Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1385: Rushing to the bipolar star

"stingy person."

The Taoist temples are powerful, and many old people are standing and unstable. The main lord is dead, and the creatures raised by the lord are also killed.

A huge creature of red blood falls from the sky.

Its silver body sprinkled down and rolled blood, squatting down, squatting on a comet, and the flowing blood dyed the whole star!

Even the stars are trembled violently, unable to withstand, to self-destruct!


Baocai growls, his eyes are red, his tears are rolling, his hair is blowing, and he is crazy.

The world is full, it seems to be bleeding!

The blood of the iron **** rolled down and stained the stars.

Countless people cry, the ten immortal, the iron **** should be fallen, that palm is too strong, who can match, with the strength of the iron cock, difficult to block.


Su Yan was full of sorrow and anger, and the long hair and **** dance was like a wounded beast. The fury and anger burst out. It was necessary to tear this day, to crush the whole world and to smash the fairy!


He yelled, his body vacated, and he was full of swords and stalks.


The iron **** suddenly resurrected, exhausted the power of the gods, and roared: "Come on, go!"

It didn't want Su Yan to go down in battle. In the current state of Xian Tairan, Su Yan couldn't stop the immortality, and it was only a life.

Instead of going to death, it is better to survive, escape, and leave the mysterious universe!

Iron **** are very clear, they can't live!

Under the madness, all the immortals will be slaughtered, no one can live. It wants to let Su Yan leave, and walks along the emperor road. He believes that the future Su Yan can definitely stand up and avenge it. .

Su Yan’s eyes are like electricity, the stars of the hustle and bustle tremble, the wrath of anger and anger is burning, and the full of anger is released.

His way, go forward, never back down!

He is the guardian of the Xuanhuang universe, and he can step back half a step!

He is the strongest in the Xuanhuang universe, he can give up the group and escape alone!


Su Yan's flesh burned with fierce fire, fluttering and flying, taking out the cosmic soldiers, and erupting a sword and immortal, screaming to Xian Tairan!

"Poor bug!"

Xian Tairan's look is cold and cold, and the palm of his hand is raised sharply. This swordmang is suddenly sharp, and this school is suddenly terrible. He can break his golden armor of the Taoist immortalization!

The swordsmanship, like the sea, the sword-like meaning of the sky, was directly smashed by him!

Xian Tairan looked indifferent, and his palms slammed up again and went straight to Su Yan’s cosmic soldiers.


This sword is broken directly, and the sword is broken!

There is also the power to attack on the body of Su Yan. The slap in the face of his injury is once again aggravated, and the powerful immortal golden body has a large crack, which is to be destroyed!


Su Yan spurted a blood, and the body flew out and fell far away.

Su Yan's hair is scattered, and once again, he will stand up again, **** and mad, and shake the sky!


It is defeated!

However, Su Yan has a full anger in his heart!

He does not admit defeat, he will never fall until the final moment, unless he is killed on the road of assault!

Suddenly, the body of Xian Tairan has a tendency to fall on the ground.

His life is weak, and it seems that Shouyuan has gone dry, and his cockroaches are standing still!

"My time is running out!"

Xian Tairan forcibly stabilized. After all, this is not his body. Although it is connected with Xian Huiyu's blood, it is impossible to occupy his body for a long time. It is necessary to suppress Su Yan as soon as possible!

If not, the task will fail.

Moreover, the remnant soul of Xianhuiyu is still there. As long as it returns to the immortal, there is hope to reshape the body of Xianhuiyu. If it fails, the problem will be big. The loss of the Xianzu is so big, and suddenly he is the right of the fairy. Old ancestors, but this loss will also make him fall.

"Whoever can live, you can't do it alone!"

Xian Tairan looked cold, waved his fist and slammed into Su Yan’s body. He really didn’t believe in evil. How long can Su Yan’s state last?


Treasures of the treasures, the breath of the world, the treasures of all the dragon essence!

For a moment, the atmosphere of Tiebaocai has changed. There are nine real dragons behind it, and the Kowloon is intertwined, steaming the ancestral atmosphere, just like the birth of a dragon running through Xuanhuang, with Tiebaocai screaming!

"Flying dragons in the sky!"

Tie Baocai’s awkwardness is so shocking that it is enough to turn the river to the sea and do everything!

Its figure instantly tore up the time and space, sprinting in front of Su Yan, screaming Su Yan began to fly!

This is the dragon in the mystery of Zulong. In the sky, the speed is arrogant, the speed is scary, and it is as strong as Xian Tairan.

"Get me down!"

Xian Tairan gave a cold drink, the golden nose of the nose and mouth stirred, and it became a piece of film, and it was pressed against the heavens and the earth. It shattered the time and space of this area, and the mad fly of the iron treasure was suddenly dropped in the earthquake!

"This old lady is crazy, he will kill the whole audience, you go quickly!"

Baocai screams with his head on his head. If it is really such a cruel ending, it is really better to leave Su Yan to leave. They believe that Su Yan in the future can definitely stand up and avenge their hatred!


Baocai’s words were not finished. The head of the slap in the face of Xian Tairan was sunken. The panda body trembled and the blood and bone spattered.

