Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1342: Yinyang Road

"We will all fall here, this is the energy of darkness that has eroded my life!"

In the emptiness of time and space outside the realm, the darkness still exists. Although only the energy is surging, but once it is eroded by the darkness, the flesh will quickly decay and dry up, even if it is the immortal powerhouse, it is no exception!

The three great powers of the immortals are extremely fearful. There is no back road. They are all going to die here. This is really desperate, but they can't die. They want to tell the group what happened here.

In the end, the two great immortals joined forces to burn all the energy and jointly opened a tunnel.

It’s better to die three than to die.

Xian Huiyu is still alive, and there are still fears in his eyes. This actress has made a lot of moves, and so many top-ranking strongmen, only one ancestor and her survived.

If they are not golden imprints, they will resist most of the dark energy, then they will not survive.

"I will be back!"

The ancestors of the immortals have lost their hearts and madness, and they are angry: "The mysterious yellow universe, the next time I come again, there will never be any change. The universe is sealed, indicating that the strong in this world is gone!"

He is very clear that the prehistoric big brother has entered the scourge and is estimated to be unable to return.

The battle was defeated, and his heart was also bleeding. Although the immortal was in immortality, it was the peak of the Megatron world, and it was passed down hundreds of millions.

However, this loss is extremely heavy.

Moreover, this campaign, if not the bounds of the sea, they will all be destroyed, so the heart is full of fire of anger.

"There are still ants who are unwilling to fight for fate!"

"A million years ago, with the end of the end of the World War I, the Xuanhuang universe has also become degenerate, and their group can not be out of the younger generation of arrogance!"

The ancestors of the immortals, the pupils glow, and they look through the Xuanhuang universe. He saw a young man spreading his spirits and not despairing.

He did have a little look at the current Xuanhuang group. In front of such a strong shock, he was able to spread the war, but this war was so small and pitiful in his eyes. After all, their family, just walked out of a core. Disciples can push the entire Xuanhuang universe horizontally!


When the sinister big cracks healed, the immortal ancestors and Xian Huiyu fled.

In the Xuanhuang universe, Su Yan was very keenly aware of it. A gloomy gaze glanced at himself. His fist slammed his grip and asked the old village chief: "Predecessors, if they open the seal, how is it good?" ”

Wen Yan said that the old village chief said seriously: "Even if they open the seal, it is extremely difficult for the immortal strong to come in. It will be smelted to death, and there is still hope in the immortality. Therefore, in the next time, you must not slack off. If you try your best to improve your strength, you can keep the fire of the group!"

Although there is no threat of a giant, but next, it will not be calm!

The immortal waited for a long time and was about to succeed. How could it be willing to continue to wait, if this day comes, then Su Yan will be the strongest of the Xuanhuang universe!

"I understand!"

"If they dare to come, I will kill them all!"

Su Yan's momentum leaked out, and powerful forces flooded the Quartet. He had a peerless belief, an invincible belief, and the same situation was not weaker than anyone.

"Su Yan, my time is running out, and some things need to be explained clearly."

"Predecessors, are you..."

Su Yan was nervous, and the scorpion did not blink at the old village chief for a moment. He really didn't want to see it, the old village chief sat down.

"Ha ha ha, silly boy."

The old village chief smiled: "You can rest assured, I can't die, although it is an old bone, but life has not yet reached the end, I don't see your rise, I am also dead!"

Su Yan sighed, and if the old village chief had no life, he was relieved.

“Even.” The old village chief said: “Before, I activated the seal of the Emperor, and I got a blessing. Perhaps this is the gift of the Emperor!”

Su Yan’s mouth is screaming, and the ancient Heavenly Emperor left a blessing. He could hardly imagine how many opportunities existed. For the old village chief, there may be hopes of change, maybe he will become stronger!

Even a million years of sleep, the release of Zhu Xian, the old village chief gained a lot.

If he can smash the past, the future will be able to go further!

"Just, you know my state." The old village chief sighed: "It's very bad, life is exhausted, life is not much, I have to close the life and death immediately, time is difficult to calculate, so I want to explain you something. ”

"Predecessors say nothing, the younger generation can do what they can," Su Yan said.

"Our family, the age of origin is also very old, and it belongs to the heavens." The old village chief said: "A million years ago, the heavenly army went out, never gone back, I don’t know what happened, so far. I am not sure!"

There is no doubt that the ancestors of the old village chief belong to the left-behind of heaven!

"For many years, I want to go out and have a look, go along the footsteps of the army, and find them, but there is no chance." The old village chief sighed, and immediately said: "In these years, my family has been shouldering, guarding The important task of the Nine Great Xianshan!"

"Under the Nine Mountains, it also suppresses this large amount of dark matter." The old village chief said: "The Nine Great Hills cannot exist all the time. It exists too old, energy will be exhausted sooner or later. If dark matter erupts, At that time, the Xuanhuang universe will be completely destroyed!"


