Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1341: Cross the border sea!

The power of the prehistoric big brother is unmatched, the whole big hand, smashed the darkness of the sky, and prevented the dark disaster that is about to drown the mysterious universe!

And he smashed the avenue of the avenue, activated the seal of the Emperor trapped in the bounds of the sea, and the entire bounded sea also followed the storm of boundlessness!

A shadow shrouded in darkness and blurred, instantly clear and blazing, so that it tears the darkness of the sky!

The magnificent imperialism is pervasive, the heavens and the earth are shaking, the sun and the moon are dull, and the bounds of the sea are all going to collapse.

He is too strong, even his phantoms of weapons are presented on their own, a grand tripod, rumbling, like a burial universe!


The old village chief trembled, and he saw the depths of the dark sea. He made a stalwart to the ultimate figure, waving the emperor's fist, shattering the darkness of the sky and attacking the bounds of the sea.

This is imposing, too invincible, traversing the ancient and modern future!

At the same time, the prehistoric big brother also sneaked in, lifted a huge boundless palm, and hardly gave birth to a corner of the bounded sea, the pressure collapsed!

He is like a savage savage in the ages, and he will join forces with the Emperor of Heaven to push the whole world!

However, before the predecessor’s big brother left, he directly took the flag of the Emperor’s battle that Su Yan was in charge of!


He danced the flag of the Emperor of Heaven, and the whole flag was awakened. The flag-faced hula suddenly magnified hundreds of millions of times, almost in the blink of an eye, covering the entire Xuanhuang universe!

This scene shocked the people of the world, and the Xuanhuang universe was once again sealed, which isolated the fluctuations of the destruction of the earth outside the domain.

But this is not the self-sealing of the universe, but the flag of the Emperor and the blockade of the border of the Xuanhuang universe. It is conceivable that the strength of this battle flag is strong. If not, the older brother will not seal the border of the Xuanhuang universe with the battle flag.

"The Emperor's Battle Flag....."

Su Yan’s fists were clenched. He found that the Emperor’s flag was opened, and the endless rules of order were scattered. It was also like the hundreds of millions of troops arranged in the frontier of the Xuanhuang universe, filled with horrible prehistoric murderousness and powerful.

But soon, the power of the Emperor's battle flag, and soon and the Xuanhuang universe merged!

In the process, there is also the power of prehistoric big brothers. In general, the universe is once again sealed, and the strong outsiders want to come in, fearing that it is difficult to go to heaven!

The whole world seems to be quiet!

Only Su Yan, they can hide and catch, the outside world war, the turmoil of the bounds of the sea, do not know what is happening inside!

"I am too weak and have no qualifications to participate!"

Su Yan's eyes are red, prehistoric big brother does not want to let the scourge, and even the threat of the extraterrestrial universe, once again invade the Xuanhuang universe, so the Tiandi battle flag is arranged to seal the heavens and territories!

Can also explain the seriousness of the problem.

Since Big Brother sealed the Xuanhuang universe before he left, it shows that they are not fully grasped and collapsed in the bounds of the sea. Therefore, they can only be sealed with the flag of the Emperor of Heaven to prevent the reconstruction of the Xuanhuang universe!

It is hard to say how many years this field exists. Su Yan faintly captures that once the pattern outside the domain is working, if the strong beyond the immortality is tough, it will be torn into pieces!

The universe is calming down. Even the strong outsiders can come to the Xuanhuang universe, but the cost of it must be extremely amazing.

"Stupid boy, why are you coming!"

The old village chief lost his soul, and he has already exhausted his life and exhausted everything. Although it is a great pity that he can't see this battle, there is a prehistoric big brother who believes that he can shelter the rain from the Xuanhuang universe.

The old village chief is not afraid of life and death. After millions of years, he has already seen it!

"I don't owe you....."

The woman in the purple dress shed tears, her jade body is dry, the immortal matter is evaporated, and the whole person is aging to the extreme!

"What do you say?" The old village chief trembled. Although the master and the teacher had never met each other for a long time, but the feelings were deep, now the purple woman is about to lose the fragrance, the old village chief is like a knife, and it makes a sad voice: "Yes. For the teacher to owe you, silly, you should not come, really should not come!"


Giant bamboo sighs, the purple woman does not have any hope to survive, she was invaded by the darkness, the blood has evaporated, of course, this can not be leaked to his life, but her immortal material is exhausted.

After all, the purple woman is different from Su Yan. Once she loses the immortal material, she is destined to die!

"Master, no regrets....."

The woman in purple whispered, reaching out the palm of her hand and falling on the old hand of the old village chief. Her eyes were very bleak.

"Ha ha....hahaha!"

The old village chief was laughing. He had not heard the word for many years. He cried and laughed. Finally, he was coughing up blood, his hands were shaking, and it was difficult to control.

Immediately, his whole person was silent, his head was lowered, and there was no life!

"What happened to your predecessors!"

Su Yan was out of order, and quickly flew over, and the palm of his hand filled the essence of immortal material, running through the body of the old village to the ultimate body, trying to continue the source of life for him.

This old village chief pays too much. He is the guardian of the universe. If you really sit like this, it will be the heaviest loss of the whole universe!

At the same time, Su Yan's other hand, pressed on the body of the purple woman, also has a strong immortal material leak, gathered in her body, want to continue her life.

