stepping out every step, his momentum was surging, and successive steps, nothingness and time caused a huge earthquake!

A powerful momentum came to the fore, and the three strong players were in awe.

"Let me try his depth!"

The woman wearing the gold armor, moved the real anger, suddenly raised the jade hand, the entire white palm of the hand shines, there is a real phoenix drilled out, lying in her palm, the mighty fairy air!


The void is blasting, the real phoenix is ​​resurrected, and the fire is born. It is really like the supreme being, the immortality is pervasive, and the momentum is quite abnormal!


For a moment, the real phoenix **** its wings, flows through the fairy phoenix, and the body shape is rapidly enlarged!

A behemoth was born, built with the supreme rules, inciting the time and space outside the domain, this real phoenix is ​​too big, surging Supreme Xianwei, and immediately swooping toward the prehistoric big brother!

"A terrible secret."

Su Yan shocked, is this the strongest magical power in history?

However, he felt that it should not be, perhaps it is the unsuccessful inheritance of the true phoenix, or perhaps the secret of the fairy tales!

Under the urging of such a strong man, what can be presented is the vastness of the magical powers, the resurrection of the true phoenix, the exaltation of the supreme Tianwei, the body is packed with extraterrestrial stars, and there is a gesture of swallowing the prehistoric big brother!


However, this step forward forced to go forward, step by step, every step to step out, heaven and earth, there is a thundering sound.

At the moment of eight steps, the heavens and the earth have changed, the sun and the moon have no light, and the rivers and mountains have lost color!

The strong atmosphere is packed with vast stars!

The foot of the prehistoric big brother, derived from a horror avenue, overwhelming, seems to traverse the entire time and space!

This huge real phoenix is ​​shuddering overall, and there is a tendency to blast under the feet of prehistoric big brothers!

In fact, from the beginning to the end, the prehistoric big brother has never put the three strongest people in his eyes, his goal is the golden giant ship!


When the ninth step of the prehistoric big brother stepped out, the heavens and the earth were born with terrible changes. The prehistoric big brother changed. He swallowed the universe, and the vastness of time and space, as if he was at his feet, began to tremble!


True Phoenix figure, directly blasted!

The woman wearing a gold armor was horrified, and with such a hegemonic means, she wiped out the secret of the real phoenix. This is really a small matter.

The prehistoric big brother is domineering, and the boundless waves are derived from his soles. In a flash, they rush to the three strongest!


It’s like a savage savage savage, and it’s overwhelming!

The three strong souls were moved, one by one, and the breath was fully released, and the explosion broke out to the limit state, and the gods were sacrificed in an instant!

A gold spear, a black sword, a blue gun!

The three weapons surrounded by Xianhui, together with three war-like powers, broke out, the three strong, reversing the power, the most peak power, attacking the peerless forces that were overwhelmingly suppressed!


The three strong angers, they encountered a big enemy, and they have enough strength to resist!

However, the figure that came across the step by step, the moment of the tenth step, the sky and the earth cracked, the nothingness was trembled violently, and soon a terrible **** hole collapsed!

Extremely amazing picture, the prehistoric big brother is full of momentum, full of hair dancing, a pair of pupils, filled with cold and cold!

"Block me to die!"

He is in a big fight, such as the supreme Lord of the Lord, who is pronounced their crimes!

The big brother's momentum is surging, and the murderous gas behind it is soaring.

He waved his fist directly and smashed forward!

The whole starry sky began to tremble because of the eruption of the prehistoric big brother...

"very scary!"

Su Yan’s mood is stirring, and he said: “Big brother’s shot will definitely suppress them all!”


This fist is unstoppable, such as the culprits, swaying Cangyu, and straight to the woman wearing a gold armor!

Xian Huiyu's face was shocked. This punch is hard to match. It is like a resurrection of the real dragon that has been squandered for hundreds of millions of years. It releases a blow of the domineering, and her warfare will collapse after being far away!

She is extremely decisive, offering a golden spear!

This weapon was resurrected, winding around Xianhui, and instantly reached 100,000 feet, and it was able to smash a starry sky.

With such a spear, bombardment can kill the demon.

But the prehistoric big brother was too arrogant, this punched gold spear exploded, and the whole body of the golden woman was trembled, and the golden armor worn was broken!


She squirted a large blood, her body was like a kite of flying lines, flying out and squatting on the golden giant ship!

