Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1344: Raising a group of true phoenixes

(The previous two chapters have gone wrong, they have been adjusted, and everyone is reading back)

This sacred pure land, like a small world left by the vast fairyland, is located in this dark starry sky!

The abyss starry sky of death, life is exhausted.

However, there is a huge amount of life energy in front of it. The spectacular dragon is a life-like energy, which is quite outrageous.

In fact, Su Yan was also shocked, but he was determined to be high and never showed it.

"I don't know what opportunities exist in the end? I hope that I can get it smoothly, even if I can't get it, if the iron **** can break through, it is also the top power of the universe."

Su Yan stared at the world ahead, once Su Yan came, but never saw it.

Now, under the wait and see, the front is a unique small world, blooming the Avenue Fairy, steaming the sacred light rain, falling down immortal material.

Su Yan's eyes flashed eagerly, and the immortal material that drastically hangs off is a massive resource. For the ultimate power, it is naturally fatal!

Immortal matter, equal to the material of creation, contains the material characteristics of immortality!

"Perhaps, here is the small world left by the prehistoric, prosperous Xuanhuang universe!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart: "After all, the immortal celestial domain, the existence of immortal matter, can accelerate the practice of the immortal, even between heaven and earth, can also be bred, a sacred treasure containing immortal energy, but in our universe, there may be of!"

"Although the great power can rely on immortal material and ripen the battle body, but this also falls."

Su Yan snorted: "But if the inferior strongman gets this small world, it will inevitably break through. This is an immortal world. Every heavy day needs a lot of immortal material. It doesn't matter how many years it takes to practice alone. It can be different if there is external help!"

"Let's go, go in and have a look, hopefully it will go well."

Su Yan’s fist was clenched, and there were three gold rulers in the past, blocking the road of Su Yan.

Now that the Emperor is in his hands, he can break into it. He is too eager to get a chance to advance.

Su Yan and the iron **** cautiously rushed forward, and soon they came to the entrance of the small world, an ancient tunnel, filled with a strong sense of oppression, let the iron **** burst into the roots!

"A terrible tunnel, don't be good at it!"

The iron **** was sweating under the rain, and even Su Yan suffered a certain pressure, but it was much better than the first time.

Even Su Yan found that the imprint left by the prehistoric big brother disappeared. Over the years, his mark could not be preserved for a long time.

This makes Su Yan regret.

"How come in?"

Su Yan frowned, the tunnel did not know what to encounter, if the crisis, the trouble is not small.


At this time, Su Yan found the iron cock, step by step, walking with the chicken feet and walking towards the ancient tunnel.

Su Yan’s words shook the iron cock. It shuddered and stopped. He said: “In the tunnel, there is a mysterious energy calling me, let me in, and there should be no monsters in it. What?"

Su Yan was shocked and thought carefully. Once they were following a fairy medicine, they came here.

A true phoenix medicine, the value has definitely surpassed the Jinwuxian medicine, and his mind suddenly appeared an idea. Isn’t it similar to the strong training ground of the Dragon City?

"I haven't seen the tensor. Where did he go? It is impossible to leave the abyss."

Su Yan's face is uncertain, tensor will not, has entered the tunnel?


At the moment he was hesitant, the iron **** was also inaccurate, and in the event of any risk, he was killed.


Su Yan took out three gold rulers, and the broken emperor was arranged in front of him. This set of disabled emperors, Su Yan had no ability to resurrect him, but the moment he took it out, three gold rulers, successively shining!

The faint temperament is pervasive, and this time and space is disillusioned.

Su Yan heart and huge earthquake, the two have a connection!

In the past, the emperor was floating in the tunnel. Did the emperor fly out of the tunnel?

"Go, go in and see!"

Su Yan's form is vague, but it quickly vaporizes three people!

The three major Su Yan stand in the void, but since Su Yan stepped into the immortality, he has not re-cultivated this mystery. Although it has been gasified, the strength is not particularly strong.

One of Su Yan went out and took the emperor and broke into the tunnel.

Even if Su Yan’s avatar is really degraded, his body will not die.

It was very smooth along the way. Exceeding Su Yan’s expectation, it seems that it was because of the emperor’s reason that he had never encountered the mysterious world.

"I finally came in."

The iron **** rushed over and they quickly crossed the tunnel, and when they stepped into the ancient world, they were silent.

Really, the previous surprise disappeared, replaced by disappointment.


Su Yan sighed and said: "If this is the case, the entrance is only autonomous collapse. Maybe the ancient world will evolve into a broken universe!"

Su Yan’s gaze is in the small world, where the rivers and mountains are run down and the sacred weather is gone.