"Bao Cai!"

Su Yan roared, black hair covered with blood, covered his face, only a pair of pupils screaming and stunned, eyeballs covered with bloodshot, blooming swordsman, heart is full of grief.

"Don't worry, I won't kill it."

Xian Tairan sneered, and at this moment he appeared very calm, and did not take the initiative to attack, but said: "I am not willing to kill the animal who mastered the ancestral mystery, I will bring back the group, fill in for my family. A secretive secret!"

"Actually, the biggest goal of my campaign is you!"

Xian Tairan stared at Su Yan and said coldly: "They can live anymore, but you can't do it alone. If you dare to leave here, I promise that no one will survive the entire Xuanhuang universe, and they will follow the funeral!"

"Don't doubt my words. Although I don't have much time, I am sure that on the day of my life, I will destroy the entire Xuanhuang and kill the whole universe!"

This gloomy voice, like the resurgence of purgatory, many people's blood must stop flowing and be frozen.

"Even if you suppress Su Yan, we can't live!"

Yan Yuan stood up and said with a calm face: "What do you mean by these things? Su Yan, you only have to survive, and there is hope for revenge for us in the future!"

"Su Yan, no one will blame you for leaving, you must go!" Zhang Liang calmly said: "This campaign, we have killed enough, what is dead, but we are all dead, who will revenge for us in the future! ”

"But you, after all, different, leave here, the future can revenge for us!"

The state of Xian Tairan is too strong. The West Buddha is very clear that it is impossible to kill the state of Xian Tairan. If he continues to go crazy, the Xuanhuang universe will be ruined, and the ten immortals will fall again and again!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xian Tairan smiled, full of irony: "Just rely on him, hahaha!"

He laughed and cried, saying: "I still want to avenge you, but also want to incite my great cause? You are really crazy about it. Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you now!"

The fragrance of Xian Tairan is released, and the body is filled with the immortal breath. Now they are all killed.

"I want to take my suppression away!"

Su Yan broke the drink: "Just see if you have this ability, you will give me back, let me come!"

Su Yan, regardless of the consequences, rushed to Xian Tairan, the smell of his own will be smashed by Yuan Yuan.

There are not many time for Xian Tairan. As long as you try your best to stop it, you may insist that you will fall to Xiantai.

Even if they were taken away by suppression, they could survive.

But once you have gone, retreat, will the universe be born?

Su Yan desperately shot, burning the golden body, attacking Xian Tairan!


The golden light of the sky broke out and hit the fairy Tairan. This offensive was very strong and raging, but it was extremely difficult to tear the defense of the gold armor.

"This is life, you can't help but believe it!"

Xian Tairan became more and more calm, his big hand covered, to live in Su Yan.

Su Yan will not sit still, use all strength to fight, the flesh is blasting, burning all life forces, blocking the suppression of Xian Tairan's palm!

But it is useless, and the Taoist immortal gold is too powerful, giving the immortal body its immortality.

Let Su Yan fight, but also can not stop the big hand to fight down.


Su Yan spurted blood, his eyes were black, his body flew out and fell far away.

"No, I will kill it if I fight it."

Su Yan also maintains absolute clarity. With the powerful anti-shock force, the blood-stained body collapses into the space-time tunnel and crosses the Ziwei Star Field!

"I still want to escape now? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Xian Tairan wins the ticket, how far can Su Yan escape?

He walked in the stars in a leisurely stroll, step by step, thundering, and the momentum became more and more powerful, pushing the amazing energy wave of Xiandao to sweep up, and suddenly hit the Su Yan!

This fluctuation is too fierce, like the collapse of the Xinghai, and Su Yan, who was crossed in the tunnel of time and space, once again flew out.

Su Yan did not say a word, looked cold, and stabilized the body that was about to rot.

In the process, the golden body is once again blazing, and even Su Yan burns the human body function, at all costs, just to fight for some time!

"What does Su Yan want to do?"

Nanhuang, they are desperate, it is difficult to catch up with the mobile battlefield.

"Don't go, let me come!"

The devastated East Devil rushed to the battlefield, and his body was full of blood. He was full of fluttering dances like a waterfall. The beam of light in the scorpion was stunned. He saw the intention of Su Yan and whispered: "You can't die, the grandfather of the village." I have high hopes for you, I believe that you will go further in the future!"

"No one can do it except me!"

Su Yantou took away the fairy Tairan, he spurred the creation of the body, rushed to the bipolar star.

"I see how far you can escape? How much life can burn and maintain your immortality?"

Xian Tairan also crossed into the bipolar star. Sen cold eyes looked at Su Yan, who rushed to a mountain. Cold voice: "Give up, struggle, I really worry, you will lose everything to my immortal." value!"

"Ha ha....hahaha!"

Su Yan stood on the avenue of Xianshan. His smile is bitter, decisive, and also crazy!

In the end, his pair of nephews looked at the Avenue of Xianshan, full of determination!

"I didn't expect to rely on the power here!"

His expression is cold, he has to open the Avenue of the Fairy, and swallow the fairy with the dark matter.

(Plus, there is still at night!)

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