Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1339: Heavenly Emperor!

"Why is there a kind of intimacy, there is a blood connection!"

When the seal of the old village chief is resurrected, the time and space of the entire Xuanhuang universe, all the people are excited and completely uncontrolled.

The blood is connected, like the ancestors of walking outside the field, returning to Xuanhuang, let them swell, follow the shackles, and even kneel on the ground to pay homage.

Because they feel that this is their ancestor, powerful to an incredible degree, with an invincible breath, descending to Xuan Huang.

Although this figure is very vague, but too grand, overlooking the future of the past and the present!

Only a small amount of Tianwei, which is branded and emanating, is not to be embarrassed. The golden fairy prints that come from the impact are trembled, and they must be shattered by the breath of the ancient heavenly emperor!

"Resurrection of the Emperor!"

The three great ancestors changed their minds, and a flesh rushed out of infinite energy. Throughout the golden imprint, every breath suffered extremely serious losses. cut!


The world is shaking, the sun and the moon are dull, and the vastness of time and space has ushered in a big shock!

The extremely horrible picture, the emptiness of nothingness, was evaporated. When the ancient Emperor’s seal and the golden fairy prints collide, people feel that the world is ruined, and everything is gone.

In fact, if this war is unfolding in nothingness, then the Xuanhuang universe will collapse!


The three great ancestors of the ancestors were violent and violent, and they joined forces with the golden fairy seal. This fairy print was born in the world of fairy tales, and it contained the stars and the sea.

At the moment when it was overwhelmed, the looming, supreme figure of the ancient emperor was somewhat vague and seemed to be suppressed!


The old village chief Yang Tianqi, crazy running the ancient Tiandi imprint, but his ability is limited, can not activate the strongest state of the imprint, so can only see the figure of the Emperor, to be humiliated!

"I am shameful for you!"

The old village chief made a low noise and wanted to put the imprint on the strongest state, but he really couldn't do it!

In the process, the old village chief's body is rapidly aging, the body's blood and blood are beginning to dry up, and the human body's function is greatly degraded. This imprint can be so well activated, and it needs a lot of energy to run!

This imprint does not belong to the old village chief, but belongs to the infinite pulse.

The imprint is ancient and gradually passed to his hands. Although it is preserved intact, with his power, it is difficult to play the strongest power of the ancient Emperor's mark!

The old village chief is mournful, not because of the aging of the human body, he will not wrinkle his brow even if he is killed in battle!

However, the imprint of the Emperor of Heaven was insulted. This is an unbearable pain of the old village chief. He made a roar: "The emperor, come!"

Drinking the sound of screaming, accompanied by the deafening sound of the sound, passed to the Xuanhuang universe, passed to the abyss of time and space!

Three gold rulers flew out of the abyss in a flash.

A piece of gold ruler, stirring the infinite emperor, in a moment of horror, flying out of the Xuanhuang universe, appeared in front of the old village chief!

He used the imprint of the Emperor to activate the gold ruler. Although the emperor was disconnected, once it was activated, there was no amount of imperial power, which made the golden imprint that was about to be suppressed to him nearby, roaring and being beaten!

"The broken emperor, although the Xuanhuang universe is disabled, it definitely contains great opportunities!"

"Stand on, he can't hold on for too long, waiting for him to run out of his own, I can also seize the seal of the Emperor!"

The three great ancestors are also extremely exhausted, but their spirits are excited, with the strongest essence of life, the source of the resurrection of the gold fairy, and suppression!

As long as they can maintain their status, they can consume the old village chief.

Although the situation has now been maintained, the state of the old village chief is getting worse and worse. He is full of hair and white hair, his vitality is running out, the whole person is exhausted, and he is sitting in nothingness!

"I am going to die!"

"I hate, I can't play the imprint of the Emperor, let the Emperor's law be humiliated, and it's hard to redeem!"

The old village chief said, this imprint is so distinguished. Once it breaks out, whoever can match, is equivalent to one of his hands to suppress, who can compete with it!

"Come on, the geek will soon reincarnate the sixty-seventh!"

The three great ancestors were anxious, and they were stunned. At this moment, they coughed up their blood and sprinkled them on the golden imprint, letting this complete emperor vibrate, and the supreme emperor spread.

This big seal is a big day!

It is flipping, once it flips over, it will definitely destroy everything!

The old village chief's body is divided and the moment is about to collapse. A green-green light comes with the explosion, accompanied by the infinite vitality of life, running through the body of the old village chief!

"I am in the life of the ancestors, sitting in the town of Xuanhuang!"

"I don't want to be a deserter!"

Tianzhu, the pulse of a giant bamboo, flying to the void of time and space, came to the old village chief, rushing out of the infinite life force, surging into his body!

"It's shot!"

Su Yan's mood is stirring. At the critical moment of this pattern, Giant Bamboo still shot, and did not want to be a deserter. Su Yan did not expect that the giant bamboo was so amazing, an ancient bamboo, surging the fairy god.

"That is the giant bamboo of my family!"

The whole Tianzhu has a sensation, and all the people have tears in their eyes. Their group has always had this kind of presence, and now they help the old village chief to resist the invasion of powerful enemies outside the domain!

"not good!"