However, the status of the woman in purple clothes made Su Yan feel trembling. The woman in purple clothes was almost saved. The body was dry and even empty. There was no hope at all, let her stand up again.

"Zixia Fairy!"

Su Yanzhen, messy and distracted, unwilling and desperate!

"Don’t waste your time, have time, bury me in a beautiful place..."

"Take care of the dead old man, he is not so easy to die, take care of him...."

The woman's words in the purple dress are getting weaker and weaker. In the end, if her hair is too bright, her eyes are gradually hollow, so that in the end, the breath of life will be broken.

Before leaving, she recalled a good memory. In a long time, she was a little girl who wanted to make a living, eager to eat a full stomach every day, and wanted to become a bird and fly freely.

Until she met the old village chief, the fate was a turning point, stepping into the immortality step by step, becoming the lord of the Taoist temple and becoming the guardian of the universe.

Her life experience is also very exciting, but the only person who knows her is the old village chief. The old village chief is the only relative in her mind.

Although she knew that she eventually used the chaotic tower to counter the darkness, she was looking for a dead end.

But she won a precious time and saw that the dead old man is still alive, she has no regrets!

Although she still wants to have another wonderful life, she has become a generation of fairy, but she feels that it is enough now, she can be content, and she can be satisfied with the road.


Su Yan issued a painful low-lying, and she went to the extreme to save the old village chief.

That sentence I don't owe you, contains too much sadness, emotion!

More than a decade ago, she stepped down as the guardian of the universe and handed it to Su Yan. She was relaxed and comfortable. She could have another wonderful life. In the long river of the years, she shined with her brilliance!

But nowadays, she has come forward, just to protect the old village chief, her masters robbed and died, she did not regret it.

However, her style has not yet bloomed, but she has lost her fragrance.

Su Yan has a big hate in her heart, it is difficult to let her go, she has a good time to wait for herself, but she has fallen!


Su Yan looked at him, and he yelled at the sky: "What the **** is the **** darkness? Ah!"

Let Su Yan's mana swear by the sky, but also save a strong person who is immortal and dry, who can't do it, and there are gains and losses!

"Darkness!" The words of Giant Bamboo are also embarrassing, and the killing of the bones is also very eager to figure out what the ghosts are. He feels that the ancestors fell and had a great connection with the darkness.

Even this battle!

If it is not dark, then it will not happen so outrageous.

In this battle, if it is not the bounds of the sea, the immortals will return to the feathers!

But the darkness is coming, ruining too many things!

The old village chief cried, his head was hanging, and the old tears were vertical and horizontal.

He is very weak, and it is difficult to stand up when he is weak. He wants to scream and vent his sadness.

Su Yan’s mood is difficult to calm down, looking at the sky, he can’t wait to kill for nine days, destroying the darkness!

"Su Yan, I should go, you are self-sufficient, never give up, don't despair, work hard, you will have a hope to rush out in the future."

Giant bamboo sighed a long breath, he left, and did not regret standing out, although the battle was exhausted, life was dry, life is not much, but he does not regret it.

Su Yan’s fist is clenched, his chest is violently ups and downs, the giant bamboo will be dry, and the main hall of the temple is fallen. So the old village chief, is there still a rescue?

Although the universe has been sealed and the catastrophe has been scattered for a short time, is it really safe?


A severe cough appeared, the old village chief was coughing up blood, and his face was pale as paper.

Even, he wants to stand up and run his own strength.

However, his injury is too serious, and he is not allowed to act at all. He tries to run his own vitality, making the old village chief cough, suffocating his nose and mouth, and the whole person must exhaust the final life!


Su Yan was shocked and quickly stopped him. "You can't move all the time!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The old village chief laughed, seemingly mad, and the blood-stained hair was dancing without wind and the wind, and the snarl of the screaming: "I am also a generation of immortal strong, guarding Xuan Huang, but in the end, even his own disciples I can't help it, sad, really sad!"

He continues to cough up blood and his life is exhausted!

Su Yan is nervous and constantly nourishes the dry body of the old village chief with his own immortal material. He really worried that he would scream and leave.

"You can't go wrong, if you have an accident, what about the Xuanhuang universe!"

Su Yan’s eyes are red, and there are too many things happening these days. One by one, he is suffocating.

This really makes people desperate. No wonder the giant bamboo said that if this day really comes, he will choose to escape, but because of a series of problems, let him see the dawn, so he shot, and also paid a big day. The price.

"The black robbing, the first people can not know!"

The old village chief coughed up blood, but the words were heard: "Prehistoric resistance, can be scrupulous for future generations, have to seal the universe, millions of years have passed, the universe is still, Xuanhuang group is still, now they want to occupy us Homeland, the destruction of the Xuanhuang vein, the people of my generation, can promise, why fear a battle!"

Su Yan’s fists were tight and his heart was full of blood.

This sentence is not only for Su Yan, but also spread throughout the Xuanhuang universe. It turns out that this is the secret of the cosmic seal. If not, they will not exist, because the pre-historic war is the complete end!

"Our group will never be silent!"

“It’s all monks, it’s never weaker than others!”

"I will not live in shelter in the future!"

Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, he has the ambition to swallow the rivers and mountains, this is his belief, peerless and powerful, burning the fire of fighting, to be independent, even to become a 鲲鹏, crush all disasters!

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