Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1350: Sword world!

"Three years, I realized the sword!"

Su Yan’s heart is so fierce, if it fails, the body will die!

Is this a gamble?

“Predecessors.” Su Yan frowned slightly, Shen Sheng said: “If I really fail, I can go out and find a suitable disciple for you, but after the failure, I will die, this is also...”

Based on the swordsmanship of these three grasses, you can easily understand them. The three years are too short.

The bones scattered on the broken road, exudes a majestic voice, saying: "You can give up, leave here, get rid of memories, forget everything here."

His voice is indifferent and cannot be discussed.

"Get rid of your memory, leave here!"

Su Yan’s fist was clenched and his breathing was a little short. Although there was something to lose, the cost of failing was too great.

Su Yan's gaze looked at the cheekbones and looked at the three avenues of grass evolution.

Su Yan’s nephew eventually blazed up. This is an opportunity. Although it is necessary to face death, it is worth a fight!

"A fight, what choices do I have now? If you don't grasp it, you are destined to regret it forever!"

Su Yan’s eyes are firm, and the bones of the sacral bones evolved in the past to test themselves, which is enough to show the magical power that he passed to himself. It is probably that he is unwilling to be silent.

This is a terrible opportunity. Su Yan feels that if he is in charge, perhaps not inferior to the strongest supernatural power in history?

Although said, Su Yan got a gasification Sanqing and initial punch.

A gasification of Sanqing is a secret surgery, and the power of the initial boxing can enhance the power of a series of secret techniques.

The two secret techniques are all of a type of help.

Now Su Yan is too eager to get a strong killing secret!

Although failures are faced with death, once the future elites come to the door, can they really stand up against them in their current state?

Three grasses have evolved into an incredible ambiguity, and Su Yan really wants to have it as soon as possible!

Su Yan was intoxicated into it, just like entering the world of endless swords, which is evolving the supreme kendo inheritance!

"I must get it!"

Only three years, Su Yan will not waste any precious time, wholeheartedly silent in the evolution of the three grasses.

The world has calmed down and the bones are also silent.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the time passes by.

Time is not long, and short is not short...

The mysterious yellow universe that experienced the baptism of war has become increasingly transformed and the universe has returned completely.

Nowadays, the sky is wide and wide, although it is a broken big universe, but now the Xuanhuang universe, the heavens and the earth are rich and full of prosperity.

There are many wars in the universe, and all the people live in peace. Almost all the powers are exploring the Avenue of Immortality.

However, relying on one's own breakthrough can be so easy. Now the younger generation, there are very few strong players in the field of great power, let alone immortality.

Only this day, in the vast universe, the mighty Tianwei, shocked the world!

Anyone can see that in the depths of the universe, a huge burly giant broke out, and he broke into the sky, and this scene is shocking!

"Immature, the second immortal was born!"

The world is boiling, the new era, Su Yan is the first strongest immortal, now the blacksmith has become the second strongest immortal!

Then in the future, there must be a third or even a fourth...

"Immense, you can break through, even if you don't fight against the immortality, you can explore the immortal meaning, but you must experience the cruel tempering of life and death!"

Many young people are angry and eager to be immortal, eager to cultivate to this level!

This is the transformation of the essence of life. It is not a two-level life. One is the avenue, and the other is the fairy tales!

A large number of strong men from various majors came to see the ceremony, and now Su Yan Shenlong sees the end, and they are eager to get some experience of immortal breakthrough, but the blacksmith smiles, in addition to relying on their own exploration of the nature of life, other roads they can not do, even Su Yan can't do it either.

"Su Yan didn't come. Where did he go? Is he still exploring the treasures of the chaotic ruins? I hope he will gain something."

The blacksmith was amazed. He hadn't seen Su Yan for more than a year. He was worried. He knew that Su Yan was excavating treasures in the chaotic ruins. He really worried that there would be some accidents.

Although Su Yan mastered a gasification of Sanqing, but if his avatar fell in the cosmic reality, the body's natural vitality is greatly damaged, which is also a major loss to the universe!

For a year, for Su Yan, it is just between the fingers!

Throughout the whole year, he was silent in the martyrdom of the three grasses, and his spiritual will seemed to fall into a world of swords!

The sky is full of swords, endless, and the number is not clear.

There are also a lot of terrible thoughts in this, this is not the idea of ​​the person, but the idea of ​​the sword!

This is the meaning of the sword. People have a spiritual will. If the sword breaks out of the spiritual will, this will be extremely terrible. Especially for people, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the sword.

When the old village chief was a knife, it was amazing.

That is the knife that the old village chief realized, and he was overbearing. The same moves were also very strong. He almost caught his own life, and even the knife of the old village chief was destroyed.

Su Yan is not proficient in kendo and has never been involved in this series.

It is harder to understand the sword. He is not the way to the avenue of the sword, but Su Yan’s initial scriptures are all-encompassing, including all the avenues, even the Sword Avenue.

It is not difficult to comprehend the road, but it is difficult to understand the essence and evolve the sword.

In a year's time, Su Yan did not have much gains. Although he was tempted by the sword all day long, he had a feeling of being unable to start!

"How do you get in?"

Su Yan whispered, only three years, now it has been a year.

In the process, the cheekbone did not point to Su Yan at all, and he relied on his own path of the sword to cultivate his own school, but he could not do it by saying it.

On this day, Su Yan slammed a spirit, and thoughts returned from the three grasses. I recalled the test of the bones before me, and the sword of the evolution of the grass almost killed myself.