The world is very large and very broad. Although it radiates life energy, the existence of the whole world is very limited, and it is still leaking.

Although from the outside world, he saw a picture of the fall of immortal material.

But the reality is cruel. These are just the immortal substances left in the small world. Now they are self-going out, fearing that in the past years, this sacred land will lose its value.

Mainly because there is a large array of guardians in the small world, so the immortal material is not broken, and now the immortal material that exists in the whole small world is very limited!

"There are people in front."

The iron **** screamed and saw a shadow in the world in front of the run-down.

Sitting on the top of a giant mountain, he seems to be at the peak of the small world. The whole person blooms with infinite light. Between the spit and the spit, there is an immortal material surging through the tensor of the body!

Su Yan moved, and quickly flew up, but the moment of contact with the mountains, but suffered a terrible resistance.

He couldn't cross it, but Zhang was sitting in the foothills, and even he caught it, and the immortal material was surging in Zhang's body!

"Zhangquan is practicing and accumulating immortality!"

Although the result was relative to disappointment, Su Yan still laughed. The opportunity left in this small world was greatly increased by the amount of tensor, and the days of his customs clearance were very close.

"Why can he go up, but can't we go up?" The iron **** is resentful, and he is eager to get this kind of material.

"Who knows, maybe it has something to do with the Emperor."

Su Yan put away his gaze and never awakened Zhang Liang. He began to explore this small world. It was too wide, and he crossed the past and saw a lot of giant mountain dojos like Zhang Liang.

But the run-down is too serious, and I don’t know if there is a certain chance.

Iron **** don’t dare to try rashly, without figuring out the existence of small heavens.

The purpose, they still dare not act rashly.

"Fairy medicine!"

"A group of true phoenix!"

Just as they explored the depths, Su Yan sucked in the cool air. He saw the world far away, the weather was sacred, and the head was really phoenix, stirring the supreme Tianwei!

The true phoenix living in mythology, but there is a group here.

Anyone who sees this picture will not calm down, Su Yan is swearing, a group of real phoenix creatures, one or twenty heads, they spread their wings and fly, and the fire is born, every soul is surging, not dead Immortal weather!

Legend has it that in the real phoenix, it will not be destroyed, but it can be reborn.

These dozens of true phoenix creatures cannot be judged to be a supreme being, or a kind of fairy medicine.

In short, the discovery is so amazing, they are crossing the road, to approach the source direction, to see what kind of secrets exist in this small world, even the captives are more than a dozen true phoenix!

He believes that even in the prehistoric years, these dozens of true phoenixes will inevitably become peerless powerhouses.

Is it true that the prehistoric years have come, and true dragons and true phoenixes are everywhere? Or in another immortal world, in what extent is it prosperous!

When Su Yan they approached, they came into contact with the moment.

The thick prehistoric atmosphere, overwhelmingly crushed, the shock of Su Yan blood tumbling, unusually uncomfortable.


However, Su Yan found that the iron **** was innocent, the body was shining, and the silver light rain was sprinkled. Behind it, there was a silver phoenix behind it!

Su Yan moving, iron **** should not be a real phoenix?

Or, it has a very strong lineage in the body, is it true blood? In time, if life is evolution, can it be turned into a silver real phoenix?

"The ancestor's breath, is it really my creation here..."

The sound of the iron **** trembled and caught the world ahead, with unimaginable fluctuations of the stalwart, like their first parents.

This is a kind of blood, even the pressure of the same order, so that the iron **** must surrender!

"That is......"

Su Yan was shocked. In the world ahead, she saw an incredible picture.

A group of true phoenixes, swimming in the void, and soon leaped to a majestic grand palace!

At the gate of this giant palace, there is a figure, she stood at the gate of the palace, the wind is perfect!

A woman, who has survived for a long time, has lived in the years and has a great history.

Su Yan’s soul trembled, and her heart was difficult to calm. She felt that this person was too strong.

Even she found that she couldn't see her fairy face at all, even if she really saw it clearly, she couldn't remember it and forgot everything.

When Su Yan looked at the second time, he saw a group of true phoenixes, spinning around the woman, flying and humming....

His heart trembled, this group of true phoenix, is she raising her?

When he saw the third sight, the scene changed, and it completely changed. The woman’s ethereal spirit was immortal, and her own terrible breath dispersed, quiet and peaceful.

She stood at the gate of the palace, a pair of bright, big eyes like a crescent, looking at the vast starry sky.

It seems that she is standing here, waiting for someone to go home.

She stood like a long river, always moving.

The time is still, Su Yan feels that it has been a long time, so he seems to see that the real phoenix is ​​beginning to dry up, time is too long.....

But she is still standing at the entrance to the palace, waiting for something.

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