Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1402: Teaching the Virgin

Su Yan’s strength is fast entering the immortal eight heavens. According to his cultivation speed, he is quite outrageous.

Generally speaking, every day of indestruction consumes more than ten years. Even the disciples of the Xianmen Dao, the practice will not be fast, and the more immortal energy required in the future will be more vigorous.

In every realm of immortality, the strength is doubled and arrogant. It is conceivable that Su Yan at this stage is so scary that the combat power of more than doubled.

In the past six months, he has been on the **** road, killing many enemies, but the harvest is very low. He only got hundreds of immortal treasures, which also shows that the spiritual environment of the universe is really difficult to compare with the immortal Tianyu.

And adventure on the blood, relying on the hunters of the passers-by to repair the strong, can be rich and strange.

At this time, Su Yan's footsteps stopped, slightly tilted, deep eyes, looked at standing not far away, staring at one of his silver-haired old man.

Su Yan caught a crisis, and if the silver-haired old man had nothing, the vague Xinwei was released.

Su Yan’s heart is stunned. This is a strong person in the fairyland. He is still on the blood road for the first time.

Su Yan just looked at it and took back his eyes and walked forward with Zhu Yue.

This silver-haired old man was a little surprised, looking at the back of Su Yan's departure, whispered: "Little brother, come to a narrative!"

Su Yan’s brows are slightly wrinkled. He is not afraid of the strong and powerful people. The devil's fog alone is enough to make her desperate. It is faint: “Is there anything for the predecessors?”

"The little brothers are so powerful!"

The silver-haired old man is not annoyed. His face is full of appreciation. After all, he can hold his breath in front of a real fairy. This is not easy. She said: "My lady wants to see you."

"What is your lady?"

Su Yan has some accidents. Can he have a thugs of the immortality. Is it a strong person from the Xianmen Taoist system? These days are in the **** road, and you can have some understanding of the immortal Tianyu.

Immortal Tianyu, Xianmen Dao dominates the world, these Taoist systems are very unacceptable, can cultivate the strong people of the real wonderland, the overlord also has.

Moreover, there are many imaginary vassals of the celestial universe, which provide them with the strongest seeds to go to further study. Therefore, these fairy tales, Henggu Hengqiang, almost no decline.

Seeing Su Yan turned around, the silver-haired old man also leaned over his body, and a figure flashed behind her back.

Even Zhuyue was slightly stunned, like a flying fairy, even she was surprised, just like the fairy in the painting, Nana came, the picture was quite amazing, her gesture was peerless, and she had a pair of white jade feet. The glittering luster adds a touch of femininity.

This woman is natural and beautiful, and the bamboo moon is a kind of dignified and elegant beauty, but the woman's national color is fragrant, and there is a kind of honor, a glory standing on the sentient beings.

Su Yan’s heart was shocked, not to be shocked by the woman’s appearance, but his breath.

In the vagueness, Su Yan caught a vast amount of divine power, as if the entire time and space were resurrected with her, this kind of pressure is absolutely powerful, once the horror erupts!

"Good physique!" Su Yan moved, his undead golden body exploration road has not been small, he estimated how to fight this woman, suddenly it is not dead out of the golden body, fight everything, fear is also extremely difficult Its suppression.

As long as her physique is too strong, she will sing a thousand words, and her body and the road will be amazing.

"Xia Kunlun..."

This woman is open-minded, euphemistic, and has a magnetic, very nice and moving.

"Miss knows me?" Su Yan was a little surprised. These days are killing her blood, which has attracted her attention.

"Not bad." The woman's beheaded moth, slightly decapitated, faintly said: "In these days, you are good at seeing you, killing and decisive, I appreciate it."

"Miss Liao Zan." Su Yan vowed: "I don't know what to call down, what needs to be discussed?"

"I am from the church."

She spoke, and Su Yan was a little surprised. These days, I also know that Taishang is the famous Xianmen Taoist system. The power is almost the same as that of the immortals. It belongs to one of the most powerful ethics of the immortal Tianyu!

"Like the ears." Su Yan responded, since the other party is not willing to say the name, Su Yan did not ask.

"Does the little brother not understand what she meant?" The silver-haired old man couldn't help but speak. She also observed Su Yan for a period of time. It was very extraordinary. It was a qualified warrior and qualified to follow the lady.

Su Yan paused, and then said: "If the lady wants to recruit, it is really embarrassing, I have more trouble, goodbye."

Su Yan took the bamboo moon and left. He couldn't be sent to the fence. Although it was very strong, it was the Xianmen Road.

The silver-haired old man is wrong, and he feels that he has got it wrong. What is the power of Taishang? Just release a sentence, endless arrogance came to join the Taishang!

Like their supreme teaching, the conditions for recruiting disciples are extremely harsh, but Su Yan directly refused, which makes the silver-haired old man cry and laugh, he does not know how much this is an opportunity.

"My lady, it is the saint of the church!"

The silver-haired old man was a bit uncomfortable and said.

She also stared at Su Yan, waiting for Su Yan to turn around, but she continued to hold back, Su Yan never turned.

Taishang teaching is very strong, can cultivate the immortal strong, can give him resources to cultivate, but Su Yan does not care at all, he has the strongest evolutionary chapter of the essence of life, but also has the initial experience of this heaven, no need to join any forces .


The silver-haired old man is a little annoyed. It is a horrible identity. If the hegemonic supreme will put down his body, it will not be a big event for the young hegemon to follow.