Shocking, people in the universe are shocked!

The prehistoric big brother is too figured, who can stop him, a fist almost collapsed Xian Huiyu!

"Good!" Su Yan's words trembled, the goose bumps all started, the big brother is the big brother, once the shot, the earth is moving, this is a man who can stand alone!


Xian Huiyu is coughing up blood, and his face is full of horror. Is it because the heroes who touched Da Luo are not successful?

But how can the giants of this series sit in the ancient heavens....

"Not ready to shoot!"

The other two strong men were also shocked. According to the information of the ancestral temple master, I have never heard of the Xuanhuang universe and this person, and they are miscalculated!


At this time, among the ancient gold giant ships, among the hatches, there is a surging wave!

The interior is like a cosmic star, and the impact comes out one after another. There are actually five strong people rushing out. The breath is stronger than one, like a group of ancient dragons!

In the Xuanhuang universe, all beings trembled.

How strong the group behind the ancestral hall is, there are so many supreme giants.

Of course, it can be seen that their emphasis on the Xuanhuang universe is now standing in front of the seven strong players, and the atmosphere has exploded!

The vastness of the vastness of time, the diffuse energy is filled!

The war broke out like this. The prehistoric big brother broke into the void and spoiled all the strong. Once any one of them entered the mysterious universe, it would happen!


The land of the war is blazing, and powerful as Su Yan is ugly and clear about the specific confrontation.

The world of nothingness, blazing, and ferocious.

This is the giant is killing, but the predecessor big brother alone is the seven strong, not falling.

Even he is too strong and wild, a pair of pupils filled with killing, to kill all outsiders!


A giant blast exploded, destroying nothingness!

The seven strong men join hands, why the prehistoric big brother pushed the slap-up, and shattered the energy fluctuations of the sky!

He smashed into it, and the body was ignited like an immortal furnace, releasing ancient and vast energy, smashing the way, and hardening the power of the seven powerful!

"A strong presence, a strong person who lived in ancient times, the human body function is so amazing, how did he do it!"

"Unbelievable, I have teamed up with seven people, and it is extremely difficult to resist him."

"Try to delay time, don't make fearless sacrifices, I have informed the group, someone will come to clean up him!"

"The ancient heavens matter is very important. When the strongest wars ended in the days, the clan was suspected of not being extinct, but disappeared. It is not easy to meet a living now. I hope that he can suppress him and explore his memory of the sea."

The seven powerful, like the seven gods of heaven, the sound of the avenue in the body rumbling, the strength is always in the strongest state, and they communicate, get amazing conclusions, this person may do everything they do, it is extremely difficult Get rid of!


The time and space outside the region flickered, and the war began to heat up.

Although the seven strongest people want to delay the time, trapped the prehistoric big brother.

But the prehistoric big brother can be a paper tiger, and the war is reflected in the pupil, releasing the belief that I am invincible!


His fighting power was constantly unblocked, and eventually the emptiness of time and space was ruined. The overall turbulence of the atmosphere smashed, and the seven strong men of the earthquake stood unsteadily.

There is also a strong blood sputter, which stains the broken void.

The whole universe is crazy, the eldest brother is the seven strongest, and now there is a **** splash of the strong strong man. This is a palm of the hand that crushes a strong man's celestial cover, and smashes his whole person into blood!

Prehistoric big brother is **** and mad, and his murder is too strong!

The six strong men are chilling, let him kill like this, even if they wait for the big guys of the family to come, they will all fall down!

Even the geek's combat power, step by step, where is his limit? Hard to explore!

"Get out!"

Suddenly, the resurgence of Xianhui Yu came straight, and she succumbed to a black and ink-like decree!

The law is aimed at the sky, and in a flash, the soul fluctuations are too horrible!

Originally, Xian Huiyu wanted to use this law to fight against the gods of the prehistoric big brother and fight for more time.

Who knows the darkness of the ink, the sway of the soul, the moment of touching the prehistoric big brother, his face is ecstatic, like a madman laughing sometimes, sometimes crying!

"this is!"

Xian Huiyu, they look ecstatic, this person is unclear, there is a big problem!

"Tian Tian help me too!"

Xian Huiyu laughed: "He is very likely to sleep too old, his memory is chaotic, and he has big problems. I can suppress it with the power of the gods. I can imprison him and get back to the group!"

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