The faces of the three ancestors of the immortals have changed dramatically. This giant bamboo is also a strong man of the immortality. Although the loss is huge, there is still a huge amount of life essence.

After all, it is a living type of plant type, so the life weather contained in it is too grand. When it runs through the old village chief, it directly blends with his energy, and even the stimulating ancient Emperor's mark is violently smashed!

"Great Heavenly Emperor, Resurrection!"

The old village chief screamed, the figure behind the uplift, a lot of clarity, a figure, a grand peerless, the head of the fairy, the foot of the wild, the emperor spread throughout the time and space!

From this moment, countless people shuddered and squatted on the ground.

The powerful three ancestors of the immortals are shaking in sorrow!

The gold seals in front of them are bleak, and even the three of them are going to worship in front of the grandest and the most magnificent.

"Do not!"

They are really scared, the scalp is numb, really feel that the ancient Emperor of Heaven resurrected, who can match!

From this moment on, the vastness of the vastness of time and space, all quietly, this is a magnificent breath, seems to radiate the entire world of time and space, shaking nine days and ten places!

Even the most powerful universe, the immortal world!

The birthplace of this myth, the glory of hundreds of millions, is also the birthplace of all kinds of terrible groups.

At this time, in the immortal Tianyu, there are long-lived old monsters resurrected. They look at the emptiness of time and space, and there are taboos in their eyes. They whispered: "The terrible breath, the ultimate battle of millions of years ago, this breath disappeared, not appearing. But now it’s once again surfaced, and the world is going to change...”

The immortal celestial domain is too big and endless, and the area of ​​a state is worthy of a big universe, which is unimaginable!

On the edge of the immortal fairyland. Some old monsters have seen it, and suddenly caused a boundless storm!


Although it is only the edge of the immortal domain, there are also many Taoist groups. At this time, their group of people is shining and the voice of the police is heard. This makes their group horrified. What is the big event?

And in a glorious to prosperous, extending the billions of people in the peak group, the fairy light is rolling, killing the sound!

"The big things are not good, the three ancestors showed the police, Xuan Huang and his party, fearing that there will be major changes!"

There are big names in the strong people of the immortals, and the three ancestors crushed the tokens of the communication. This is a big event. The problem of the mysterious universe is difficult for even the ancestors.

Another family in the sky is immortal, the family shakes.

The family also prospered to the extreme, among the ancestral courts, Shenguang spontaneously began to erupt, a stone of blue bamboo, filled with ancient life, like to come back to the resurrection!

The group of people is up and down, and they have noticed that the stone statue of the ancestors who have been silent for millions of years must begin to resurrect!

Among the group, a group of strong people stood up and sealed the seal of the ancestral home, which suppressed the turmoil of the group.

"It was the ancestors who sent the ancestors to sit down and let the ancestral stone statues give birth to induction and position the coordinates!"

"The Xuanhuang universe was born, and immediately dispatched the strong to the Xuanhuang universe."

"Bless my family, maybe if you sit down, you can play the land of the ancestors!"

Tianzhu is a pulse, a group of big people make a decision in an instant, this matter has a great relationship, once successful, the impact is far-reaching!

There is no time and space, the emperor is turbulent, and the atmosphere is boundless and boundless. Just like the collapse of the prosperous world, it is too ridiculous!


A magnificent figure is gradually clear.

Although it is extremely difficult for all beings to look into his face, this supreme figure is magnificent!

He came and distributed the vicissitudes of life, but it was only a mark, but it also showed his invincible style.

He also seems to come from a long time and space, step by step, across thousands of times, when the real meaning of the moment, suppressing his golden fairy tremble, as if to collapse.

This emperor screamed and shook, and in front of the Emperor, it seemed too small.

Even the emperor is autonomous and human, and it is a slap in the seal of the ancient heavenly emperor, and it does not want to be destroyed!


The three great immortals have hemoptysis, and their bodies are swept away. The souls are all painful and they must be scattered.

They are scared and dare not look directly at the figure in front, as they see the masters of their lives.

Even the killer they brought, the emperor is shaking, and bowing to the seal of the ancient heavenly emperor, this is too outrageous.

The power of the old village chief and the giant bamboo teamed up to activate the seal of the Emperor, although it is not the strongest state, but it is enough to suppress the current turmoil!


The old village chief was shaking with excitement and tears in his eyes.

Although he has not seen the true body of the Emperor, he is too aware of the terribleness of this person. He never believes that the Emperor will be destroyed. The ultimate battle is over. The world is rumored to be degraded, but he does not believe that the Emperor will remain silent!

“Why do I have a sense of familiarity, have we seen it before?”

Su Yan whispered, this is a feeling of deja vu, let Su Yan stunned.

Suddenly, a pair of blinds, looked over!

Su Yan is sluggish and his mind is stiff.

The golden celestial woman who was sealed by him shivered and couldn’t see anything. Nothing could be heard.

But she knows that it is the Emperor, watching Su Yan.

This makes the Golden Goddess feel shocked and incredible. Why is this? The Emperor who lives in myths and legends, why look at a small ant, is too outrageous!


A pair of pupils of the Emperor of Heaven, running through Su Yan, saw everything.

A branding, got the truth.

Or, I got an experience.

He sighed and there was a shortage of heaven!

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