Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1337: The life of the Emperor!

The old village chief is full of gold and is full of time and space.

It seems that although it is a little fuzzy, but the infinite amount of light shining is too blazing, rolling out!


He ran across the whole man, raised a fist and hit Xiang Huiyu.

Xianhui Yu itself has been injured. The body that was hit by the prehistoric big brother almost collapsed. Although Xian Huiyu relied on the secret medicine to restore a lot of vitality, he is the weakest among the three great powers. !

"Real Phoenix!"

Xianhui Yu's jade hand directly explored, the big seal is boundless, the real phoenix is ​​manifested, and the law of the fairy tales is distributed, all of which are about to form an orderly ocean, and hit the fist of the old village chief!


This is an infinite amount of boxing. Although it loses the body's divine power, the old village chief's meat shell is too amazing. The blood is rolling, and it is even more embarrassing than Wang Yang. The bursting out of the boxing force, the bombarded real phoenix savage, the body is in distortion!


The old village chief whistling, the blood and transpiration of the blood, the real phoenixes all blasted, the horror of the people rushed forward, the sensation of Xian Huiyu trembled, the five internal organs burst, and she said: "Infinitely approaching the supreme treasure The flesh, don't fight with his flesh!"

This kind of physique is too strong, and whoever fights with the same generation, once encountered no one dares to fight with such people, only to suppress it with a shocking mana, if not, touch the flesh will be severely hit.

It is conceivable that Su Yan’s immortal gold body is strong, but it is too difficult to approach the Dacheng field.

The other two great immortals have also been killed, and they have also ignited the power of the heyday and attacked the old village chief!

They are very clear that this is a big enemy!

There is a hegemon in immortality, but there is also a hegemon in the immortal, the old village chief can be called, the overlord on the fairy road!

"Let's go together, today's battle is awesome!"

The old village is full of money, such as a battle of madness, screaming in the empty space, the move is big and big, every shot is hard!


The gods can smash, and it is difficult to press on the body of the old village chief. His blood is too strong, and the Tianling cover has a head dragon, gathering the laws of the fairy tales and tearing the sky!


Three powerful cockroaches, running great powers, igniting the energy of the boundless immortal, and pressing over to the old village chief.

The terror is swaying, and the vast world of nothingness is shaking!

Infinite energy, evolution and killing, killing the old village chief!

He stunned the sky and oppressed him, resurrected the infinite golden body in the face of adversity, spewing vast blood and blocking the three great powers.

The battle pattern of the old village chief is extremely fierce, and the strength of the three strong men is really hard to hurt his body.

Suddenly, the three great immortals, seemingly vaguely prevailed, but they are really hard to be old village chief!

The peak of the war broke out, climbing the degree of white heat!

The sky is killing the light, the power of the fairy tales, the three great powers of the immortals rushed to kill the old village chief, mobilized the strongest force, and repeatedly evolved the killing and slashing, attacking the huge body of the old village chief!

But his body is too tough, shaped like an amazing treasure, it is extremely difficult to hit!

Although they will continue to trap the old village chief for a long time, and even let his body suffer a serious loss, they have no time to wait.


Suddenly, Xian Huiyu's breath was violent, and the human body conveyed the sound of tsunami roaring, like opening a certain shackle, bursting out of the sky, just like covering the entire universe!

"The blood energy of a good horror is not much stronger than the ancestral temple master!"

Su Yan took charge of the Emperor's battle flag and guarded the big brother. At this moment, he was shocked by the blood energy of Xian Huiyu. Even he caught a kind of grand, supreme fluctuation, which seems to be able to crowd the whole heaven and earth!

At the same time, the two two great immortals are also screaming, activating the blood energy in the human body, but slightly inferior to Xian Huiyu.

It can be seen that Xianhui Yu is among them, the strongest in the status of the immortal, the most noble and powerful in the blood!

Nowadays, the three strong powers reverse the power of the blood, and the human body also transmits the chanting sounds of the sky. The momentum is skyrocketing, and the energy light curtain that blooms is like the birth of the world, it can suppress everything!


Three powerful, do not believe that the old village chief can not be suppressed, lost a knife, he can not stop the three of them teamed up!

"I want to suppress me, it’s ridiculous!"

The old village chief has a golden body and stands in the sky and time. In the whole body, when the energy of rolling blood is unified, there is a vagueness between the magnificent and the supreme Tianwei, and it comes out with a terrible prehistoric atmosphere. Come!

"Is he a descendant of the Tetriarch?"

The faces of the three great fairy powers have changed dramatically. What is this in the end? The power of bloodline is terrible to this level!


The old village chief yelled at the sky, and the whole person stirred up the ancient fluctuations. The back was like a big emperor, and it was incomparable!


His big hand pinched his fists and his mouth was full of sorrow. This fist collapsed into the void, and with a smashing prehistoric crush, attacked the three great powerhouses!