The old village chief Zheng Zhongdao said: "The ancestral stars are different, and may be related to the Emperor. If the future is the future, the universe is really disabled. The future ancestral stars may become the new Xuanhuang universe!"

Su Yan was shocked. It turned out that the ancestral star was related to the Emperor of Heaven, and it is no wonder that the avenue of the ancestral star has the essence of the initial saga!

"But what will happen in the future, I really can't say it."

The old village chief shook his head again. He said: "There is a lot of complexity involved in the darkness. They wanted to swallow the mysterious yellow universe in one breath. Although the nine great Xianshan suppressed the dark turmoil, there are still some forces that remain."

"Yin and Yang Road?" Su Yan trembled, really related to his speculation.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about it. The return of the cosmic environment, I used the power of Xianshan to erase many of their remaining forces, and there is not much to survive." The old village chief said coldly: "These dark products have already If the Xianshanwei can be exhausted, they will once again surface, but I have sent people to investigate and will soon find out the forces they are entrenched in the various realms."

"Dongmo?" Su Yan thought of a person.

Seeing that the old village chief nodded, Su Yan screamed, in fact, long ago he suspected that these dark forces had trained Xue Guan, so it is difficult to protect no other people.

It seems that Zhangjiacun and the dark forces have fought in endless years. The dark dynasties have ruined a lot of strong people, but they have not turned out the wind and waves.

“What is darkness?” Su Yan’s words reveal hatred and anger.

The old village chief’s face was bitter, and he couldn’t bear to look at the purple woman’s fragrant jade. His fist was clenched and said: “It’s not clear, the heavenly army left, the darkness struck, invading the mysterious yellow universe, which led to the yellow The universe is declining, they are the initiators!"

An immortal celestial domain, a small universe that decays!

Infinite energy, stolen by the dark, what is it in the end?

It’s too difficult to find out, now the prehistoric big brother and the Emperor’s seal rushed into the bounded sea. I don’t know what will happen next. Now the old village chief wants to look at it in the past, but unfortunately he does not have this opportunity, he can’t afford to lose it. Now!

The old village chief told Su Yan a lot. The plots of the Xian people were nothing but the secret of the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe.

Su Suyan is thinking, if the Xuanhuang universe is restored to the integrity of the universe, then there is hope that it will become an immortal Tianyu again?

"Su Yan, in the future, if you really can't stop, you will leave, go better and better, go to the outer universe and have a look."

The old village chief suddenly weakened: "The immortal Tianyu is the most prosperous and vastest cultivation community. The strong people will come out and see some of the most powerful people who have passed through hundreds of millions of channels. The current Xuanhuang universe is A pond, you can't make a climate here, you have a chance to go out, go to the immortal world, and throw out a day..."

Su Yan's mood is complicated, and he is also eager to go outside to have a look.

Even, along the footsteps of the ancient heavens, to find the destination of the ultimate battle, to trace the problems about themselves.

"Old village chief..."

Su Yan said a word, want to understand the heavens, and learn more.

However, he found that the atmosphere of the old village chief was gradually blurred and quickly returned to silence.

There was only a faint qi, flowing in his body, and Su Yan discovered that the old village chief entered his seal.


The three dynasties, also descended from the sky, fell in front of Su Yan.

Su Yan picked up the golden ruler. Although it broke, it was a soldier.

However, Su Yan sighed, he tried to mobilize the emperor, but his energy is like a sinking sea, it is difficult to activate the power of the emperor.

"Maybe, the incomplete, or perhaps, the Emperor's battle flag, are all emperors, but I can't play the power at all."

Su Yan whispered in his heart: "I don't know how the tensor is going. If the emperor is mastered by him, maybe he can use some energy."

Su Yan shook his sleeves and put the emperor away.

Then he went to Zhangjiacun with the old village chief and even the body of the purple woman.

Su Yan crossed between the planetary domain and the star domain, causing a huge shock along the way.

"Is the battle over?"

"Will they come back?"

The strongest of the universe, there are too many doubts, they are chasing Su Yan's footsteps all the way.

However, Su Yan’s movements are too fast, and no one can catch up.

Zhangjiacun has made too many contributions to the universe. The family is obscured and is the virtue of their group.

Su Yan wants to make their achievements public, let the people of the world remember, who is guarding the universe in these years.

However, Su Yan still gave up, the problem of darkness is still there, and the position of Zhangjiacun once leaked out, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, Su Yan had a broad mana, and he was told by the gods that he had a strong temple, and that Kong Xian had come. He was going to bury the temple hall in Zhangjiacun.

"Zixia Fairy."

Su Yan’s heart is sad, and she thinks of a woman buried in the sand in the crystal clear soil of Dao Dian.

He hopes that the woman is not the owner of the temple, but a carefree little fairy.

(The chapter was wrong yesterday. The chapter that was finally released yesterday was not updated, speechless.........)

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