As long as the teacher teaches the prostitute to release a word, there will be many young overlords in the world, but Su Yan does not mean to turn back.


The saint of the Taichao smiled and smiled. She really smiled and smiled. She fell into the country and stood in the void. She said: "This road is the trial ground for the lowest level of people. Your talent is good, I am interested in cultivation, I can give some resources, I can guarantee that you will enter the peak of immortality within ten years, and touch the path of fairy, but why do you want to refuse?"

In her view, Su Yan is bound to be the illusion of the universe of time and space, not understanding the immortal Tianyu, nor knowing what is the Xianmen Taoist system, nor the future cultivation road. How difficult is it.

"My trouble is very big, I don't want to trouble the young lady, thank you Miss for appreciating, and I am leaving!"

Su Yan’s voice came, which made the holy lady of Taishang’s teaching laugh and cry, and it was very troublesome? Is there any trouble that can't be overwhelmed?

"The idiot, Miss, I grabbed him, but I have to ask, how much trouble he has!" The silver-haired old man is quite hot.

"What are you doing?" Taichao teaches the saint to gently shake her head and said: "The strong twisted melon is not sweet, but I don't want to see a good seedling that delays the golden years of cultivation. Since he does not want to, I don't force it. ""

"This is a kid, and the young lady even promised to touch the road. I haven't promised yet. I think it's a dumpling. I don't know what the fairy road is!" said the silver-haired old man, "I waited for him to go to the immortal Tianyu. I know how cruel the competition is. I have regretted it afterwards. It is estimated that there will be tears in the old age and crying constantly!"

"Okay, things are getting, let's go."

There is a glimmer of enthusiasm in the eyes of the teachings of the saints. This campaign is for a fairy tales, and Su Yan is just a small wave in this trip, not worthy of care.

"Are you coming back to dry up?"

After a long time, waiting for the teacher to disappear from the church for a long time, Su Yan came out from the distant time and space, hanging on the top of the head, and suffocating Su Yan's air.

Bamboo Moon suddenly, immediately said: "You should not regret it?"

"That didn't, I almost didn't hold back." Su Yan scratched his head. The seed that he had just collected was shaking. This seed is quite strange. Why is it shaking?

He felt that there was a treasure in the teaching of the saints, which attracted the mysterious seeds. Su Yan really couldn’t help but start.

However, he resisted, and the sacred woman who was too educated was too big. If one couldn’t get it, it would cause a lot of trouble. Moreover, the terrible degree of the etheric education is estimated to be the world’s pursuit of Su Yan.

Su Yan did not want to come to the immortal Tianyu, he was chased by the strong men of the world. When the time was full of anger, his identity would probably leak out.

"Su Yan, we can't do things that kill people and goods, but we can't be strong and weak." Zhuyue is kind and unforgettable for the saints of Taishang.

Su Yan said with a black face: "Are we a group?"

Zhu Yue giggles, the star is shining, her smile is blooming, the beauty is absolutely beautiful, and it is also very cute.

Su Yan shook his head helplessly, and in order to avoid trouble, Su Yan took the bamboo month into the treasure of time and space.

After doing all this, he looked indifferent and stared at the front.

At the end of the **** road, some people gathered, about hundreds of people, and some strong people's breath is particularly strong.

It should be noted that the ancient road is not just one!

Like this ancient road, about a dozen, I don’t know how much it cost to cast these ancient roads.

"This murderer has also come, mostly to the battlefield of the Emperor's Road...."

At the end of the ancient road, some people were shocked.

In the past six months, Su Yan has made a lot of fierceness in the blood, the origin and mystery, and few people dare to provoke him.

Su Yan sat on the ground and waited for the people gathered here.

"I hope to take the big luck and be able to be seen by the strong people of the Xianmen Road."

"Look at luck, now the imperial road is open, and the major fairy gates are used by people. The probability of crossing is much greater than before."

Some monks whispered at the end of this ancient road. Every once in a while, there will be some immortal Tianyu strong people coming to pick up some strong people to go to Zongmen for further study.

Of course, joining the Xianmen Road system also depends on personal opportunities.

Immortal nature is not weak, but the cultivation resources required for immortality are too amazing. It is impossible for anyone to accept the immortal system. Although these ancestors have the ability to cultivate the immortals, each of the immortals has more resources. It’s amazing.

The big waves wash the sand, and many immortals have no way to the fairy.

After all, relying on oneself to tap the potential is also limited, and such talents are the primary choice for Xianmen.

"I hope to take the big luck, you can join the Tianzhu one pulse!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart, his goal is not the top of the Xianmen Road system, as long as you can join the Tianzhu pulse.

Now his biggest goal, the first one is Zhuyao, the second one is the land where the ancestors of Tianzhu fell, both of which are related to the Tianzhu.

Even Giant Bamboo said that it is sure to take some of the creations and opportunities in the pulse of Tianzhu!

This must be very important, after all, the giant bamboo is a bamboo that the first ancestor sat down.


After waiting for three days, Su Yan’s eyes opened, and in front of the end of the ancient road, a magnificent emptiness and time, a golden avenue stretched out, at the end of the ancient road.

Su Yan, they brushed up and stepped onto the Golden Avenue.

This avenue can lead them to the immortal Tianyu, which is dominated by the major Xianmen Road enrollment offices, and they hope to find some good seedlings.

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