A punch in time and space, the three great powers of the three strong people are all in the air and the light curtains are broken. They cough up blood one by one, and the energy in the human body is difficult to gather together at one time!

"Do not!"

Xian Huiyu, my eyes are red!

Their fighting power is difficult to gather in a short time, but the old village chief is killed, and one foot crosses up, and straight on a fairy strong!


The immortal strong man made a screaming voice, and the whole body was under the soles of the old village chief, and it was torn apart, and then burst, and the blood was stained with time and space!

A fairy giant, it was blown up like this!

"Send you on the road!"

The old village chief rushed to the front road, extended a golden hand, and grabbed the second fairy power!

His whole person, with a fuzzy emperor bloom, is the supreme crush.

The longer the revival of this bloodline energy, the greater the loss to the old village chief, the pores overflowing the blood, sweating under the rain, too tired!

However, his golden hand also tore the chest of the second immortal strongman and grabbed his heart!


The immortal strong man screamed, his pain was unwilling to live, his heart was caught, and his powerful life energy was rapidly declining and he was going to die.


The old village chief kicked his head over his head, causing his head to collapse, and the appearance was too miserable. The whole person flew out and smashed the fairy Huiyu!


Xian Huiyu also coughed up blood, and her eyes were full of fear.

The old village chief is really crazy, regardless of the consequences of the activation of bloodline energy, to know that the longer this bloodline is maintained, it is a blow to himself, and even his blood is so thin that it collapses!

But the old village chief is afraid of these!

He rushed up, like a fierce dragon, and rushed to them, to kill them.

However, at the moment when the old village chief is about to kill and promote the two great elites, there is a huge wave of volatility, and there is a vast void of time and space, which has become a picture of nothingness!


Su Yan’s heart trembled and trembled. What kind of power is this, so that nothingness and time has collapsed. It’s hard to imagine, is a great emperor killed?


The violent sounds are coming, deafening.

At the end of nothingness, a large crack broke out, deep and far away, and it was difficult to see the source.

It seems that a behemoth is crossing the void, but the power is too strong, and it has become a stunning picture of the collapse of nothingness!

"Old ancestors!"

Xian Huiyu excitedly shouted, the legendary strongman of the family came, she seemed to see, Tianyu trembled under his feet!

The ancestors of the immortals, what kind of characters are this, the martial arts, and omnipotence, almost all the roads to the end of the fairy road!

Nothing is reversed, terrible waves are coming, and the heavens and the earth are blown up.


The old village chief is coughing up blood, and his powerful breath is broken. His footsteps are retreating. If he is struck by lightning, his body and mind will split!

Even he has insight into the distant endlessness, a figure that spans time and space, collapses in time and space, and makes the universe turbulent, so that all matter is at his feet and begins to tremble!

"Is that the master of destruction?"

The Xuanhuang universe is full of trepidation, and the life body that is killed is too terrible. The strong people of the Xianzu are weak in front of this huge living body, just like a big witch!

The coming people have opened up a vast emptiness and are rampant.

Even he opened a pair of cold pupils, overlooking the emptiness of time and space, and even overlooking the mysterious yellow universe!

He has an insight into what is happening here, so he is angry!


His pupils are cold and screaming.

The immortal strongman has died so much, it is a shameful shame for him, his heart is bleeding, and the time and resources spent on cultivating such characters are endless and unimaginable!

However, only two of the people who came, and all of them were badly wounded, and the ancestors of the immortals were angry.

The extremely horrible picture, the ruthless figure, the pores spit out a glimpse of blood, shaking the earth, like a handle, the sword, tearing the void!

The shudders of all beings, the pressure of the world's powers, and the vastness of the emptiness of time and space, affecting many large and small universes along the way, and this huge breath once violent, enough to destroy the infinity, the corpse of hundreds of millions!

Who can resist!

"Dead old man!"

The woman in purple is out of control, and she is in charge of the Chaos Tower. She has to rush to help a group of him.

But useless, everything is useless!

The people who came here are too strong, and the scene of travel also suppresses the entire time and space outside the domain. This is the supreme fairy!

People feel that the old village chief has shattered, and that it has been wiped out, and a wave of flowers cannot be turned over. It is hard to imagine how strong this life is.


The old village chief Yang Tianxi, the whole person judged two people, there is a supreme breath in the surge, is erupting!

At this moment, as if the sleeping emperor was rejuvenating his life and unlocking the shackles, his figure was vacated by his back, filled with nothingness, running through thousands of times, Megatron one after another in the cosmic era!

He is like an emperor, like a heaven, like a Tao!

"My family is in the command of the Emperor of Heaven, and guards Xuan Huang, who dares to stop me!"

The old village chief yelled, he was terrified to the extreme, filled the Tiandi Avenue, shocking the ancient and modern future!


The ancestors of the immortal ancestors who are rampant, are smashed by the energy of the Emperor of Heaven, the vomiting of the mouth and the blood, the body is cracked, and it is about to explode!

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