"Being a sword!"

Su Yan seized the key point. He constantly recalled a sword he encountered a year ago. He carefully tasted and explored. Su Yan’s soul was hit hard. Although he was wiped out by the sword, he is now seriously exploring. Caught, this sword contains the edge and peerless!

Three days later, a horrible sword swayed!

This is the soul of Su Yan in the surging atmosphere, is followed by a sword mang, surging out!

Su Yan's whole person, invisibly rising in momentum, he seems to be turned into a sword tire, straight into the sky, containing the momentum of the bend is not bent, the edge of the leak.

"This is the sword!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart and found a way to understand the sword.

He was not happy, his mind was calm, and he took out the cosmic soldiers.

In the same year, Su Yan tempered the cosmic soldiers into killing weapons. Now that he is already immortal, Su Yan is ready to start raising swords. As long as time is enough, it is not difficult for the cosmic soldiers to evolve into the immortal series.

"Although the potential of the cosmic sergeant is sufficient, but the lack of edge, I even have the cosmic soldiers into immortal treasures, but also lack of swordsman!"

"What is a sword!"

Su Yan deliberately asks himself, stimulating the swords of the three grasses, running through the flesh, and even through the cosmic soldiers!

Cold, biting, so that the soul will be broken!

This is the meaning of the sword, the soul of the person, and even the heart of the people, really can be called the killing!

Although Su Yan is now immortal, completing the transformation of the essence of life, but the sword of the three grasses is immortal, as in the time and space, the years!


Su Yan began to evolve into his own sword domain world. The body is like the universe. The essence of respect is itself. He can be a way of enlightenment and can also evolve the infinite avenue of the world.

Nowadays, Su Yan introduces three grass swords into the body, and the whole person's momentum is changing. Sometimes, the front is leaked out, sometimes it is as thick as the Yuan, sometimes it is overbearing...

Sword meaning is divided into many kinds, which also depends on the state of mind.

Su Yan is looking for a sword-like road that suits her. This time has also rushed away. In a blink of an eye, another year has passed.

The three-year contract has passed most of the time.

Su Yan thought calmly, no worry.

He feels that he is very close to success. The swords of these three grasses are so inscrutable that it is extremely difficult to comprehend all the mysteries.

However, the initial capture of the world, all-encompassing, Su Yan can explore their own kendo, and find out more suitable for their own path.

"This inheritance is extremely difficult. If I don't master the initial scriptures, let alone three years, even if it is three years and three years, it is very difficult to realize the swords of the three grasses. These three grasses contain infinite swords. You need a lot of talent to quickly sort out your own kendo!"

Su Yan’s face burst into a smile, and the success is very close.


A month later, Su Yan was silent in the world of Kendo, and it was difficult to extricate himself.

However, he heard a strange wave, although it could not be said to be fierce, but it fell in the heart of Su Yan, but it was like a billion Thunder bursting!


Su Yan’s frontal bone manifested a mark on his own. This is the light of the mysterious awakening of the Xuanhuang Seal.

Imprints and the universe are closely related. Nowadays, the imprints are spontaneously shocked, and the voice of the police is transmitted, so that Su Yan, who is silent in the kendo, suddenly wakes up.


Su Yan’s scorpion slammed open, and there was a chill in the body, and a pair of pupils also sharpened to the extreme.

"Don't they come...."

Su Yan's double fists clenched, he was able to catch, the seal outside the universe was shaking, this is a sign that will be torn, and now the imprint of the police, also represents the cosmic crisis.

The people of the immortal are absolutely coming to the door. They have lost their lives before, and the losses are heavy. How can they give up easily, and now they must be prepared adequately, and they may be able to quickly open the seals arranged by the Emperor's flag!

Outside the time and space, the immortals came to a large number of strong, outside the universe of Xuan Huang!

This dark material with no time and space is almost completely broken, and it has not affected much.

They tried to break the seal, but the initial attempt ended in failure!

Xian Huiyu said coldly: "If you don't worry, come slowly, you will always find the loopholes in the battle. As long as you send some of the immortal strong people into the Xuanhuang universe, you can take Suyan back to the fairy!"

Su Yan, who has just entered the immortality for less than a few years, how strong can he be?

However, in order to prevent accidents, the immortals still sent a group of immortal strong, as long as they can smoothly descend to the Xuanhuang universe, they will inevitably sweep the world!

"The difficulty is a bit big. If the storm is strong, the movement will be very big. Now there are many Taoist systems exploring the Xuanhuang universe in nothingness. Once this place is too big, it will be very troublesome!"

The immortal has come to a lot of masters who are proficient in the martial arts. They are famous in the immortal world. However, at this moment, the look is serious. The seal of the entire Xuanhuang universe is dominated by the flag of the Emperor, and the horror of the law of light and battle is flowing. Killing the mind, let the great masters of this group of roads break their hearts and minds, it is difficult to calm down and study the Xuanhuang seal.

“Try it out!”

Xian Huiyu's face is so heavy that the immortals don't want to let the secret here share with the rest of the Taoist!

Even if it is successful, hope is not that big.

"If not."

Xian Huiyu suddenly said: "With your means, you should also be able to activate the battle platform in the emperor's road?"

"Are you?" The face of a cluemaster changed slightly.

"Not bad!"

Xian Huiyu sneered: "As long as this platform can be opened, the young and strong people of our family should be able to enter the battlefield smoothly. If he is willing to come out to fight, directly suppress it and throw it out, our mission will be completed. !"

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